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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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I kind of have to.. i mean i don't want to live in the closet forever
You're 16, though :p

And really - it's not your obligation to come out to anyone but to yourself. This causes a lot of stress on young guys like you, the idea that somehow it's wrong keeping it to yourself if you want to. Do you want to come out? Then by all means do it. Don't want to? Don't do it.
Just wanted to pop in and say hi, haven't posted in here in a while (I mean, I was posting here almost everyday), I'm OK, just still trying to figure out how to deal with my feelings and stuff :p


RPJ was good while it lasted, that fake pic thing is not nearly half as fun, so I'm out :p

You are a toddler, hehe there's really no rush to come out. Do it on your own pace. With that said I do think your dad knows or starts to suspect, otherwise he wouldn't have asked about a girlfriend.


You're 16, though :p

And really - it's not your obligation to come out to anyone but to yourself. This causes a lot of stress on young guys like you, the idea that somehow it's wrong keeping it to yourself if you want to. Do you want to come out? Then by all means do it. Don't want to? Don't do it.

Basically this. Coming out isn't something you should do unless you're supremely confident in the person's ability to accept you and maintain that fact as secret to people who wouldn't. You aren't autonomous yet and anything that could compromise your support network is dangerous.

Your priority shouldn't be to do it soon; it's do it safely.
Just wanted to pop in and say hi, haven't posted in here in a while (I mean, I was posting here almost everyday), I'm OK, just still trying to figure out how to deal with my feelings and stuff :p

Go out and meet other guys. Hardly ground breaking advice I know, but seeing what else is out there helps!


Your priority shouldn't be to do it soon; it's do it safely.

I completely agree with this. If your family is not accepting homosexuality then you better come out once you can do life on your own.

In YoungBlade's case though, I think he did the worst thing ever by coming out to her mother. She didn't take it well. But I feel like his sisters may be able to support him and even might defend him from his mother. I don't know how he is related to his sisters but if he is fine with them then he should try with his them.
I kind of have to.. i mean i don't want to live in the closet forever

You should totally take your time and do it when you're ready! <3. I'm saying that as someone who didn't have the opportunity to tell my parents because someone else thought it was a good idea to tell them for me when I wasn't ready.

But until you're ready you have us! Right?

Just wanted to pop in and say hi, haven't posted in here in a while (I mean, I was posting here almost everyday), I'm OK, just still trying to figure out how to deal with my feelings and stuff :p
Hey! I'm new so I don't think we've met :]
Coming out a very long and personal process I don't understand some other gays who are out judge those who are not. It's like you were in the closet once you should understand.

You're 16, though :p

And really - it's not your obligation to come out to anyone but to yourself. This causes a lot of stress on young guys like you, the idea that somehow it's wrong keeping it to yourself if you want to. Do you want to come out? Then by all means do it. Don't want to? Don't do it.
Yeah, I see what you're saying. I probably won't tell anyone else for now. Not unless my Sister asks me (not happening)
You are a toddler, hehe there's really no rush to come out. Do it on your own pace. With that said I do think your dad knows or starts to suspect, otherwise he wouldn't have asked about a girlfriend.
I really hope not, I've never heard him say something homophobic but I guess that doesn't mean anything since days before I came out to my Mom she said "If I was gay I wouldn't be in the closet" and she did like a fucking 180 on me smh

Basically this. Coming out isn't something you should do unless you're supremely confident in the person's ability to accept you and maintain that fact as secret to people who wouldn't. You aren't autonomous yet and anything that could compromise your support network is dangerous.

Your priority shouldn't be to do it soon; it's do it safely.
I really trust my sister, I think I probably like her more than anyone else in my family. Recently she's been telling my mom "Why do you bully him?" whenever my mom says something really rude to me and I still can't figure out if she's joking or actually defending me.

I completely agree with this. If your family is not accepting homosexuality then you better come out once you can do life on your own.

In YoungBlade's case though, I think he did the worst thing ever by coming out to her mother. She didn't take it well. But I feel like his sisters may be able to support him and even might defend him from his mother. I don't know how he is related to his sisters but if he is fine with them then he should try with his them.
I still regret telling me mom, today she said "When you're as old as I am, you'll see how progressive I was!" and I was like lmaaoo
You should totally take your time and do it when you're ready! <3. I'm saying that as someone who didn't have the opportunity to tell my parents because someone else thought it was a good idea to tell them for me when I wasn't ready.

But until you're ready you have us! Right?

Hey! I'm new so I don't think we've met :]
Of course! Without this thread I don't know where I would be tbh
Asexuals still have people they're attached to though. As long as gender is an issue there isn't a universal dating pool for anyone.

I think it's more accurate to say that as long as appearance is an issue there won't be a universal dating pool. Maybe when we all become disembodied minds floating around a giant computer or something. But then it will be about personality instead! Wait is personality like a mental mode of appearance?

Do you guys really fall for emotionally unavailable guys that often? I mean it has to happen like once or twice as a right of passage, but it's hard to remember exactly the last time that bothered me.


You can get a -new- phone that is much better (since an iPhone 4 is rather dated by now) for a similar price of what you're willing to pay, maybe less, if you're willing to go Android :D
we are talking 50-60 dollars here lol



I know I promised earlier in the week (like twice!) that I wasn't going to treat this place like my blog, but...

As some of you may recall, I posted about having my first
experience with a guy last Sunday. On Monday, I proceeded to come out to my best friend (who also happens to be my boss) and he (with my blessing of course) told his family, all of them being incredibly, wonderfully supportive. I've always been worried about coming out to my mother (who was really the only other important person to tell), but kind of knew it would work out, even if just partially, but was having trouble being confident enough to do it.

Well, I did it! :D :D :D

Just finished having the talk with her. Went eons better than expected. Not necessarily going to shout it from the mountaintops or dye my hair rainbow colored or anything, but not going to hide it anymore. I'm gay. Out and proud. The people that matter have my back and want me to be happy, and for any haters out there, idgaf.
Fuck yeah.


I know I promised earlier in the week (like twice!) that I wasn't going to treat this place like my blog, but...

As some of you may recall, I posted about having my first
experience with a guy last Sunday. On Monday, I proceeded to come out to my best friend (who also happens to be my boss) and he (with my blessing of course) told his family, all of them being incredibly, wonderfully supportive. I've always been worried about coming out to my mother (who was really the only other important person to tell), but kind of knew it would work out, even if just partially, but was having trouble being confident enough to do it.

Well, I did it! :D :D :D

Just finished having the talk with her. Went eons better than expected. Not necessarily going to shout it from the mountaintops or dye my hair rainbow colored or anything, but not going to hide it anymore. I'm gay. Out and proud. The people that matter have my back and want me to be happy, and for any haters out there, idgaf.
Fuck yeah.

that's awesome! congratulations!
I know I promised earlier in the week (like twice!) that I wasn't going to treat this place like my blog, but...

As some of you may recall, I posted about having my first
experience with a guy last Sunday. On Monday, I proceeded to come out to my best friend (who also happens to be my boss) and he (with my blessing of course) told his family, all of them being incredibly, wonderfully supportive. I've always been worried about coming out to my mother (who was really the only other important person to tell), but kind of knew it would work out, even if just partially, but was having trouble being confident enough to do it.

Well, I did it! :D :D :D

Just finished having the talk with her. Went eons better than expected. Not necessarily going to shout it from the mountaintops or dye my hair rainbow colored or anything, but not going to hide it anymore. I'm gay. Out and proud. The people that matter have my back and want me to be happy, and for any haters out there, idgaf.
Fuck yeah.
Congrats! <3
Any time someone comes up with a nice biological theory to explain homosexuality, it never seems to be able to explain monozygotic twins in which only one twin is gay.
In any case, there is no such thing as a 100% identical twin in every aspect. Which makes sense, since both twins cannot physically occupy the very same space inside the womb at the same time, and phenotypic expression will always have variance. The environment will also have minutiae that differ. One's environment is critical in one's development. Nurture and nature are so interlinked that it's hard to really separate them satisfactorily.
I know I promised earlier in the week (like twice!) that I wasn't going to treat this place like my blog, but...

As some of you may recall, I posted about having my first
experience with a guy last Sunday. On Monday, I proceeded to come out to my best friend (who also happens to be my boss) and he (with my blessing of course) told his family, all of them being incredibly, wonderfully supportive. I've always been worried about coming out to my mother (who was really the only other important person to tell), but kind of knew it would work out, even if just partially, but was having trouble being confident enough to do it.

Well, I did it! :D :D :D

Just finished having the talk with her. Went eons better than expected. Not necessarily going to shout it from the mountaintops or dye my hair rainbow colored or anything, but not going to hide it anymore. I'm gay. Out and proud. The people that matter have my back and want me to be happy, and for any haters out there, idgaf.
Fuck yeah.
congrats man!
I know I promised earlier in the week (like twice!) that I wasn't going to treat this place like my blog, but...

As some of you may recall, I posted about having my first
experience with a guy last Sunday. On Monday, I proceeded to come out to my best friend (who also happens to be my boss) and he (with my blessing of course) told his family, all of them being incredibly, wonderfully supportive. I've always been worried about coming out to my mother (who was really the only other important person to tell), but kind of knew it would work out, even if just partially, but was having trouble being confident enough to do it.

Well, I did it! :D :D :D

Just finished having the talk with her. Went eons better than expected. Not necessarily going to shout it from the mountaintops or dye my hair rainbow colored or anything, but not going to hide it anymore. I'm gay. Out and proud. The people that matter have my back and want me to be happy, and for any haters out there, idgaf.
Fuck yeah.

In any case, there is no such thing as a 100% identical twin in every aspect. Which makes sense, since both twins cannot physically occupy the very same space inside the womb at the same time, and phenotypic expression will always have variance. The environment will also have minutiae that differ. One's environment is critical in one's development. Nurture and nature are so interlinked that it's hard to really separate them satisfactorily.

This is true :]! Monozygotic twins share 100% of their genetic material, but can always express differences because of their relative environments. Nature is always working with nurture, and vise versa!


Right, my main point was that there's no theory yet that accounts for all of the data. While twins would appear to rule out a simple genetic on/off switch, there's still plenty of other biological factors like epigenetics, etc. that could be a potential explanation.
Right, my main point was that there's no theory yet that accounts for all of the data. While twins would appear to rule out a simple genetic on/off switch, there's still plenty of other biological factors like epigenetics, etc. that could be a potential explanation.

Indeed :]. All such fascinating stuff!
Gym update?

OK I did LesMills today. Good god lol it was freaking sadistic! I really liked how it felt like a total body workout. (Incorporated upper and lower body resistance, but also focused a lot on stamina and endurance.) What really killed me though was how you get extremely minimal rest-time between sets. It's all go go go, but it doesn't feel like it neglects weight training at all.

Totally plan on sticking to this class and incorporating it to my gym routine. If anyone else was curious, definitely check it out. For sure it'll kick your ass! (On your first day of class, be sure to choose somewhat lower weights than what you usually lift. Trust me.)
I found a phone called an HTC ThunderBolt 4G something and like idk I think i'll but it but i can't figure out if it can run the fucking tumblr app thats literally all i want i just want a phone that can play music, run a tumblr app, and also have an internet browser
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