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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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I used grindr for a bit but deleted it because of the pop up ads.

I was going to explore either jackd or Hornet next, but I finally reached the breaking point with online dating. I deleted my OKC profile and have pretty much given up on finding a mate.

Two years ago, I made a pledge to be more social. It looks like that arc is ending, and I'm going back to being a hermit. Don't know if it's good or bad. I guess we'll see.


Daripad did you see my photos of me as a fatty? Dude we all have dark times but just be you man and know that you have a support group here who loves ya buddy I'm a super big dork and proud of it you should be too!

I'll post a super dorky video just for you later lol
I don't know where to post this and the depression thread is so depressive that I can't post there because I get a horrible feeling by just lurking on it. As you know I was obese by the beginning of last year. Honestly, I've never done any better decision in my whole life, I made a great effort to lose a lot of weight on my own, without help of any kind outside of some minor advice here and there.

The thing is, I've been a little unhappy lately. I had gained a bit of weight through last semester but it was minor and didn't mean anything to me. But then December came and I just started to eat and eat and eat with no control over it. I became addicted to food again and I wasn't doing anything about it, as I knew I could recover in January. January came and went and I gained a bit more. Now here in February and I don't know what I'm doing. One day I wake up doing everything right and then the next one is a huge disaster overeating.

Today I decided to look thorugh all the photos I have on Facebook, from the most recent ones to the oldest. What a stupid pig I was. I looked terrible. Seriously, that made me think about how all my problems originated, all my moody times, all my self esteem issues, all my anxiety, my food addiction, my lack of social skill, loneliness, just everything. That's why I was always unhappy. Today I look like Brad Pitt compared to how I did a year ago (not that I'm a good looking guy but at least I can safely say that I'm sooooo much better). All of this combined with my homosexuality and my stupid personality I had at the time, it was obvious that no one would even give a glance to me and it would just be me being rejected everywhere. I was a ball made a person, more round than Kirby.

So I feel terrible because it feels inevitable to go back there. I'm being dragged to it. And I don't want to gain any more weight. It would hurt so much to return. But I can't control myself. My food addiction is overtaking me. Plus I feel lonely. I trust my sister but she is being distant lately even though we are in good terms right now and I obviously can't count on my father. My friends can't stay with me on weekends and that's when I feel the worst. And I can't even look for help. If I do my father will know. I don't know what to do.

Guys, if this is the wrong thread, I'll just edit and erase this. As I said, I didn't knwo where to write this. I needed to vent. I can't take this anymore.

Man, I know how food addiction feels and I lost a lot of weight a couple of years ago too. I know that the fear of going back to my previous size will always prevent me from losing control, but there are still times when I find myself eating like a lunatic.

You just have to remember that you have control, and you have a choice. Your post is written as if these things happening are out of your hands, but they aren't.

You can allow yourself the occasional day to relax and eat how you like, but if you want to stop yourself from going back there you have to remember that food isn't making you happy, and it'll always be there.

That piece of cake might be delicious for 4 seconds as you eat it but the regret lasts days, and since its just cake there will always be future times when you can have some. You're never kissing goodbye to any of these foods forever by saying 'No' today.

tl:dr? You have the control, own your addiction and do what makes you happy long-term.
I don't know where to post this and the depression thread is so depressive that I can't post there because I get a horrible feeling by just lurking on it. As you know I was obese by the beginning of last year. Honestly, I've never done any better decision in my whole life, I made a great effort to lose a lot of weight on my own, without help of any kind outside of some minor advice here and there.

The thing is, I've been a little unhappy lately. I had gained a bit of weight through last semester but it was minor and didn't mean anything to me. But then December came and I just started to eat and eat and eat with no control over it. I became addicted to food again and I wasn't doing anything about it, as I knew I could recover in January. January came and went and I gained a bit more. Now here in February and I don't know what I'm doing. One day I wake up doing everything right and then the next one is a huge disaster overeating.

Today I decided to look thorugh all the photos I have on Facebook, from the most recent ones to the oldest. What a stupid pig I was. I looked terrible. Seriously, that made me think about how all my problems originated, all my moody times, all my self esteem issues, all my anxiety, my food addiction, my lack of social skill, loneliness, just everything. That's why I was always unhappy. Today I look like Brad Pitt compared to how I did a year ago (not that I'm a good looking guy but at least I can safely say that I'm sooooo much better). All of this combined with my homosexuality and my stupid personality I had at the time, it was obvious that no one would even give a glance to me and it would just be me being rejected everywhere. I was a ball made a person, more round than Kirby.

So I feel terrible because it feels inevitable to go back there. I'm being dragged to it. And I don't want to gain any more weight. It would hurt so much to return. But I can't control myself. My food addiction is overtaking me. Plus I feel lonely. I trust my sister but she is being distant lately even though we are in good terms right now and I obviously can't count on my father. My friends can't stay with me on weekends and that's when I feel the worst. And I can't even look for help. If I do my father will know. I don't know what to do.

Guys, if this is the wrong thread, I'll just edit and erase this. As I said, I didn't knwo where to write this. I needed to vent. I can't take this anymore.

I can't say I have had issues with overeating so perhaps my advice would be completely unhelpful but is it possible for you to seek counselling if you're issue is primarily related to comfort-eating? Alternatively, what is causing the weight gain? Is it due to the volume of food that you or eating or is it a combination of that and slacking with regard to excercise? If it's simply the volume I would probably refer back to counselling if it's combined with a degree of feeling down and demotivated (again, I apologise, I can't really relate on this aspect so I'm unsure if there would be any more effective methods) but if it is due to the rate of excercise, would it be possible that any of your friends would be able to join you? While excercising alone can be very easy for some, with others it can provide some motivation to stick to your routine as you don't wish to abandon them on a regularly scheduled activity. If you joined a gym and none of them have a membership then this could be somewhat problematic, but if you're simply doing something low-cost such as going running you may find it beneficial to partner up if this is an option for you.


I don't know where to post this and the depression thread is so depressive that I can't post there because I get a horrible feeling by just lurking on it. As you know I was obese by the beginning of last year. Honestly, I've never done any better decision in my whole life, I made a great effort to lose a lot of weight on my own, without help of any kind outside of some minor advice here and there.

The thing is, I've been a little unhappy lately. I had gained a bit of weight through last semester but it was minor and didn't mean anything to me. But then December came and I just started to eat and eat and eat with no control over it. I became addicted to food again and I wasn't doing anything about it, as I knew I could recover in January. January came and went and I gained a bit more. Now here in February and I don't know what I'm doing. One day I wake up doing everything right and then the next one is a huge disaster overeating.

Today I decided to look thorugh all the photos I have on Facebook, from the most recent ones to the oldest. What a stupid pig I was. I looked terrible. Seriously, that made me think about how all my problems originated, all my moody times, all my self esteem issues, all my anxiety, my food addiction, my lack of social skill, loneliness, just everything. That's why I was always unhappy. Today I look like Brad Pitt compared to how I did a year ago (not that I'm a good looking guy but at least I can safely say that I'm sooooo much better). All of this combined with my homosexuality and my stupid personality I had at the time, it was obvious that no one would even give a glance to me and it would just be me being rejected everywhere. I was a ball made a person, more round than Kirby.

So I feel terrible because it feels inevitable to go back there. I'm being dragged to it. And I don't want to gain any more weight. It would hurt so much to return. But I can't control myself. My food addiction is overtaking me. Plus I feel lonely. I trust my sister but she is being distant lately even though we are in good terms right now and I obviously can't count on my father. My friends can't stay with me on weekends and that's when I feel the worst. And I can't even look for help. If I do my father will know. I don't know what to do.

Guys, if this is the wrong thread, I'll just edit and erase this. As I said, I didn't knwo where to write this. I needed to vent. I can't take this anymore.

There, there.

Life is hard, but you don't need to make it harder by putting yourself down. I know it's cliche, but there will only be one you. You have a great personality and your feelings of loneliness will pass because I'm sure you'll find someone. People always go through dark times, it doesn't mean the rest of your life has no hope.
If you worked really hard to lose weight, don't let it come back to you. Just think "Will these cookies make me happy for more than a few minutes?" Also, don't view fattening foods as a reward for good grades, a promotion etc because then you'll just end up back down that path again. Don't justify food as a way to make yourself feel better, because it won't.

I hope your self confidence pick up, because depression is not a place you, nor I, nor anyone else, wants to return to.

Hey, dari, I can totally relate on most points. I struggled with weight issues for most of my life, so I know how much of a burden it can be on your self-esteem and how much it can bring you down. I definitely experienced some of those days, but I actually think I was pretty lucky overall because of how oblivious (or apathetic) I was back then.

Yeah, I got the occasional tease from a classmate or two about my weight or from family acquaintances, etc. that would annoy me and sometimes even hurt my feelings because how sudden such things felt, but it never made me feel like I had to lose weight for their sake (actually, weight loss wasn't even a concept I understood back when I was a kid). In fact, it wasn't until I was 16 that I decided to better myself, both as a challenge and to prove something to myself. No one else mattered.

Before then I was massive. I don't even remember how much I weighed, but even as a kid, I always shopped in the men's department--not boys or young men, but men's. I was XXL in shirts even in elementary school, and I remember being a 42" waist in 6th grade--so, when I was 11. 42". Shopping for uniforms was not fun, I'll tell you that.

I'm getting a bit sidetracked, here, but my second sentence was a lie. I still struggle with weight because I've put on 35~ pounds since last year, and it's depressing, especially since I stayed around the same (and almost ideal) weight for so many years. It all just kind of went downhill slowly. Anyway, the feeling you experience when you put on clothes that used to be loose but are now tight... man, it sucks, but it should also stoke the fires you need to get determined to do it all over again. At least that's what I think.

It's funny you posted this when you did because the above actually happened to me yesterday. I was going to go grocery shopping and I grabbed some cargo shorts; however, when I put them on, they were very, very snug. It was such a defeating moment. I decided to just be a slob and go in some basketball shorts and a very worn hoodie to hide the gut.

You know what I did when I got to the store? I bought a big bag of Doritos and a tub of ice cream. I ate everything the same day and that was pretty much all I ate (plus drink lots of water). I didn't give a shit how bad it was for me; I ate with the knowledge and conviction that I wasn't doing myself any favors and that I'm a miserable failure and that I hate myself. And I enjoyed every second because I'm a masochist (I also played Yakuza 4 and watched Back to the Future so it wouldn't be such a dark day).

I know that sounds terrible, but it's how I'm engineered to overcome my obstacles. I beat myself down with all my flaws, anger, and self-hatred, but then pick myself up with determination borne from that and realizing how stupid I am, which in turn helps me be happy, which--believe it or not!--is my most common state of mind.

It's a very destructive process, I know, but it's what's been most effective for me and helps keep me grounded, I feel. It's also the only real way I can help myself, because asking for help when it comes to personal matters is something I never really learned to do. Now, I'm not saying you should do what I do (it's weird and extreme, and I can admit that), but you should find some way to feel happy; or, at the very least, not depressed. If you can feel neutral, that's a good starting point to work from.

A small step would be my post, I suppose. Misery loves company, after all. It can also work in a "I'm screwed up, but not THAT much" kind of way to boost yourself. OR maybe seeing progress pics will help. I lurk the fitness/weight loss threads sometimes and it helps with motivation, but I have never posted mine... guess it's time to change that, huh?

I was always a skinny kid

Goosebumps t-shirt :3

Then it all went downhill during third grade (I don't think this is a pic from third grade, though). I got even fatter than this.

Seventh grade (we're playing Melee <3 I wonder what became of this friend... but I digress)

Eighth grade

High school. Ninth or tenth grade


Eww. Anyway, this pic was taken on the last day before summer vacation, if I remember right. It was here that I decided to challenge myself.

Unfortunately, I have no pics of my progress slimming down to an L. Here I am a year later on my 17th birthday, down to an M

Months/year later

Me at 23 (current age) with weight gained

Bonus baby pic!

And a weird pic I like for some reason (17)

Sorry for the pic dump.

Anyway, you should feel proud that you've lost weight before, dari. Just get through your rut. It's easier said than done, I know, but you did it before, and you can do it again. Don't give up!

As for me, I will be buying new running shoes later today so I can get started on getting healthy again. I sorely need them because my current pair is old and one of them scrapes the back of my foot like salt covers a wound. If there's one positive thing I can gleam from my weight gain is that I can turn some of it into BULK progress, I guess!




First of all, this: "But I can't control myself" is bullshit. You CAN control yourself. It will require a lot of willpower and work, but you can do it. Just look at how much progress you've already did. It's a good thing that you have kept your old photos and can already see the big difference so it can keep you motivated; be proud of what you've already achieved, do not waste it and keep working on yourself.

As for your food addiction, I'm sure it's hard to simply stop eating things, but maybe try to replace that additional food you're eating with something that's light but can easily stuff you: natural/Greek yogurts mixed with fruits (warning, not fruit yogurts, because those are usually filled with sugar and other unhealthy stuff), rice waffles, bananas, sunflower or pumpkin seeds etc. To ease the diet you can choose one day of week where you will be allowed to eat anything you want (within reason of course) but limit it to that one day only. Also, you can invent a "penalty" system for yourself, e.g. for every additional meal you eat you will have to do x squats or pushups, or (if you're running), run additional 1km than you had planned. That way, if you set the number of repeats to a high number, maybe it will help you restrict yourself from eating more than you should (because people are usually lazy and prefer to not do things, even if that means giving up some goods :p)

And don't hate yourself. We all have our moments of weakness - it's natural - but it's important to remember that you are able to fight with it. And you can do it now (so no more "I could recover in January", or "I'll do it tomorrow"; NOW).

However, you mentioned "moody times, low self esteem, anxiety" etc. While becoming fit might help with those issues (or at least reduce them), maybe you should also think about getting help from a psychologist. Because it seems that those things keep coming back and the food addiction is your body's/mind's way of dealing with them. I understand you fear that your father will find out about your homosexuality, but you don't have to tell him about this. After all, straight people also have psychology issues. ;)

Also, keep in mind that you always have GAF, us. Yes, we are bunch of (more or less) anonymous people, but we're here and you can always vent and expect a help from us.


I don't know where to post this and the depression thread is so depressive that I can't post there because I get a horrible feeling by just lurking on it. As you know I was obese by the beginning of last year. Honestly, I've never done any better decision in my whole life, I made a great effort to lose a lot of weight on my own, without help of any kind outside of some minor advice here and there.

I might echo other people's sentiments, but maybe that way you'll hear it better :)

You say it's out of your control, but from reading your post, it seems like you're well aware of what's happening, and I think it's a really important step. I'm not saying it's easy to eat resposibilly, since I have no idea what it's like for you, but you've done it already, so you know it's possible. Maybe try thinking back about how you made the turn around, and try to apply it once again.

I'm afraid I don't have any magic tips, but I hope it helps...

Maybe I'm going a bit off course here, but I'm just wondering if getting thiner made you happeir?
Is it possible that you started eating again because you felt depressed, or maybe it's the other way around?

Sorry if it might sound silly, but it's also a possibility worth exploring IMO.
I almost wanted to, just to see how the logistics of shifting between the two activities would work
but I was too chicken-shit.

Quite a few years ago I got a message on Gaydar from a man who wanted to take pictures of me submerged in water. (Apparently I wouldn't have to take my clothes off). He said he was going to pay me for my trouble.

Needless to say I didn't accept the very creepy offer :/
Quite a few years ago I got a message on Gaydar from a man who wanted to take pictures of me submerged in water. (Apparently I wouldn't have to take my clothes off). He said he was going to pay me for my trouble.

Needless to say I didn't accept the very creepy offer :/
This is equal parts intriguing and disturbing.


Hunky Nostradamus


btw since when did Grooveshark have noisy ads that play during songs? What a piece of shit!

That piece of cake might be delicious for 4 seconds as you eat it but the regret lasts days, and since its just cake there will always be future times when you can have some. You're never kissing goodbye to any of these foods forever by saying 'No' today.

That's actually a really really good point.

If you joined a gym and none of them have a membership then this could be somewhat problematic

A lot of gyms have group memberships, where you can get a big discount if you sign up with 3+ people.

I almost wanted to, just to see how the logistics of shifting between the two activities would work
but I was too chicken-shit.

I always wanted to learn the piano...the sex would just be icing!


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
As for me, I will be buying new running shoes later today so I can get started on getting healthy again. I sorely need them because my current pair is old and one of them scrapes the back of my foot like salt covers a wound. If there's one positive thing I can gleam from my weight gain is that I can turn some of it into BULK progress, I guess!
Draggy through the ages. Too emotional.


speaking of music, glitch mob's sohpmore album comes out tuesday

it is my winter jams 2014, i've been replaying it all the time. so awesome
Track and Field starts tomorrow and I have to go mon-fri and seriously I'm pretty scared but I'm really tired of my weight tbh I can't wait to fix my shit body, I've been making some progress but I'm hoping it'll be nothing compared to the weight I might loose now.


Track and Field starts tomorrow and I have to go mon-fri and seriously I'm pretty scared but I'm really tired of my weight tbh I can't wait to fix my shit body, I've been making some progress but I'm hoping it'll be nothing compared to the weight I might loose now.

I was in awesome shape during track season in high school. I actually miss playing sports, I played soccer in the fall (with weightlifting sessions before the season started) then did track in the spring, so I was always in good shape and it was easy.

Much harder nowadays.


Thanks for the responses guys, I wasn't sure of posting it and I was in need of a vent.

We're here for you and rooting you along every step of the way. Even if people in the real world won't support you, I'm sure us here in the thread will. :)

Yeah, it sucks that I know the problem. Well, I'll just have to stand up again, right?

Daripad did you see my photos of me as a fatty?

Yeah I have seen those and photos from the weight loss thread that I've been used as motivation. Unofrtunately it just makes me feel worse because it's not me doing it.

tl:dr? You have the control, own your addiction and do what makes you happy long-term.

Yes I tried doing that when I was doing it seriously and it worked wonderfully. I used my Sundays since those are the days that I can't cook and just eat whatever I'm given while the rest of the week I toom care of my meals. It just doesn't work now because I can't manage to limit it to one day and have to do exceptions every week.

I feel guilty once I eat something I shouldn't but when I do it I just can't care about my dieting and start stuffing myself until I'm about to chuckle and I can't eat anymore.

And hey, I would never know that you were having this kind of problems too, you look very good now.

No, any professional help is not an option for me unfortunately as I just keep my problems as secret because they all relate to each other and I don't want my father to know about some of them.

The gain is due to overeating. I've been doing excersice at least four times a week, though I run less that I used to because I get tired more easily now. Being alone while doing it hasn't been a problem, I like that moment because I can think about stuff while listening to my favorite music and no one interrupts me. Is like having my deserved lonely moment.

I actually planed to finish my weight loss last year to start working out currently but I didn't get to my goal and I'm stuck gaining weight again, so I'd have to lose it again.

I hope your self confidence pick up, because depression is not a place you, nor I, nor anyone else, wants to return to.

I thought my bad thoughts had gone by August last year. Unfortunately my thoughts just come up with it plus new problems and I just go back to it.

I never use food as reward, it just feels pleasant. But yeah, I should give it more thought in those situations.

lots of great stuff

Well it seems that you are on the same boat. Though in my case I was always fat. As a kid my entire family went to a nutriologist and lost weight at that time but we all got back to our former weights except my sister. Then I grew up fatter and fatter. I was reminded everyday how fat I was, with nicknames I hated and the typical bullying I suffered my entire life. I was an easy target and I always was too sensible. It changed a bit in high school since people stopped being douchy with me because I did some things that deserved respect to me and my mother died at that time too. But then I noticed that I was unhappy with myself and failed everything I could two years ago. I practically destroyed my life in 2012. Last year I recovered from it and I finaly decided to do the weight loss.

I appreciat your post, it gave me a lot of motivation and confort too, since it seems that is easy to fall again. I just need to look again to what made me being so encouraged to start doing my weight loss and try again this time. Thanks dude, and I respect your effort. I hope that you can work through it again and finish it too. I hope to join you and follow your steps. You are cute btw, even now :p

1. Great advice. I'll try the penalty system, sound like fun. Today I bought some things to fill myself when I'm hungry, bananas and walnuts are going to suffice for now.
2. I try everyday now, I don't feel like I have time to spare now.
3. My father doesn't get psychology. He says it is just for weak and (yes, he has said that) gay people. It's not an option.

Sorry if it might sound silly, but it's also a possibility worth exploring IMO.

It took me a whole month to recognize my problem though. It's fortunate that I did, because I don't want to look back again.

It made me happier, but it also made me concious that I had other physical problems too and it balanced and made me a bit unhappy too. Not finishing made everything worse.

It started because I couldn't do excersice because rain and then my feelings did the rest of the job. I started doing excersice again but my eating got worse once I did.


embrace your inner dork nerd people will lve you lol - daripad who cares be you dude it's the best thing you can be. Trust me no one here thinks otherwise.

lol thanks. You are right.

Thanks guys again. All the advice I considered it through the day and thought about my situation. I'll try again. If I succeed I'll be considering a new console for me. If I don't, my appearance will be a hard punishment. Going with a prize will actually make me competent and try my best to beat myself. I hope it works.
hey daripad, sorry to hear that you're having a rough time. I guess I can't really say much, but I just want to say that if you did it once you can do it again. Don't let food control you, find something to do, something that makes you feel good and motivated and i'm sure you'll make progress again.

i should really take my own advice lol


I've always been underweight, except for my early teens, somehow I got chubby during that period (I think it was in part because I moved to another city and I wasn't too fond of the idea :p). Soon I was underweight again, and now I always weight pretty much the same. Have you guys tried any "shortcut" diet? Some people swear low-carb diets are magical, for example. Doesn't seem to be bogus, carbs ARE bad at keeping you full and are rather calorie-dense. I'd die if I couldn't eat sandwiches, rice, pizza or muffins, personally, but maybe you could try?
Today I asked my Sister "Do you think that sometimes I'm too rude when I talk back to my Mom?" and at first she said yes, but then she went on "But she really crosses the line too, I've been asking her why she's like that to you" and she also said my Mom was really annoying sometimes (I wasn't expecting this lol)

I also found out other things, apparently my Mom was the same way she is with me with my sister. My sis used to be chubby and she lost so much weight, she's really skinny now. I think my mom used to tell her to loose weight, and when my sister lost weight my mom started saying "you're too skinny, this isn't you" and that's like the most stupid shit i have ever heard.

All in all I was surprised to find out she thought my mom crosses the line sometimes, and that she found her annoying, I don't think anything will ever change but I'm glad to know I'm not the only one that feels like she says some really bad shit sometimes.
oh well, mommy issues done for now.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Dragonlife: - The score reset bug is solved. This should solve some desync issues.

:D :D :D

We need to test it later this week.
I've always been underweight, except for my early teens, somehow I got chubby during that period (I think it was in part because I moved to another city and I wasn't too fond of the idea :p). Soon I was underweight again, and now I always weight pretty much the same. Have you guys tried any "shortcut" diet? Some people swear low-carb diets are magical, for example. Doesn't seem to be bogus, carbs ARE bad at keeping you full and are rather calorie-dense. I'd die if I couldn't eat sandwiches, rice, pizza or muffins, personally, but maybe you could try?

I used atkins to lose weight (Very low-carb diets) and actually the way you feel after doing atkins for a while does make you realise how evil carbs are haha.

Although since I've lost the weight, I now eat a lot of carbs and still manage to keep the weight off since I no longer over-eat every day.

Before: (And I was bigger than this previously but purely demonstrating how Atkins worked for me...)

And about a year later:



Please don't take this the wrong way, Zantetsuken, but I think you look better in the year ago picture. But you look good regardless and what matters is personal happiness with appearance. Happy that you were able to reach your desired goals.
Haha @bladenic - I hated chunky me
all dem chins
but I appreciate that everyone's taste's are different :)

I was only trying to demonstrate that the Atkins diet worked anyway :p


Gold Member
With the fat off, the next thing you should do is start lifting weights. Take full advantage of your youth while you can. I wish I had started in my late teens/early 20s.


Haha @bladenic - I hated chunky me
all dem chins
but I appreciate that everyone's taste's are different :)

I was only trying to demonstrate that the Atkins diet worked anyway :p

I know! Like I said you look great now :)

And again, your self-image is what's important. I need to follow your example, but carbs are so gud
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