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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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So does Skyrim get any good? My brother got it for me for xmas and so far I'm at lvl 11 and it's just been a chore. The majority of the game seems like side quests which I abhor.
Yeah I agree with this. Just..dont do it. (Yes i know weird coming from the twink lover)
People of a certain age tend to look a certain way. But that is by no means universal. You can be 30 years old or older, and look like a twink.

It is totally okay and healthy to be into 30 year olds with cute looks. It is not okay ever for a 19 year old to date a 14 year old.
I feel like I'm in another lolicon debate thread, discussing this.

I don't think that being into twinks, and being into underage kids is anything alike.


14 is no-no, nothing is wrong with 16 though.

I'm going to have an interview with a very good college and I'm scared. What do I do?
It always depends, of course, but I'd say as far as "legitimate" romantic / intimate situations go, kids 16 and 17 should only really canoodle with people that are likewise wrapping up their sexual maturation, so roughly 16-21. It stays a guideline until 21, but really once you hit 18 and you're legally an adult, you can do whatever stupid shit you want.

On a personal level, I've tried with oodles but prefer my guys anywhere from my age to just 2 or 3 years older than me. Ladies get a little more wiggle room and I'd be fine with 4 or 5 extra years.

I prefer both around my height or shorter than me, though.
It's awkward when you become close-ish to your best friend's girlfriend and they break up, lol. She still has some of my GBA games. My friend already has a new girlfriend though, he's been trying to "integrate" her and she's actually pretty cool too :p

Haha I love that. 'Oh nooo they broke up... Oh NOO my games!'

Games as casualties from relationships...

That's why I no longer have Tales of Graces F, Super Smash Bros Melee and my awesome orange Gamecube controller. *plays bagpipes*


So does Skyrim get any good? My brother got it for me for xmas and so far I'm at lvl 11 and it's just been a chore. The majority of the game seems like side quests which I abhor.

Err, TES games in general are full of sidequest, like tons of them. I played Morrowind for about 100 hours and barely touched the main quest, because I didn't give a shit about the story. I created my own :p


Hunky Nostradamus
Err, TES games in general are full of sidequest, like tons of them. I played Morrowind for about 100 hours and barely touched the main quest, because I didn't give a shit about the story. I created my own :p

Morrowind is the best Elder Scrolls game tbh.
Err, TES games in general are full of sidequest, like tons of them. I played Morrowind for about 100 hours and barely touched the main quest, because I didn't give a shit about the story. I created my own :p

Yeah was going to mention that too. So far all I know about the main story is there are dragons and shouting and two warring factions and that's all I got.


As somebody that had a long-distance relationship with a 20 year-old when he was 14 or so (it lasted about 4 years), that sort of thing is very delicate and there's a likelihood that they went into the relationship because they felt alone or desperate like I did. Those kind of feelings breed a sort of dependency that can be very poisonous.

I used to think about the guy I was with almost constantly and I clung to him when things were falling apart, even if there were other people who knew me better or were better equipped to help. Even the slightest prospect of the relationship ending, turning sour or being established for selfish reasons sent me into a frenzy. (I nearly assaulted somebody when they suggested that I was being used. Part of me still wonders, but I suppose it's not worth looking back at it.)

Very few people are in a position to be in a stable relationship at that stage in their lives, and it's not really something that anybody should wager on being able to overcome. Adolescence is a fairly unstable time for a lot of people. Picking up someone who might feel ostracized and vulnerable sounds like a white-knight scenario, but there's a lot to think about as far as how you really relate to the person and what kind of figure you are to them, as well as whether or not your presence is actually helping them grow or flourish as a person.
I'm not sure if it has become any rarer, but she's so not keeping my Konami Krazy Racers cart >:p

I'm pretty sure some of my most prized PS1 games were ones I borrowed from friends but accidentally never gave back... :/

In fact I know that I ended up with FFVII and 2 copies of MGS1 (???) that I didn't purchase.


Maybe that's why those people are no longer my friends...


Games as casualties from relationships...

That's why I no longer have Tales of Graces F, Super Smash Bros Melee and my awesome orange Gamecube controller. *plays bagpipes*

Tell me about it. I still have to get back my copy of Tales Of Symphonia from an old flame, but let's just say I don't got the urge to see him again so...

I'm not sure if it has become any rarer, but she's so not keeping my Konami Krazy Racers cart >:p

I think I saw some of them selling for like 2 dollars on eBay the other day. I might have to check that again. But still, paying twice for a game you already own would be silly :(

Edit : Welp, scratch that, it's worth at least 8 dollars in loose condition now.


I texted her, I'm getting my games back and I'll get to meet her new dog. Lol. It's great because it didn't come off as a "give me my games since we're not friends anymore due to your break up with my friend" request :p
I mean where are the pictures




Does that mean you look like Bagpuss or something then? :p lol

Haha, you know what, I didn't know anything about Bagpuss until you said that, but it's true that Grizzo (it's one of the common ennemies in the Kirby series) does look like him, haha.

I guess I just don't feel comfortable enough to put my real picture, but I'll come around. Until then, you can imagine me like that big fuzzy bear (though I'm not a bear at all).

By the way, hi mister Ryan Gosling (sigh... just writing that makes me feel something weird all over my body) !
14 is no-no, nothing is wrong with 16 though.
I don't think that 16 year olds should have sex with 18 year olds, either. People do a lot of growing in the year from 16 to 18, and 16 year olds are still very immature and have a lot of growing to do.

I'm less likely to feel that 18 year olds who do so, though, should be prosecuted. As many 18 year olds are also too immature to realize it's a bad idea to be dating younger people.

It's still not something I personally encourage, though. Age differences become less important when people become older. There's nothing all that strange or problematic about a 30 year old dating a 40 year old. But kids should be treated differently.

A 14 year old is almost a prepubescent child. Nobody should be having any kind of romantic or sexual relationships with anyone that age. But a 19 year old having relationships with a 16 year old isn't a good idea, either. A 16 year old can easily be hurt. And it isn't appropriate for adults to be having romantic or sexual relationships with 16 year olds, either.

If any 18 year old has feelings for a 16 year old, they should be encouraged to at least wait a few years.
Tell me about it. I still have to get back my copy of Tales Of Symphonia from an old flame
If someone likes Tales of Symphonia, that immediately makes them more attractive to me.

I'd love to have a relationship with someone who likes Tales of Symphonia as much as I do, someday.


I didn't know who Ryan Gosling was and after reading that part of the wiki article about him where it is written that he threw Steak knives at the bullies in school I found he really reminded me of myself when I was in school.
(Though I used to throw school chairs and not knives, and I don't have ADHD but suffered from depression and personality disorders - which I still have)

Good to see someone successful who was so burdened in his young life. :)


Ok let's talk about what to do to be okay while being lonely, this 14 year thig needs to stop.

yes, I know, I am to blame for starting that conversation but now I know what to do so please stop
Ok let's talk about what to do to be okay while being lonely, this 14 year thig needs to stop.

yes, I know, I am to blame for starting that conversation but now I know what to do so please stop

just start posting shirtless guys and all will be over.


there's ALWAYS ONE
I know! But I'm an extremely deadpan kind of guy and not everyone likes that. In fact, what if she thought I was just bored or something?!
What's the school? You're not attending a college interview to showcase your style of humor. Constant joking is just going to make you appear uncomfortable.

Ok let's talk about what to do to be okay while being lonely, this 14 year thig needs to stop.
Are you using lonely as synonymous with single?


Meeting (new) people is always good when you're lonely.

I should do that too. I only have one best friend and nobody besides him to talk to and he live a few train stations away from here.
Or I just get a cat to live with me.


What's the school? You're not attending a college interview to showcase your style of humor. Constant joking is just going to make you appear uncomfortable.

Dartmouth. I know it's not to showcase my style of humor, but that's the way I always am. It's one of my most apparent characteristics. I just want to have a good, unique interview and not something like "This student does good in school but is socially inept and boring".
I dated someone in their last year of high school when I had already graduated uni (three year course).

He was 19 and I was 21.

He had stayed back a year at some point and I started uni at 17, turning 18.


there's ALWAYS ONE
Dartmouth. I know it's not to showcase my style of humor, but that's the way I always am. It's one of my most apparent characteristics. I just want to have a good, unique interview and not something like "This student does good in school but is socially inept and boring".
You obviously know yourself better than I do, but unless you have reason to believe your style of humor is going to completely charm your interviewer, the chance that you make a joke that's unsuccessful and leads to an uncomfortable start to the interview or, again, makes you look nervous, is too great that it doesn't seem worth the risk. From a quick Google search, their interviews sound fairly standard and essentially give you a large amount of time to sell yourself. If you're looking to enter a major you're interested in and have ideas about how Dartmouth will help better your pursuits in that field, have engaged in appropriate extracurriculars related to that major, and are passionate about that major, you won't be boring. Your college essay was the best place to show off your personality through your writing. Your interview is the place to talk about all of the incredible activities you're involved in and how you will bring them to, and have them facilitated by, the college you're applying to.

Good luck! Don't put any weight into anything I just typed! Tell us how it goes.


Are you using lonely as synonymous with single?

No, I wish I was just referring being single. In fact, that's the one thing that hurts the less. Right now I don't talk to my sister because I yelled at her for all the BS she has done to me over the years and she has never been grateful. I haven't seen my friends in a while, but they are not my best friends anymore, instead we just see each other once in a blue moon and everything feels awkward becuse of some internal problems among us. So no, I'm lonely because I don't have anyone to talk about it.

Sorry for that, I didn't want to write anymore of my stupid problems here but I had to explain why I feel lonely.

just start posting shirtless guys and all will be over.

I don't like those conversations


there's ALWAYS ONE
No, I wish I was just referring being single. In fact, that's the one thing that hurts the less. Right now I don't talk to my sister because I yelled at her for all the BS she has done to me over the years and she has never been grateful. I haven't seen my friends in a while, but they are not my best friends anymore, instead we just see each other once in a blue moon and everything feels awkward becuse of some internal problems among us. So no, I'm lonely because I don't have anyone to talk about it.

Sorry for that, I didn't want to write anymore of my stupid problems here but I had to explain why I feel lonely.
There's no reason to apologize. Are you in college? I don't know about Mexican schools, but my university has a group for students to discuss issues with depression and anxiety where the things you mentioned would be appropriate. If not, and if you could afford it, looking for group counseling in general is a good place to find a group of people who are all dealing with similar problems, and feelings of isolation are definitely common.


People of a certain age tend to look a certain way. But that is by no means universal. You can be 30 years old or older, and look like a twink.

It is totally okay and healthy to be into 30 year olds with cute looks. It is not okay ever for a 19 year old to date a 14 year old.
I feel like I'm in another lolicon debate thread, discussing this.

I don't think that being into twinks, and being into underage kids is anything alike.

You would be shocked with how many people figure i like teens cause i like twinkish guys. It happens.


There's no reason to apologize. Are you in college? I don't know about Mexican schools, but my university has a group for students to discuss issues with depression and anxiety where the things you mentioned would be appropriate. If not, and if you could afford it, looking for group counseling in general is a good place to find a group of people who are all dealing with similar problems, and feelings of isolation are definitely common.

No, my uni just provides a free psychologist but I heard people saying that he really doesn't pay attention to what you say. Unless they changed the guy there, I'm not going anytime soon.

I would like to find groups for that but I don't really have any way of doind it without my father knowing. He has the idea that depression comes because of lack of faith and laziness and he would be mad at me going to something like that. So yes, I don't have much alternatives :/


just hit on him on fb.
Hahaha that would be awkward, "Hey I just added you as friend ignoring we're 20000 miles apart". He had a nice personality and based on his fb profile he looks ver good, but he had a stupid comment (the kind that I do often). his forum might be ruthless sometimes.
Hahaha that would be awkward, "Hey I just added you as friend ignoring we're 20000 miles apart". He had a nice personality and based on his fb profile he looks ver good, but he had a stupid comment (the kind that I do often). his forum might be ruthless sometimes.

How on earth did you manage to find his fb profile? I wouldn't have thought anybody would give enough away on here to be found on there?
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