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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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Hunky Nostradamus
My sister got angry at me, she didn't even listened to what I had to say.

It's basically like a cult so yeah.

I do have a rather nasty case of acne and some bloodspots.

Probably because of your shitty diet tbh u_u

Now that I've actually managed to get rid of soda that would be a fairly worthwhile thing to work on next.

Yes. It's good that you cut out soft drinks. Now eat moar foodz
Soda's especially colas are the best things you can exclude from your eating habits.
If you feel like something carbonated then drink those sparkling clear sodas.

I have not had cola in 5 years.
Also kale chips. Get a food dehydrator you can dehydrate like anything, even weird stuff like raw eggs if you have a temperature controlled one where you can get it reliably to the temperature to pasteurize them.


I lost 60 lbs I. Three months here was my diet pay attention :

Special K with fat free milk
Greek yogurt
Grilled chicken wrap with balasmic vinegar
Peanut butter with apples slices
Protien shake
Grilled chicken with brown rice and greens.

I drank diet soda here and there to satisify the thirst.

Also gym gym gym gym gym gym www.lesmills.com find classes and GO they are fun and make you want to go to the gym.

Body combat attack and Body pump I promise you'll look great in four months.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Grilled chicken with brown rice and greens.
This sounds like death. The most appetizing part of that sentence is "greens".


What shape should they be in then?


like that one in the middle - you should be able to do it with normal triangles anyway, but yeah lol


Where do you live? If you're looking for some food adventures it'll be easier to just find a restaurant you wouldn't go to otherwise to experience food you wouldn't ever make at home.
I live either in Winnipeg, MB or a small village/town off a bit away. My friend lives out of the city and I regularly stay over at his place for long visits when I have days off. Even then, I live right on the border of the city so there's literally nothing nearby except Tim Hortons. I usually end up doing a 40 minute walk (one way) to get to my grocery store (since no buses go that way). At the very least, it's a good work out.



In the diet front, if you crave soda that much, you can replace it with carbonated water, it really does the trick. I think the bubbles are part of the addiction.

No, I would never give up soda, but I don't drink it that much anyway.


Have the worst fight with ex. Fuckin liar.

Yeah I'm still talking with my ex, I guess this is the last time.

I think it's commendable if you wanted to remain friendly with an ex, but a liar is a liar. Time for him to go.

What's going on in that gif?

Some BBC Three army dramedy called Bluestone 42. Must be from the first episode, because it just started airing.

Revere Google Image search, ahoy!
I was at the grocery store this morning and there was this cute guy in front of me. Toned body and had the whole All American athlete vibe going on but he had thick back hair that his shirt didn't cover. I'd never seen a guy with this particular look and be so careless when it came to manscaping. The two just didn't jive with what I'd known about men.


I was at the grocery store this morning and there was this cute guy in front of me. Toned body and had the whole All American athlete vibe going on but he had thick back hair that his shirt didn't cover. I'd never seen a guy with this particular look and be so careless when it came to manscaping. The two just didn't jive with what I'd known about men.

That actually sounds somewhat adorable!


Visiting LA in a few days; anyone have recommendations? As far as gay stuff goes, thinking of checking out Akbar and Fubar in particular, but I'll probably wind up at a bunch of them.
Oh god, I can finally empathise with BlueBadger's story. It is not an enjoyable experience.

Detail (very graphic sex related description of my encounter with a mummified turd which is why I'm spoilering it in case anybody views in the presence of others and is forced to explain why they're reading this) here (the magnitude is slightly amplified for hopefully humorous effect but the story is unfortunately accurate, without expanding on how it concluded):
I knew this guy awhile; I'd been talking to him pretty steadily and we got along pretty well. He was a virgin and interested in getting physical with somebody he knew, and whose company he liked, to confirm his sexuality, rather than settle on any random gay individual closest to him. Well, today was the day with my parents leaving for the day to go to my cousin's Confirmation. He was prepared having doused repeatedly (according to himself), I was prepared having done the same (as he wished to try both ways and I wished to try bottoming; after BlueBadger's story, I wished to ensure all was thoroughly clean), and all was well. That was, at least, until after foreplay, and after I had topped for awhile, and while pulling out, a rancid smell seeped into my nostrils straight from his anal sarcophagus-concealing-tomb and pierced the olfactory nerve as if it was a diamond-edged turd being drilled into my skull. Very much deflated yet not unwilling to soldier on and indulge him (and I too admittedly), I asked if he wanted to clean because he was very clearly receiving steady whiffs of it too (I imagined it was as...uncomfortable for him as it was for me) and he said "Yeah sure I will after" (this was not what I was expecting). Regardless, fighting off the stinky odour-tendrils of the rotting turd and trying to remain focused, I thought perhaps if I had bottomed things woulld go (ie I could disregard the smell and the thought of being bitten by a vicious, incognito, looming poop) better but unfortunately he had not actually tested the condoms he bought prior to using them and they were too small for him; clearly it was not possible to sneak around the boss fight in this manner. Ultimately, it ended as uncomfortably as it was throughout. If there is anything that is taken away from this tale, let it be this; if you are going to be receptive, please believe, and trust, in the cleansing power of water, and how essential it is to avoid shitting up a potentially enjoyable situation. I intend to meet him again, certainly, as he too has commented that he needed to clean more thoroughly to create a more enjoyable scenario (in addition to how it ended which is somewhat irrelevant).

EDIT: I don't get back hair either thankfully (or at least, not yet) but I wouldn't have a problem with somebody who had it and I can find it attractive dpending on how well tamed (this is probably the wrong verb but 'styled' brings the wrong connotations to mind I feel) it looks.
Oh god, I can finally empathise with BlueBadger's story. It is not an enjoyable experience.

Detail (very graphic sex related description of my encounter with a mummified turd which is why I'm spoilering it in case anybody views in the presence of others and is forced to explain why they're reading this) here (the magnitude is slightly amplified for hopefully humorous effect but the story is unfortunately accurate, without expanding on how it concluded):
I knew this guy awhile; I'd been talking to him pretty steadily and we got along pretty well. He was a virgin and interested in getting physical with somebody he knew, and whose company he liked, to confirm his sexuality, rather than settle on any random gay individual closest to him. Well, today was the today with my parents leaving for the day to go to my cousin's Confirmation. He was prepared having doused repeatedly (according to himself), I was prepared having done the same (as he wished to try both ways and I wished to try bottoming; after BlueBadger's story, I wished to ensure all was thoroughly clean), and all was well. That was, at least, until after foreplay, and after I had topped for awhile, and while pulling out, a rancid smell seeped into my nostrils straight from his anal sarcophagus-concealing-tomb and pierced the olfactory nerve as if it was a diamond-edged turd being drilled into my skull. Very much deflated yet not unwilling to soldier on and indulge him (and I too admittedly), I asked if he wanted to clean because he was very clearly steady whiffs of it too (I imagined it was as...uncomfortable for him as it was for me) and he said "Yeah sure I will after" (this was not what I was expecting). Regardless, fighting off the stinky odour-tendrils of the rotting turd and trying to remain focus, I thought perhaps if I had bottomed things woulld go (ie I could disregard the smell and the thought of being bitten by a vicious, incognito, looming poop) better but unfortunately he had not actually tested the condoms he bought prior to using them and they were too small for him; clearly it was not possible to sneak around the boss fight in this manner. Ultimately, it ended as uncomfortably as it was throughout. If there is anything that is taken away from this tale, let it be this; if you are going to be receptive, please believe, and trust, in the cleansing power of water, and how essential it is to avoid shitting up a potentially enjoyable situation. I intend to meet him again, certainly, as he too has commented that he needed to clean more thoroughly to create a more enjoyable scenario (in addition to how it ended which is somewhat irrelevant).

EDIT: I don't get back hair either thankfully (or at least, not yet) but I wouldn't have a problem with somebody who had it and I can find it attractive dpending on how well tamed (this is probably the wrong verb but 'styled' brings the wrong connotations to mind I feel) it looks.

I'm actually starting to gag after reading this because it's reminding me so vividly of my story X________x.

But I also slightly feel relieved knowing that someone else knows what I experienced ;___; I'm so sorry, mister!! LOL ;_;. I'm also sorry you had to go through that. It's the worst, ja? :S I still haven't topped since then.

Brb taking as hot of a shower as possible in attempts to clean myself of these memories.
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