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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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The Walking Dead just introduced two new gay characters.

cue nasty twitter responses :/

I told my friend that the guy in the cliffhanger last week seemed like the most polished survivor yet. That explains it.




I hope they reveal that Daryl is bi or gay.

Because Norman Reedus is hot stuff and I want to see some man on man with him. <3


I just, like, I get that people are stupid. And I get that stupid, negative opinions are louder than positive ones because stupid people would feel the need to project their idiocy over positive opinions. With you.

But, like, how dumb can people be? "There's a gay couple in the Walking Dead?!" no fucking shit it's almost like there's gay couples in life and like maybe one of them survived the post apocalypse you dumb fuck.

I would never dox someone, but, like, you realize you idiots you're posting on accounts with your real names this dumb ass shit? I just don't understand a world in which people don't have empathy and kindness.


Hunky Nostradamus
"I'm okay with the gay stuff as long as they don't beat us over the head with it. I'm not ok with them trying to sell me on any message, you know?"


Seems like the lesbian couple didn't count. It's the male couple that has killed the show for some people.


RIP apartment microwave. RIP me since no more microwave. RIP me since I'm also sick and don't have a microwave.

Important day tomorrow so I'm going to attempt to get some sleep now.

Good night LettersGAF, I hope everyone has a great week.
Good night and good luck.

Mr. F

Just started watching Orphan Black and holy moly.

It. Is. So. Good.

Also weird/funny seeing a handful of familiar Canadian actors and how it's seemingly set in/around Toronto.
Just started watching Orphan Black and holy moly.

It. Is. So. Good.

Also weird/funny seeing a handful of familiar Canadian actors and how it's seemingly set in/around Toronto.

I was super sad when I saw theres onky one season on Amazon. :(

I thought I would hate Felix but hes a strong character.

Mr. F

I was super sad when I saw theres onky one season on Amazon. :(

I thought I would hate Felix but hes a strong character.

I'm 4 episodes in on the first season and I've gone back and forth on his character. Grating at times but otherwise enjoyable. I'm hoping he continues to develop in the latter direction.
"Stay weird. Stay different." Um isn't the purpose of gay rights and issues to show that we aren't weird or different...

I think the purpose of equal rights is to show that being different isn't something to be ashamed about and certainly not grounds to base discrimination on. We are different but that doesn't mean we are less.


"Stay weird. Stay different." Um isn't the purpose of gay rights and issues to show that we aren't weird or different...

I think it really depends how you look at it.

While yes, I would say a big part of our struggle for rights and equality is to show that we are just the same as everyone else insofar as we are, you know, human beings, the idea of gay pride like we've discussed in previous iterations of this thread is to show that while we deserve equal treatment, we also acknowledge that we are "different", but that's a good thing, because rather than folding to the pressures of the heteronormative world we live in, we are "loud and proud" and won't compromise our individuality and identities no matter what.

EDIT: Beaten by Escape Goat. Damn you!


"Stay weird. Stay different." Um isn't the purpose of gay rights and issues to show that we aren't weird or different...

I've never really liked how gays tried to appeal to the straight majority by saying stuff like "we're just like you!" The truth is we are different. And being different isn't necessarily a problem.
"Stay weird. Stay different." Um isn't the purpose of gay rights and issues to show that we aren't weird or different...

You could more say that we're separate, but equal.

But joking aside, everyone struggles in life but the struggles of LGBT individuals are unique. We aren't the same as everyone else. That's why many of us felt isolated from our peers, and were bullied in school, and such.

I think that when we say "we are like everyone else" we mean it more in a "if you prick me, do I not bleed" sense.
Youre either coming out or going to Olive Garden. Both are very brave decisions.
I dealt with both those ordeals long ago.

RIP apartment microwave. RIP me since no more microwave. RIP me since I'm also sick and don't have a microwave.

Good night and good luck.
Good morning and thank you.

(Also, RIP you & your microwave.)

"Stay weird. Stay different." Um isn't the purpose of gay rights and issues to show that we aren't weird or different...
The guy that made that speech identifies as straight.
I've never really liked how gays tried to appeal to the straight majority by saying stuff like "we're just like you!" The truth is we are different. And being different isn't necessarily a problem.

In that we are attracted to the same sex does make us different. But you cant say theres gay love and heterosexual love. Do heterosexuals love more or better? Are gays incapable of being loving and responsible parents? Absolutely not. In all the ways that make us deserving of human dignity we are the same.
I don't know. Why are we different past being attracted to different people, exactly?

Because we are treated differently by society for having that attraction. I know kids are bullied for anything, and can be isolated for any reason, but sexuality is a bit different. Anecdotally I know it isn't uncommon for gay men to have strained relationships with their fathers because of their sexuality. And LGBT individuals have astronomically high suicide rates, and I imagine that has a lot to do with isolation a lot of gays experience during their childhood and teenage years.

So in a way we aren't different. We have the same feelings and emotions. But we are treated differently, and have unique struggles because of that treatment. I don't think any straight person has to weigh the risks vs rewards of being open about their sexuality, or has to worry about losing friends or family. No straight person has to worry "will I be treated different" after being open about their sexuality.


Then "we are treated differently" sounds like a better statement, particularly when our goal is to not be treated differently.


Just started watching Orphan Black and holy moly.

It. Is. So. Good.

Also weird/funny seeing a handful of familiar Canadian actors and how it's seemingly set in/around Toronto.

Tatiana Maslany is fantastic and deserves all the awards she hasn't received. All of them.
Making myself "whatever the fuck I have in my kitchen" soup. So basically carrot + potato in a miso broth. Probably won't be any good. But I lack any bread or meat for lunch.
Assimilation is boring and unfair.
I agree actually, i think people should embrace and celebrate differences.
I’ve been thinking about people talking about Graham Moore’s speech and i think its more of a problem with these types of moments we see with public figures as well as the idea of assimilation in regards to the lgbt community somehow being the all end goal for equality. Legally everyone needs to unbiasedly be protected under the law and have their rights without discrimination, just like any citizen with that privilege. But at the same time as a people with so many people as such a diverse community it is that needs to also be expressed. i say this because we see so many ads and programs where we see the couple that is “they’re gay/lesbian but they so happen to look and conform just like you” which yes so many of us are there but for many people they will only accept you as long as you fit in normative behavior, social roles that maintains these norms. When people dont seem to conform to these things or disrupt the social norm or for people who for lack of better words i guess “cant assimilate” or refuse to assimilate to these social norms people try to outcast them. Which is why you hear things like “well you’re gay but you’re not that type of gay” or From our own peers specifically men who are so worried about how “masculine or feminine” they are or not. “I’m gay but i’m not that gay”, “dont categorize me with those people they’re too Fem” and other disgusting mess like that

Or just "be yourself" even if people think thats weird or different.
Exactly and people also need to respect other being themselves and if they feel uncomfortable with how you are, your nature, or how you present yourself or etc. then they can Flock off and stay pressed harder than CO2 turning into Diamond.
Most homopobia is directed at LGBT men.

I think it is for the same reason a lot of straight men would give their daughter a toy truck to play with, but would refuse to ever let their son play with a barbie doll. Women taking on more male roles? Fine. Women remaining in female roles? Fine. Men taking on more female roles* ? Unacceptable.

Female roles are still seen as lesser. A gay and/or feminine man is seen negatively because they are actively "choosing" to pursue a lesser female role.

*and lets be honest, gay men are stereotyped as feminine. I imagine there is much more revulsion for gay bottoms than there is for straight-acting tops for example.


Women are definitely encouraged to embrace queerness, but only if they fit a specific 'look', and even then, it's encouraged only in order to attract straight men.

I wouldn't venture a guess at who on the LGB spectrum has it 'harder' and I'm not sure it's necessary. We all definitely have some unique struggles within our sexualities.


Women are definitely encouraged to embrace queerness, but only if they fit a specific 'look', and even then, it's encouraged only in order to attract straight men.

Something something "All girls are bisexual to a degree!" something something.

Also, this will be the slowest week ever for me. Starting Friday I have a long break from work (10 days!), and my birthday is on Sunday.


*and lets be honest, gay men are stereotyped as feminine. I imagine there is much more revulsion for gay bottoms than there is for straight-acting tops for example.

Sadly true. Also, I heard way too many people saying things like "who is the woman in the relationship?" when asking for the one who bottoms... @_@ (also, some seem to ignore that gays can be versatile: for them, you're either the manly top or the feminine bottom). It's really wearisome.
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