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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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Finally saw Big Hero 6 - I thought it was fun but that fucking horrible Fall Out Boy song almost ruined the movie tbh. And they played it again during the credits! Holy shit. Like, that song is so bad I literally felt ill when it was playing. How is Fall Out Boy even still a thing???

There songs are terrible i hate fall out boy.
Idk what emotional block I have that prevents me from coming out to friends and family.

we would call that fear. And its normal! My parents had been nothing but loving and awesome parents my whole life but I was terrified of telling them. And parents know these things so it probably wont be a shock to them. Its hard not to assume the worst when it comes to the people we hold closest but trust your gut!



Marcio & Marcos Patriota


God is real.

plz respond

Here, here. :)

If I want more gun crime or a more quickly shriveling middle class I'll take a trip on over.

J/K, there's a lot to like about the USA, but it's not really that high in a lot of the metrics that matter to me. Norway has like the second happiest population in the world, awesome and heavily subsidized education systems, and awesome social programs, and a lot of confidence in their government, and they treat their criminals like human beings and lots of other really cool shit that make it seem pretty world-class to me.
Idk what emotional block I have that prevents me from coming out to friends and family.

Maybe it's because you feel right in this? Personally only a few friends know, and I like knowing that it is a part of me which is actually "mine". (Not sure if it makes sense.)

Nobody knows?

I've let my closest friends know, and thats it. No family. No one else. I'll 'come out' once I meet someone .

Also this.

But in a way it's a bit harder to meet someone since the Internet and "gay friends from other friends" are the best ways to actually meet possible SO.


Hunky Nostradamus
I wouldn't mind walking to this every morning. :) Today was great, we were all nervous on the onset but once we met with our nurses and started getting a flow of seeing patients and getting vitals it became much easier and dinner. I gave someone a bath and changed a diaper, moved a patient, drew up insulin and helped insert an IV. It was only an 8 hour shift but I didn't want it to end. lol

All-Star Nurse Dany


Is that a bad thing? :( I'm short.

Nah brah aint no big thang

Wow, I think I'm going on my first ever date. Thanks OKCupid


he seems eager to please. tell him you wont talk to him anymore unless he sends you dick pix

For me it was. And it was kind of ideal for how I'd want my first time to go.

tell me about your first time umop :O


Hunky Nostradamus
I finally learned how to cook rice so it looks like that and chicken thighs is my go-to college meal now

I'm a pretty good cook, but I've only just now learned how to properly make fried rice. It's so goo, I can't stop eating it!

I said probably. People never assume I am gay but my parents had suspected so the idea wasn't totally new to them. I think them having time to get comfortable with it made it easier for me.

Your parents sound cool
I'm a pretty good cook, but I've only just now learned how to properly make fried rice. It's so goo, I can't stop eating it!

Your parents sound cool

They have sacrificed a lot for their kids. In high school they watched Fox News all the time and were Republican so I was terrified of coming out. It took me a long time to get comfortable with myself before I told them. And it didnt matter to them. So many years lost to a lie. I hate that people have to deal with this.


I said probably. People never assume I am gay but my parents had suspected so the idea wasn't totally new to them. I think them having time to get comfortable with it made it easier for me.
I think I'd heard so many people say their parents had suspected it that I thought mine should have too, but they hadn't. Kind of made me just feel a different type of nervous for a few hours after saying it. They tried to be nice, but seemed to not know what to say either. Ended up okay, I'd say.

Haven't had any friends get it before me saying it either, but one of my friends showed my picture to her Japanese foreign exchange student and the girl said, "Cute, pretty gay though," and my friend said she squealed because she never had a clue even knowing me for months but this girl guessed it right away. Though, I never asked what the picture was...


There is something incredibly freeing and calming being able to say " im going out x night to do y thing, but HE hasn't figured out dinner plans." :p I'd hope that people in this thread could reach that level of comfort in their sexuality without fear or prejudice. It's half 'whatever' and half 'it should not matter." If you give off a nonchalant attitude then most people will respond in like.

God knows two years ago I was still nervous speaking about that with classmates and good friends. :p
There is something incredibly freeing and calming being able to say " im going out x night to do y thing, but HE hasn't figured out dinner plans." :p I'd hope that people in this thread could reach that level of comfort in their sexuality without fear or prejudice. It's half 'whatever' and half 'it should not matter." If you give off a nonchalant attitude then most people will respond in like.

God knows two years ago I was still nervous speaking about that with classmates and good friends. :p
I wish I could be like that with my mom. She means we'll but I just don't think she can think of me like that yet.

I'm out to most of my friends and they're generally cool with me saying things about personal relationships but I don't tend to forget some reason. Not sure why.


I'm kind of nervously letting media accomplish that freedom for me. I don't feel comfortable saying anything that indicates I'm gay around my parents. I just dodge it heavily. It has a lot to do with me being the only gay person they've been around since there weren't any friends or relatives for me to see them interact with. I'm quietly enjoying how many of the shows they try and watch on TV have gay characters so that I don't have to be the one gay example for the family. #threechum

Don't have experience around gay people in social settings either, so I've never had anyone to refer to as a "he" in conversation and I don't comfortably talk about it even around people who are talking freely about their thoughts and know I'm gay. There's only one person I really talk freely about it with and that's got a lot to do with her and her family having a close gay uncle and having known I was gay from the start of the friendship.

Anyway, I'd like to think eventually I won't think about it every time I say a pronoun or something.


Hunky Nostradamus
Fried rice is my next endeavor. I fucking love fried rice

Don't forget the white pepper! It's essential! (also, instead of using honey or agave, I recommend duck sauce!)

They have sacrificed a lot for their kids. In high school they watched Fox News all the time and were Republican so I was terrified of coming out. It took me a long time to get comfortable with myself before I told them. And it didnt matter to them. So many years lost to a lie.

Some parents are better than others :/

I hate that people have to deal with this.

Me 2


Had one of those packets of premade tuna salad, right out of the packet. Someone make me put some effort into these meals.

NyQuil hey


I had to live without a router for almost two days. And I don't own a phone with it's own internet connection so I had to play video games.


Now back to reading GAF and talking in the Skype Chat.
Going from Atlanta, which is rather Gay Bar centric to Portland, where the community seems to go where they want is jarring.

Especially when you have recently gotten over a few years of heavy drinking and have not yet figured out how to socialize with strangers without it.

Even stranger when you have recently lost like 90 lbs. Active social life when I had a belly and now I'm a size 6 shut in.

Being trans in Portland is a fuckload easier than it was in Atlanta but damn, it was nice to feel like all of us filled the same corner of the world on the weekend.

Not used to having to make an effort.

Random whining.


There is something incredibly freeing and calming being able to say " im going out x night to do y thing, but HE hasn't figured out dinner plans." :p I'd hope that people in this thread could reach that level of comfort in their sexuality without fear or prejudice. It's half 'whatever' and half 'it should not matter." If you give off a nonchalant attitude then most people will respond in like.

God knows two years ago I was still nervous speaking about that with classmates and good friends. :p

Yup. It takes some effort to get there though.

I had to live without a router for almost two days. And I don't own a phone with it's own internet connection so I had to play video games.


Now back to reading GAF and talking in the Skype Chat.

That's good! Welcome back :)


Reading about you guys not telling your parents about your sexuality has got me sad.

I can only speak for myself, but if my son/daughter was gay/lesbian/trans/bi/whatever, I'd wanna know, just so I could support in ways I might not think to if I didn't know. Mostly, I'd like to know how my child could be discriminated against and face that discrimination with them.

Not trying to force anyone to come out, though. I know every parent is different.

I just realized today is Wednesday so... Happy Humpday y'all!! :)

Happy Humpday to you too, brotha.


this next guy who is messaging me is more attractive but he's one of those gay christians and he hasnt graduated high school
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