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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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Games can get pretty expensive. I only buy on day one stuff that I'm pretty sure I'll love. And honestly, switching to PC has been great for my pocket :p Also, indies. You guys need to give indies a proper chance, my GOTY last year was Kero Blaster in case you didn't notice, and that's a $8 game. Or $7? I don't remember exactly :p

i honest to god wish i still enjoyed video games. i've been kind of lamenting this more than usual lately. I haven't bought any major games since Destiny, and I was so thoroughly disappointed by it. I need a good shooter or fun action game but nothing has caught my eye at all :/
It's okay to take a break, I think we all go through phases when we're more into something than other times. Don't force it, maybe you'll eventually find yourself hyped for an upcoming game in the future :]


I didn't know if I should make a new topic for this, but I guess I'll just keep it here.

So about an hour ago I came out to my mom. My mom is this immigrant religiously conservative Muslim with vastly different views on everything although she thinks I see things the same way she does. I had this whole speech planned out but when the moment came, I just started shaking like crazy but eventually got it out. I tried to avoid using the word gay, so I kind of just went "You know how my brothers' feel about girls? Well I don't feel the same way, in fact I feel the opposite way."

She took it shockingly well, at least in regards to her composure. But she responded with the usual religious BS, "pray to God, that'll make you attracted to women." I was very insistent that there was no changing this but she was equally insistent on her view. I guess our relationship hasn't really changed; we still love each other. But she just doesn't get it. And I'm worried what it will do to her once she realizes I will never be with a woman.

Super brave of you, brotha. Honestly, for a conservative religious person, I think that initial reaction is as good as you're gonna get for now.

I hope someday down the line she comes to understand how you feel. I'm glad there's still a bunch of love between you two, as well.

I wish you all the best in the future, man.


Ooph. Destiny feels like my biggest waste of money. It is ridiculously empty and soulless.

Played the Beta, wasn't really impressed. It felt like they took the weakest parts of Reach (Mind you, Reach is my favorite Halo game and the one I get the most annoyed being shit on), accentuated those flaws and slapped them into a half-baked MMO setting. You can tell this was the first game they made that wasn't painstakingly linear and it honestly seems like they were really confused on what they were trying to do the whole way.

I didn't know if I should make a new topic for this, but I guess I'll just keep it here.

So about an hour ago I came out to my mom. My mom is this immigrant religiously conservative Muslim with vastly different views on everything although she thinks I see things the same way she does. I had this whole speech planned out but when the moment came, I just started shaking like crazy but eventually got it out. I tried to avoid using the word gay, so I kind of just went "You know how my brothers' feel about girls? Well I don't feel the same way, in fact I feel the opposite way."

She took it shockingly well, at least in regards to her composure. But she responded with the usual religious BS, "pray to God, that'll make you attracted to women." I was very insistent that there was no changing this but she was equally insistent on her view. I guess our relationship hasn't really changed; we still love each other. But she just doesn't get it. And I'm worried what it will do to her once she realizes I will never be with a woman.

Seeing parents in denial like that has to be hard. I'm glad nothing bad has come of it yet, though. Stay strong, mate.


Finally transferred my data over to the new 3ds and managed to grab majoras mask (and a type-0 pre-order) with my trade in credit. I hope this game isn't as overwhelming to as much as MH4 is. I love the latter but I've no idea what I'm doing especially since the game has opened up with multiple quest hubs.

Also, procrastinated work selfie!



i like games with production values tbh
That makes it harder to spend less, indeed :p In that sense I'm glad I don't really care about production values. Pretty visuals have never been a selling point to me. I very often prefer indie games over stuff that makes my PC melt, really.

Mr. F

i honest to god wish i still enjoyed video games. i've been kind of lamenting this more than usual lately. I haven't bought any major games since Destiny, and I was so thoroughly disappointed by it. I need a good shooter or fun action game but nothing has caught my eye at all :/




(I'm kind of hooked. It's mindless and amazing).



i thought limbo sucked, outside of the morbid aesthetic. its too simple trial and error gameplay didnt grab me at all
It only took me a couple of hours so the trial and error didn't burn me out. Aesthetics and mood were the draw, but I was engaged by the gamelay.

I do hate trial and error. I play usually on easy, unless I think it breaks gameplay (I play the a Last of Us on normal). I don't like arguments claiming gameplay like old tomb raider where you die a lot are better design.


Games can get pretty expensive. I only buy on day one stuff that I'm pretty sure I'll love. And honestly, switching to PC has been great for my pocket :p Also, indies. You guys need to give indies a proper chance, my GOTY last year was Kero Blaster in case you didn't notice, and that's a $8 game. Or $7? I don't remember exactly :p

It's okay to take a break, I think we all go through phases when we're more into something than other times. Don't force it, maybe you'll eventually find yourself hyped for an upcoming game in the future :]
I bought Guacamelee because the Lead artist is cute. Does that help? :p
I need to get more indies!


I like trial and error in games that are supposed to be hilariously difficult, like 1001 Spikes (another 2014 GOTY candidate for me, lol).

I bought Guacamelee because the Lead artist is cute. Does that help? :p
I need to get more indies!
I actually haven't played Guacamelee, lol.

The games I'd use to "convert" people are Kero Blaster, Cave Story, Shovel Knight, anything from Locomalito (especially Maldita Castilla and l'Abbaye des Morts - all of his games are free BTW), VVVVVV, Gunman Clive 2, Hammerwatch, Völgarr The Viking, Escape Goat, the Kingdom Rush series, Stealth Inc., Splatform, Ninja Senki, etc. - basically, very gameplay-focused stuff with lots of creativity and re-playability.
Finally transferred my data over to the new 3ds and managed to grab majoras mask (and a type-0 pre-order) with my trade in credit. I hope this game isn't as overwhelming to as much as MH4 is. I love the latter but I've no idea what I'm doing especially since the game has opened up with multiple quest hubs.

Also, procrastinated work selfie!

You're really handsome! :3 #teambeard


I like trial and error in games that are supposed to be hilariously difficult, like 1001 Spikes (another 2014 GOTY candidate for me, lol).

I actually haven't played Guacamelee, lol.

The games I'd use to "convert" people are Kero Blaster, Cave Story, Shovel Knight, anything from Locomalito (especially Maldita Castilla and l'Abbaye des Morts - all of his games are free BTW) VVVVVV, Gunman Clive 2, Hammerwatch, Völgarr The Viking, Escape Goat, the Kingdom Rush series, Stealth Inc., Splatform, Ninja Senki, etc. - basically, very gameplay-focused stuff with lots of creativity and re-playability.
Thanks! I have lots of stuff to check tonight then. :)

Guacamelee made me realize I love Lucha Libre.
What's your most hyped games, guys?

Currently, I mostly can't wait for Code Name STEAM and Streer Fighter V. It sucks that SFV is so far away :(

My most hyped games are... Xenoblade Chronicles X and Zelda Wii U! I'm also really looking forward to Bloodborne, Final Fantasy Type-0 HD, Final Fantasy XV (demo and full game), and Kingdom Hearts III. Uncharted 4 will probably be fun.


Yes, with the epilogue! It was amazing!! <3

Okie.. Hmm.. Lemme give this a shot!!
Characters: Rise and Kanji
Dungeon: Steamy Bathhouse for sure
Music: Smile :)
Event: Uhmm..
When Nanako comes back to life, because then I was finally able to stop crying all over my Vita. I'm not even joking I was a mess LOL. OH also. ALSO. The cross-dressing contest. So good.

I hope i did that right LOL

Aww thanks love! I'm so excited to play!! <3 I just wanna get home from class! haha!

OMG yes stan for the two best characters. I loved Rise for being so upfront about wanting MC's dick, and Kanji for being the only one honest with his sexuality.

I generally hated that extreme closet case Yosuke and that annoying meat obsessed and Yukiko fanboy Chie. They're both more tolerable in other installments in the P4 universe than they were in the original game.
OMG yes stan for the two best characters. I loved Rise for being so upfront about wanting MC's dick, and Kanji for being the only one honest with his sexuality.

I generally hated that extreme closet case Yosuke and that annoying meat obsessed and Yukiko fanboy Chie. They're both more tolerable in other installments in the P4 universe than they were in the original game.

Hahaha sounds like we like the same characters for the exact same reason! :) Rise especially. My favorite part about her is that she wasn't afraid to flirt. Bless.

Also we dislike Yosuke for the same reason LOL!

I didn't mind Chie, however :) she was probably my least favorite of the main characters but I didn't hate her. Her relationship with Yukiko was so obvious though LOLLL!! I ship dat ;P


So there's a drag race viewing event tomorrow and I kind of want to go but I have no one to go with.

And it's tomorrow because logo hates everything outside the US, the event is even called "almost live"...


Everything Rockstar, Naughty Dog, and Bethesda. Mass Effect sequels, MGS V, The Last Guardian, Halo 5, Mirror's Edge 2, FFXV, KH III, Star Wars Battlefront, Kingdom Come Deliverance.

The Last Guardian? I have some bad news for you...

I didn't know if I should make a new topic for this, but I guess I'll just keep it here.

So about an hour ago I came out to my mom. My mom is this immigrant religiously conservative Muslim with vastly different views on everything although she thinks I see things the same way she does. I had this whole speech planned out but when the moment came, I just started shaking like crazy but eventually got it out. I tried to avoid using the word gay, so I kind of just went "You know how my brothers' feel about girls? Well I don't feel the same way, in fact I feel the opposite way."

She took it shockingly well, at least in regards to her composure. But she responded with the usual religious BS, "pray to God, that'll make you attracted to women." I was very insistent that there was no changing this but she was equally insistent on her view. I guess our relationship hasn't really changed; we still love each other. But she just doesn't get it. And I'm worried what it will do to her once she realizes I will never be with a woman.

You had the courage to tell her so that's good. It will take some time until she comes around it. My father said (and continues to say) pray to god so you'll like women. I do like women, but not in a sexual way. He doesn't really get it either.

It's still pretty cold out here :(

But the sun was shining for a while today, it felt good!

Il fait bon ici maintenant. :)


"a" in Japanese makes the sound "o" does in an English word like "mom"

I see. So Khan is like "Khon"? So its like Khon-gee.

As for games, I love steam sales and that's when I buy most of my games. Currently playing Metal Gear Solid Rising, and I can't finish it. Too difficult. ;_;
Finally transferred my data over to the new 3ds and managed to grab majoras mask (and a type-0 pre-order) with my trade in credit. I hope this game isn't as overwhelming to as much as MH4 is. I love the latter but I've no idea what I'm doing especially since the game has opened up with multiple quest hubs.

Also, procrastinated work selfie!
Wow! Looking good man! :)
Hi I'm not sure if this thread or the general dating thread would be the best place for this post.

Situation: I haven't dated a guy for 3 years. No sex for 2 years. Met a guy online and we seemed to connect. We met up 3 days ago, but his roommates came home before we could finish and I was quicky pushed out. We haven't contacted each other since. Would it be OK to call him or is he not interested in more and I shouldn't bother?
I see. So Khan is like "Khon"? So its like Khon-gee.

Err maybe? It isn't really an "oh" sound. It's an "ah" sound. Kahn/Khan.

Think like how this guy says "man" in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alYsSv76Eyc

edit: Figured out a better comparison. It is the "a" sound that exists in "want"

Stahp <3

I fucking live for this game. What is that studio doing nowadays?

No clue. I'd be interested in some of their other stuff. Guac was just an amazing 2D platformer. I also liked the speed it worked at, which was a lot less fast paced than SuperMeatBoy.


Finally transferred my data over to the new 3ds and managed to grab majoras mask (and a type-0 pre-order) with my trade in credit. I hope this game isn't as overwhelming to as much as MH4 is. I love the latter but I've no idea what I'm doing especially since the game has opened up with multiple quest hubs.

Also, procrastinated work selfie!

Your selfie makes me want to hug you. Looking good :)

And procrastinating at work? O:

You're a sony fanboy aren't you? ;)

Hi I'm not sure if this thread or the general dating thread would be the best place for this post.

Situation: I haven't dated a guy for 3 years. No sex for 2 years. Met a guy online and we seemed to connect. We met up 3 days ago, but his roommates came home before we could finish and I was quicky pushed out. We haven't contacted each other since. Would it be OK to call him or is he not interested in more and I shouldn't bother?

You have come to the right place. Welcome! But first, fill out the IBQ!! :)

As for the sex part, I haven't had sex in over twenty years, going on 21 soon. :p

Err maybe? It isn't really an "oh" sound. It's an "ah" sound. Kahn/Khan.

Think like how this guy says "man" in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alYsSv76Eyc

edit: Figured out a better comparison. It is the "a" sound that exists in "want"

I see. So it's like Coooorallll (Carl) kind of a sound.
You have come to the right place. Welcome! But first, fill out the IBQ!! :)

As for the sex part, I haven't had sex in over twenty years, going on 21 soon. :p
Ahh, didn't see that

From and live in USA
Age 30
Music: none
profession: health care
Videogame: ff5
Other hobby: eating


I'm always late to comment but you look really good!

Your selfie makes me want to hug you. Looking good :)

And procrastinating at work? O:

Thanks guys! It was a slow day and after doing all my work there's not much productivity.

No clue. I'd be interested in some of their other stuff. Guac was just an amazing 2D platformer. I also liked the speed it worked at, which was a lot less fast paced than SuperMeatBoy.

It scratched my metroidvania itch so hard that It would be sublime if they decided to expand on the formula in the future.

Hi I'm not sure if this thread or the general dating thread would be the best place for this post.

Situation: I haven't dated a guy for 3 years. No sex for 2 years. Met a guy online and we seemed to connect. We met up 3 days ago, but his roommates came home before we could finish and I was quicky pushed out. We haven't contacted each other since. Would it be OK to call him or is he not interested in more and I shouldn't bother?

Hit him up! Roommates ruining things is a pretty common occurrence in these situations. It won't hurt at all to see if he'd like to hang out again.


Super brave of you, brotha. Honestly, for a conservative religious person, I think that initial reaction is as good as you're gonna get for now.

I hope someday down the line she comes to understand how you feel. I'm glad there's still a bunch of love between you two, as well.

I wish you all the best in the future, man.

I'm glad she took it well. Give her time, she will change her views about it. The surprise was probably the reason why she said the "pray to God " stuff.

Also trying to avoid the word gay when coming out makes things awkward like "brain please thing of something else to say" and fucking brain has nothing lined up. :p

Congrats. It may not feel that great right away, but you both need time to adjust. Do what it takes to be happy, healthy, and safe, and eventually her understanding may follow. At least you've taken the step you needed to take.

Seeing parents in denial like that has to be hard. I'm glad nothing bad has come of it yet, though. Stay strong, mate.

You had the courage to tell her so that's good. It will take some time until she comes around it. My father said (and continues to say) pray to god so you'll like women. I do like women, but not in a sexual way. He doesn't really get it either.

Thank you guys <3

I think she misunderstood what my coming out meant. She kept talking about (my future) marriage so I kind of wanted to dissuade her from that by telling her that is never going to happen with a woman. But I think she took it as me asking her for advice, which I could care less about since she honestly has no idea what she's talking about (at least in this subject). The worst part is that she is one those religious conservatives that only like science when it confirms their beliefs and at all other times she completely disregards it, so I can't really explain homosexuality in terms of science without her automatically dismissing it. Honestly, I don't really care if she comes to terms with it or not, I just want her to know that I'm not going to shack up with some lady to appease her.


Hunky Nostradamus
Hi I'm not sure if this thread or the general dating thread would be the best place for this post.

hi welcome to the alternate lifestyle thread enjoy your stay

Situation: I haven't dated a guy for 3 years. No sex for 2 years. Met a guy online and we seemed to connect. We met up 3 days ago, but his roommates came home before we could finish and I was quicky pushed out. We haven't contacted each other since. Would it be OK to call him or is he not interested in more and I shouldn't bother?

call him you have nothing to lose
WHich aspect of the healthcare field do you work in? I'm earning my masters in nursing currently.
Nursing here too!

Hit him up! Roommates ruining things is a pretty common occurrence in these situations. It won't hurt at all to see if he'd like to hang out again.
Well, he didn't seem too into our activity either, but then again he kept on looking down the street to see if his friends were walking home. They kick-out was pretty cold. But he seemed cool online. 1 call shouldn't hurt I guess.
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