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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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It looks like I'm on my way to Texas for my new job! I will need help picking out an appropriately over-sized belt buckle.

What am I doing with my life?

Please wear leather chaps

Congrats again for the job


It was a reference to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TA6OyJnR8l8

Aaaaaw you know <3

But there's a different between bear, (silver) daddy and daddy bear tho


In my eyes, everyone is a top until proven otherwise

I'm actually more curious about bottoming than topping. I suppose that's because most guys will already have a good idea of what topping is going to feel like, but bottoming is alien territory until explored.


Bottoming is dark and full of terrors.

Until you actually do it that is. Lord I was nervous the first time.

I really need to learn how to be a good bottom

My first tine was unforgettable, I was with this bottom guy, we had 69, blah blah (too graphic) He said I have a nice ass and suddenly pull my waist closer to my face and blah blah (again too graphic), and then " I wanted to fuck you". The rest is too graphic and I bottomed only for few minutes and gave up


I really need to learn how to be a good bottom

My first tine was unforgettable, I was with this bottom guy, we had 69, blah blah (too graphic) He said I have a nice ass and suddenly pull my waist closer to my face and blah blah (again too graphic), and then " I wanted to fuck you". The rest is too graphic and I bottomed only for few minutes and gave up
Eh, so do I.

I've only bottomed for 3 guys total, with my first boyfriend it hurt but it was good, and I was getting used to it. A couple of years after we broke up I bottomed for the hook up I mentioned recently, and it was really damn good.

Then I ended up with my second boyfriend and I simply wasn't able to do with it him, which is odd considering he was "smaller" than both guys previous, yet it really hurt for some reason.

Then when I hooked up with the guy again after we broke up, it hurt with him too and I just haven't been able to get into it at all.

Oversharing maybe, but it kinda sucks. I like it but just can't do it anymore for some reason.


I'm actually more curious about bottoming than topping. I suppose that's because most guys will already have a good idea of what topping is going to feel like, but bottoming is alien territory until explored.

Hmm? What do you mean by that. That most peoples first time is topping?


Hmm? What do you mean by that. That most peoples first time is topping?

Nah, just that it's easier to imagine what topping will feel like, whereas bottoming you have no idea about until you try it.

Then again, what do I know, topping could be a completely different experience to how I imagine it to be, hopefully I'll find out sometime this year :p

Shove some fingers up there and you'll have an idea.

lol, my OCD flinches at the mere thought of it. I guess there are adult toys, but that's not really the wisest thing to leave lying around when you're still living with your parents, that's definately not how I intend to come out to them >.>


Hunky Nostradamus
Speaking of which, Hours Left hasn't posted here in a real long while. What's up with him?

He's okay, just taking a break. :)

Shove some fingers up there and you'll have an idea.

blech too messy

I guess there are adult toys, but that's not really the wisest thing to leave lying around when you're still living with your parents, that's definately not how I intend to come out to them >.>

a: dont leave your sex toys lying about

b: anal play &#8800; gay or bi


a: dont leave your sex toys lying about
When you have a mother who has a habit of coming in to tidy your room while you're out (even when you tell her not to), you can never be too careful :p

Some of the shit she's found in my brothers room has taught me to not take any chances.

b: anal play &#8800; gay or bi
True, but that's the first thing that's going to pop into her mind. And will inevitably lead to the most awkward coming out ever.
When you have a mother who has a habit of coming in to tidy your room while you're out (even when you tell her not to), you can never be too careful :p

Some of the shit she's found in my brothers room has taught me to not take any chances.

True, but that's the first thing that's going to pop into her mind. And will inevitiably lead to the most awkward coming out ever.

Tidy? Sounds more like an excuse for snooping.
I have a couple in my nightstand.

But i mean, prostate orgasms are real folks, and great. Try it! :p

What do you use as preservative I am disappointed with their shelf life.

When you have a mother who has a habit of coming in to tidy your room while you're out (even when you tell her not to), you can never be too careful :p

Some of the shit she's found in my brothers room has taught me to not take any chances.

True, but that's the first thing that's going to pop into her mind. And will inevitably lead to the most awkward coming out ever.

Accumulate a bunch of rope, zip ties, and rolls of duct tape. Plant the seed of doubt. Then you can make her feel silly for snooping and having her imagination run wild, and come out as 'only' gay, all at the same time.


Hunky Nostradamus
When you have a mother who has a habit of coming in to tidy your room while you're out (even when you tell her not to), you can never be too careful :p

lock your door

Some of the shit she's found in my brothers room has taught me to not take any chances.

what did she find in your brother's room

True, but that's the first thing that's going to pop into her mind. And will inevitably lead to the most awkward coming out ever.

maybe not. maybe your dad has a dildo and she uses it on him. never assume your father doesnt like anal play


When you have a mother who has a habit of coming in to tidy your room while you're out (even when you tell her not to), you can never be too careful :p

Some of the shit she's found in my brothers room has taught me to not take any chances.

True, but that's the first thing that's going to pop into her mind. And will inevitably lead to the most awkward coming out ever.
Get out of there dawg




I can no longer feel satisfied unless my colon contains 1.8 kilograms of broken glass.

When you have a mother who has a habit of coming in to tidy your room while you're out (even when you tell her not to), you can never be too careful :p

Some of the shit she's found in my brothers room has taught me to not take any chances.

True, but that's the first thing that's going to pop into her mind. And will inevitiably lead to the most awkward coming out ever.

I wouldn't presume a nuanced understanding of the interplay (or lack of) between orientation and anal stimulation beyond butts = gay either; so I guess it probably would be a lot easier that way...

Was your brother hiding anything interesting, or just more dildos?

What do you use as preservative I am disappointed with their shelf life.

If you're at the point where you have to use preservatives, you've already failed. The storage space can make it prohibitive for some living arrangements, but keeping the limb's original mount relatively intact (with some concessions such as the removal of unnecessary limbs and organs) for as long as you require the limb in question is a much better solution in terms of ensuring the quality of the flesh in the mid-to-long term.


^&^&)^&*)^%^$^&$^#$@*^%)% stupid mouse. I'm not clicking twice but it's acting like I am.

I had that same issue with my old mouse. I lived with it for way too long and I think I started doing a bunch of stuff to mitigate the issue.

I switched to and am still rocking with my brother's old MX518.


Accumulate a bunch of rope, zip ties, and rolls of duct tape. Plant the seed of doubt. Then you can make her feel silly for snooping and having her imagination run wild, and come out as 'only' gay, all at the same time.
Genius! d(^_^)
lock your door
From the outside? That would require a full-blown lock installed, that would make her even more suspicious.
what did she find in your brother's room
Was your brother hiding anything interesting, or just more dildos?
Just standard straight stuff for the most part, magazines, DVDs
and a fleshlight.
maybe not. maybe your dad has a dildo and she uses it on him. never assume your father doesnt like anal play
STAHP! >.<


So this is where the pics of hot guys live! Well let me pull up a chair and get comfy then. Guess I should do this

Your gender? Female
Your sexual orientation? Bi
Where Are You From? South Wales
Where Do You Live? London
How Old Are you? 33
Favorite Type of Music? Metal
Profession or Career interest? System accountant
Favorite video game(s)? Red Dead
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Comics, snowboarding, longboarding, singing in my band
Welcome, bi sis!
Just had a long discussion with my mother over white privilege. She thinks she doesn't have it because we're not rolling in the money. I tried explaining to her that it's not an economic situation but it's based on the inherent racism built into the system. She's not racist just highly naive.

I had that same issue with my old mouse. I lived with it for way too long and I think I started doing a bunch of stuff to mitigate the issue.

I switched to and am still rocking with my brother's old MX518.

Meh mine's just an Logitech one my dad got for free that he gave to me when my old one died.

edit: and my position as thread killer goes on!


Terrisus departure is the best for both parties really, he spent too much time here (as evidenced by his ban post). I'm not even sure he was a real person (as in, not an alt or a character account) so whatever, good riddance and happy marriage

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