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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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I just ate Chipotle, so terrible
Do you mean the place or actual Chipotle
chipotle is terrible anyway

I got back from a walk about an hour ago so I feeling really good.
Good to hear! How much did you walk?

Hi, I'm gay! And you?

Nice rings :)

I'm using Monday to see the guy I'm chatting with, best long weekend ever incoming :)
I'm gayer
good luck on ur date :")

Doing well! I'm much better now than I was a couple of days ago. Just keeping myself busy with school, friends and cleaning. I always feel better when I'm accomplishing things. :)
I've been trying to avoid this mindset the last couple of months, haha. I used to be terrible with servings. I totally had the fat dude mindset of, "Well, I'm already eating this bad thing, so I should just go all out!" XD
Heck, I used to have at least one of the largest size Slurpees every day, if not more. Wow, that was a lot of sugar. And keep in mind that I live in flipping-freezing Manitoba! That's some chubby dedication!
Those are some beautiful rings! :') I hope you feel comfortable posting wedding shots here after.
I know, right?! I'm sure going to miss Real Pic January. :(
I'm glad to hear it, Kinsei! I always feel great after a walk too. I should actually go for one right now but, y'know, laziness. :p
Good to hear you're doing better, I've been worrying about school lately too lol

Aww. Those are some beautiful rings. :)

Glad to hear it Kinsei. Hope you have a good weekend.

Good. About to see a movie.
How was the movie


That's a pretty awesome tie, haha. I guess that's to show how great the Zelda franchise really is.

My Zelda list always moves around and is never the same, I just love them all. But I guess right now my favorite 2D one is A Link To The Past and 3D is Majora's Mask, but Skyward Sword is a close second.

I <3 Zelda.
For years, MM was my top fav. But after a replay I'm just so worn out on it? It's a shame with the remake coming soon but I have no real interest in it right now :p


Nice. Don't forget to get them rhodium dipped every six months or so. :p
That's going to be a bit of a pain.. Mom's already recommended some cleaning solution to help stretch that time frame out a bit. I'm willing to put-up with a bit of tarnish. :p


just had king cake. so good.
We took my mom-in-law to early dinner and I had one of these.

It was eeeevil. Now I'm ready for a nap.

545pm on a Friday night, and I'm already in my pajamas. Sad, right?
I went on 2 dates this evening and both of them were a disappointment :(

I hate this dating game. Does anybody have a cheat code, or a completed save file?

That was a stupid metaphor
That's going to be a bit of a pain.. Mom's already recommended some cleaning solution to help stretch that time frame out a bit. I'm willing to put-up with a bit of tarnish. :p

We took my mom-in-law to early dinner and I had one of these.

It was eeeevil. Now I'm ready for a nap.

545pm on a Friday night, and I'm already in my pajamas. Sad, right?

um. i need that in me now. that's not an alcoholic drink with bailey in it right.


I went on 2 dates this evening and both of them were a disappointment :(

I hate this dating game. Does anybody have a cheat code, or a completed save file?

That was a stupid metaphor

Details? :p

I loved the metaphor.

Someone please share with me your save file.
Details? :p

I loved the metaphor.

Someone please share with me your save file.

So guy #1 I've been chatting to on OkCupid for weeks and he seemed like a nice guy, but we hadn't met yet because our schedules never matched. In person... meh. I liked him better in his pictures and it just felt like there was no chemistry. Our dinner was over really quickly and then that was pretty much that. I just felt no inclination to stay.

Guy #2 invited me to some private party he was going to, and so I went and met him. He was nice enough... again I feel like I was more attracted to his pictures and going to a party where everybody knows each other but you don't know literally anybody including the guy you're on a 'date' with is just overwhelmingly uncomfortable. Again he was nice but it just felt awkward and in the end I said it was nice to meet him but I'll leave him to enjoy the party so he didn't have to babysit me. Even in a more comfortable and normal environment, I'm not sure if there's any coming back from that experience because he seems very different to me.

I used to do sort of 'marathon' dating like that on my first go at OkCupid a couple years back. It's pretty exhausting stuff, made me step back for a while.

I'm finding it so exhausting, especially having the same conversations again and again. So many dead ends. I just want to meet somebody and for it to be easy you know? I guess that's what we all want though.

Mr. F

I'm finding it so exhausting, especially having the same conversations again and again. So many dead ends. I just want to meet somebody and for it to be easy you know? I guess that's what we all want though.

I would consider giving it a break for a little while, or at least taking it easy with the multiple dates in one day. Like you're saying the repetition can be tiring, and could put you off of wanting to try in the future if you burn yourself out on it. As easy as websites and apps make it to find people, it's far from an exact science. Real connections kind of just 'happen' independently of how aggressively or passively we seek companionship. The guy I'm kind of seeing now came about sort of unexpectedly in that way.


Hunky Nostradamus
thats not Air War!!

that like the 5th best song on the album (still amaonz tho)

So guy #1 I've been chatting to on OkCupid for weeks and he seemed like a nice guy, but we hadn't met yet because our schedules never matched. In person... meh. I liked him better in his pictures and it just felt like there was no chemistry. Our dinner was over really quickly and then that was pretty much that. I just felt no inclination to stay.

Guy #2 invited me to some private party he was going to, and so I went and met him. He was nice enough... again I feel like I was more attracted to his pictures and going to a party where everybody knows each other but you don't know literally anybody including the guy you're on a 'date' with is just overwhelmingly uncomfortable. Again he was nice but it just felt awkward and in the end I said it was nice to meet him but I'll leave him to enjoy the party so he didn't have to babysit me. Even in a more comfortable and normal environment, I'm not sure if there's any coming back from that experience because he seems very different to me.

dont make any rash decisions until youve slept with both of them
I would consider giving it a break for a little while, or at least taking it easy with the multiple dates in one day. Like you're saying the repetition can be tiring, and could put you off of wanting to try in the future if you burn yourself out on it. As easy as websites and apps make it to find people, it's far from an exact science. Real connections kind of just 'happen' independently of how aggressively or passively we seek companionship. The guy I'm kind of seeing now came about sort of unexpectedly in that way.

To be fair today was somewhat of an anomaly. But yeah, I probs do need to calm it a little. I"m just craving some human contact, affection and attention you know? It's hard when there's nobody.

dont make any rash decisions until youve slept with both of them

Lol.. I'm a good boy :)
I love it. It has such a soothing pace and lovely charm to it. It actually reminds me of the spring of 2003 which was one of my favorite year. I was still in junior high during that time, everything seemed much more simple.

The Wii U version which I played thanks to the Mario Kart 8 offer just gave me the exact same feeling I once had when I first played it. This fact alone is a wonder in and on itself. Just listening to the music playing when you're sailing across the ocean takes me way back.

Of course it's far from being a perfect game, for example I wish there were more islands with secrets to discover, or that the beginning at the fortress wasn't so tedious, but it's still a magical game to me.

What about you?

I did not care for it. I really left Nintendo after the SNES. Nothing really captured my passion for gaming like those days. plus i really hated how Nintendo tried to innovate for the sake of being different and not because they serve new and enjoyable gameplay. The waggle controls were infuriating. a day late and a dollar short when it came to hardware too.

Mr. F

To be fair today was somewhat of an anomaly. But yeah, I probs do need to calm it a little. I"m just craving some human contact, affection and attention you know? It's hard when there's nobody.

I totally get being eager for companionship, everyone gets that now and again I think. But building up a certain set of expectations does more harm than good imo. Not sure if it's as popular an option where you but meetup.com can be pretty neat, you might be able to use it to connect with more LGBT+ people in your area. I know in my city there's pretty frequent blind date nights or gaming meetups, might be worth looking into to meet someone out in the world rather than the endless back and forth of dating sites.
doesn't sound like it to me

It's true!

I totally get being eager for companionship, everyone gets that now and again I think. But building up a certain set of expectations does more harm than good imo. Not sure if it's as popular an option where you but meetup.com can be pretty neat, you might be able to use it to connect with more LGBT+ people in your area. I know in my city there's pretty frequent blind date nights or gaming meetups, might be worth looking into to meet someone out in the world rather than the endless back and forth of dating sites.

Thanks for this, I'll check it out.

I've also considered offering up a sacrifice to altar of D and hoping the gods answer my prayers...


Oh man... is it wrong to say that I would totally ship some of you? Like if I could pair up some of you, I totally would :3

For example, hypothetically speaking: Mumei and Umop would be an interesting couple for many reasons. Kater and VegiHam would also be an interesting couple. Okay, I'll stop now... lol
Went on a slight amiibo hunt today that got me a Lucario, But the rest was a disaster lol. Also got Bowser. I dont want to do that again lol. Still felt like a waste of time smh
Happy weekend! I love having half-days on Fridays.. makes-up (kinda) for the long hours on the first four days.

We got our rings yesterday.. they're stunning, and I'm relieved as all hell that they both fit well.
Your rings look awesome ^_^
I got back from a walk about an hour ago so I feeling really good.

I would have run, but it's been really icy out since the storm we had on Tuesday and I didn't want to fall.
Sounds great :). Yeah with winter gotta be careful about that ice for sure with running, even walking. Making me think of this fun messy Vine lol. https://vine.co/v/OXrbaOx1uJb for people who enjoy the ballroom scene will get it lol
Oh man... is it wrong to say that I would totally ship some of you? Like if I could pair up some of you, I totally would :3

For example, hypothetically speaking: Mumei and Umop would be an interesting couple for many reasons. Kater and VegiHam would also be an interesting couple. Okay, I'll stop now... lol

I'd still be left alone :(

I stared at this for a full minute trying to understand your post. Then i saw it.

Same here


Hmm, who would you pair me up with?
I'm interested. pm me.

Okay... well here goes nothing:

First, I would pair up Blood Diamonds and Masquerador because they're the same age and they're both cranky at times.
jk :p
not really

I would put Henchmen with Dead Prince since... scratch that. This is the difficult part, trying to come up with a couple that would "work" in our hypothetical game scenario. But let us continue. :3

Okay, I'm thinking I could match Daripad with the Absolution. They're about the same age, they both like video games, they're both very sweet and yeah it would work! I'm good at this... :D

I could put Dyslexic Alucard together with Dead Prince actually. I think it would work. I just have a feeling it could. It's like I know they could just strike up something and boom. It would just be chemistry doing its work. They're both great guys and they would be a totally good couple.

I would put Ahasverus with RM88. I think there would be great chemistry here. I don't know it's just a feeling that I get. For example, RM88 is more an analytical kind of guy while Ahasverus is just wild and more wild in the good way... so we have two types of guys that would work, it would absolutely work.

I would put Pantheon with Meycin as a couple. Now I know what you guys might think, but I think this would be another great couple. First, we know Pantheon is a fan of fast food and likes McDonalds. We know that Meycin is into fitness and he's probably strict when it comes to his diet. Henceforth, as you all know the saying, opposites attract! It would make sense when we consider that Meycin also likes to cook and Pantheon doesn't. So there we go, it would work. They would be a very lovely couple.

I would then pair up Caladrius and the One Who Knocks. This would be another sweet couple. Caladrius is a bit more shy and cynical at some extent, but it would be balanced out by the One Who Knocks who just seems to be more sensible and just the kind of guy you can chat with after having a rough day. It would be a very balanced couple as far as their characters. I just feel like it would make sense to pair this two together, so yeah.

I would pair ZombiePlatypus with Captcha. They're both about the same age, and there's something really interesting about this two that would make them a great couple... ZombiePlatypus is really good at art, we know that he likes to draw and paint and go all Da Vinci and Van Gogh on some of his art. Captcha is just more of an observer, of someone who likes to delight himself on the pleasures of life. He's also full of knowledge and wisdom and those two would just be a wonderful, caring and loving couple.

That's all for now, this is getting really hard. >.> I have to think more.

Please don't hate me if your name appears in this post D:


I would put Ahasverus with RM88. I think there would be great chemistry here. I don't know it's just a feeling that I get. For example, RM88 is more an analytical kind of guy while Ahasverus is just wild and more wild in the good way... so we have two types of guys that would work, it would absolutely work.

I would put Pantheon with Meycin as a couple. Now I know what you guys might think, but I think this would be another great couple. First, we know Pantheon is a fan of fast food and likes McDonalds. We know that Meycin is into fitness and he's probably strict when it comes to his diet. Henceforth, as you all know the saying, opposites attract! It would make sense when we consider that Meycin also likes to cook and Pantheon doesn't. So there we go, it would work. They would be a very lovely couple.

Yup I agree 100% on these. especially the Meytheon. They're both in florida so it works out.
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