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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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Yeah, I regret my comment from last night, even though it was in a joking manner and I have since talked to Steven about it, don't really care to make others upset over stupid, trivial things that can be avoided.

Wow that looks boring and repetitive.

Don't come after my fave Splatoon like that. It's actually really fun, and will definitely be up there in terms of my top games for the year.

What card do you have?

Have you looked at the gaming side buy/sell/trade thread? Sometimes there are good graphics cards being sold there like 970's.

Ebay is also a good place. I got a Sapphire 270 there for $70. It was a while back when the 270 was still selling for 150+ used but in good condition.

For sure. I upgraded to a Titan Black from that thread, for only $400. Once was all said and done with my old graphics card being sold, I only paid $75.

Runs Witcher 3 like a champ. One of the most beautiful games right now despite what others say.




I could watch those for hours.
(full video)


I have a Radeon 7870 HD card. I haven't really looked around much for a video card since I figured all the really great ones were like $300+ and I don't have the extra cash to spend on that right now. I might look around in some of those threads or on Ebay. I need to also compare my card to what I could afford and if it's not a big difference, no point in upgrading.

The upgrade to something like a gtx 970 would be substantial. The 270 is a rebranded 7850 which is less capable than the 7870.

I think your card will still serve you well for the time being. You can always play at console level graphics which isn't bad. For 1080p, your card will serve you just fine imo.
The upgrade to something like a gtx 970 would be substantial. The 270 is a rebranded 7850 which is less capable than the 7870.

I think your card will still serve you well for the time being. You can always play at console level graphics which isn't bad. For 1080p, your card will serve you just fine imo.

Yeah, honestly, I'm fine with my card. The game still looks gorgeous on mostly High with some Ultra settings (Hairworks off) at 1080p. Upgrading to GTX 970 would be amazing, but dat price though. I don't really play a ton of games on PC, so I'm always hesitant to spend that much money on upgrading it.

Too much muscle for me!

Gotta agree with ya. I don't mind some muscles on a guy (Charlie Cox in the gif I quoted above = yes,pls), but there's such a thing as too much (for me personally). One guy posted a few pages ago did absolutely nothing for me.


Code Name STEAM. The Queen needs you.

I'm really not into SRPG (I'm terrible at them) but I've been curious about it. How long is it? Is it very difficult? (Consider the demo was difficult for me lol)

I'm between Puzzles and Dragons and Mario Golf though :/ Or even Bravely Default but I don't know how portable friendly is that game. I'm really in the mood for something good for short periods of time that at the same time lasts long, like Pokemon.


I watched Avengers Age of Ultron yesterday and all those superheroes are super bae, Thor and Captain America being some of my favorites, but the one who stole the show for me is Quicksilver, holy shit, he looks so hot with that bleached blonde hair *w* and to think he was that skinny nerd from kickass, he turned into a super hunk.
The scene where he is shirtless for a split second *w*.


I watched Avengers Age of Ultron yesterday and all those superheroes are super bae, Thor and Captain America being some of my favorites, but the one who stole the show for me is Quicksilver, holy shit, he looks so hot with that bleached blonde hair *w* and to think he was that skinny nerd from kickass, he turned into a super hunk.
The scene where he is shirtless for a split second *w*.
I know right, the silver hair and the stubble just eurthfhfhghgh


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I think both Quicksilvers look silly, but Fox's is worse.


I cut coffee out a week ago, mainly so it stops staining my teeth. But also because I feel it's not helping with my anxiety.
Never been a fan of coffee. I tried it once and nearly gagged. I can barely walk past Starbucks or Costa without holding my nose. That said, I do love a nice strawberry and cream coolie from Costa. So damn good.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I can barely walk past Starbucks or Costa without holding my nose. That said, I do love a nice strawberry and cream coolie from Costa. So damn good.
Wow that must suck.

Whenever I visit a place that sells coffee or beans, I like to just relax and take in all the smells.

I wish coffee tasted as good as it smelled but I chalk that up to me not being very good at brewing a consistent cup.
The Avengers Quicksilver has the look down but the X-men Quicksilver had a better performance in terms of his mutant powers. That X-men scene still gives me chills.

That scene irked me to no end let me tell you. When Quicksilver "moves" the bullets, that would've imparted so much momentum that they would go wildly off course, not miss their targets by a matter of inches. Same thing with the "whiplash". It's nice that he thought of their necks when moving at his speed but what happens to their heads when they suddenly go from 100mph to 0mph? RIP cervical spine.


I hate "speedsters" of all kinds for these reasons. There's so much hand waving the writer needs to do something as "simple" as "run really fast".


I saw avengers on Friday and I really like Chris Evans. His eyes make him look so innocent and nice :3

And I don't like Quicksiver that much, specially since I hate bleached hair. He has a hot body though.

Edit: yes, X-men Quicksilver is way cuter
That scene irked me to no end let me tell you. When Quicksilver "moves" the bullets, that would've imparted so much momentum that they would go wildly off course, not miss their targets by a matter of inches. Same thing with the "whiplash". It's nice that he thought of their necks when moving at his speed but what happens to their heads when they suddenly go from 100mph to 0mph? RIP cervical spine.


I hate "speedsters" of all kinds for these reasons. There's so much hand waving the writer needs to do something as "simple" as "run really fast".

Eh, I don't overthink it. It's an X-men movie, I've been a huge fan since I was a kid. Just seeing these characters on screen is enough to make me happy, as long as the films are good.


Hmm good point, but I'm trying to avoid the caffeine for my anxiety too.

Oh, that would be a problem. I don't do coffee as much unless I need the boost, but I have a bad addiction to diet sodas that I need to quit and I never drink it without a straw. It's just habit by now - even water at restaurants, I'll request a straw.




Is it safe to come in now?

Wow, these last few pages were a mess. A Kentucky fried mess.

But it's ok. Every OT needs to get it all out eventually. And now it is the healing that can begin.

I'll contribute:



One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
PM a mod, ask for a ban, give them a time frame.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Really good.

I suggest stumpokapow, opiate, beseda, and cyan. They're pretty active and understanding, not that the other mods aren't, but they have different kind of involvement with posters than the ones I listed.
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