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I'm toying with the idea of my first ever Ignore on GAF. They didn't do anything in particular but I'm just tired of them being around lol.


Is it me? I don't want to be ignored! :(

I ignored someone for the first time on GAF yesterday as well. but now whenever I see them post I get curious as to what they are saying, haha. I've never really liked the whole "ignore" feature.


I haven't used it in a while and I think it's not really a useful feature anyway. If that user makes a lot of stupid posts for example they will get quoted either way and you will see them regardless (afaik).


I only have two people on my ignore list. One for personal reasons, the other just because I 'ave beef with them. I might just remove them, though, feels almost petty to have them on there.


The only person on my ignore list is now banned, so I guess the system actually works?

I have no idea why I ignored that person anymore
EDIT: looking at their post history, it's ton of PopGAF nonsense, and considering I never go there, it was probably a case of them just doing that same stuff in threads I liked, so I ignored them for my sanity


I'm toying with the idea of my first ever Ignore on GAF. They didn't do anything in particular but I'm just tired of them being around lol.

Oh god I know it's me. I've been so not subtle and totally hitting on Down on every occasion that he probably goes "this guy..." every time he sees me post. :p

Well, it's your fault for been too pretty!!

He won't see this post. ;_;
The only person on my ignore list is now banned, so I guess the system actually works?

I have no idea why I ignored that person anymore
EDIT: looking at their post history, it's ton of PopGAF nonsense, and considering I never go there, it was probably a case of them just doing that same stuff in threads I liked, so I ignored them for my sanity

I'm fairly certain that particular poster is the most ignored on the entire forum.

I never ignore people. You can see where they posted anyway, and if their shit-posting gets quoted ad infinitum (which shit-posting usually does) it becomes a pointless endeavor anyway.

Plus, a trainwreck can be fun to watch sometimes.


To be clear, this isn't even someone I really interact with and they don't currently post in this thread to my knowledge lol.


I also never ignore people, most of the bad stuff happens in temporary threads, or threads I don't visit at all. Plus, come on, some of the "bad" posters can be very entertaining, like the "my intellectual friend opposes gay marriage" guy.


Thanks all you guys! :)

I also have a thing for piercings. I like dressing alternative.
I'd like to get tattoos too, just don't want my mom to disown me haha

Haha yeah my parents are the same way about tattoos, but I got one a couple months ago on my hip (so they'd never see it) just to see what the pain would be like for when I get the rest that I want in the future. The pain was...intense, but tolerable.


I just watched a playthrough of the FFXV Episode Duscae demo and the game looks better than I was originally thinking.

The cast of characters still sucks ass (ridiculous boyband posers all in black, stupid hair, annoying character archetypes. No playable female characters, just walking fanservice and damsels in distress) but the gameplay looks pretty fun.

Had a bit of a nostalgiagasm when they summoned Ramuh (which looked fantastic) and his staff had Ixion's head from FFX on it.


I've been close to ignoring someone but I eventually convince myself it's not worth the trouble. I've found certain posters I agree with on one issue (Anita Sarkeesian threads) will have drastically different opinions on others (shirt-gate). Very rarely do I ever encounter shit posters that shit post for the sake of shit posting but if I do, they usually get banned in the threads I find them in anyway.


I need to get something out of my chest:

Is it okay to have a low-key crush on Rob Delaney?


Do I need help?
Had a second interview today with the red cross. Really looking like I might get this job.

Also I not only make great use of the ignore list, I also use a script for Firefox that allows me to hide threads. My ignore list is mostly banned posters at this point though. And my hidden threads are garbage like the 100 millionth "aren't fat people just the laziest and grossest people ever, not to mention dumb and immoral" thread.
I don't really put anyone on ignore, I enjoy a good train wreck now and then. Plus, people get quoted and at that point it doesn't matter.

Gaming side has it's share of flops who tend to go under the radar and never get banned, seems like OT is a bit more hard on shit posts.
I don't put anyone on ignore list. I think having stupid debate with strangers is part of the charm being in a forum. If things escalated, then just stop posting and try to ignore them.


Saw this posted in another thread and had to share :p

A robotic butt exists, and his name is Patrick:

The day has finally come when a robotic butt can tell us what we're all doing wrong — well, what medical students are doing wrong, at least.

Researchers at University of Florida, Drexel University and the University of Wisconsin worked together to create "Patrick," a robotic butt who assists medical students in practicing for proctology examinations.

Patrick is quite the brainy bottom. He has four sensors, which allow the program to alert his examiner as to whether he or she is applying the right amount of pressure, and if they're fully covering the prostate area.

We have medical students here, don't we? :p

Yass!! Let's all praise the sun and get fit doing so :D

Son Of D

Can you keep praising the sun? It's really nice weather here and I've loved it today. Although it's the one day where my shorts are in the laundry pile...


It's actually way more petty. This person hasn't done anything wrong. I like seeing all posts and don't have a problem with dramatic or disagreeable people.

This particular person isn't dramatic and I don't disagree with them, but I'm so exhausted by their post frequency that I can't take it anymore. Too basic even for me and I groan when I read their posts now, which is too often.


It's actually way more petty. This person hasn't done anything wrong. I like seeing all posts and don't have a problem with dramatic or disagreeable people.

This particular person isn't dramatic and I don't disagree with them, but I'm so exhausted by their post frequency that I can't take it anymore. Too basic even for me and I groan when I read their posts now, which is too often.
Welp, could be me then.

Nah, I think I have an idea who you might be referring to. I could be wrong, though, and probably am.


I have a ton of people on ignore, would you believe it

The only person on my ignore list is now banned, so I guess the system actually works?

I have no idea why I ignored that person anymore
EDIT: looking at their post history, it's ton of PopGAF nonsense, and considering I never go there, it was probably a case of them just doing that same stuff in threads I liked, so I ignored them for my sanity

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