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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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We have Ratsky's approval:

You have my blessing!

Yay! and...

I want in on this fanfic stuff

Who could I be?

I'm curious who I would be, also.

Preserved... for the greater fall to come

I'm the worse writer here. I can't get from point A to point B without going through point 7
But I want to be a spy in the fic

I created a Google Sheets signup list here.

Anyone interested will need to fill out the following:

- Gaf Handle: Your gaf username.
- Fanfic Name: A name you want for yourself/your character. It can be anything like Sir Potato.
- Role you would like: Madmen, Royal Army/Guard, Noblemen/Noblewomen, Duke, Duchess, - some role that is appropriate for the late middle ages/early renaissance era (i.e. Sculptor, Alchemist, Blacksmith, Scholar, etc.) FYI: We already have a queen, our very own Ratsky.
- Writer/Collaborator (Yes/no/maybe?): That is if you want to contribute ideas, or want to write some snippets/parts of the story. If we can get three people willing to co-write this Fanfic, we will alternate.
- Notes: Anything extra.

If you're interested signup! (to be part of the story). The more the better.


I'm willing to be someone you bounce ideas off of or anything like that, but I don't think I'm familiar enough with the community, people's names/personalities, etc. to take on a responsibility as an author. Let me know if there's any way you'd like me to help in a support role!

Which is why people will sign up if they want to participate. I don't know everyone either, but that's why they'll have a name and a role in the fanfic so we can get creative about it. It's also fiction, so no biggie! :p

Anyone signing up should write a part in my opinion, so everyone in it participates.

Come on all! Let's make Tumblr fanficcionados jealous! lol

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow

drink alcohol, especially habitually.
"those who liked to tipple and gamble"

noun: tipple; plural noun: tipples
an alcoholic drink.


So.. you're not even trying to do something about the drinking issue you've expressed concerns about?
I've seen my GP, he gave me a drink diary to fill in. To be fair, I may have exagerrated with ten drinks as I only have two bottles in the house. A little drink won't hurt.

Also, a tipple is literally just a little drink. Not triple sec. Though I wouldn't object...


Dear Biforce, as one who also should have stopped drinking (and did, thankfully)... stop now while you're ahead. Your liver won't take haymakers forever.


as much as I like drinking you gotta take care of yourself Biforce

send it my way, I'll take the evil alcohol away from you!


I've seen my GP, he gave me a drink diary to fill in. To be fair, I may have exagerrated with ten drinks as I only have two bottles in the house. A little drink won't hurt.

Also, a tipple is literally just a little drink. Not triple sec. Though I wouldn't object...
Just because he gave you a drink diary to fill doesn't mean you have to fill it. And yeah, a little drink will hurt if you do it every day and to excess. That's the exact kind of thinking you should be avoiding.

I honestly don't get the point of a drink diary at all, it would be so easy to lie, and what's the point of someone going to the doctors for help just for them to say "keep drinking, but let me know what, when and how much"

You should stop completely before it becomes a bigger problem than it already is. You are obviously making a conscious decision to drink, judging from the fact that you go out and buy the booze itself, and you post here telling us that you are going to be drinking. If you are planning beforehand to drink then you should be able to stop yourself, IMO.

Or I might be completely wrong and not know how these issues work, but still.
I don't understand how a person can do that to themselves, nor with smoking. it makes no sense to me.


For major drinkers, withdrawal can be the fucking worst.

From what I know, it's better to taper off than to just stop cold turkey, especially if you're a regular, heavy drinker. So that's why a diary of how many drinks you have can help you by making it apparent how much you drink, and can probably help your doctor in suggesting solutions for you.

Like with any other drugs, just stopping isn't quite that simple.


For major drinkers, withdrawal can be the fucking worst.

From what I know, it's better to taper off than to just stop cold turkey, especially if you're a regular, heavy drinker. So that's why a diary of how many drinks you have can help you by making it apparent how much you drink, and can probably help your doctor in suggesting solutions for you.

Quitting cold turkey is dangerous for functional alcoholic indeed, their body actually cannot work without alcohol, thus stopping completely actually put them in danger of death.


For major drinkers, withdrawal can be the fucking worst.

From what I know, it's better to taper off than to just stop cold turkey, especially if you're a regular, heavy drinker. So that's why a diary of how many drinks you have can help you by making it apparent how much you drink, and can probably help your doctor in suggesting solutions for you.
I suppose that's true. I guess it's a pretty lengthy process.

*shrug* I really don't understand these things and I really shouldn't be butting in.


Quitting cold turkey is dangerous for functional alcoholic indeed, their body actually cannot work without alcohol, thus stopping completely actually put them in danger of death.

Yup. My grandfather once had to be hospitalized and the doctors injected alcohol into his bloodstream because he needed it to become stabilized. His body needed the alcohol. I actually didn't think this was true until I found out and read more about it, it makes sense that one can become dependent of said alcohol.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
It looks like Nintendo is starting to reach out to the LGBTQ+ community (albeit, in a very small way). StreetPass NYC, Nintendo, and FlameCon are collaborating for a couple demo stations.

Anyone here ever been to GaymerX, planning on going to FlameCon, or previously gone to a LGBTQ+-themed convention?

EDIT: I'm assuming a Nintendo representative has to act with the approval of the larger company, especially for assembling/advertising a booth. If not, I guess ignore this.


Hmmm. I think this is one of HRC's major criticisms:

5 Most Disappointing Things We Learned About HRC's 'White Men's Club'

A new internal diversity report reveals the Human Rights Campaign has a sexist work environment where only 'gay, white, male' employees advance into leadership positions.

These are the five findings that struck us most as we combed through the HRC report:

1. Trans staff “frequently feel tokenized.”

2. Straight women and lesbians experience sexist treatment from gay men.

3. Leadership culture is homogenous — gay, white, and male.

4. The HR department — and promotion decisions — are ruled by "favoritism."

5. There is no "real push" for diversity.

Quite ironic for the HRC.

HRC "strives to end discrimination against LGBT people and realize a world that achieves fundamental fairness and equality for all," according to the organization's website. Employees spoke earnestly of the irony highlighted by the issues the report uncovered, noting that, "We are supposed to be fighting for people who are being discriminated against and marginalized, however we at HRC are discriminating against people and marginalizing people in the workplace."

Buzzfeed also covers the same story in greater detail.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
just throwing this out there...Max Riemelt have a nude scene in Sense8.

A quick Google search of Max Riemelt brought up Freier Fall/Free Fall. Has anyone seen it/is it any good? I see it's on berzeli's list of LGBT movies on the first page.


Hunky Nostradamus
I think this is the post. It's interesting stuff, but given that it's all quite vague, I'll just wait for official announcements before I bother thinking about any of it. Sorry if I'm linking the wrong thing.

sure thing

personally I think it sounds too good to be true but who knows

FFVII Spin off - hngg. but who would it star though? Cloud? (Red XIII pls)

FFX Spin off - X-3 pls.

Off to a 2nd job interview. Wish me luck peeps.

good luck!

just throwing this out there...Max Riemelt have a nude scene in Sense8.

im about to watch sense8 now can't wait


Gold Member
This is from one of my favorite webcomics, focused on military stuff. Relevant, given recent controversy. My Facebook feed is full of limp-dicked outrage from some of my military friends.


Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Superhero Coming-of-Age stories are the best.

<3 Young Avengers


<3 <3 <3

I haven't read that many comics, but Young Avengers 2013 must be one of the queerest comics released by Marvel. Also, I could never find confirmation, but I feel like someone on the creative team of the 2013 run must be into male eye candy (or aware of its appeal) because the opening scene of #1 was a pleasant surprise.

On a related note, I read Hero by Perry Moore a few years back. There were parts I enjoyed a lot, but I remember being a bit disappointed overall. I'm glad it exists though.


Ah, glad it ended up on Youtube. I was confused when I was only seeing it on Logo. I sent it to a friend and he told me the drag queen is Manila. I still have so much to learn...

The video is great and wonderful, just like JHud.

Yeah that's Manilla Luson, was the runner up of Rupaul's Drag Race season 3 (I think she should have won :p).


Or I might be completely wrong and not know how these issues work, but still.
I don't understand how a person can do that to themselves, nor with smoking. it makes no sense to me.

I know it sounds like a simple explanation (and maybe a false one), but I guess the current "utility", the benefits, outweighs the side effects of the future, which we can't, or we're having trouble grasping. Or maybe just don't care because it's so far away...

That's one explanation anyway.
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