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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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I'm dying with all the salt from right wing Christians! I'm laughing so hard!


Wait, so in a few months when I turn 21 I can come to America and have the full Vegas experience? Amerigays, anybody wanna wake up hungover, still kinda drunk, broke and gay married?


Congrats Murica :]

I can't lie, I'm actively looking for salt :p

Just look at conservative US sites like breintbart, fox news, and others like this one: http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/su...ionwide/ar-AAcaBM5?ocid=iehp#image=AAcaHp4|13

Read the comments. Some of them are pretty much "A sad day for America." Here's one of my favorites:

" Our country just took another large step towards destruction, God will not honor or defend a country that does not live by His law. Like it or not, that is a fact. I do not hate gays, just their lifestyle. I don't care what they think of me, only what my God thinks of me. He will destroy any country that turns their backs and hearts from Him. Today is a sad day in American history."

The salt is too strong! I'm loving it. :p

Edit: This is one from what used to be one of my favorite websites Charisma News - a right wing christian site:

and they blocked/banned me from the comments section:


It was one of my favorite sites because their articles, especially about LGBT topics were always so silly and it was fun trolling them, while it lasted.

I fear Shaun Anderson will suffer the same fate.


I always wonder how these people feel when America doesn't get washed away by biblical disasters.

Is there a timeframe before they say "okay maybe i misinterpreted this book after all" or will they still be patiently waiting 50 years from now?


I first found out through this thread. I didn't think it was going to happen today. After the California mandatory vaccination bill article (we're going back to Cali in a year or so) and Obamacare ruling came out, I told my partner yesterday that the Gay Marriage ruling should also be soon. He's in an exam right now and won't be out for a few hours so I'm bursting at the seams waiting to tell him.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
I'm heading into SF today for a few hours and this upcoming weekend is Pride weekend—I wonder how crazy it will be.

Congrats to everyone living in the US!

Also, I read today that Gunman Clive 1 & 2 are coming to Wii U in one digital package at 1080p, 60 fps and 4xAA. Seems pretty cool to me. Just thought I'd give people in here a heads up.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
This would be an important, informative piece for everyone to read:

It is unfortunate that the movement’s two great victories of the last decade — the right to serve openly in the military and the right to be married — have come as progress has stalled or reversed in so many other areas of civil rights: equal pay and reproductive choice for women; housing and school segregation; police violence against minorities; and the prospects of a decent wage and a modicum of job and retirement security for all.

It is no accident that the one civil rights law that would likely apply to the greatest numbers of gays — a ban on discrimination in employment and housing on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity — continues to elude us. An anti-discrimination law creates substantial costs not only for the government, which must enforce it, but also for corporations, which must comply with it; letting gays into military service and into the institution of marriage does not.


But such unity of purpose comes at a price. Freedom to Marry, the advocacy group that has led the marriage equality movement, was in 2013 the largest recipient of money from foundations that focus on gay causes. Will even a fraction of the energy and money that have been poured into the marriage fight be available to transgender people, homeless teenagers, victims of job discrimination, lesbian and gay refugees and asylum seekers, isolated gay elderly or other vulnerable members of our community? Around the same time New York State legalized same-sex marriage, in 2011, it was slashing funds for services to homeless youth, who are disproportionately gay or transgender.


More gays are insiders than ever before; a gay man leads Apple, one of America’s most valuable corporations. A lesbian, Tammy Baldwin, Democrat of Wisconsin, was elected to the Senate in 2012. Prominent Republicans, libertarians, financiers and chief executives have given their names, time and money to the cause of same-sex marriage.

But many more gay and transgender Americans are permanent outsiders. Some churches are doubling down on anti-gay rhetoric, which fuels family rejection and contributes to youth homelessness. Violence against transgender Americans is on the rise. Gay people in prison remain subject to rape and abuse. Rates of new H.I.V. infections are rising among young black men.

Just as feminists learned after the 19th Amendment was ratified in 1920, a social movement that throws most of its weight in pursuit of a single policy may falter and stagnate when it achieves a resounding victory.

Gays must now devote to the fight for protection from discrimination the same resourcefulness and energy with which we fought for the right to marry. We should keep in mind that our struggle began as a fight against police harassment, and “Black Lives Matter” is our cause, too. Befitting its status as the 20th, not the first, country to legalize same-sex marriage, America should preach equality abroad humbly, acknowledging that it does so with the zeal of a convert.
The gay movement has stood for valuing all families — including those led by single parents, those with adopted children, and other configurations. It has stood for other ideas, too, that risk being lost in this moment’s pro-family turn: that intimacy, domesticity and caretaking do not always come packaged together; that marriage should not be the only way to protect one’s children, property and health; that having a family shouldn’t be a requirement for full citizenship; and that conventional respectability shouldn’t be the only route to social acceptance.


Hi guys, I just wanted to salute my american friends of gaygaf, this is a very important tay for you and I congratulate you with all my heart, the best part is that the rest of the world usually follows suit, so you've made a global change today.

Cheers and best wishes!


Grats gays. Somebody marry me. I baked a cake last night so I'm good to go.

This would be an important, informative piece for everyone to read:


Read it, and it makes some good points that I often wonder about. Specifically, all these years after the Civil Rights Act, race and race relations are still in a shitty place. It feels like a job left undone. This could easily happen again. Trans rights still have a hell of a long way to go too. Hopefully we keep marching forward, and on a personal level, try to stand up for those of us who still need a hand up.


Neo Member
Three cheers for the homos. Congrats guys! Extremely happy for the community. I imagine the ongoing gay prides are going ballistic over this; wish I could be part of them hahaha.

*never gets married*

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
My first gay marriage will be to Sean Conroy, the first openly gay MLB player to play in an actual game.


Yes, please.

Since this is the beginning of a slippery slope, I'll be joining you two once polygamy is legalized next month.


I wish we could rainbowify our avatars, it would be awesome

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