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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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What? He looks fine there. Yes, the briefs in Casino Royale were fine. But I seriously doubt he wants to "speedo" all the damn time. Those shorts look great on him. Some of you/fashionistas, I don't get.

Comfort > style.
Squarecuts =/= speedos (Both are lovely though.) Baggy shorts may be comfortable but they skew your bodyline and make you look stumpy. It doesn't have to be something overtly sexy/skintight, but shorts cut above the knee and with a narrower leg can be just as comfortable and are much more flattering.

People should definitely dress however they like, my opinion means just as much/little as anyone else, but it's undoubtedly possible to be both stylish and comfortable at the same time.

Edit: Something like this for example...


"Conservative" enough for people that don't want to be too daring/showy, but still allows for a more streamlined body shape the complements the natural lines of man's physique.
People in some form of authority getting it wrong is one of the most frustrating things.

A few years ago I reported prolonged sexual harassment from a man at uni and although they spoke to him, along the way I was treated by multiple staff like I was being homophobic when I was seeking support. Years later, this is what gives me stress when I think about it and not the harassment.

His harassment included him putting, when I was getting the projector, a slide of photos of men at the end of a group presentation without telling me. He asked me when they were up on the screen during the presentation if I found them hot. In class on a thing we were being marked for. People laughed, the teacher didn't seem to understand and said when I met up with her that she hadn't understood it.


Ick. Can't stand jeans/denim.

Khakis are passable.
Dress pants are better.
But, frankly, just about anything other than jeans/denim >.>
I wear mostly khakis/chinos, but with some variety of light to dark, grey, and a couple navy. Dress pants are only for dress occasions.

Personally for myself I don't like them. I don't see any tattoos.
Just an overcast old pic of Andy Cohen (gay) and Daniel Craig (not gay), who has the tattoo on his lower right leg. Neither look as put together as on TV, which was kind of my point anyway, so you probably aren't alone in saying neither. I'd take both any day, especially since they both look better now.

We need to give Pantheon an anatomy lesson.
Well it was too high for ankle and my question stands. It seems really common, especially at Disney World, to see pale white people with calf tattoos or lower leg tattoos. Isolated dolphins or butterflies or roses, etc.

I always am up for an anatomy lesson though.

You can buy jeans that feel exactly like sweatpants. Better even. Fabrication has come a long way.

Also, burn all your khakis.

But then how will my wife be able to drive?

/bad joke that no one would notice if I didn't point it out >.>
Absolutely not, Hours Left. The (non-pleated) khakis and casual pants are a strong way to go. Jeans are supposed to be part of a healthy balanced wardrobe (and some jeans in lighter khaki colors are pretty great too):
The things I'd do to Patrick Warburton. Seriously.
Yeah, the all American dilf
Absolutely not, Hours Left. The (non-pleated) khakis and casual pants are a strong way to go. Jeans are supposed to be part of a healthy balanced wardrobe (and some jeans in lighter khaki colors are pretty great too):
You're right, there are lots of nice kinds of khakis, and I do like chinos. Sometimes when I think of khakis I get the old school version of them stuck in my head, but just like denim, they've come a long way too. I haven't had a pair in a long time, so maybe I'll look into some next time I'm pants shopping.

The photo evidence of Mr. Craig is stirring proof too. I'm not in love with every pair he's sporting there, but when he's all put together he's pretty damn fantastic looking.
5th year senior probably

kidding, I'm sure we all can acknowledge good Madonna hits. Hope you get to enjoy hanging out with him and then get over him and onto the next. Unless you get real friendly and keep talking.
nooo i just remembered he said he's leaving art class when the third trimester starts and the second trimester ends on wednesday



nooo i just remembered he said he's leaving art class when the third trimester starts and the second trimester ends on wednesday


...at least your suffering won't last for much longer?

The attitudes you've had to deal with are disgusting; it's always depressing to see how eager even marginalised groups are to further oppression and discrimination. To talk openly about yourself, even anonymously, must be difficult after being forcibly invalidated in the past; and hopefully you continue to feel comfortable enough to post here.

It does, but this still makes me laugh.




I guess it wasn't a mistake to come out and post here after all; thank you for the kind words. :)

It's not easy for me to approach gay groups because of the bigotry that still sometimes exists within them, at least IRL from my own personal experience. Thankfully though, things have gotten better; my college now has monthly ace meet ups, as well as more resources for pansexual, polysexual, and genderqueer people. Hell, the LGBT center is being considered to be renamed the LGBT&GSM resource center now; all the old people are gone, so it's nice to see some accepting fresh blood so that other queer college kids can go in and not be afraid of being themselves or trying to be something they are not.

As for me, I keep my sex and sexuality to myself mostly, but I don't let anything keep me from doing something I want to do, or going somewhere I want to go, or wearing something I want to wear, or acting and sounding like myself. I wanna wear 80s glam and pop colors on a special night, I do it. if I want to sing Bonnie Tyler songs at karaoke, I do it. If I want to sketch out new fashion designs and ensembles, I'll do that too. I stopped trying to sound like what a man is "supposed" to sound like (which with me having a semi-uncommon in my parts vocabulary as well as a higher pitched range was really hurting my throat) and started just speaking naturally, and I've gained speaking confidence because of it. I know who I am, fuck anyone that doesn't like it.

Dates and flirts are still a little iffy. If I click with someone, I am sure to ask them thier sexual orientation and tell them mine soon, because it's best to be upfront in these things and you don't want to waste each other's time. Some people are fine being with someone that can never connect with them on a sexual level, others need that as the act of sex is not enough for them, and other still don't understand that the fact that there is no sexual connection there does not in any way mean the romantic love is any less. It's something that's honestly hard for me, a person with no sexual attraction to understand, but I can respect it; makes looking for compatible people a little tougher though. It's no big deal for me though; I am so busy, the last thing I need right now is a relationship, and thanks to the good people in my life, I need never feel lonely in any way.

I guess all I'm really trying to say is that living as yourself, who you really are, is important, as important as everything else about you. I am so lucky I am comfortable to do that now, and I think that if people like us, people who are better of in understanding themselves, can help those that need to find thier voice and footing, there would be a positive difference made.
Finally, the one thing that hurt me most as of recently was the fact that one of my friends that came out as trans was kinda sexist towards me. After she came out as trans (MTF btw, not that it matters), I came out to her with my queerness as well. I don't know why I did it, maybe to let her know that she's not the only one who's not straight, and that she had a friend that would be there for her. In the weeks that followed, she became quite sexist. She stopped taking my advice on makeup and fashion simply because I am male (news flash, she is too (not that there's anything wrong with that)), and said that she needs a girl's advice; this made me feel horrible. I didn't chose a dick, does me having a dick suddenly make my opinions and my experience in fashion of all genders invalid?
Dude, what the fuck?

I'm truly sorry people have been assholes to you in the past, and that some of those assholes have been LGBTA+, but your post just comes across as having an axe to grind with "the LGBTA+ community" that has wronged you by listing out every instance of an LGBTA+ person hurting you. Holding a huge group of people, whose only link is one of non-heterosexuality, responsible for how some people treated you seems bizarre. Other gay people have hurt me, too. For being closeted, for example; or by treating me poorly not knowing I was also gay. Some have hurt me in deeply painful and fundamental ways; ways that are too deeply personal to ever discuss. But I was never hesitant to join this community because I was afraid of the people in it being hurtful; those people were hurtful as individual assholes. They sure as hell don't represent me or anyone else here.

Because saying stuff like this:

It's not easy for me to approach gay groups because of the bigotry that still sometimes exists within them, at least IRL from my own personal experience.
Is unhelpful and just bizarre. You can substitute any community in that statement and have it be true, because bigotry is a condition of humanity, not any particular group. Again, it really sucks that people who you would hope would know better have been bigoted assholes to you. But it seems strange to me to hold those experiences against a group of people who are only grouped by something they didn't choose.

Anyways, asexuals, and other forms of sexuality or orientation, are always welcome here. Certainly, I believe strongly that this community should be inclusive, and I don't foresee you having any issues for being who you are in this thread. Terrisus is also asexual; it's good to have you both here.


Almost told the guy I like that I liked him this morning. (As in, started telling him about it but decided to stop). I would have continued telling him if it weren't for me not being sure whether he'd tell anyone or not.
I'm truly sorry people have been assholes to you in the past, and that some of those assholes have been LGBTA+, but your post just comes across as having an axe to grind with "the LGBTA+ community" that has wronged you by listing out every instance of an LGBTA+ person hurting you. Holding a huge group of people, whose only link is one of non-heterosexuality, responsible for how some people treated you seems bizarre. Other gay people have hurt me, too. For being closeted, for example; or by treating me poorly not knowing I was also gay. Some have hurt me in deeply painful and fundamental ways; ways that are too deeply personal to ever discuss. But I was never hesitant to join this community because I was afraid of the people in it being hurtful; those people were hurtful as individual assholes. They sure as hell don't represent me or anyone else here.

The "she is too" is bad and I missed that part when I read it.

A gay person who didn't ever question if queer groups were for you isn't a big surprise. Do you think that would be the same if you were another letter? A lot of others have experiences that outright deny their place in the community.
Almost told the guy I like that I liked him this morning. (As in, started telling him about it but decided to stop). I would have continued telling him if it weren't for me not being sure whether he'd tell anyone or not.

What exactly was your plan? "i like you." and then what? Ask him to prom?!


My eyes have been watering all day so I think I'm allergic to exams. One more to go. It's the second one of the day, and the fourth since they started Thursday. And it's the hardest.


There's no easy option in this situation, but if you value his friendship and are not simply his friend because you find him attractive, and he's straight, then IMO there's really no point in "confessing" to him.


I'm trying to study and my roommate is howling/singing. He has no shame or he thinks the doors are soundproof. It's one of those two things because he only sings when the doors are closed, but he sings really loud regardless of if he knows we're here or not.

I'm going to go with shameless because he doesn't close the bathroom door so I keep having to awkwardly look away as he slowly closes the door once I open mine to go into the hall where the bathroom is in view. Why not close it in the first place? I don't want to see anyone singing Ed Sheeran on the toilet.
I'm trying to study and my roommate is howling/singing. He has no shame or he thinks the doors are soundproof. It's one of those two things because he only sings when the doors are closed, but he sings really loud regardless of if he knows we're here or not.

I'm going to go with shameless because he doesn't close the bathroom door so I keep having to awkwardly look away as he slowly closes the door once I open mine to go into the hall where the bathroom is in view. Why not close it in the first place? I don't want to see anyone singing Ed Sheeran on the toilet.
He's inviting you inside


Destroy all extroverts.

He's inviting you inside
Straight roommates

Edit: he knows I'm studying because he commented on it about a half hour ago, but now he's yelling in Spanish on speakerphone in the hall :(

EDIT: Lord he just connected it to his Bluetooth speakers
Idk how a dude could look 3x as cute as the day before without any overt change in appearance (ex. Different clothing style, haircut, etc...), but it happens. Hormones?
Idk how a dude could look 3x as cute as the day before without any overt change in appearance (ex. Different clothing style, haircut, etc...), but it happens. Hormones?

Are you talking strictly your perception of him, or that he just has certain je ne sais quoi about him all of a sudden? I think if everything is equal, just a change in attitude can do a lot to improve attractiveness. Someone who is funny/smiling and confident is very attractive. The opposing traits aren't.


Idk how a dude could look 3x as cute as the day before without any overt change in appearance (ex. Different clothing style, haircut, etc...), but it happens. Hormones?
I go from 4 to 6 with a single shirt, it happens, don't worry. A good sleep night does wonders too. Go for him tiger.

Mr. F

So it's wicked easy to stream stuff out, I'd always figured the barrier to entry was much higher for whatever reason. Neat.
So it's wicked easy to stream stuff out, I'd always figured the barrier to entry was much higher for whatever reason. Neat.
Were talking about game stream right
But you'll need to overlay your cam then stats and the alert while streaming along with some heavy metal in the background (y)

Mr. F

Were talking about game stream right
But you'll need to overlay your cam then stats and the alert while streaming

Whelp, yes. Lol.

I don't think I'd be able to overlays without everything going to shit, the game I was testing was already chugging with just it on screen. Granted, I had other resource-hogging applications open but either way I probably need a better computer.

All the same, was cool to try out. Might mess around with it more when I'm bored.
Whelp, yes. Lol.

I don't think I'd be able to overlays without everything going to shit, the game I was testing was already chugging with just it on screen. Granted, I had other resource-hogging applications open but either way I probably need a better computer.

All the same, was cool to try out. Might mess around with it more when I'm bored.

(y) granted the year just begun. nothing like building and saving up for one now. i still have yet to do that myself. but until the day games start going cpu bound i can upgrade the graphics card for now lol.
Are you talking strictly your perception of him, or that he just has certain je ne sais quoi about him all of a sudden? I think if everything is equal, just a change in attitude can do a lot to improve attractiveness. Someone who is funny/smiling and confident is very attractive. The opposing traits aren't.

Honestly I think it may have just been my perception. But maybe he had an extra spring in his step or something.

Go for him tiger.

Like every dude I've fallen for in my life, he's most likely straight. -_-

I'm just gonna have to suck it up and resort to exclusively gay dating apps.
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