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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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It happened today. I will be unemployed in 2 weeks unless a miracle happens and i get another offer. Financially, i should be okay for a couple months at least. :(
As I said, it would just be nice to actually be wanted and desired for a change...
I guess I'm just an all-around unappealing person >.>

Same. I dont really consider myself conventionally attractive by any means. It turns out the only people that want to fuck me (a chubby, bearded dude with long curly hair) are found on the internet.I think the only time ive been hit on irl is by men which is hot. I went to a coffee shop in a predominately gay neighborhood with my girlfriend and the cashier said"hey sexy, what are you having?" I laughed and shrugged because i figured it was for her but she said he was talking to me. I shouldve went back, he was pretty hot.


Now I want pizza ;___;. I have to fast for another 3 hours still. :(

I'm getting my stomach/esophagus pH tested today for acid reflux. They're putting a tube in my nose that goes down into my stomach for 24 hours X____X. I'm kinda scared..

Try to find comfort in the fact that it's for the best, you need to take care of yourself. Best of luck BB!!

It happened today. I will be unemployed in 2 weeks unless a miracle happens and i get another offer. Financially, i should be okay for a couple months at least. :(

All my thoughts are with you EG. I hope you'll find something else in the next few weeks. Stay strong.
It happened today. I will be unemployed in 2 weeks unless a miracle happens and i get another offer. Financially, i should be okay for a couple months at least. :(
Good luck. I know you'll find something better. Just keep at it. :)

Thank you <3. I'm a bit nervous. :S. Last time I had a tube in my nose it really hurt. 24 hours of that would be really scary X_X
Stay strong. You got this BB. <3

Thanks everybody. The uncertainty is pretty scary and i really just want to crawl in bed and pull the covers over my head for a few days. I feel like I want to cry and rage at the same time. sorry for the pity parade but i think i just needed to 'verbalize' it.


Thanks everybody. The uncertainty is pretty scary and i really just want to crawl in bed and pull the covers over my head for a few days. I feel like I want to cry and rage at the same time. sorry for the pity parade but i think i just needed to 'verbalize' it.
No need to be sorry. You're allowed to be upset about it, and this a good place to say so. Best of luck. You'll make it.


It happened today. I will be unemployed in 2 weeks unless a miracle happens and i get another offer. Financially, i should be okay for a couple months at least. :(

A sugar daddy is the answer to your problems.

Thanks everybody. The uncertainty is pretty scary and i really just want to crawl in bed and pull the covers over my head for a few days. I feel like I want to cry and rage at the same time. sorry for the pity parade but i think i just needed to 'verbalize' it.

It's okay. Sometimes you just gotta let it all out. I'm sure that with your experience and accomplishments you'll be able to find something better.
A sugar daddy is the answer to your problems.

It's okay. Sometimes you just gotta let it all out. I'm sure that with your experience and accomplishments you'll be able to find something better.

My mind just went to a weird place and I imagined a literal version of that.


Thanks everybody. The uncertainty is pretty scary and i really just want to crawl in bed and pull the covers over my head for a few days. I feel like I want to cry and rage at the same time. sorry for the pity parade but i think i just needed to 'verbalize' it.
There is nothing wrong with venting about it, it's fine. Don't let your mind overthink the situation, because that's what makes the process a nightmare. You will do fine and find something in no time :)
I know what you're going through BB. When I was 13 I had a tube put up my nose to feed me because I was dangerously skinny (70lbs). It wasn't fun.


Are you like me not that into 50 Shades of Drab? Are you unlike me really into dinosaurs, unicorns, and other mystical/extinct beings? The boy do I have something for you:

And where, may you ask, can you buy these wonders (and many more)? Why right here pervert scum ladies & gentlemen. There is also a truly wonderful twitter account and a reddit AMA that perfectly explains everything.

Yes it's likely some next-level trolling since all photos of "Chuck Tingle" are stock images but how can you not spread awareness for prose like this:



Now I want pizza ;___;. I have to fast for another 3 hours still. :(

I'm getting my stomach/esophagus pH tested today for acid reflux. They're putting a tube in my nose that goes down into my stomach for 24 hours X____X. I'm kinda scared..

It's fairly simple, ask if you can have a sip of water to help the tube slide down. It's an incredibly common procedure. Don'y worry. I'd do it but alas, across the pond and all that.


Are you like me not that into 50 Shades of Drab? Are you unlike me really into dinosaurs, unicorns, and other mystical/extinct beings? The boy do I have something for you:

And where, may you ask, can you buy these wonders (and many more)? Why right here pervert scum ladies & gentlemen. There is also a truly wonderful twitter account and a reddit AMA that perfectly explains everything.

Yes it's likely some next-level trolling since all photos of "Chuck Tingle" are stock images but how can you not spread awareness for prose like this:

My favorite from last OT of a similar nature:

My mind just went to a weird place and I imagined a literal version of that.


I'm in tears because of the expression on the T-Rex astronaut's face. Like as if he's shouting "Fuck yeah, I'm the King of the Moon, baby!"

Haha this is my favorite one as well!

That T-Rex looks fun to hang out with! Not so sure about the sex though.


Are you like me not that into 50 Shades of Drab? Are you unlike me really into dinosaurs, unicorns, and other mystical/extinct beings? The boy do I have something for you:

And where, may you ask, can you buy these wonders (and many more)? Why right here pervert scum ladies & gentlemen. There is also a truly wonderful twitter account and a reddit AMA that perfectly explains everything.

Yes it's likely some next-level trolling since all photos of "Chuck Tingle" are stock images but how can you not spread awareness for prose like this:


You know what is scary about this? Stuff like this can sell really well if you price it cheap enough. I'm almost tempted to just write smutty nonsense instead of my novel but i cant ;_;

why do they have to leave it in so long?
:( it's to find out what during a regular day causes the reflex most consistently :(
I can only imagine. It'll be over before you know it though. Just try and get as comfortable as you can. <3
I'll try my best <3
I know what you're going through BB. When I was 13 I had a tube put up my nose to feed me because I was dangerously skinny (70lbs). It wasn't fun.
Oh yikes! That sounds so scary! :( im so sorry you had to experience that :(. Are you doing okay now, though??
It's fairly simple, ask if you can have a sip of water to help the tube slide down. It's an incredibly common procedure. Don'y worry. I'd do it but alas, across the pond and all that.

Aww.. Thank you so much for the support :). I'm slowly getting used to it. Eating is a really uncomfortable feeling with it in, but otherwise im hanging in there.

I had to do a 5 minute esophagus test with another tube that was much bigger down my nose, and there were tears in my eyes and I almost puked it back up o/////o I felt really bad :(


This thread moves so quickly sometimes....

What are your ideas? :3

For the left side of my chest, I want to get something like this tattoo here, but instead of a heart like that picture has, I'm thinking of working in a kanji, probably the one for hope.

On the top right of my back, I want to get a lily (short version of my mother's name) with the stem turning into the tip of a pencil (she never made it to high school and has pushed me to succeed where she couldn't, so I think its kind of fitting to make it turn into something "school-ish").

On my right lower leg, I honestly think I want to copy this here, lame as it might be. Lol.

No, actually I live in Las Vegas. Also, not sure if I'm interpreting what you said correctly, but it's not so much sex. That is actually pretty easy to get if you are even trying a little bit. I just have trouble finding someone who wants to keep it exclusive. I'm getting tired of the chase.

That being said, I may be handicapping myself by excluding online dating. I don't photograph well and would much rather meet people face to face. I have actually had people tell me shit along the lines of, "wow, you look way better in person than your photos." Like, what? Bitch, thanks I guess (although it's funny in retrospect).

Same here for that first part. From my experience, the online dating scene here in Vegas isn't that great, but you'll probably have much better luck than me since you're older - god knows none of the other 21 year olds around here want to date ;_;
You know what is scary about this? Stuff like this can sell really well if you price it cheap enough. I'm almost tempted to just write smutty nonsense instead of my novel but i cant ;_;

I've thought about stuff like that too, but I think I have too much pride to do it. =/


I started my third decade of life on the right foot, I had a nice day :) Guys, I'm getting older and I still haven't loved ;_;


You know, some of you may call be ridiculous for saying this (and I wouldn't blame you), but coming out online has somehow affected me IRL slightly as well. It's kinda hard to explain, but the tiny little things that sometimes stuck out to me aren't sticking in as deep any more. I am myself, and feel even more confident than before (not that I wasn't confident before mind you), even if it's just slightly, I notice it. It's okay, I'm okay.


Yeah. It was 22 years ago.

Woah, that's a long time old timer. But at least it doesn't affect you anymore, right?

You know, some of you may call be ridiculous for saying this (and I wouldn't blame you), but coming out online has somehow affected me IRL slightly as well. It's kinda hard to explain, but the tiny little things that sometimes stuck out to me aren't sticking in as deep any more. I am myself, and feel even more confident than before (not that I wasn't confident before mind you), even if it's just slightly, I notice it. It's okay, I'm okay.

That's ridiculous.

But I'm happy for you~


I started my third decade of life on the right foot, I had a nice day :) Guys, I'm getting older and I still haven't loved ;_;

I had no idea how old you were. I assumed you were much younger based on one of your pictures, more like my age (22). So no age in common. Just the zero loves record. Well, glad it was a good day.
You know, some of you may call be ridiculous for saying this (and I wouldn't blame you), but coming out online has somehow affected me IRL slightly as well. It's kinda hard to explain, but the tiny little things that sometimes stuck out to me aren't sticking in as deep any more. I am myself, and feel even more confident than before (not that I wasn't confident before mind you), even if it's just slightly, I notice it. It's okay, I'm okay.
That's part of what coming out does to you.
I'm more confident and happy now than I was when I was in the closet.

Really happy for you. :)

I had no idea how old you were. I assumed you were much younger based on one of your pictures, more like my age (22). So no age in common. Just the zero loves record. Well, glad it was a good day.
Are you sure? 20 is pretty close to 22. :p


I started my third decade of life on the right foot, I had a nice day :) Guys, I'm getting older and I still haven't loved ;_;

Happy Birthday!

And don't let it get to you. The road has many turns.

I had no idea how old you were. I assumed you were much younger based on one of your pictures, more like my age (22). So no age in common. Just the zero loves record. Well, glad it was a good day.

Uh, it's his 20th birthday, not his 30th. >___>
0-9: First
10-19: Second
20-29: Third


I started my third decade of life on the right foot, I had a nice day :) Guys, I'm getting older and I still haven't loved ;_;
Oh! Happy Birthday! :D
You know, some of you may call be ridiculous for saying this (and I wouldn't blame you), but coming out online has somehow affected me IRL slightly as well. It's kinda hard to explain, but the tiny little things that sometimes stuck out to me aren't sticking in as deep any more. I am myself, and feel even more confident than before (not that I wasn't confident before mind you), even if it's just slightly, I notice it. It's okay, I'm okay.
It's not ridiculous, it's like if when coming out there is a confidence boost. Glad you are ok :)
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