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LGBTQIA Thread |OT5| Can't even drink straight

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I have no idea how this gif is related to anything. >.>


Hey Grizzo! :D

Your Grizzo looks really cool with top hat and monocle.

haha thanks! He has decided to think he's all high and mighty as if he was part of the nobility. Let's let him dream :D

So sad. So young. Something needs to change.

I read that earlier tonight. What a tragic story. The mother is disgusting, she should be ashamed of herself. Let's hope she'll come to her senses someday.



Ratsky I'm glad you're here because I wanted to ask you what you thought about The Comeback finale?

I got teary-eyed from the moment
Val received that text, and by the time she got in her Uber car I was sobbing uncontrollably. Great finale even though it was a little bit too much of a happy ending. I wish we could have seen some of Jane's documentary too.


Hunky Nostradamus
Ratsky I'm glad you're here because I wanted to ask you what you thought about The Comeback finale?

I got teary-eyed from the moment
Val received that text, and by the time she got in her Uber car I was sobbing uncontrollably. Great finale even though it was a little bit too much of a happy ending. I wish we could have seen some of Jane's documentary too.

I thought it was pretty good. Not a fan of the hour length format that they played around with this season though. I just don't think it suits the show.
I also was a little taken aback by how upbeat the ending was. One one hand I thought it was sweet but on the other hand it felt a little dishonest to me.
Okay so just to update from my earlier post: we did end up meeting up, I spent the morning with him and after work in his hotel.

Guys, he said the "L" word to me. This is going way too fast for me.


Whoa.. what happened to Ratsky?!

Okay so just to update from my earlier post: we did end up meeting up, I spent the morning with him and after work in his hotel.

Guys, he said the "L" word to me. This is going way too fast for me.
How did you react when he dropped the "L" bomb?


Okay so just to update from my earlier post: we did end up meeting up, I spent the morning with him and after work in his hotel.

Guys, he said the "L" word to me. This is going way too fast for me.
Just tell him that you go slower and it takes you a while to be ready sharing that. He surely must be realistic enough to know you wouldn't necessarily want to say that in the first week or so. If you need to see where it goes and how serious it gets over time, that should be okay.

Glad you got another visit.
Whoa.. what happened to Ratsky?!

Tried putting virgin-shaming or mocking or whatever on the same level as the global concept of racism in the are you a wizard thread and didn't really back down from it. Didn't take any aggressive measures in proving his point, by any means, but it's absolutely the kind of thing that gets you banned around these parts.

EDIT: Didn't see his posts in the Macklemore thread.
Whoa.. what happened to Ratsky?!

How did you react when he dropped the "L" bomb?

Just tell him that you go slower and it takes you a while to be ready sharing that. He surely must be realistic enough to know you wouldn't necessarily want to say that in the first week or so. If you need to see where it goes and how serious it gets over time, that should be okay.

Glad you got another visit.

He said he loved you? This seems so soon.

and I think watsky is banend for... http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?p=145420849&highlight=#post145420849

Yeah, we were laying in bed, after I was done work. No sex. He kinda pissed me off during dinner cuz he was showing pics on his phone of his ex and guys he's friends with...namely make strippers. But I was being a dick to him by saying he should be with them cuz their hotter than me...so he got under my skin on purpose. Anyways ultimately he was just challenging me back cuz I was being a jerk. Anyways after we ate we went back to his hotel and cuddled. Then the he said he knew what I wanted to say but was too scared to say. I asked him what it was? He played coy. Then he said it. That I was in love with him. Then I said how he knew that I was feeling this. He responded that he was feeling the same thing. I asked what? He said that he loved me. I gulped. My feelings went crazy. I kinda suddenly felt like I was sinking in quick sand. I wanted to stay with him, but then felt like running. I cuddled with him, then I said I needed to leave. I felt like a dick. Totally still feel like one. Dude says he loves me and I bail out? But I need to decompress. I feel like when I'm with him, everything feels so kinetic, so intense, like everyone of my senses are in over drive. My heart and brain are so anxious. Ugh. I dunno what I'm doing here guys?
Perfect guy says he loves me, he will relocate to my city to be with me, and what do I do? Panic. I have no idea what to say to him tomorow?


Yeah, we were laying in bed, after I was done work. No sex. He kinda pissed me off during dinner cuz he was showing pics on his phone of his ex and guys he's friends with...namely make strippers. But I was being a dick to him by saying he should be with them cuz their hotter than me...so he got under my skin on purpose. Anyways ultimately he was just challenging me back cuz I was being a jerk. Anyways after we ate we went back to his hotel and cuddled. Then the he said he knew what I wanted to say but was too scared to say. I asked him what it was? He played coy. Then he said it. That I was in love with him. Then I said how he knew that I was feeling this. He responded that he was feeling the same thing. I asked what? He said that he loved me. I gulped. My feelings went crazy. I kinda suddenly felt like I was sinking in quick sand. I wanted to stay with him, but then felt like running. I cuddled with him, then I said I needed to leave. I felt like a dick. Totally still feel like one. Dude says he loves me and I bail out? But I need to decompress. I feel like when I'm with him, everything feels so kinetic, so intense, like everyone of my senses are in over drive. My heart and brain are so anxious. Ugh. I dunno what I'm doing here guys?
Perfect guy says he loves me, he will relocate to my city to be with me, and what do I do? Panic. I have no idea what to say to him tomorow?

say you panicked.

I mean, if he is really the guy he has to understand, don't you think?


Yeah, we were laying in bed, after I was done work. No sex. He kinda pissed me off during dinner cuz he was showing pics on his phone of his ex and guys he's friends with...namely make strippers. But I was being a dick to him by saying he should be with them cuz their hotter than me...so he got under my skin on purpose. Anyways ultimately he was just challenging me back cuz I was being a jerk. Anyways after we ate we went back to his hotel and cuddled. Then the he said he knew what I wanted to say but was too scared to say. I asked him what it was? He played coy. Then he said it. That I was in love with him. Then I said how he knew that I was feeling this. He responded that he was feeling the same thing. I asked what? He said that he loved me. I gulped. My feelings went crazy. I kinda suddenly felt like I was sinking in quick sand. I wanted to stay with him, but then felt like running. I cuddled with him, then I said I needed to leave. I felt like a dick. Totally still feel like one. Dude says he loves me and I bail out? But I need to decompress. I feel like when I'm with him, everything feels so kinetic, so intense, like everyone of my senses are in over drive. My heart and brain are so anxious. Ugh. I dunno what I'm doing here guys?
Perfect guy says he loves me, he will relocate to my city to be with me, and what do I do? Panic. I have no idea what to say to him tomorow?
That's what being in love feels like. Just say you panicked. You should have always pursued this.


Yeah, we were laying in bed, after I was done work. No sex. He kinda pissed me off during dinner cuz he was showing pics on his phone of his ex and guys he's friends with...namely make strippers. But I was being a dick to him by saying he should be with them cuz their hotter than me...so he got under my skin on purpose. Anyways ultimately he was just challenging me back cuz I was being a jerk. Anyways after we ate we went back to his hotel and cuddled. Then the he said he knew what I wanted to say but was too scared to say. I asked him what it was? He played coy. Then he said it. That I was in love with him. Then I said how he knew that I was feeling this. He responded that he was feeling the same thing. I asked what? He said that he loved me. I gulped. My feelings went crazy. I kinda suddenly felt like I was sinking in quick sand. I wanted to stay with him, but then felt like running. I cuddled with him, then I said I needed to leave. I felt like a dick. Totally still feel like one. Dude says he loves me and I bail out? But I need to decompress. I feel like when I'm with him, everything feels so kinetic, so intense, like everyone of my senses are in over drive. My heart and brain are so anxious. Ugh. I dunno what I'm doing here guys?
Perfect guy says he loves me, he will relocate to my city to be with me, and what do I do? Panic. I have no idea what to say to him tomorow?

Be honest with him and tell him that you panicked a little. Tell him what you told us right now, tell him about your anxiety, how you felt when he showed you the pics of other guys, etc. Communication is key.
say you panicked.

I mean, if he is really the guy he has to understand, don't you think?

That's what being in love feels like. Just say you panicked. You should have always pursued this.

Be honest with him and tell him that you panicked a little. Tell him what you told us right now, tell him about your anxiety, how you felt when he showed you the pics of other guys, etc. Communication is key.

I think he knows this: I told him that I wasn't expecting this. I told him I expected the usual hook up, not to fall for someone who's not even local. I feel awful. It's just that I can allow myself to let go and allow these feelings to flow. The dude leaves on Friday, not just Chicago, but another country. Im confident that he's not just saying this for some ulterior motive: he's loaded, is a VP of company, is incredibly hot, can get any guy, i was willing to give up it up on the first night and he hasnt yet forced me to do it. All he seems to want is my heart....but how do I give it to someone who will leave me in a few days?
Sorry for all the rambling guys. I'm just incredibly confused.
So sad. So young. Something needs to change.
That is so heartbreaking oh my god, and all the media about what the parents are doing in all of this is sickning. My heart goes out.
When someone talked about "Crystal Castles" in public a few months back, I initially thought they were talking about an old-school video game I loved..

And I got my Christmas present a bit late, but it's stunning!

Gonna look gorgeous in the gaming room..
What an awesome gift! :)
I think he knows this: I told him that I wasn't expecting this. I told him I expected the usual hook up, not to fall for someone who's not even local. I feel awful. It's just that I can allow myself to let go and allow these feelings to flow. The dude leaves on Friday, not just Chicago, but another country. Im confident that he's not just saying this for some ulterior motive: he's loaded, is a VP of company, is incredibly hot, can get any guy, i was willing to give up it up on the first night and he hasnt yet forced me to do it. All he seems to want is my heart....but how do I give it to someone who will leave me in a few days?
Sorry for all the rambling guys. I'm just incredibly confused.

Dont feel sorry for rambling thats what we're all here for. Like others said tell him you panicked. But i think more than anything is that maybe the both of you idk what your conversations entail but maybe he needs to be a bit more open and vulnerable ( and not just saying I love you as vulnerability) and maybe you might need to be too express that in order for him to understand how you're feeling despite that you're loving the moments with him and want to be with him even though his distance is going to be an issue. Make sure things are clear and defined between you two. idk if that is much help and i dont want it sounding like you two havent been open to each other but maybe another way of expressing your love for one another could help build a bridge or understanding of how you both are feeling


I think he knows this: I told him that I wasn't expecting this. I told him I expected the usual hook up, not to fall for someone who's not even local. I feel awful. It's just that I can allow myself to let go and allow these feelings to flow. The dude leaves on Friday, not just Chicago, but another country. Im confident that he's not just saying this for some ulterior motive: he's loaded, is a VP of company, is incredibly hot, can get any guy, i was willing to give up it up on the first night and he hasnt yet forced me to do it. All he seems to want is my heart....but how do I give it to someone who will leave me in a few days?
Sorry for all the rambling guys. I'm just incredibly confused.

What do you mean by forcing it, sex?

Moving after you meet the right guy it's not something unheard of, but also, be wise and prepare yourself for the scenario he leaves for good, and even the scenario he is playing you. I mean, moving is a HUGE thing, think about it with a cold head. Having sex is one of the most amazing experiences but it doesn't come close to the consequences of actually relocating.

And in the meantime, enjoy it, I really doubt anyone has experienced love without some pain on the side. Or as the overused cliche phrase says "would you rather love and lose it or not love at all in your life?".


Gold Member
I think he knows this
You think, but you don't know. You're spilling more of your feelings on an internet forum than you are with someone who could be "the one" for all you know.

"I think" is not how you should be starting your sentences in this situation. Talk to your dude, dude. Time is precious, so spend it with him. Talk through all of this with him. Tell him how you feel. Don't assume he knows, because even if he does, it's still good to hear it from you.
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