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Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII DEMO - OUT NOW* -


that puzzling face
Does anyone know if playing Lighting Returns will spoil FF13 13-2? I'm assuming so, but want clarification just to be sure. I actually liked the demo (more so then I was expecting) and am wondering if I need to play through FF13 13-2 so they don't get spoiled by LR (I know playing them will give more insight in LR, saw that enough in the demo, but I'm curious if LR spoils the previous 2 games).

If it does spoil the previous two, guess I need to play/give them another shot. I played FF13 for around 10 hours and didn't really go back to it for a lot of reasons and I picked up 13-2 for like $8 and haven't opened it yet lol.

While the three stories really could have been 'standalone' in that you don't really have to have played the previous two, in the strictest sense, yes it does spoil XIII and XIII-2. If you ever intend to play those games you'd be better off finishing them before playing Lightning Returns.

If you never intended to play those games, then don't force yourself to.


I don't know about that. There are plenty of people here that understand the storyline perfectly fine. Of course, I love reading Datalogs and the supplemental materials too.

I read all the supplemental data. That doesn't change any of what I said.
So I setup my Twitter to use with this Overworld stuff... and after I beat the boss of the demo, I'm trying to submit it (mainly because I want the extra garb for the full game), and it is just saying "Submitting information" but nothing ever happens. It just sits there. So I dunno? Did that happen with anyone else? I really don't wanna replay the demo again. D:


About the difficulty stuff. So there are no difficulty trophies, but you still can't switch midgame? That's kinda weird. I want to play normal because I want a decent challenge (when I finally get the game, I mean - might not buy at launch), but if I decide I want to play on Easy to have more time to explore and such, I'd have to start all the way over? Bleh.

EDIT: nvm, it posted on twitter finally.

I almost got 5 stars:




Okay, my opinion is just my opinion, but WTF happened to Final Fantasy?
I was fanboy raging years ago when I didn't like the look of FFXIII, but when I eventually played it I enjoyed it for what it was. I did the same for FFXIII-2 and got a few hours into it, but Lightning Returns...

I don't dislike the gameplay or anything, but the way cutscenes are directed and the whole anime feel this trilogy has is unfotunate for me. I used to be the biggest FF fan but ever since XIII I feel rather embarassed by the art-direction. Not to say the world isn't beautiful, but there is so much sparkle or "Advent Children" fight choreography.


That being said however, the battle system is interesing. But my god, the overall story to FFXIII is anime-OTT.
Okay, my opinion is just my opinion, but WTF happened to Final Fantasy?
I was fanboy raging years ago when I didn't like the look of FFXIII, but when I eventually played it I enjoyed it for what it was. I did the same for FFXIII-2 and got a few hours into it, but Lightning Returns...

I don't dislike the gameplay or anything, but the way cutscenes are directed and the whole anime feel this trilogy has is unfotunate for me. I used to be the biggest FF fan but ever since XIII I feel rather embarassed by the art-direction. Not to say the world isn't beautiful, but there is so much sparkle or "Advent Children" fight choreography.


That being said however, the battle system is interesing. But my god, the overall story to FFXIII is anime-OTT.

If its from Japan it's going to be anime/manga inspired, just something you have to realize and embrace. Its their influence just like movies and comics are the influence in the west. Even looking back into the old FF games you can see the influence, Up til the mid 90s there was a ton of anime with the fantasy, castles and dragons setting, similar to the "classic" FF days.

Just how it is yo.


While the three stories really could have been 'standalone' in that you don't really have to have played the previous two, in the strictest sense, yes it does spoil XIII and XIII-2. If you ever intend to play those games you'd be better off finishing them before playing Lightning Returns.

If you never intended to play those games, then don't force yourself to.

Thank you. This is exactly what I wanted to know. I'll be playing the first two before hand then :)
So I'll give my thoughts on the demo. For a little background... I liked both XIII and XIII-2 for what they were. They were not perfect, and I will be the first one to admit all the faults of both games. However, there was a certain charm about the games. Yeah, the stories were whacky and sometimes didn't make a lot of sense (and terrible writing), however, there was just something I liked about them. But Lightning Returns... something just seems so off about it. It's hard to explain.

I think one of the problems I have with it is how disconnected it feels from the ending of XIII-2. I mean, XIII-2 sort of had that problem when you compare it to the ending of XIII, but it was a lot less jarring because the game proper still started on Pulse and the aesthetics/characters were people you recognized. But with this game, you immediately start with Lightning in this completely new world, and while I see/hear familiar characters (Snow/Hope), they... aren't really the same characters. I know the game explains it because of the whole "500 years later" or ever how long it was stuff, but I think that was a mistake to develop the story like that. But even with that, I think the game should have started with
Lightning waking up on the throne and coming out of crystal.
Then you journey, meet Bhuni/learn what's going on, find Hope, etc. But the way LR starts, all that [very important stuff] has already happened, and you just have to hear about it. It just feels so disconnected from the previous game.

Also, I hate how everyone refers to Lightning as "the Savior." Every time I hear someone say that, it kind of makes me cringe. xD

But even with all those issues I have already, I would probably still be somewhat excited for the game if not for the stupid time limit. No matter how lenient it may be, it just annoys me.

Oh and about the combat. Seems pretty fun - at least on the boss. Most of the regular enemies died before I even had to switch "jobs" or whatever. The boss required a bit more effort, and I like how you can manually block/guard. Does being able to move actually ever play a role in the game? I mean, you CAN move, but what's the point? It's so slow and when you enter a command, your character runs around doing the attacks anyways.




SO they left the awesome opening in the demo , that surprised me.Square enix is really unmatched when it comes to CG presentation.Beautiful stuff.

I really can't wait for this game.I really dig the combat and I care enough about the story to see it through to the end.

SE Please make definitive lightning edition for PS4


Best time me and my friend got was was 41 secs. Had several less than a minute. Used warrior potion and the ice potion thing too. Best time no items was a 2:07.

Used Savior Black mage and Dragoon
Savior has deprotect and froststrike.

Open of fight cast deprotect- use items, change to black mage, use blizzaga then quick freeze- change to dragoon and use beat down for a fast stagger- stagger can do 15k of dmg with brave. Pop OC and change to savior and burn through all point using froststrike- change to black mage and burn all using quick freeze. Pop OC again if you feel like it or wait for stagger to wear off and repeat the opening for another fast stagger. His attacks will determine the length of the battle more than anything using this strat. Best time come when he doesn't do his breath attack or rather doesn't get a chance to really attack at all.

If I play the demo again later or tomorrow I'll take a picture. Was hoping the upload would actually do something but it seemed not to.


lol I always thought she sounded better in Mass Effect, I don't think anyone would agree she is anywhere close to David Hayter tier.

She's better than David Hayter...and this is coming from a huge MGS fan who was pissed off about no David Hayter in MGSV (Keifer Sutherland? Seriously!?).


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
So I'll give my thoughts on the demo. For a little background... I liked both XIII and XIII-2 for what they were. They were not perfect, and I will be the first one to admit all the faults of both games. However, there was a certain charm about the games. Yeah, the stories were whacky and sometimes didn't make a lot of sense (and terrible writing), however, there was just something I liked about them. But Lightning Returns... something just seems so off about it. It's hard to explain.

I think one of the problems I have with it is how disconnected it feels from the ending of XIII-2. I mean, XIII-2 sort of had that problem when you compare it to the ending of XIII, but it was a lot less jarring because the game proper still started on Pulse and the aesthetics/characters were people you recognized. But with this game, you immediately start with Lightning in this completely new world, and while I see/hear familiar characters (Snow/Hope), they... aren't really the same characters. I know the game explains it because of the whole "500 years later" or ever how long it was stuff, but I think that was a mistake to develop the story like that. But even with that, I think the game should have started with
Lightning waking up on the throne and coming out of crystal.
Then you journey, meet Bhuni/learn what's going on, find Hope, etc. But the way LR starts, all that [very important stuff] has already happened, and you just have to hear about it. It just feels so disconnected from the previous game.

Also, I hate how everyone refers to Lightning as "the Savior." Every time I hear someone say that, it kind of makes me cringe. xD

But even with all those issues I have already, I would probably still be somewhat excited for the game if not for the stupid time limit. No matter how lenient it may be, it just annoys me.

Oh and about the combat. Seems pretty fun - at least on the boss. Most of the regular enemies died before I even had to switch "jobs" or whatever. The boss required a bit more effort, and I like how you can manually block/guard. Does being able to move actually ever play a role in the game? I mean, you CAN move, but what's the point? It's so slow and when you enter a command, your character runs around doing the attacks anyways.
I have no insight into this game's plot, but I actually like this scenario of being in a future world, disconnected from the narrative of the original 2, with old characters playing bizzare new roles.

I wouldn't be surprised at all if they turn out to be clones or reincarnations of the original characters or something. Maybe not literally so, but we're supposed to feel that we're in a bizzare new world and something isn't right. It isn't XIII-3.. It's an inexplicable future legend using characters we think we know.

Just my 2 cents. I'm sure the actual revelations, when they come, will be silly :)


Unconfirmed Member
I'll download this in a bit. It'll be interesting since I really liked XIII but I didn't like XIII-2 all that much.
K, now that the demo is in a language I can understand, the game finally clicked.

The combat is delicious. Everything has a rhythm/pattern to it, but at the same time it feels like a tune that ebbs and flows frequently to change things up.

Dragoon and Black Mage+Mediguard are Ace tier. Switching to Dragoon and using Lancet like a pro allows you to go forever without X potions.
The Zidane garb + froststrike allows for a pretty amusing ghetto-bayonetta setup.
The other three garbs are gar-bage, save for the one that debufs.

The only thing I can't nail down is the bonus timing on moves. I want to pull this off on a consistent basis, but each move has it's own rhythm that is quite difficult to pull off during the heat of battle, especially when your constantly switching to another sheet of moves, each with its own rhythm. Playing on a tv instead of a Lightboost monitor is also a pain.

8/10, would rip battle source code out and implement into a TC mod for Dark Souls.


EU PSN still updates in the afternoon? It's been a long while since I last turned my PS3 on, so trying to plan when I should go and look for the demo on there tomorrow.
So I'll give my thoughts on the demo. For a little background... I liked both XIII and XIII-2 for what they were. They were not perfect, and I will be the first one to admit all the faults of both games. However, there was a certain charm about the games. Yeah, the stories were whacky and sometimes didn't make a lot of sense (and terrible writing), however, there was just something I liked about them. But Lightning Returns... something just seems so off about it. It's hard to explain.

I think one of the problems I have with it is how disconnected it feels from the ending of XIII-2. I mean, XIII-2 sort of had that problem when you compare it to the ending of XIII, but it was a lot less jarring because the game proper still started on Pulse and the aesthetics/characters were people you recognized. But with this game, you immediately start with Lightning in this completely new world, and while I see/hear familiar characters (Snow/Hope), they... aren't really the same characters. I know the game explains it because of the whole "500 years later" or ever how long it was stuff, but I think that was a mistake to develop the story like that. But even with that, I think the game should have started with
Lightning waking up on the throne and coming out of crystal.
Then you journey, meet Bhuni/learn what's going on, find Hope, etc. But the way LR starts, all that [very important stuff] has already happened, and you just have to hear about it. It just feels so disconnected from the previous game.

how lightning waking up
was the secret ending of the requiem of the godess ff13-2 dlc ...


Has anyone gotten any confirmation in-game that the Siegfried costume was unlocked? I submitted my screenshot to twitter, but no message popped up.


How have I gotten a worse score than other people, but a better star rating?
Demo was short and easy. 5 stars on the Dragon thing, but had a hard time staggering since i swapped dress spheres and only had one with magic (black mage).

Battles with multiple creatures were difficult for me to keep track of for me. Internet NPCs took forever to load.

It looked like you might be able to make custom dress spheres, which was the most interesting aspect to me though the demo didn't go into it. Probably won't buy.


Yay, I finally got to play it in English and could actually read the menus, lol. Love the battle system even more and can't wait to go nuts with the customization. This is going to be a fun game.
how lightning waking up
was the secret ending of the requiem of the godess ff13-2 dlc ...

Yeah, I wish that had been in the main game as the intro. :/ The secret ending doesn't even really show
her waking up so much as just walking in the 700 AF area, lol. I wanted to see her actually waking up on the throne and then be playable. :(

Has anyone gotten any confirmation in-game that the Siegfried costume was unlocked? I submitted my screenshot to twitter, but no message popped up.


How have I gotten a worse score than other people, but a better star rating?

Wait, is there a confirmation that the Siegfried costume is unlocked? I submitted my score on twitter and it posted, but I didn't see anything about a costume unlocking. Hmm..

Yeah, I'm a little confused by that. I beat the boss almost a minute faster than you and had a better score, but I only got 4 stars. What gives? D:


Just finished the demo. I think. Hope was rambling on, and then things just sort of stopped. I wasn't paying attention to the clock though, so maybe that was it? Dunno.

Anyway, battle system was interesting. I think I'm going to enjoy playing around with it. The environments and textures also seemed much better than I was expecting too. Was not an ugly mess.

Some things I did not enjoy quite so much:

"Light" -- argh, nooooo I hate this nickname!
Lightning has ZERO muscle tone. This annoys me. Girl could not lift a sword, let alone swing one.
She also has an insanely ridiculous flare for the dramatic. Who brings rose petals to a fight?? Stop it.
The online social features took FOREVER to download. And the demo didn't really illustrate their benefit, unless I skipped over something? (likely)
The online social features took FOREVER to download. And the demo didn't really illustrate their benefit, unless I skipped over something? (likely)

From what I saw, they sort of took to the Souls games as inspiration. If you have that social stuff turned on, in the beginning room of the demo, NPCs are walking around with player names, and you can "talk" to them to see a screenshot, a message, and you can buy something from them (if they are selling anything). It's kind of weird. Not sure if I'll be using it - it looked weird seeing all these NPCs pop in when I walked by and just walking around mindlessly. Distracting in a way.


To me Lightning Returns confirms Final Fantasy is dead and buried. Not even FFXV will salvage this shitty franchise. They still haven't learned about level design, story already feels cliché (Savior, really?), dress sphere system is nothing new (FFX-2) and I absolutely hate the new direction. At least I'll have Bravely Default to play.

Oh and demo is a joke.
Screw the haters. I am really enjoying this game and I like Lightning. I'm definitely buying this game. Heh, what happened at the beginning of the demo surprised me.


Yeah, I'm a little confused by that. I beat the boss almost a minute faster than you and had a better score, but I only got 4 stars. What gives? D:
Must've been bugged. Just tried again, got a better score, better time, and only 1 star rating. Bizarre.
I just played the demo. I have no idea whats going on story-wise. So far, it looks like Advent Children-levels of bad in terms of overwrought plots and stylized fighting. ....But I expected nothing less!

I..I'm still not sure how I feel about the gameplay. It's definitely interesting..I need to spend some more time with it to see if I like it. I got 2 stars on the boss, but I had issues juggling my Schema properly (and I only had one with Thunder).

I feel like this game would be better if it weren't a Final Fantasy game. It feels more like the ill-legit lovechild of Demon's Souls and Devil May Cry.


Had a better experience with the demo this time around now that I understand the tutorials for the combat. One question though, we're basically supposed to blindly fire/use stagger-based attacks until it just "happens"? There's no bar this time around, sooo...

I fought that damn Zaltys three times and used the same routine, but staggering always felt like a random chance. 1st fight, 1 star - 2nd fight, 4 stars - 3rd fight, 3 stars...
Just finished the demo. I think. Hope was rambling on, and then things just sort of stopped. I wasn't paying attention to the clock though, so maybe that was it? Dunno.

Anyway, battle system was interesting. I think I'm going to enjoy playing around with it. The environments and textures also seemed much better than I was expecting too. Was not an ugly mess.

Some things I did not enjoy quite so much:

"Light" -- argh, nooooo I hate this nickname!
Lightning has ZERO muscle tone. This annoys me. Girl could not lift a sword, let alone swing one.
She also has an insanely ridiculous flare for the dramatic. Who brings rose petals to a fight?? Stop it.
The online social features took FOREVER to download. And the demo didn't really illustrate their benefit, unless I skipped over something? (likely)

Yeah, I noticed that and I don't mind and even like women with muscle tone(Nina Williams) and think it is more realistic that way. Maybe she is using magic??? They probably did that because it seems like silly gamers do not like females with any type of muscle tone or firmness whatsoever and always associate it with masculinity for some reason.
Had a better experience with the demo this time around now that I understand the tutorials for the combat. One question though, we're basically supposed to blindly fire/use stagger-based attacks until it just "happens"? There's no bar this time around, sooo...

I fought that damn Zaltys three times and used the same routine, but staggering always felt like a random chance. 1st fight, 1 star - 2nd fight, 4 stars - 3rd fight, 3 stars...

When you attack, the wavy lines around the enemy name is supposed to show how close you are to staggering. You have to go to the menu to see which attacks have more "stagger power."
Had a better experience with the demo this time around now that I understand the tutorials for the combat. One question though, we're basically supposed to blindly fire/use stagger-based attacks until it just "happens"? There's no bar this time around, sooo...

I fought that damn Zaltys three times and used the same routine, but staggering always felt like a random chance. 1st fight, 1 star - 2nd fight, 4 stars - 3rd fight, 3 stars...

I think the staggering comes faster if you know how to optimize yourself before-hand...That boss is vulnerable to Thunder and it seemed spamming those greatly raised the chance of other attacks (like Jump) triggering Stagger?

I didn't have enough Thunder spam to test if I could just spam Thunder until he staggered though.


When you attack, the wavy lines around the enemy name is supposed to show how close you are to staggering. You have to go to the menu to see which attacks have more "stagger power."

Oh, I never noticed that. Too fixated on my own ATB bars.

I think the staggering comes faster if you know how to optimize yourself before-hand...That boss is vulnerable to Thunder and it seemed spamming those greatly raised the chance of other attacks (like Jump) triggering Stagger?

I didn't have enough Thunder spam to test if I could just spam Thunder until he staggered though.

The tutorial suggested Thunder, but using Ice attacks work too. It ID's it as "weak" in the enemy status screen. Used it a lot and still got varying results.
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