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Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII DEMO - OUT NOW* -


Proudly debt free. If you need a couple bucks, just ask.
I was planning on playing the demo, but the thing about having to upload something to a social network to unlock a bonus costume kinda... pisses me offannoys me.

So you have to post to Facebook or Twitter to get it? Or just their online leaderboards?

I don't have fb/twitter so I hope it's not the former.


So you have to post to Facebook or Twitter to get it? Or just their online leaderboards?

I don't have fb/twitter so I hope it's not the former.

I think it's their own in-game thing. I didn't see any logins for twitter or facebook.


You have to go into settings and turn on the social feature. it will then give you a code you input on the Returns website that will link your twitter account.


So why does the graphics quality keep going way down with each new game? This one reached the quality lvl of ps2 mixed with ps3 graphics, it's very bad and low res. The game and story seemed better than the others but I can't stand the graphics so I'll wait for a next gen port or when the game is $15. FF games must have great graphics to captivate me, it's the only reason why I began playing them and always play them.


Ali Hillis performance for lightning has always been unique, distinguishable and effective.

Ali Hillis is to lightning as David Hayter is to snake.

lol I always thought she sounded better in Mass Effect, I don't think anyone would agree she is anywhere close to David Hayter tier.


So why does the graphics quality keep going way down with each new game? This one reached the quality lvl of ps2 mixed with ps3 graphics, it's very bad and low res. The game and story seemed better than the others but I can't stand the graphics so I'll wait for a next gen port or when the game is $15. FF games must have great graphics to captivate me, it's the only reason why I began playing them and always play them.

Less time and budget probably.


Ali Hillis was fantastic as Liara.

Her voice acting in XIII and XIII-2 is soooo not good. Demo's still downloading so iunno about LR just yet.


I thought ffxiii was ok but I didn't like ffxiii-2, it just seemed all over the place in almost everyway. The large majority of times I've seen some video of this it has been of some tedious fetch quest but i'm still going to give the demo a try at least.

Question about the full game is the soundtrack as good as the previous two in the ffxiii series? Probably my favourite thing from both of them.


No down and dirty comparisons yet? Quick glances at both have me thinking they look the same in-engine but the 360 version dips more often performance-wise.


Another question for people that have played it already. Can you only use the costumes in battle? Been looking at screens, and all the ones where she is exploring its in her default outfit. Can you not use the other outfits outside of battle?


Crystal Bearer
Another question for people that have played it already. Can you only use the costumes in battle? Been looking at screens, and all the ones where she is exploring its in her default outfit. Can you not use the other outfits outside of battle?



Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Another question for people that have played it already. Can you only use the costumes in battle? Been looking at screens, and all the ones where she is exploring its in her default outfit. Can you not use the other outfits outside of battle?
I just played the demo again and I was wondering the same thing. I was trying to switch her costume while exploring so I could take a snapshot but it seems you can only switch them in battle.

That was quick. Heh.
Another question for people that have played it already. Can you only use the costumes in battle? Been looking at screens, and all the ones where she is exploring its in her default outfit. Can you not use the other outfits outside of battle?

You can use them outside of battle. I was running around in a lancer costume.

I actually found the battle system pretty fun, but it wasn't an amazingly interesting demo either. I'd probably give it a 7/10 if I had to give a numerical score.



I just played the demo again and I was wondering the same thing. I was trying to switch her costume while exploring so I could take a snapshot but it seems you can only switch them in battle.

You can use them outside of battle. I was running around in a lancer costume.

I actually found the battle system pretty fun, but it wasn't an amazingly interesting demo either. I'd probably give it a 7/10 if I had to give a numerical score.

How do you switch then? Maybe its disabled in the demo.


I enjoyed the combat a lot, though the dialogue was cheesy as all hell.



Didn't expect her walking around the battlefield to be so slow and awkward. Every single attack is overly flashy and I can't see what the fuck is going on. It all feels mega janky. The way the camera jumps around as I attack is stupid too.

Modern square enix's obsession with flash over substance scares me for FFXV.


I can't stop being disappointed by this franchise. By the end of 10 I would have died laughing if you told me I'd be complete apathetic to this franchise now. Maybe the real game will be okay but the demo just seemed mindlessly button mashy. Attack till the AP bar is empty then switch outfits over and over. The enthusiasm some people have for this makes me think it might be a rental one day but I couldn't even force myself to finish X-2 so I'm not super confident.


Does anyone know if playing Lighting Returns will spoil FF13 13-2? I'm assuming so, but want clarification just to be sure. I actually liked the demo (more so then I was expecting) and am wondering if I need to play through FF13 13-2 so they don't get spoiled by LR (I know playing them will give more insight in LR, saw that enough in the demo, but I'm curious if LR spoils the previous 2 games).

If it does spoil the previous two, guess I need to play/give them another shot. I played FF13 for around 10 hours and didn't really go back to it for a lot of reasons and I picked up 13-2 for like $8 and haven't opened it yet lol.


It was a mild cheese before, now it's a vintage.

I giggled. x)

I actually don't want Squeenix to do legit remakes of FF9 and below... I'm worried we'd get some hammy-ass redone dialogue.

Imagine the "You're not alone" sequence with voice acting and with modern FF-directing.


Does anyone know if playing Lighting Returns will spoil FF13 13-2? I'm assuming so, but want clarification just to be sure. I actually liked the demo (more so then I was expecting) and am wondering if I need to play through FF13 13-2 so they don't get spoiled by LR (I know playing them will give more insight in LR, saw that enough in the demo, but I'm curious if LR spoils the previous 2 games).

If it does spoil the previous two, guess I need to play/give them another shot. I played FF13 for around 10 hours and didn't really go back to it for a lot of reasons and I picked up 13-2 for like $8 and haven't opened it yet lol.

Theres really no reason to play LR unless you are heavily invested in the XIII universe.

Even then, despite being direct sequels, each individuals game is so nonsensical in the context of story elements introduced by their predecessors that its useless to even be paying attention to any of the story.


Theres really no reason to play LR unless you are heavily invested in the XIII universe.

Even then, despite being direct sequels, each individuals game is so nonsensical in the context of story elements introduced by their predecessors that its useless to even be paying attention to any of the story.

I don't know about that. There are plenty of people here that understand the storyline perfectly fine. Of course, I love reading Datalogs and the supplemental materials too.


Crystal Bearer
Theres really no reason to play LR unless you are heavily invested in the XIII universe.

Even then, despite being direct sequels, each individuals game is so nonsensical in the context of story elements introduced by their predecessors that its useless to even be paying attention to any of the story.

Yeah, the story is arguably the worst in the franchise. Decent ideas poorly strung together by poor writers.


So the trick is to farm enemies and quests so that you can save more EP/GP to extend time in a later moment. Considering I plan to platinum the game completing all the quests was already part of the plan to begin with.

Final Fantasy XIII was quite difficult, hopefully I don't get stuck at every new boss lol ~

You don't have to complete all quests to get the platinum though, you need to complete enough to get to the 14th day.

Couple Questions.
Any Trophies or reason to play at a certain difficulty?
Can you switch difficulty during the game?
There are no difficulty trophies and you can't switch during the game.
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