Almost done with the platinum, just need to synthesize spells and kill about 100 more enemies. I find it interesting how this is the hardest game in the trilogy and it carries the easiest platinum. I should have it before I hit 43 hours and I played it on normal mode.
How many playthroughs to get the platinum?
How many playthroughs to get the platinum?
One plus a little bit new game+ at least.Sooo .. one two or three? lol
Yeah, it's easier and less time consuming than XIII-2's Plat.
Should have made a trophy where you fill out the beastiary thing.
Yeah, it's easier and less time consuming than XIII-2's Plat.
Should have made a trophy where you fill out the beastiary thing.
Haha that's the only thing that stopped me from getting XIII-2's plat.
Congratulations folks, youve made enough Outerworld posts to unlock Lightnings La Fouldre garb to use in Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII! The garb is available in game right now, just keep an eye out for an NPC called: @LRFF13. Read their message and youll be rewarded with the La Fouldre garb!
Its not over yet, prepare yourself for our final challenge
For Challenge #4, youll need to reach a total of 400,000 Outerworld posts. The prize? Lightnings Dark Orchid garb.
The Dark Orchid garb, which looks a little similar to Midnight Mauve, comes with a handy passive ability, EP Vengeance - which restores EP in relation to the damage received from enemy attacks. Again, this garb is available in Hard Mode but you can get your hands on it early if you manage to complete the Outerworld Challenge!
Having trouble finding the NPCs? Summon them into your game via the Facebook App.
Theres several goodies kicking around in the game too, including the following Adornments attached to official @LRFF13 NPCs:
Afro & Gold Chick (March 18 March 25)
Message Subject: Discover Enemy Weaknesses
Dark Knight Glasses (March 21 March 28)
Message Subject: Use your EP Abilities
King's Crown (March 25 April 1)
Message Subject: Quests, Quests, Quests!
Gold Chocobo Chick (March 28 April 4)
Message Subject: Try using Guard!
Weve noticed that a few of you are after the Tonberry, Cactuar and Miniflan adornments from back in February. Well, youll be happy to hear that theyre coming back, but well let you know closer to the date.
If anyone wants a European code for the Yuna dress that comes with FFX/X-2 HD I'm giving mine away since I don't plan on buying this. Quote to reveal.
Can you summon other NPCs using the app?New garb available from the latest Outerworld challenge.
Thanks a ton
Also where do you find the NPC's to redeem the outerworld challenge garbs
Can you summon other NPCs using the app?
i gotta say i didn't hate the game like i thought i would
really enjoyed seeing all the FFXIII characters
this felt like the real sequel to xiii
wheneversome of the sidequest vignettes were nicexiii-2 reared its ugly head
i'd be SMH
especially the chapter with yeul/caius
i audibly groaned
fuck i thought i was done with these clowns
not a fan of the garbs system
there were way too many of them
too many were useless or uninteresting looking
You are crazy, the best parts of the thirteen trilogy were Noel/Caius.
I can't beat the final boss. It's raging. I've tried everything I could thing of, but I can'tstagger him when he hits his 4th form.
I've tried:
- Artemis Arrow
- Tornado and its equivalents
- Standard Attack Level 4
His stagger meter drops instantly and I can't do a long enough combo that would stagger him. Of course changing style mid-combo doesn't work.
So I'm pretty much clueless here.
Tornado and it's equivalents are useless.
Spam -RA magic spells with overclock, have a -ra spell in each garb and spam the -ra spells while constantly switching garbs, you can use an attack or light slash to stabilize the stagger bar when you need to guard. Once you stagger him once just spam attacks until he dies, he will remain immobilized for like 1 min so you can go all out to kill him.
Do you have to fully complete the main quest for one of the areas to get credit towards the tree, or does each part of the quest help?
I just picked up the Lightning Returns OST PLUS off iTunes for only $10. Pretty great price. It's 25 tracks. I'm still listening to it all, but here are some of my favorites.
The Ark (Soundtrack Exclusive Version)
By far my favorite OST PLUS of the 3 games so far.
That one is one of my favorites too. It almost sounds like it belongs in a game with a modern setting like PE.
A Dying World sounds like it literally comes from Parasite Eve 2, which Mizuta also composed.
maybe, don't remember the pe2 ost too well.
After beating the game on Normal, hard mode isn't so hard.( i've yet to beat the superbosses though).
I've managed to finish quests I wasn't able to before and I still have some days left.
I finally was able to get the dark knight
Fully complete I think.
Fuckin' A man.
The main quest are rather simple, actually all the quest are simple. It's just annoying because you just literally run in circles.
Hard Mode Aernoite in the Chaos Infusion is so much harder than just regular HM aeronoite. lol... fuck I actually had to use an ether for that fight.
I just picked up the Lightning Returns OST PLUS off iTunes for only $10. Pretty great price. It's 25 tracks. I'm still listening to it all, but here are some of my favorites.
Death Game (Synthesizer Version)
The Onslaught
A Dying World
Soul Seeds
The Ark (Soundtrack Exclusive Version)
By far my favorite OST PLUS of the 3 games so far.
Well I don't want to finish Dead Dunes cause I want to, and I don't think I have enough time (nor the skill) for Wildlands.keep Fang around
Just picked this up, I hope the time limiting doesn't put me off, was a little hesitant to pick up because of this but I do enjoy the series.
4 main quest 1 optional quest 66 side quest (you can only do 65 in one play through) can all be done by the 4th day (on first play through). On 2nd and third play through you literally can do 90 % of the quest by 5 am the 2nd day.
You get up to 14 days (13 if you don't do enough side quest)
83 canvas of prayers (basically farming)
Plenty of time.
Or you could not follow a guide and play on normal at a regular pace and end up stuck at the 10th day.
Hey folks so I bought FF X HD remaster and it came with the Yuna outfit dlc for Lightning Returns, since I redeemed a code that a previous fellow gaffer posted here, I don't have use for mine. For whoever wants, here is the code. European code btw.
-> Unspoil for code.KR6T-K6N9-27TM