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Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII |OT| Toriyama's Bizarre Adventure


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Are you doing that trophy the easy way? ie: start the game over a 3rd time and getting the first 15 accessories again quickly? I did all those NG+ trophies within like 1.5 hours.

Huh, didn't think of that. Might as well do this rather than playing through the game again.


Regarding the current discussion about spontaneous coincidences and deus ex machina, I have to admit I have to stifle chuckles irl every time I think of this one:

edit: And this one

There is also an explanation for this..
Her father was a specialist in plant life, he knew the specifics of that plant and he DELIBERATLY left her daughter right before the flowers bloomed(We learn that he is alive in the Wildlands research camp and that he deliberately left through his sidequest, it's heavily implied), why did he do this? He did this to show his daughter that he truly cared for her and he also wanted her to take responsability and stop depending on him, he was literally passing the reigns of his farm to her daughter. The fact that Lightning showed up is irrelevant, the flowers would have bloomed at that time anyway, we also know that he was alive when the flower bloomed the previous time because it was literally a little after or before the world got invaded by the chaos
Like I said earlier, XIII's story is just poorly told on all fronts. I don't think the game once says who Etro is except in that one cutscene at the end of Chapter 10 in Oerba. It doesn't even use her name though - just "the goddess." I'm actually really annoyed with how the XIII series used Etro as a plot device the entire time. She didn't even feel like a real character in the story for one big reason - we never once saw her. No, I don't count
the painting of her in LR as actually seeing her.
It's hard to feel like she's an actual character in XIII and especially XIII-2 (which so much of the plot is based around). She is basically just a plot device to suit the writer's needs rather than a legit character. "Let's see, we need to explain why this happened... let's just say Etro did it!" is what most of the plot reveals felt like.

Regarding the current discussion about spontaneous coincidences and deus ex machina, I have to admit I have to stifle chuckles irl every time I think of this one:

lol, I remember that quest. I was just staring at the TV in awe at how stupid the resolution was on that one. xD I was just mostly annoyed the flower just happened to bloom at the exact second that a random botanist walked by (who was never seen again). So weird.

Huh, didn't think of that. Might as well do this rather than playing through the game again.

Yep, it's much faster than actually playing through the game further in your second playthrough.


Sigh.. Etro was very expanded upon in FF XIII but most of the information about her was completely optional, which is poor execution but the plot is still structurally sound: It's in the datalog entries called analects..(not to mention that the reason Cocoon still exists is because she stopped Ragnarok on the original war of transgression)
I will put them here:

These are unlocked by doing sidequests in grand pulse. There is tons of info about Etro and the gods there.

Also regarding the Yusnaan thing
It is heavily implied throughout the whole series that a persons strength of will can prevent or atleast hold back their Cie'th transformation, we see this in a lot of the optional sidequests in XIII, where characters just simply refuse to give up and still resist the transformation for a lot of time. It's not the first time this type of plot point was pulled off, the reason FF7 happens and Jenova does all the shit she does is because of Sephiroth's sheer strength of will controlling Jenova-Sephiroth while his body is preserved in crystal, he also creates the negative lifestream in Advent Children, the reason why FF6 characters defeat kefka is also because of their strength of will and stuff(it's okay for Sabin to supplex a train but somehow turning into ragnarok and forming a giant crystal to support Cocoon isnt), it's used time and time again in JRPGs
Sigh.. Etro was very expanded upon in FF XIII but most of the information about her was completely optional, which is poor execution but the plot is still structurally sound: It's in the datalog entries called analects..(not to mention that the reason Cocoon still exists is because she stopped Ragnarok on the original war of transgression)
I will put them here:

These are unlocked by doing sidequests in grand pulse. There is tons of info about Etro and the gods there.

Bolded is exactly what I was saying. I know who Etro is and what all she has done (I did everything in XIII and read all the analects), but I'd say most people playing through the game didn't do that. Story information like that shouldn't be in the datalog or analects - that's just poor storytelling. It's no surprise a lot of people beat the game and felt like "WTF happened?" One of my best friends is a big FF fan and I was trying to talk to him about the various gods of the XIII universe one day. And he didn't have a single clue who I was talking about (Etro and Lindzei in particular). All the information is there, yes, but when it isn't told to the player during the main story, the writer has failed. Like you said, it's just very poor execution.


Bolded is exactly what I was saying. I know who Etro is and what all she has done (I did everything in XIII and read all the analects), but I'd say most people playing through the game didn't do that. Story information like that shouldn't be in the datalog or analects - that's just poor storytelling. It's no surprise a lot of people beat the game and felt like "WTF happened?" One of my best friends is a big FF fan and I was trying to talk to him about the various gods of the XIII universe one day. And he didn't have a single clue who I was talking about (Etro and Lindzei in particular). All the information is there, yes, but when it isn't told to the player during the main story, the writer has failed. Like you said, it's just very poor execution.

Well yeah, I cant really argue against that but my point is that people argue that the story doesn't make sense which isn't true. Basically what Im trying to say is Poor execution doesn't equate to a fundamentally broken plot.
People like to say that FF XIII is style over substance but it seems contradictory since if anything, FF XIII's story is mostly substance over style, because the style, as in the way the story is told and how it is executed is mostly shit(the sequels are much better in this regard honestly and there are some genuine moments of brilliance within them like XIII-2 Noel/Caius/Yeul storyline and Lumina in XIII-3) but the plot is still there(and it's really good imo) and that should not be ignored.
I will also argue that if you want to make a well substantiated argument on a narrative, you need to be acquainted with all it's various facets and snippets of information.
The reason I enjoy the plots in the XIII trilogy so much is that I like what is told even if the way it is told is not optimal - Substance over style amirite.


that puzzling face
(it's okay for Sabin to supplex a train but somehow turning into ragnarok and forming a giant crystal to support Cocoon isnt)

Did you really just compare a situational, optional, event caused by the confluence of completely separate game mechanics, which people find funny because of the comedy resulting from how the limited technology of sprites abstracted its portrayal, to a major plot point that's actually a cutscene and thus part of canon? Sure, if there was a cutscene where Sabin, in fully rendered in CGI complete with voiceover grunts and huaaaghs actually lifted a CGI train and flipped it over, and it was part of the plot, the comparison would make sense.

There's obviously quite a few questionable things throughout the franchise, not just XIII, but this particular comparison really is grasping at straws.

Also for what it's worth despite canon vs non-canon, I find TRAIN SUPLEX as 'okay' (your term, not mine) as being able to un-C'ieth Snow by punching him, just because of how comically absurd it is.

edit: bonus content: http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/1118299879307269656/E5B3D23C0F1842BCB4C2FBFE7F40109FBA30DDBA/


There is an answer to that, it's not directly in your face told but the game gives you enough hints to piece it together.
Let's think back to the War of Transgression when Fang and Vanille became Ragnarok for Pulse's Falcies in order to destroy Cocoon, they knew what they could do with Ragnarok, they knows it's potential, that's a key fact here.
Not only that but Fang and Vanille have also been turned into crystal before when they completed their original focus which was turning into Ragnarok.
When they go into the final boss, these two already have a plan up their sleeves, this is reflected in their attitude before killing Orphan himself, their dialogue shows confidence and a sense of purpose.
These are the 3 key pieces. Fang and Vanille knew what they could do, they knew they could turn into Ragnarok and crystallize after killing Orphan, they were ready to sacrifice themselves as a last resort before they even went and kill the damned thing.

You can say "But the other characters didnt know about this and they still decided to kill the bad guy anyway"

The retort to this is that they only wanted to kill Barthendelus, they haven't been told that Orphan was working with Barthendelus until the very end, after fighting Barthendelus and after he fuses with orphan(and this is when they learn for the first time that Orphan wants the same thing as Barthendelus(and this is something you completely ignored)) and that's when they fall into despair and turn into Cie'th because they realize their plan will result in mass genocide(they couldnt be certain of this at first because they werent planning to eliminate Orphan, only Barthendelus originally).(that's when Fang and Vanille come into action and after they turn back from Cieth they pretty much get in sync with Fang/Vanille's plan, they catch on to it through Vanille's own words while they were Cie'th).

It's not very straightforward but it's all there. It's called subtlety.
A guy who doesn't understand what deus ex machina is can hardly "tsk tsk" someone else.

There are no scenes implying Fang and Vanille had a plan of any sort. The decision to become Ragnarok is spontaneous; Vanille is continuously reluctant until the end where she has her big scene. They do not fall into despair because they realize their plan will result in mass genocide, they fall into despair because they have difficulty fighting Orphan (even though you reduce his hp to 0 the first time). Pretending there is 'subtlety' in scenes and dialogue that do not exist is baking up an explanation for intellectual decency in the decision to "kill Orphan and sink Cocoon" despite the party's professed desire to "save Cocoon".


Did you really just compare a situational, optional, event caused by the confluence of completely separate game mechanics, which people find funny because of the comedy resulting from how the limited technology of sprites abstracted its portrayal, to a major plot point that's actually a cutscene and thus part of canon? Sure, if there was a cutscene where Sabin, in fully rendered in CGI complete with voiceover grunts and huaaaghs actually lifted a CGI train and flipped it over, and it was part of the plot, sure.

There's obviously quite a few questionable things throughout the franchise, not just XIII, but this particular comparison really is grasping at straws.

Hmm I see, well you are absolutely correct, that wasn't a good point but still, I don´t think the Pillar thing is that far fetched and I already explained why. What I was trying to emphasize is that some FF fans tend to have selective criticism and selective suspense of disbelief.

Dramatis, I already explained millions of posts ago why I dont think Etro is Deus Ex Machina, go ahead and refute that instead of pulling off an Ad Hominem, attack the arguments, not the man.

Regarding what you said, I simply disagree, that was not my interpretation of the events(not to mention that I used actual plot points to back up my claim) and that's fine if you think otherwise, we are allowed to have different opinions afterall.

I also explained a million posts ago what was a Deus Ex Machina and I will reiterate - "A deus ex machina is An artificial, or improbable character, device, or event introduced suddenly in a work of fiction or drama to resolve a situation or untangle a plot.". If that's not it, then tell me what it is instead of being elitistically condescending.

"They do not fall into despair because they realize their plan will result in mass genocide, they fall into despair because they have difficulty fighting Orphan"
This is false, Rewatch the ending https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOP2tYcgd6Y - Fang says she will become Ragnarok to save Vanille and they turn into Cie'th because of her action, they turn into Cie'th because they realize Fang was going to cause mass genocide and they fall into despair. After they turn back from Cie'th that's when Fang/Vanille think of the plan and they go through with killing Orphan. Starting at 10:50, that's when it is implied that Fang and Vanille come up with the plan. And from 13:00 IT'S SUPER HEAVILY OBVIOUS that they already have the plan(BEFORE they kill Orphan I might add as they say "We are going to make a miracle Happen" says Vanille to Fang, then Fang proceeds to confidently smile as she puts herself in battle stance). If you rewatch the ending, my interpretation is extremely likely. In fact go ahead and watch it all. Prove me wrong.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
My review for Lightning Returns:

Compared to the other FFXIII games, this may be the worst among the trilogy in terms of story, characterization, and polishing... But this doesn't mean the game is not fun. In fact I had a blast playing with this very non-linear game (in fact, this is the least linear FF game I've ever played). I was overwhelmed at first but it took me awhile to absorb that the game has enough content to dish out, and you'll have a lot of extra days still (heck I was done with 95% done with the quests and all on the 8th day due to the Chronostasis, which is completely broken).

I have to say, this game is really silly in terms of quests and story. A good number of quest NPCs have silly demands (and outfits) and their stories are sometimes so bizarre you'll just have a big "?" on your face. Not to mention Lightning's garbs are 80% fanservice (Lightning in revealing outfits... And a supposedly larger chest). Though the battle system is still fun and I must admit, I had low expectations but it was fun.

Though this is my least favorite entry in the FFXIII trilogy, it's still a fun game but I'd only recommend it to those who are fans (or somewhats fans) of the FFXIII games.

+ Gameplay is good
+ Lots to do
+ Big maps
+ Boss designs are interesting
+ Variety in equipment

- Story is whacked
- Poor characterization
- Fetch quests galore
- Lacks polish and is the least good looking FFXIII game
- Very late game spoiler:
The ending is so cheesy, I mean "let's combine all our powers to throw out the final boss!"
My review for Lightning Returns:

Compared to the other FFXIII games, this may be the worst among the trilogy in terms of story, characterization, and polishing... But this doesn't mean the game is not fun. In fact I had a blast playing with this very non-linear game (in fact, this is the least linear FF game I've ever played). I was overwhelmed at first but it took me awhile to absorb that the game has enough content to dish out, and you'll have a lot of extra days still (heck I was done with 95% done with the quests and all on the 8th day due to the Chronostasis, which is completely broken).

I have to say, this game is really silly in terms of quests and story. A good number of quest NPCs have silly demands (and outfits) and their stories are sometimes so bizarre you'll just have a big "?" on your face. Not to mention Lightning's garbs are 80% fanservice (Lightning in revealing outfits... And a supposedly larger chest). Though the battle system is still fun and I must admit, I had low expectations but it was fun.

Though this is my least favorite entry in the FFXIII trilogy, it's still a fun game but I'd only recommend it to those who are fans (or somewhats fans) of the FFXIII games.

+ Gameplay is good
+ Lots to do
+ Big maps
+ Boss designs are interesting
+ Variety in equipment

- Story is whacked
- Poor characterization
- Fetch quests galore
- Lacks polish and is the least good looking FFXIII game
- Very late game spoiler:
The ending is so cheesy, I mean "let's combine all our powers to throw out the final boss!"

Your review is almost word-for-word how I feel about the game (even the fact that I finished 95% of the quests on Day 8 lol).


Found an easy way to stagger Desdemona's if anyone wanted to farm beatdowns.

1. Equip schemata with Beat Down (Stormtrooper)
2. Fight Desdemona and let him rush past you
4. Spam first hit of beat down only. If you don't have the discipline, then spam beatdown guard beatdown guard beatdown guard...

You should stagger the Desdemona by the time Overclock ends. If your still killing them before they stagger, then get equip petrahood and some +stagger weapons.


This game is so boring so far, and I actually like the main plot of these games. But so far it's been nothing but side quests and talktalktalktalktalktalktalk.


Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
This game is so boring so far, and I actually like the main plot of these games. But so far it's been nothing but side quests and talktalktalktalktalktalktalk.
You're not going to shepherd souls by killing things (most of the time). If you don't enjoy some of the mini stories, I'm sorry.


We don't have enough fireworks.
We don't have enough fireworks.
We don't have enough fireworks.
We don't have enough fireworks.
We don't have enough fireworks.
We don't have enough fireworks.


We don't have enough fireworks.
We don't have enough fireworks.
We don't have enough fireworks.
We don't have enough fireworks.
We don't have enough fireworks.
We don't have enough fireworks.
Muting the game and playing say the OST of Metal Gear Rising was my solution when Hope got too annoying.
Hopelessness isn't so bad after all,in fact it's great.
Beat it tonight! I thought it was a really fun fan service game with a great battle system. It had its flaws but the good parts were good enough for me to overlook them. The ending FMVs looked great.

I have all the trophies except the NG+ only ones and Aeronite so I definitely want to Platinum it. I have several saves, one at the 13th Day and another from when I finished the Ultima Lair (about 11am in-game time). Would I be able to fight Aeronite on either on those? I'm wondering if it'd be better to face him on one of these or NG+.


We don't have enough fireworks.
We don't have enough fireworks.
We don't have enough fireworks.
We don't have enough fireworks.
We don't have enough fireworks.
We don't have enough fireworks.

Meow Meow, choco chow!
I only had about 30 minutes or so when I started the mission. Spent the next day on side missions until technicians appeared the next evening.


I didn't even use it until day 4 so I basically lost the first 3 days. But then I spam the crap out of it and finish like 50 quest by day 7.....
One of the rejected costumes for Light was a penguin suit haha



Sweet Geeeez, it is SUPPOSED to be a joke. Lightning's reaction to it gets funnier and funnier each time you have to use it too. Even Hope rips her for it.
Yeah, but that doesn't excuse it from being bad lol. They could have written something which was still quite clearly a joke, but wasn't awful on every level.


Yeah, but that doesn't excuse it from being bad lol.
No, it does not excuse it from being bad.

It makes badness imperative.

They could have written something which was still quite clearly a joke, but wasn't awful on every level.
I'd be impressed if they could get the same effect from something which didn't have extreme potential cringeworthyness.

You sound like you want to water this game down with your lowest-common-denominator common sense and sanity.


What? I'm just saying it how it is.

She could have said something cute/jokey, which wasn't ridiculous and it would have still been humiliating for Lightning. It didn't need to be bad.


What? I'm just saying it how it is.
And I'm saying it how anyone ever been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like.

She could have said something cute/jokey, which wasn't ridiculous and it would have still been humiliating for Lightning. It didn't need to be bad.

Anything come to mind?

My curiosity is piqued, and I now want to see a list of phrases which people think would make for appropriate alternatives to the great literary achievement of "MEOW MEOW CHOCO CHOW."


Different strokes for different folks, I guess.

I did actually enjoy Lightning Returns, but the writing isn't something I'd praise, even for a Final Fantasy it's bad.
Meow Meow Choco Chow is hilarious. Please remove the stick from your asses guize.

Seriously. We are talking about spoken funny/silly "passcode" in a game where our a stoic divine savior uses to get squee-ing yellow chocolinas to give fireworks in order
to blow up a stage in which she uses to perform a mesmerizing "flame dance".


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Seriously. We are talking about spoken funny/silly "passcode" in a game where our a stoic divine savior uses to get squee-ing yellow chocolinas to give fireworks in order
to blow up a stage in which she uses to perform a mesmerizing "flame dance".

You just used the word Chocolina in plural.

This Earth has jumped the shark.


People will twist things to either side depending on whether they like it or not. Everyone is a victim of that, anything can be seen as either bad or good depending on your perspective and personal bias. We will never achieve a "truth" because there ain't one.

People keen on hating this game, will hate it not matter what.
People who like this game, will like it no matter what.

There are rare cases of change tho...
My point is.. atleast let's try to be tolerant and try to understand each other's points of view.. Why am I writing this? Idk, Lightning Returns is a polarizing game but it seems like both sides are too adamant and refuse to change their points of view. They don't necessarily have to change, but maybe they can be polished and perfected through debate..
Why am I writing this? IDK..


And I'm saying it how anyone ever been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like.


Anything come to mind?

My curiosity is piqued, and I now want to see a list of phrases which people think would make for appropriate alternatives to the great literary achievement of "MEOW MEOW CHOCO CHOW."

"I'll eat you up" is probably closer to the Japanese version.


I'm at the final boss, and while the game was a breeze so far he's absolutely KILLING ME. FFXIII-2 did the same thing to me and I don't really know what to do since my options seems limited...
Anyone know if I can somehow still get Imperil at that point?

My current setup is as follows (I'm playing a French version so I'm not sure of all names, sorry):
- Equilibrium + with
Caius's blade
, Attack lvl4 (fixed), Guard lvl 3, Aerora lvl1 and Sweep(?) lvl2
- Duelist? (Defensive garb I got from the official challenge) with a weapon called "Apanda's blade" (+500 attack and magic), Thundara lvl2, Guard lvl4 (fixed), Attack lvl2 and Deprotect lvl2 (is it worth levelling it? Only have 4 Silver Mailstones...)
- The + version of the starting magical garb with the sword from Limsa-Lominsa (+420 atk/mgk), Aerora lvl2, the 4 element spell lvl4 (fixed), Guard lvl3 and Attack lvl1.

I most of the sidequests except the last ones with the strongest bosses and stuff, but I didn't really grind for skills or things like that, and I only have a few bronze and silver mailstones. Do you guys have any advice?

I've been really enjoying the game but being at that point I just want to finish and shelf it to be honest, not to grind another 4-5 hours :x


I'm at the final boss, and while the game was a breeze so far he's absolutely KILLING ME. FFXIII-2 did the same thing to me and I don't really know what to do since my options seems limited...
Anyone know if I can somehow still get Imperil at that point?

My current setup is as follows (I'm playing a French version so I'm not sure of all names, sorry):
- Equilibrium + with
Caius's blade
, Attack lvl4 (fixed), Guard lvl 3, Aerora lvl1 and Sweep(?) lvl2
- Duelist? (Defensive garb I got from the official challenge) with a weapon called "Apanda's blade" (+500 attack and magic), Thundara lvl2, Guard lvl4 (fixed), Attack lvl2 and Deprotect lvl2 (is it worth levelling it? Only have 4 Silver Mailstones...)
- The + version of the starting magical garb with the sword from Limsa-Lominsa (+420 atk/mgk), Aerora lvl2, the 4 element spell lvl4 (fixed), Guard lvl3 and Attack lvl1.

I most of the sidequests except the last ones with the strongest bosses and stuff, but I didn't really grind for skills or things like that, and I only have a few bronze and silver mailstones. Do you guys have any advice?

I've been really enjoying the game but being at that point I just want to finish and shelf it to be honest, not to grind another 4-5 hours :x

I had problems with the last boss but it was a case of setting up my equip and garbs better. What phase are you getting stuck on?
Your ability and garb setup is kinda poor. You can try to do those last challenges in the final dungeon to get ultima weapon which gives you insane stats like +2500 strength and magic.
First of all you need abilities that easily stagger. I recommend having a garb that has Beat down like Vengeance or Dragoon and equip a spear like Noel's thing or Demon something that turns Beat Down into Jump, have a guard at level 3 and an aerora fo staggering in the last phase and deprotect(the boss should be deprotected at all times during the 1st three phases). Getting 2 jumps on the boss plus a regular attack or light slash to stabilize the stagger bar will put him near stagger for example. You can then spam heavy slash on Soldier Peace which will be called Artemis Arrow and deal tons of damage.
For the 2nd garb I recommend Soldier of Peace + Heavy Slash(it will be called artemis arrow under the soldier of peace garb) ability, it's really OP and it deals tons of damage, have this guard with your best weapon equipped. Have a guard equipped and another -RA spell of any element for staggering the 4th phase.
For the 3rd garb I did the dark muse+ because of also spamming dat lvl4 heavy slash when the boss is staggered for tons of damage, I also got guard, a light slash lvl4 and another -RA ability (this will turn into deprotect hunter when the boss is deprotected and deal also tons of damage to the staggered boss for a very low cost of atb, do this instead of heavy slash when you don't have full atb).

1st phase - Keep deprotect on him, Stagger with Beat Down/Jump, stabilize the stagger bar after raising it with a regular attack or light slash, use artemis arrow to break the stagger him completely, spam abilities that deal tons of damage like artemis arrow, deprotect hunter and stuff, rinse and repeat. Guard everything, it's easy to learn his patterns and perfect guard all abilities without taking too much damage, you should be able to do this phase without using overclock even once and without using items(use 1 xpotion if you have to max)

You basically do the same stagger tactics for 2nd and third phase - you can use 1/2 overclocks in each of these phases if you want to deal with them quickly - http://www.primagames.com/games/lig...ii-bhunivelze-combat-strategy-spoiler-warning read that for specifics on his attack patterns.

The 4th phase is where it's at, if you can stagger him you pretty much have a guaranteed win. Spam the -RA spells while constantly switiching garbs so you never do the finisher animation. use overclock if you need it to completely stagger him. When he does heartless angel spam attacks until the camera zooms in on you, that's when you have to guard. The other spells he does need to be perfect guarded, dump all the remaining items and things you have on him, when you stagger him just beat him to death completely,he can be killed with only 1 stagger tho I had to stagger him twice because I was very UP with bad equipment like you. I didn't have ultima weapon myself but I spent all day wiping on the damn thing before killing him.

I did it without imperil. Also use your remaining stones to level up useful abilities, like the ones I mentioned for equip.
Getting Ultima weapon will help you tons btw

The reason why I was so weak was because I had finished most sidequests by day 9(easily 90% of them) and all the main quests and like 75% of canvas, so I just slept through the final days. I even unlocked the secret day but I slept through it aswell, should have done dat secret dungeon.. I was very underequipped but perserverence and practice eventually led me to victory, it was sweet.


I'm in the EXACT same situation as you. Finished pretty much every sidequest and most of the canvas and just slept until the end because I just wanted to finish!

Thanks a lot for the advice, I can do pretty much everything you said so I'll give it a try.

When I was waiting for an answer I did all the trials and got Ultima Weapon by the way. Whih garb should I equip it on, for your setup?

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