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Limited Run Games |OT2| Sweet XOXO for Digital to Physical Media

Hey I'm just trying to make sense of all of this, and the reason behind the choices they make, and why the print runs are as low as they are. I want to understand how things are being done now, and hope that things will improve in the future.
That wasn't really directed at reasonable middle ground posts like yours dude.

I don't have a problem with looking at both sides and playing devil's advocate but (as has been discussed) there are others who seem content to adopt this patronising tone every release because appreciating the nuances of running a small business and voicing criticism of said business are apparently incompatible.


Unconfirmed Member
That wasn't really directed at reasonable middle ground posts like yours dude.

I don't have a problem with looking at both sides and playing devil's advocate but (as has been discussed) there are others who seem content to adopt this patronising tone every release because appreciating the nuances of running a small business and voicing criticism of said business are apparently incompatible.

And that I get. It reminds me of friends I have that get full on defense force about companies, like Amazon for example. No giant company, especially, is without it's fault. They have their issues, and are not always the best place to make purchases. I have had my issues with them, and many others have too, with how they run things. My friend has yet to have a bad experience with them, which can make it harder to criticise a company that you are loyal towards.

I think it's similar to LRG. I personally have been SUPER lucky with buying all the stuff I want, but I can understand how it's not as easy for everyone, and want to figure out ways to fix the problems, given what I know aboutvwhat LRG have said.


They've done larger runs in the past. Didn't they do 10,000 for Shadow Complex? And when I checked that game was one of the few not fetching obscene money on eBay. I get that they're a small team and can't afford to sit on inventory, but there has to be a line between keeping it limited yet making sure most people who want one can get a copy.


Now, regarding the PC version of Night Trap and previous PC releases:

Doesn't it seem like these PC releases are a lot of work and quite cumbersome with all the big boxes for LRG -- and they don't quite sell all that much?
That wasn't really directed at reasonable middle ground posts like yours dude.

I don't have a problem with looking at both sides and playing devil's advocate but (as has been discussed) there are others who seem content to adopt this patronising tone every release because appreciating the nuances of running a small business and voicing criticism of said business are apparently incompatible.

I get LRG entirely and I'm not annoyed about it being limited or the distribution etc. My main issue is that, the game I have been eagerly waiting for for over a month, the page I have been looking at for over a week and then refresh nonstop was suddenly changed to the main page so then myself and many others got 404'd. There is no explanation as to a page/URL changing literally as it becomes available since it's not outlined on the site. That's a real crap move. I am new to LRG and bought from them before but as a launch day newbie and like many others, it just left us questionning what was going on and now missing out. I have hopes for the next batch at 11pm (uk time) but this change of purchase page/URL should be outlined somewhere.

That's where my beef comes in. Everything else is perfect and pretty exciting.


Unconfirmed Member
I get LRG entirely and I'm not annoyed about it being limited or the distribution etc. My main issue is that, the game I have been eagerly waiting for for over a month, the page I have been looking at for over a week and then refresh nonstop was suddenly changed to the main page so then myself and many others got 404'd. There is no explanation as to a page/URL changing literally as it becomes available since it's not outlined on the site. That's a real crap move. I am new to LRG and bought from them before but as a launch day newbie and like many others, it just left us questionning what was going on and now missing out. I have hopes for the next batch at 11pm (uk time) but this change of purchase page/URL should be outlined somewhere.

That's where my beef comes in. Everything else is perfect and pretty exciting.

This was emergency damage control with no real good last-minute solution. Since 100 people somehow already had the game loaded in their carts, they had to boot them off by taking the page down. I was frantic too, and refreshed this page to find out what happened. All of their news is on Twitter though, and they dxplained on there what happened.

There was no good outcome, although I guess an alternative would be to have cancelled those 100 orders on the basis of a loophole cheat, and sell them again on another day, but it still isn't a good solution :/


Besides, open your stupid games anyway. You're going to die in a nuclear apocalypse soon enough and sealed copies of Wonder Boy aren't going to trade well for bottled water. LOL

Neither are opened copies of games, so there's then no point in buying games period.
This was emergency damage control with no real good last-minute solution. Since 100 people somehow already had the game loaded in their carts, they had to boot them off by taking the page down. I was frantic too, and refreshed this page to find out what happened. All of their news is on Twitter though, and they dxplained on there what happened.

There was no good outcome, although I guess an alternative would be to have cancelled those 100 orders on the basis of a loophole cheat, and sell them again on another day, but it still isn't a good solution :/

The thing is again, I have no issue with that and I was on point with the news as it came out. In this case; LRG tweeting that the CE is going to be taken down for 10 minutes to circumvent the "cheaters" The tweets and all that I saw but it was never stated anywhere that the initial purchase page for the game has now moved from LRG/games/NTCE to LRG/NTCE, the main page basically.

Literally a tweet stating that this is now on the main page would've solved this or at least lessened the blow and disappointment. This is a lack of communication on LRGs part which a Tweet would've solved. No tweet stated this change.


Unconfirmed Member
The thing is again, I have no issue with that and I was on point with the news as it came out. In this case; LRG tweeting that the CE is going to be taken down for 10 minutes to circumvent the "cheaters" The tweets and all that I saw but it was never stated anywhere that the initial purchase page for the game has now moved from LRG/games/NTCE to LRG/NTCE, the main page basically.

Literally a tweet stating that this is now on the main page would've solved this or at least lessened the blow and disappointment. This is a lack of communication on LRGs part which a Tweet would've solved. No tweet stated this change.

I definitely agree that better communication is required, though. Not everyone uses Twitter to check, and I only knew about it through checking this page, and Twitter later. We do need a little bit more focused information on things in general. I think companies are so used to compiling their information on Twitter though, being quick and easy, but it's been years since its inception and I still personally despise the format to navigate through conversations!


Maybe someday advanced AI will enable a bot to scour the internet, gathering LRG news to present on a concise information portal.

Until then, we'll all have to keep up with Twitter, e-mail, the LRG page, and multiple gaming forum threads.
Yeah, other than playing them and enjoying ownership.

The context of the original statement was that sealed copies of Wonder Boy wouldn't be able to be traded for water in a nuclear wasteland. I think that playing video games might be hard in a nuclear apocalypse as well. That's why I am starting Limited Run Board And Card Games For After The Impending Nuclear War. You order by messenger bird but you can't let your messenger bird fly until 10AM Eastern. That is, if there still is an east coast.
We didn't think we would have to take down the items today before the sale to prevent cheaters until we saw a little before it was live that there were massive amounts of carts being pre-built that shouldn't have existed. So that's why we just announced it on Twitter, we weren't going to send out another email explaining that.

If we see this much traffic before the sale of Ys you can bet we will just go ahead and lock that down. Right now as it stands though there is still some worry due to there being an Asian release with English. Which honestly was part of our worry about Wonder Boy, but again, we were wrong and if it looks that way again we will be much more proactive.

We apologize for today to anyone who couldn't get it. I can say this after reviewing the orders that people cheating to break the limits were not rampant at all. I looked through all the orders trying to find some and could barely find any. This was clearly a case of not meeting demand, we are just grateful we were able to increase the quantity from what it was originally signed at which was about half this.


Unconfirmed Member
We didn't think we would have to take down the items today before the sale to prevent cheaters until we saw a little before it was live that there were massive amounts of carts being pre-built that shouldn't have existed. So that's why we just announced it on Twitter, we weren't going to send out another email explaining that.

If we see this much traffic before the sale of Ys you can bet we will just go ahead and lock that down. Right now as it stands though there is still some worry due to there being an Asian release with English. Which honestly was part of our worry about Wonder Boy, but again, we were wrong and if it looks that way again we will be much more proactive.

We apologize for today to anyone who couldn't get it. I can say this after reviewing the orders that people cheating to break the limits were not rampant at all. I looked through all the orders trying to find some and could barely find any. This was clearly a case of not meeting demand, we are just grateful we were able to increase the quantity from what it was originally signed at which was about half this.

Oh wow the number was only about half that of Night Trap originally?! Wow glad you wete able to up the copies!

Any news on if Ys was able to receive more than 2000 LEs per format?
I definitely agree that better communication is required, though. Not everyone uses Twitter to check, and I only knew about it through checking this page, and Twitter later. We do need a little bit more focused information on things in general. I think companies are so used to compiling their information on Twitter though, being quick and easy, but it's been years since its inception and I still personally despise the format to navigate through conversations!

Yeah I don't get how to read twitter. Wasn't until I saw the gaf post about the purchase page moving did it make then become clear....but too late.

We didn't think we would have to take down the items today before the sale to prevent cheaters until we saw a little before it was live that there were massive amounts of carts being pre-built that shouldn't have existed. So that's why we just announced it on Twitter, we weren't going to send out another email explaining that.

If we see this much traffic before the sale of Ys you can bet we will just go ahead and lock that down. Right now as it stands though there is still some worry due to there being an Asian release with English. Which honestly was part of our worry about Wonder Boy, but again, we were wrong and if it looks that way again we will be much more proactive.

We apologize for today to anyone who couldn't get it. I can say this after reviewing the orders that people cheating to break the limits were not rampant at all. I looked through all the orders trying to find some and could barely find any. This was clearly a case of not meeting demand, we are just grateful we were able to increase the quantity from what it was originally signed at which was about half this.

Thanks for the update. What added to this though was that it was taken off the games page so it looked like it was taken down completely.

I'm hopeful for even just a standard copy at 11pm. Two hours for round 2.
We didn't think we would have to take down the items today before the sale to prevent cheaters until we saw a little before it was live that there were massive amounts of carts being pre-built that shouldn't have existed. So that's why we just announced it on Twitter, we weren't going to send out another email explaining that.

Why not? The expectation that we sit around like a bunch of assholes with 19 browser windows open because Limited Run Games deigns to use a different communication channel instead of the one notifying of time availability is ridiculous. Moreso in this case because LRG had just published its 'guide' page within the last day explaining to new users all the crap they need to do to have a shot at something. Between publishing the guide and sending the email a customer would have a reasonable expectation that they knew everything they needed to.

We apologize for today to anyone who couldn't get it. I can say this after reviewing the orders that people cheating to break the limits were not rampant at all. I looked through all the orders trying to find some and could barely find any.

I'd be curious as to what metrics you are using to identify circumventing orders and how you were able to so quickly vet the volume of orders received for process circumvention. I think if it is just a quick scrub for duplicate full name, shipping address and funding instruments it is going to miss some. You'll also want to be checking for machine ID and if your website uses flash shared objects then those as well. Also certain zip codes in cities with elevated reshipper fraud should be flagged as circumvention for manual review.

This was clearly a case of not meeting demand, we are just grateful we were able to increase the quantity from what it was originally signed at which was about half this.

I'm not sure why this is receiving applause at this point. And like Jotun, I'm not sure why LRG feels inclined to share contract particulars to redirect the salt. If the contract was for an insubstantial amount that wouldn't serve to meet demand then it is on LRG for signing such an agreement in the first. Just as it was for giving Jotun its own date. I'm not going to congratulate doubling a paltry amount to a slightly less paltry amount.


We didn't think we would have to take down the items today before the sale to prevent cheaters until we saw a little before it was live that there were massive amounts of carts being pre-built that shouldn't have existed. So that's why we just announced it on Twitter, we weren't going to send out another email explaining that.

If we see this much traffic before the sale of Ys you can bet we will just go ahead and lock that down. Right now as it stands though there is still some worry due to there being an Asian release with English. Which honestly was part of our worry about Wonder Boy, but again, we were wrong and if it looks that way again we will be much more proactive.

We apologize for today to anyone who couldn't get it. I can say this after reviewing the orders that people cheating to break the limits were not rampant at all. I looked through all the orders trying to find some and could barely find any. This was clearly a case of not meeting demand, we are just grateful we were able to increase the quantity from what it was originally signed at which was about half this.

Any chance you could take another look at the number of copies you are making for Ys? I really think increasing that run could help the copies last longer than a few minutes.
Thanks to everyone who responded to my post about opening games vs. keeping them sealed.

Good luck to everyone trying to get a CE when the next batch goes live. I hope everyone who got a copy doesn't try for another one so someone who missed out gets a chance.

But the again those goddamn scalpers.
Yes, demand exceeded supply. No, that doesn't mean they shouldn't have signed on for this release.

I'm not saying they shouldn't have pursued the project but agreeing to volumes they knew to not meet demand in order to be the outfit that gets the deal is a bad idea and a disservice to their customers and would be customers. Then publicizing the contract terms in order to take the heat off themselves is a disservice to the developer. It leaves a bad taste.


I would like to avoid the mistake of watching the wrong page before night trap goes on sale. Can someone provide me with the page I should be on at 6 PM?
I would like to avoid the mistake of watching the wrong page before night trap goes on sale. Can someone provide me with the page I should be on at 6 PM?

Be on here for the regular edition:


Or here for the collector's edition:


If for whatever reason you need to be on a main page with a link to the game, then be here:


But I would just wait on the actual game page itself and when the timer runs out, refresh the page. Better yet, have two browser windows with each one open so that if one fails you have the other one ready to go.


Man, I'm really getting antsy about the Ys Origins release 2 weeks from now. It could be another 2 minute sell-out window like this and last week, and I'll be trying to buy it while on holiday with crappy internet.

It could go either way really. With the option of the Heavy Arms release, I'd like to think this one won't be as sought after. At this point I think we've gotten better clarification of what both companies offer. With little much in a heated discussion on the subject recently, I think it's a fair possibility number of people are going to tackle the LRG versions.


Oh damn ! And here I thought I managed to grab the Bunker earlier but apparently the order didn't go through :|
Don't have any order confirmation, it's not in my profile's Order History, etc... I have apparently closed it too early ? Weird ! I must have been really disturbed by missing Night Trap :S
Oh crap here we go again. If I lose my order of Night Trap CE again cause of the site traffic loading stuff then I'm buying Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition!

I have no idea why I'm doing that.
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