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Limited Run Games |OT2| Sweet XOXO for Digital to Physical Media


I still think ATLUS wouldve sold Caligula Effect quite well if they did a limited print run themselves like NIS did for Arnosurge Plus


In everyone's opinion, which is the worst game LRG has released so far?

Hmm, probably Plague Road. But maybe because I have four copies and Kickstarted the danged thing.

I like the opposite question better -- best upcoming games. Really looking forward to Sundered, Mages of Mystarlia, and Battle Princess Medelyn.

First two are great, and BPM looks just as good as Cursed Castilla EX.
Just picked up Ys simply as a vote of confidence for pre-orders. I want this to succeed. I hope this ends up being a big hit. Competing with scalpers and speculators was making me lose my remaining hair.


If we're at a point where both buying and selling are incented by shit being over with in 2 minutes, that's the best sales pitch for digital distribution that I've seen yet.



Worst for scaplers. Last time I checked, you can buy a sealed copy for $20.

Octodad is a great game and an amazingly well done vita port, why would you rate it as worst?

Bards Gold was a completely uninspired and boring game, i only bought it out of collectors addiction.
Put down an order for Ys as well. I'm really happy that LRG decided to go with pre-orders this time around, and hope they will continue to use this model for the bigger/more popular releases.


Their tweets seem like they are unsure if they should keep going since it is ending up around where they had expected and may not be making money for their partners. It's possible preorders won't be dead but it won't happen often. :/
1:21AM Update:

Ys PS4: 3989
Ys Vita: 3217

Including the LE copies, sales are:

PS4: 6989
Vita: 6217

Total Units Sold: 13,206
Hours Left: ~8.5

Hoping whatever the final numbers are, LRG is satisfied enough to do preorders again. I obviously can't speak for the sales side of things, but clearly there is some value in the positive fan reaction. Moments like this build brand loyalty; moments like WB and Night Trap break it down.
I feel bad now. I want to help out by buying the Ys PS4 CE even though I didn't want to because of the lack of content. But if it's still around then I have nothing to lose I guess and should just buy it.
1:21AM Update:

Ys PS4: 3989
Ys Vita: 3217

Including the LE copies, sales are:

PS4: 6989
Vita: 6217

Total Units Sold: 13,206
Hours Left: ~8.5

If they really wanted 7500 on PS4 and 6500 on Vita like previously mentioned then they are only 800 off, that's doable in 8 hours, if not they will get pretty dam close.


Worst game LRG released ? I'd say either the very Asdivine Hearts (but I've just seen a few videos) or Futuridium (one of the worst PS plus games I ever downloaded) ^^

As for the preorder sales, it is very clear from this topic some people are bracing themselves and will ask for a third preorder test even if LRG consider this one another relative failure at the end of the day (which we haven't reached yet, 6h to go !).
I myself will stop doing so.
I personally think Ys was a good test. Yes it ends up being their largest run but it's pretty obvious to me it would have been anyway because they'd already expressed the will to print their largest run on Twitter several times. It would have sold out through traditional means too.

A preorder doesn't seem to push sales beyond what was expected. HOWEVER if it sells roughly the same quantity as what was expected (we're approaching this point today), then it can be a valid system for bigger releases, if only to avoid backlash and customers' complaints. They clearly aknowledged the last point by the way (here)

In any case, the potential perimeter for preorders have been seriously reduced. It will only fit a few big games if any in the near future. Salt and Sanctuary ? Vallhalla ? Layers of fear ? These are the highest profile games I see incoming, but I'm not sure they even warrant a preorder :x

(I know a lot of you won't share my opinion but let's stay respectful <3)


Seeing as how they expected a certain number before this and it's kind of barely doing that at the moment with preorders [but still 7~ hours to go?] it is hard to suggest anything besides their usual formula. I think this did 'okay' but probably not well enough to keep it going for anything other than really big titles.


I can understand them being disappointed looking at the sales figures of this pre-order test compared to what they would've accomplished with their standard 'limited run' model when taking into consideration the costs or publisher expectations, particularly when Ys is one of their higher profile releases.

Despite this, I'd still selfishly like to see pre-orders available where possible for their higher profile releases because honestly their old model is miserable for me as a casual consumer.

Their existing model undoubtedly works for some lower-profile games with less fans which frankly I think the sell out just because they're published with a Limited Run number rather than actually being a quality product a large number of people want, but it's the titles like Ys with slightly bigger fanbases that draw in new attention from people that don't follow LRG too closely. The experience of wanting to purchase something and not being able to because they were too slow or weren't available at that exact moment isn't exactly going to draw people back.

Maybe people just don't care as much as they'd imagined and the business model has no room for growth? I hope not because I don't want to see LRG turn into 'that company that publishes a load of 50 metacritic games that sell out instantly to collectors that care more about a complete collection than quality'
I hope when LRG looks at the numbers, they carefully compare how many new customers they got through Ys and how many people bought just one copy vs. collectors/hoarders/scalpers buying up 2 or more copies of other more obscure/niche indie games. If they got a lot more customers and a lot of new customers buying one copy of Ys, I think there's significant value in that because it means they've grown their customer base. That, IMO, would be a very good reason to continue the pre-order system for certain bigger releases.


I hope when LRG looks at the numbers, they carefully compare how many new customers they got through Ys and how many people bought just one copy vs. collectors/hoarders/scalpers buying up 2 or more copies of other more obscure/niche indie games. If they got a lot more customers and a lot of new customers buying one copy of Ys, I think there's significant value in that because it means they've grown their customer base. That, IMO, would be a very good reason to continue the pre-order system for certain bigger releases.

That would clearly be valuable data :D

By the way, unrelated question : have they ever disclosed the quantity of Lawbreakers PC preorders they got ? It's the only run-size data we're missing if I'm not mistaken.

Edit : 1h30 left.
Ys PS4 standard : 4142
Ys Vita standard : 3342
Total so far : 7484
Total including CE : 13484

Relative disappointment or not, whatever, Ys has beaten Skullgirls' previous record =)
Hmm, probably Plague Road. But maybe because I have four copies and Kickstarted the danged thing.

I like the opposite question better -- best upcoming games. Really looking forward to Sundered, Mages of Mystarlia, and Battle Princess Medelyn.

First two are great, and BPM looks just as good as Cursed Castilla EX.

very interested in 2064: Read Only Memories, Va11 Hall-a, Cosmic Star Heroine, and YIIK
Looks like the preorder numbers will more more or less match what LRG already ordered. Not sure whether they will consider that a success.


Looks like the preorder numbers will more more or less match what LRG already ordered. Not sure whether they will consider that a success.

If it means actual customers received the games rather than middlemen, I'd call it a success. If they don't make the procurement process less distasteful, they will eventually turn people off. Perhaps I am alone, but between that and the pace of releases, I'm considering being done with it.


nods at old men
30mn left.
Ys PS4 standard : 4223
Ys Vita standard : 3413
Total so far : 7636
Total including CE : 13636

Final numbers I saw before both listings were given a quantity of 10 and allowed to "sell out"

Ys PS4 standard : ~4,289 + 10 = ~4,299
Ys Vita standard : ~3,462 + 10 = ~3,472
Total so far : ~7,771
Total including CE : ~13,771

This is approximate of course.
If it means actual customers received the games rather than middlemen, I'd call it a success. If they don't make the procurement process less distasteful, they will eventually turn people off. Perhaps I am alone, but between that and the pace of releases, I'm considering being done with it.
Feels like the usual suspects, who defended the 30 second bumrush, are now sat here telling me that pre-orders are doomed to failure.

I genuinely hope that LRG value interest from real customers (and can see the positive reaction from the majority over the 24 hour pre-order window) over scalpers whose only interest is artificial scarcity. If they can't deliver a service that caters to people in a fair and pragmatic fashion going forward then perhaps the endeavour deserves to fizzle out.


Feels like the usual suspects, who defended the 30 second bumrush, are now sat here telling me that pre-orders are doomed to failure.

I genuinely hope that LRG value interest from real customers (and can see the positive reaction from the majority over the 24 hour pre-order window) over scalpers whose only interest is artificial scarcity. If they can't deliver a service that caters to people in a fair and pragmatic fashion going forward then perhaps the endeavour deserves to fizzle out.

What a limited view of the world. Just because someone doesn't agree with you or likes the limited releases doesn't make them a scalper. Nice attempt to demonize those that disagree though. I forget, people who also collect games and enjoy the rush of owning something limited can't also be real customers, gamers whatever. Thanks for the reminder. Do you also complain to other businesses that deal with limited releases?

I genuinely hope that LRG does whats best for them, not me and not you, because I want them to stick around. If that means preorders, great. If it doesn't, that's great too. I'll be there either way.


What a limited view of the world. Just because someone doesn't agree with you or likes the limited releases doesn't make them a scalper. Nice attempt to demonize those that disagree though. I forget, people who also collect games and enjoy the rush of owning something limited can't also be real customers, gamers whatever. Thanks for the reminder. Do you also complain to other businesses that deal with limited releases?

Maybe I'm reading it wrong, but it feels like these people only want games if other people can't have them.
A preorder doesn't seem to push sales beyond what was expected. HOWEVER if it sells roughly the same quantity as what was expected (we're approaching this point today), then it can be a valid system for bigger releases, if only to avoid backlash and customers' complaints. They clearly aknowledged the last point by the way (here)

Meaning LRG isn't leaving boatloads of money on the table with their usual sales model as some claimed they do.

I think LRG should just do what they feel most comfortable with. The backlash is one aspect. Selling out in a relatively short amount of time is an arguably more important one.


Neo Member
if other people can't have them.

That is literally the name of the company... If 4000 people want to purchase a game and they print 3800 copies, guess what? 200 people won't get it.

Where were you people the past 2 years, rambling about how unfair LRG's business model is?

Maybe one of you should start your own "Limited Pre Order" company and compete in the market and see how it turns out.

Just my opinion.


Meaning LRG isn't leaving boatloads of money on the table with their usual sales model as some claimed they do.

I think LRG should just do what they feel most comfortable with. The backlash is one aspect. Selling out in a relatively short amount of time is an arguably more important one.

This is something I can a agree with.

No two companies share the exact same history to my knowledge. Policies and procedures arise out of trial, error, and what have you. If LRG feels the first come first serve order system better serves their bottom line, then that's what they're going continue doing, angered customers be damned. Some people might not continue buying from them, but that's a constant possibility with each run I guess.

If LRG feels preorders are worth it for higher profile releases then we may yet see another return of the preorder system, for whatever reason they deem justified. I voted with my wallet and bought YS standard edition because I wanted the game, but just as important I did it because not having to stress over future high profile games is nice.

If they decide to go back to the same old method, I can understand why and I'll accept it. I'll still buy from them, since they've had, or will have, products that appeal to me.
If it means actual customers received the games rather than middlemen, I'd call it a success. If they don't make the procurement process less distasteful, they will eventually turn people off. Perhaps I am alone, but between that and the pace of releases, I'm considering being done with it.

Right. If the takeaway is "We didn't double our original anticipated numbers" that would probably be enough to push me away. The print run will still ultimately be limited which should lure in long-term speculators. And it seems to have allowed enough people who actually want the game to buy to offset lost scalpers. I'd call that a win.


nods at old men
I'd honestly question why anyone would stick around that long with the same complaints, when it's been clear how things were going to be since then.

My point really was to show the person I quoted that this isn't some new complaint, or people finally coming out of the woodwork.

Regarding Weevil, he may just be a glutton for punishment but it doesn't mean his arguments don't have some merit. ;)


I would bang a hot farmer!
Maybe I'm reading it wrong, but it feels like these people only want games if other people can't have them.
What a limited view of the world. Just because someone doesn't agree with you or likes the limited releases doesn't make them a scalper. Nice attempt to demonize those that disagree though.
Without rehashing old arguments; didn't intend to draw that comparison (clearly that's not the case), poorly expressed on my part, however...I don't understand the pushback against pre-orders from the standpoint of a consumer.

There were plenty in this thread arguing tooth and nail that pre-orders were a pipe dream right up until Doug and Josh announced they were doing pre-orders again. A lot of those same people seem eager to see a 2nd attempt fail for reasons I've yet to understand.

I forget, people who also collect games and enjoy the rush of owning something limited can't also be real customers, gamers whatever.
Ehhh...rush? O.K. well I'm just here to buy some games physically not snort lines but if you get a kick out of building towards a plastic sarcophagi and 30sec-2min panic windows then more power to you..I guess?

Do you also complain to other businesses that deal with limited releases?
This question is beyond redundant.

The desire to have something unique is honestly a new concept to some people?
These products aren't unique. A one off painting is unique, a hand crafted piece of furniture is unique, a 4000 unit run of something completely identikit is limited not unique. There is a subtle but important difference which leads me to...

That is literally the name of the company... If 4000 people want to purchase a game and they print 3800 copies, guess what? 200 people won't get it.
Yet another thing debated to death in this thread but it bares addressing. Putting aside their original 'mission statement' for a minute (which talked up the preservation of games over their limited nature - the name is a GIMIC), let me link to Jim Fucking Sterling Son dissecting what limited (i.e. over time not quantity) actually fucking means in real terms while talking about the SNES debacle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wS5-9GLOxF0


The thing is, it's still unique and limited even with a preorder system. People had only 24 hours to get Ys (or any potential future preorder).

Yeah, this is what gets me about the folks who seem dead-set against pre-orders. You still have a small amount of time to put in an order. The product itself is still limited. This way just makes it so that everyone who really wants one has the chance to get a copy.

My work schedule makes it difficult for me to be available for the 10am and 6pm order windows on regular LRG releases (why oh why does it have to be Friday?!). That's why the only two LRG orders I have are Skullgirls and Ys Origin - two games that had an open preorder.


Collecting and hoarding all these games will surely fill the void in my heart and life!

Collecting is not hoarding, they are clinically not the same thing.

Also, again with the degrading and snide comments. Shall we make assumptions on what fills holes in your heart and life?
Collecting is not hoarding, they are clinically not the same thing.

Also, again with the degrading and snide comments. Shall we make assumptions on what fills holes in your heart and life?
I thought the exclamation mark showed the bit of sarcasm in my post. (Note, only a "bit")



I always wanted this to succeed but it appears that LRG's suspicions about preorders were somewhat correct from the get go. This was a successful run for consumers with a stress-free way to get the game but as for them and this sort of preorder satisfying both their own expectations and the people they work with... I don't think it did.
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