Same here. Bought BA for Vita 1h ago.Honestly surprised they're both still available. Would've thought they'd sell out quickly.
Edit: Looks like Deemo sold out now. Still a few for Broken Age.
Whoa, in the first batch Vita was at 3%, combo pack was sold out and PS4 alone around 17% just four or five minutes after they went up. I'm surprised the second batch moved that much slower.
Huh? If you're replying to me, I'm talking about the first batch (the second hasn't gone up yet). When I checked the store at 3.30pm (copies went up at 3pm), PS4 version & double packs were sold out and Vita version was at 20%. Might've been a bit lower than that actually but it was still like 17% or something.
Which is how I grabbed a Vita copy at that time.
I was. Whoa! I'm more tired than I thought, then. I had the Vita version and PS4 version backwards and thought I saw a 3% O_O;
Sorry, I've been up for days on a deadline...
I honestly thought this game would move quicker!
I honestly don't think there is much a rush to buy like before especially with most games now getting runs of 4500 plus. And I think you can tell which games will stay in stock a few hours...or at-least I can.I'm so lucky this batch hasn't sold out quite as quickly as some others. I have all Limited Run PS4 releases, but that almost came to an end today. I didn't remember this morning until about 25 minutes after the games went up, and the PS4 version sold out while I was trying to check out. Then I forgot about the second batch as well, when I noticed I had left the web page up this morning the second wave had already been up for over an hour. Then I was getting PayPal errors during checkout, it kept saying I had been inactive so it logged me out and I needed to start the checkout process over, but every time I got the same error. I had to pay with a credit card so I didn't miss out, thankfully I got through in time.
I probably won't be so lucky in the future, I really need to keep a closer eye on the release dates.
I honestly don't think there is much a rush to buy like before especially with most games now getting runs of 4500 plus. And I think you can tell which games will stay in stock a few hours...or at-least I can.
What are your predictions with Furi.
Furi has swagger and cult appeal. The sleepers will sleep on it, but all the cool people will show up for it.
Broken Age Vita & Deemo still up.
Ehh =/
4500 was pushing it for these releases
Broken Age Vita & Deemo still up.
Ehh =/
Broken Age Vita & Deemo still up.
Ehh =/
Not too surprising with Broken Age considering it's reception. With Deemo I'd assume many of the people who really wanted it physically, already bought the Asian version. It's why I'd be worried about how many copies of Ys Origin they're wanting to have.
Yeah there was no real reason to publish/distribute this imo. Maybe a 'definitive edition' or something which includes all or a ton of the DLC would've been worthwhile. But this was a bit of a lazy effort.
But there are still people like me who DO buy the non-Asian region versions of things. It's almost gone, but people act like there's no market for it or "wasted space".
I'm still also sure why people EVERY SINGLE TIME that a game doesn't sell out immediately, or takes an extra day to sell, considering it a failure or whatever. Everything WILL sell out and not come back, so I mean, it's not like it really matters.
I'd guess a big part of the audience are people who are gunning for a complete collection and doing "repeat" runs for games that are already available or easily available elsewhere is only going to strain those customers. I'm not saying that LRG needs to cater to that demographic specifically, but they do need to know that it'd be better to get a retail print for something like "Umihara Kawase Sakura" than "Sword Art Online Hollow Fragment".
I think, and hope, LRG is just working through the backlog of deals they signed in late 2016 and early 2017. Hopefully they stay true to their tweets about imitators and begin to really curate what deals they sign to their label.
I'm still maintaining a complete vita collection, but the constant biweekly releases are beginning to become tiresome.
I'm still also sure why people EVERY SINGLE TIME that a game doesn't sell out immediately, or takes an extra day to sell, considering it a failure or whatever. Everything WILL sell out and not come back, so I mean, it's not like it really matters.
It used to be a point of pride being a Vita fan that these LRG releases would always sell out faster on the handheld, but that seems not to be the case anymore and with the company's new direction of "bigger games only" it makes me wonder how long their future on it will be (I know they've already signed a load of games, I'm talking beyond that).
And I think selling almost 9000 physical copies in 24h of a 2014 game that was Kickstarter funded, had some vocal detractors and already was a free PS+ title can't be considered anything but a success.
No issues with US releases of Asia-only games. I find it great.
...but it's getting hard to push back against people calling some releases "lazy".
No insert, no bonus, no reversible cover, same cover as Asia release... what's the hook, the thing that shows us it's a labor of love?
Broken Age is a big get, but then it has a cover with the usual art and... expensive Fangamer merch.
Don't get me wrong, nothing wrong with taking a day to sell out. But I think the games released need a little more care at this point -- and not the "pay extra or go to PAX for an alternate cover" type of care.
(I'm actually scared to ever end my PSN+ because I have at least one game on there that's been de-listed from the store :x Darn digital contracts and not being able to keep them...)
Do most people care about he manuals?
I'm personally in the camp where I don't care either way. I want full versions of the games on disk or cart so I don't have to worry about patches and such down the road. I will never open a single manual, so those mean nothing to me.
Do most people care about he manuals?
Do most people care about he manuals?
I'm personally in the camp where I don't care either way. I want full versions of the games on disk or cart so I don't have to worry about patches and such down the road. I will never open a single manual, so those mean nothing to me.
I think, if anything, manuals are what I'd want with "special" physical releases of games. I don't care about figures or plushies or other junk like that 99% of the time, don't usually care about CDs or half-assed art books or things like that, but manuals directly give value to the game itself. They aren't something that I have to find room for somewhere, they're something that adds to the idea of that game getting a physical release.
So, to me, there's one of the few things that gives tangible value to a physical game.
Yup. I love PS+ but they really should let you purchase games you already "own" as free PS+ titles, even if it's just for edge cases like games getting delisted.
I disagree. They've been doing big titles all throughout their catalog. Oddworld, Octodad, Rainbow Moon, Thomas Was Alone, Firewatch, etc., are just some examples of older, past titles that I would consider "big", and there's been sprinklings of smaller/more niche games throughout. I wouldn't really call things like Flinthook, Ray Gigant, Nova-111 etc. "big" games.
It's one of those "hard to make everyone happy" as there's plenty of different demographics that buy LRG:
-Vita/PS4 physical collectors
-LRG full-run (on either/both) collectors
-fans of various indie titles
-fans of Japanese niche titles
Not everyone is a full set collector, and some only pick out their favorite games. While some have been buying titles every week, there are others like me, only picking the titles that interest us. So sometimes I have to wait a couple months for something new I like to pick up, in comparison to every 2 weeks, being seen as a wallet-drain or hassle.
Yup. I love PS+ but they really should let you purchase games you already "own" as free PS+ titles, even if it's just for edge cases like games getting delisted.
I don't quite understand why you're replying to me with this, lol?
I am 100% all about a gorgeous, full color manual. Biggest disappointment of the Vita library for me, especially considering Japanese titles still had them.