Our Localization Picks & Dream Games [combined points of both full lists]:
1] Net High (22)
2] Shiin [Death Mark] (20)
3] Hero Must Die (18)
4] Uppers (16)
5] Tales of Innocence R (15)
6] Zero no Kiseki Evolution[Trails to Zero] (14.5)
7] Chaos;Head Dual (13.5)
8] Fate/Stay Night (13)
8] Stranger of Sword City Revisited [physical Vita version] (13)
9] Luminous Arc Infinity (12)
10] Ao no Kiseki Evolution [Trails to Azure] (11.5)
Ukiyo no Roushi (10)
Neo Atlas 1469 (8)
Sora no Kiseki FC Evolution [The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky First Chapter] (7.5)
Kamaitachi no Yoru: Rinne Saisei (7)
Chaos Rings Trilogy (7)
White Album 2 (6)
Wizardry 囚われし魂の迷宮 フルパック [Wizardry: Labyrinth of Lost Souls (full pack)] (6)
Wizardry 囚われし亡霊の街 フルパック [unlocalized sequel to LoLS (full pack)] (6)
Flowers (6)
Great Edo Blacksmith (6)
YU-NO Remake (6)
Dungeon Travelers 2-2 Yamiochi no Otomo to Hajimari no Sho (6)
Robotics;Notes (5.5)
Sora no Kiseki 3rd Evolution [The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky the 3rd] (5.5)
Shin Hayarigami (5)
Taisho x Alice: All in One (5)
Shin Kamaitachi no Yoru: 11 Hitome no Suspect (4)
Fate/Hollow Ataraxia (4)
Saga Scarlet Grace (4)
Cladun Returns: This Is Sengoku! (4)
Labyrinth Cross Blood Infinity Ultimate / Meikyuu Cross Blood (3)
Phantasy Star Online 2 (3)
Date A Live (3)
Ebikore + Amagami (3)
Steins;Gate: Hiyoku Renri no Darling (3)
IA/VT (3)
Fata Morgana (3)
Tales of innocence (3)
EVE: Burst Error R (3)
God Eater Resurrection (3)
Fuuraiki 3 (2)
Sora no Kiseki SC Evolution [The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky Second Chapter](2)
Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIII (2)
Reco Love Blue Ocean (2)
Eiyuu*Senki The World Conquest (2)
Madoka Magika The Battle Pentagram (2)
Himawari (2)
PhotoKano Kiss (2)
Clannad (2)
Omega Labyrinth (2)
Island (2)
The Princess is Money-Hungry (2)
Steins;Gate: Senkei Kousoku no Phenogram (2)
Special Report Division (1)
Iwaihime: Matsuri (1)
Sayonara Umihara Kawase+ (1)
Extetra (1)
A Clockwork Ley-Line (1)
(2 points) Trails series as a whole
(3, 2 & 1 point) any kiseki games will work as dream games. bring them all.
(1 point) i don't know what else to pick. any dungeon crawler really or something else that's interesting.
last wall-of-text post from me for a while, promise.
looks like Shizuka was right, Net High did really well if the vote isn't split.
Good stuff! How many mockups shall I do...?
Top 3 each and Net High, Top 5 each if you don't mind; something like that. Or we can do the overall Top 10 if people prefer that.
The whole point was to see if we can agree on a couple of games, looks like we can