For a while gaming on PC has been simple. You got Windows, you installed your drivers for your hardware and that was it. More tinkering or less tinerking, it was a simple status quo we had. Steam was the de facto store, and everything seemed centralized.
Ive used Linux in the past, everytime I did that move I said to myself Ill move from Windows, I prefer Linux and it suits my tastes better. But there is always something prevents me to make that move, and that is Gaming. My favorite Hobby is just not right there yet. Developers love DirectX and its ease to develop for, and every major storefront is there apart from Steam and GoG.. Linux is just for those diehards that work with it daily and OpenSource evangelists.
Enter Microsoft and Windows 8 and their vision of a walled garden. Valve panicks, and rightly so, and decides to start the SteamOS movement to make an alternative for gaming. Now, SteamOS will be nothing more than an OS ready to install on Steam Machines but the interesting part of it is the making games being ported to Linux.
Now, despite having some very important ports lately, performance is not there. DirectX to OpenGL is an hard move for developers, and there is always a 10-15% hit in performance in comparison to Windows. Rarely do Linux games get performance parity with Windows. But I keep thinking to myself, will developers even care if there is no user base? Even Valve with Vive is not targeting Linux right way. Oculus will probably never do it despite their promises. It feels like a major part of the future gaming is just not in the radar for Linux.
I have been thinking of moving. For good.
I fear for my Gsync monitor, for my 980 Ti getting underused, for my soundcard not delivering positional sound, for my mouse not giving me all the configurations Im used to, for all my Windows DX11 games that I wont be able to play. But still, I might be part of a movement that needs to happen soon. The gaming community must move and we must stand behind Vulkan instead of DX12. Vulkan works literally everywhere (Android Included), and its a win win game for everyone except Microsoft and their Xbox One integrated with Windows vision.
If ,I and we, never move, we will never get more optimization in the current games to cater to us. We wont get the new releases in parity with Windows. We will never get a focus or the attention. And we will still be at mercy from Microsoft and the decision and vision of a few instead of the collective interest of the community. If we keep waiting for someone to do go first and be the settlers of the gaming community in Linux, that move might never happen. We are all waiting for each other
Who else has thought of moving and sacrificing the quality we currently have? What are your opinions regarding Linux and gaming and the future state of Windows (UWP and more walled gardens).
Discuss, sorry if I didnt delve more in some topics, but Im way to excited writing this