Hope they fucking extradite this asshole to the US. We have no justice here.
Should maybe find out his address and pay him a visit.
Should maybe find out his address and pay him a visit.
Hope they fucking extradite this asshole to the US. We have no justice here.
Should maybe find out his address and pay him a visit.
Wish the penalty was stiffer, at least the protracted legal battle probably bankrupted him.
From Twitter:
Lizard Squad @LizardLands
"All the people that said we would rot in prison don't want to comprehend what we've been saying since the beginning, we have free passes."
Good going, Finland. You sure taught them a lesson they'll never forget.
I love the people that think Finland has some magic rehabilitation program that turns assholes into caring individuals. It's like when Alex in a Clockwork Orange is released back into the world.
"I was cured, all right!"
should have killed the kid and displayed his corpse for all to see.
I guess conspiracy to murder should just give you some community service.Why people are suggestion harsher sentencing for couldas and wouldas, NOBODY was hurt/killed and he is a minor.
From Twitter:
Lizard Squad @LizardLands
"All the people that said we would rot in prison don't want to comprehend what we've been saying since the beginning, we have free passes."
Good going, Finland. You sure taught them a lesson they'll never forget.
I guess conspiracy to murder should just give you some community service.
What I'm trying to say is that coulda/woulda isn't a good defense. Conspiracy to murder is treated as harshly as a murder for that reason.Conspiracy to murder, yeah. I don't think even the best prosecution could make that stick.
Yep, seems like they're really reaching out for help. They only need compassion and caring, see. Oh well, don't hate the player hate the game I guess.
What I'm trying to say is that coulda/woulda isn't a good defense. Conspiracy to murder is treated as harshly as a murder for that reason.
Those attacks did a lot of monetary damage, and even if you don't care about corporations losing millions, members of that group did a lot of damage to normal ass people and ruined a lot of lives.
You need to find intent though, and the only intent this guy probably had was to make people rage and unless he said to his script kiddy buddies.
And what about the swatting?
boys will be boys.
And what about the swatting?
Like I said, nothing happened and prosecuting him for a charge that might've happened is stupid as fuck.
Like I said, nothing happened and prosecuting him for a charge that might've happened is stupid as fuck.
yeah we will just wait for someone to lose their life before we take it seriously
Like I said, nothing happened and prosecuting him for a charge that might've happened is stupid as fuck.
"The charges against Kivimaki include data breaches, felony payment fraud, telecommunication harassments, and other counts relate to fraud and violations of company secrets."
"Kivimaki has, according to Strater, repeatedly called in fake threats to American law enforcement, resulting SWAT teams arriving at the Strater residence, a practice commonly known as “swatting.” For three years, Kivimaki has harassed the Strater family by stealing their identities and wreaking havoc on their finances and personal lives, Strater said."
Back in ancient china, there was only one penalty for every single crime: Death.
Stole a chicken? Death.
Killed your friend? Death.
Cheated on your taxes? Death.
Assaulted someone? Death.
This made for a very streamlined justice system and a low crime-rate.
Rehabilitation was accomplished by separating your head from your body via sharp metal edge*
This is what we should do today.
*recidivism rates were at staggering 0.00% btw.
"So we found evidence of this guy planning to murder a bunch of people, but when he got there he forgot how to use his gun so... uh... let him go, I guess."
Back in ancient china, there was only one penalty for every single crime: Death.
Stole a chicken? Death.
Killed your friend? Death.
Cheated on your taxes? Death.
Assaulted someone? Death.
This made for a very streamlined justice system and a low crime-rate.
Rehabilitation was accomplished by separating your head from your body via sharp metal edge*
This is what we should do today.
*recidivism rates were at staggering 0.00% btw.
Swatting sends these people to your home. At this point they believe you have either already done great bodily harm to others, or are about to. How can you defend someone who does this?There we go again, as I said before unless you're caught in the house with the gun then you need proof intent for attempted murder, and swatting isn't that at all. Obviously they also did not find any evidence of him saying that was his goal for the swatting.
Hope they fucking extradite this asshole to the US. We have no justice here.
Should maybe find out his address and pay him a visit.
There we go again, as I said before unless you're caught in the house with the gun then you need proof intent for attempted murder, and swatting isn't that at all. Obviously they also did not find any evidence of him saying that was his goal for the swatting.
Swatting is a good way to get someone killed. Maybe he didn't intend to and maybe it never happened, but he was repeatedly endangering people's lives for no reason other than to get his rocks off on how "clever" he was. By your logic, you could get away with anything as long as you didn't intend to do it, and if you follow that path a short distance it makes sense. Accidents happen.
But, this kid DID intend to do everything he did. By swatting someone in the first place, you are aware of the risks involved. Getting someone killed is a potential danger involved with calling the police on someone and saying they are dangerous, so by doing that in the first place you are conspiring to commit secondhand murder.
Well, guess it's good other places in the world don't run on this theoretical system of justice.
At this point, I'm wondering if you honestly believe what you're typing.
At this point, I'm wondering if you honestly believe what you're typing.
Really doubt it. Either that or has no idea what it actually means to have SWAT sent to your house.
Yeah, at the least, better hope you don't love your family pet, because you're going to be minus one pet once SWAT breach your door.Really doubt it. Either that or has no idea what it actually means to have SWAT sent to your house.
It'd probably be involuntary manslaughter in the US if someone died while Swatting.How does that have any relevance at all? I just feel that you shouldn't be charged for a crime that has not been committed, like 'attempted murder' for swatting, jesus christ it's mob mentality justice at its finest. I also don't think there was an attempted murder charge for an actual American resident for swatting either, so you really are insane if that is the case.
I love the people that think Finland has some magic rehabilitation program that turns assholes into caring individuals. It's like when Alex in a Clockwork Orange is released back into the world.
"I was cured, all right!"
Wow, like I don't think he got hit enough for the stuff he did, but goddamn some of you are out for blood.
There we go again, as I said before unless you're caught in the house with the gun then you need proof intent for attempted murder, and swatting isn't that at all. Obviously they also did not find any evidence of him saying that was his goal for the swatting.
Nice, I'll start driving home at 90 mph in a 20 mph school zone. I mean as long as I don't kill someone I'll be innocent, right?
Then you will be charged for speeding and dangerous driving.
Some of the posts here are ridiculous. SWATing seems like an American problem, if you do that in Finland you get a fine (and no one gets shot). I don't see why it should be any different in this case.
Nice, I'll start driving home at 90 mph in a 20 mph school zone. I mean as long as I don't kill someone I'll be innocent, right?