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Lollipop Chainsaw |OT| Nothing makes you forget about a bad E3 like a lollipop!

can anyone help me out with some achievements?

Cheerleader Overboard - Succeed QTE at edge of Vikke's ship
I've fought him twice and never saw this QTE. I even ran around the edges hoping to get knocked off but it never happened. How and what phase do you do this?

Go, Medal Racer, Go!
I think there's 2 rooftop segments, do you need to get all medals on both? The last one has a fork in the path with medals on each side, do you need to backtrack? Also can you stop you Chainsaw Dash and just walk back and pick them up, in case you miss any?


Rewview is spot on, one of the few times I can say that about an IGN review.

Really regret buying it. 45 Dollar lesson I guess.

IGN review said:
Almost every word out of Nick’s mouth made me laugh out loud because he’s written well. Juliet is an idiotic, unaware bimbo, and Nick is a frustrated, frightened, impatient high schooler who just has to deal with her.

That's certainly not the case, someone is projecting stereotypes.


Santa May Claus
Anyone else still waiting on this to ship from Amazon? I ordered late Monday night and it's been "shipping soon" ever since.

I am. It's not uncommon for Amazon to make Free Super Saver Shipping folks wait a good long while before sending it out.
Juliet's hilarious IMO. She has dumb moments, self aware moments, 4th wall breaking, and pointing out videogame stupidity. She isn't an idiotic bimbo.

PK Gaming

I wouldn't place much stock in that IGN review, and no its not because i'm a hater (I actually somewhat like a good chunk of the IGN reviewers.) I've never seen Mitch review games before, but it's painfully clear to me that he's not very good at his job. He seemed to harp on combat a little too much (from what i've seen, reviewers in general praised the combat), spend time complaining about sexism (I have no problem with this, but a paragraph on how Juliet is objectified in this game shouldn't be one of your main paragraphs) and not elaborate on the gameplay, introduction, difficulty and replay options and more. His review is too sparse.


I ended up getting this game (for free with a gift card) and I'm having fun with it, but I cannot stand Juliet and the whole stereotype she represents. At times I find myself being okay with it, but it's usually when she's just not talking. Then she fucks it up by saying how fat she is or something and it's just ugh. Her and I just don't mix. I get the humor (I find nearly everything else entertaining), but I just can't with her.

Amazing soundtrack though.
The combine section with the You Spin Me Right Round song playing will be one of my favorite gaming moments ever, holy shit.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Wasn't the dude who reviewed LC for IGN also the same guy who gave Ninja Gaiden 3 a 3/10?

I know NG3 isn't great, or even that good, but it's certainly no 3/10.


I didn't really like Shadows of the Damned (although I beat it on Easy and found it a bit too tough), so the complaints about Lollipop Chainsaw could be levied against SOTD as far as I'm concerned.
I didn't hate the Big Boner section as much as everyone else, but really hated the "get chased by Paula" sections and the entire battle with Fleming.
Although the gameplay from my time with SOTD seems a lot better while Lollipop Chainsaw is more NMH like.

Still, I don't think Lollipop Chainsaw is that bad and I know I'm going to get it soon (probably by the end of the summer it'll be $30 or maybe even $20). I also dig the "Buffy with zombies" premise and the comic book/grindhouse atmosphere from what I'm seeing. What's funny from watching the GB Quick Look, Patrick Klepek seemed more into the game than Ryan Davis.


I'm sorry, but what's wrong with the gameplay? Aside from a couple of the minigames/events (
the cake comes to mind
, the controls are responsive, the scoring system rewards skilled play, and there's a laundry list of unlockables to work towards, a bunch of which improve your effectiveness and give a nice sense of character power progression.

After I beat Lollipop Chainsaw, I put Bayonetta back in, and the difference between those two games is just so huge. When you talk about responsive controls and rewards for skill, that's Bayonetta. I can go from punch, to kick, to guns in any order, and everything will flow together so smoothly. That isn't at all the case with Juliette—no matter how many moves I unlocked, I still think she feels awkward. What it really reminds me of is how I think of, say, Street Fighter vs. Tekken, where SF is about crafting moves so that they can flow together once you find the right beat, versus Tekken, where it's all about pre-created dial-a-combos.

That is totally how I see Lollipop Chainsaw, and Juliette never stopped having that clunky feeling to me. I know some people disagree, but that's how I felt. I know Lollipop and Bayonetta aren't trying for the exact same things, but at their core I do think they have many similarities—and Lollipop just doesn't hold a candle to Bayonetta in those areas. I also don't like not having a proper dodge (Juliette's jump/kinda sorta dodge doesn't cut it), and I feel at times that game replaces actual difficulty with cheapness (like zombies that I'm in the middle of combo-ing being able to still pull off an attack).

Beyond that, there are just a ton of little things that seem like they were created specifically to drive me crazy. *heh* Why is everything a button prompt? Why can I saw apart structures sometimes, but other times I have to hit a button and then use the analog stick? Those extra steps add nothing to the game. Where are these so many mini game-type events when almost every single one of them is just "push buttons with timing"? Why has Juliette regressed to the era of the original Resident Evil, where at times she can't even walk down stairs without hitting a button to do so?

I'll also admit that, post-Dark Souls, other things that didn't used to bug me as much before now do. The game breaks up gameplay far too often for cutscenes that are unnecessary. Like, the part with Rosalyn and her bus—uggh. Every time you replay that stage, you have to sit through watching all of those pointless little cutscenes. Same with Juliette answering her phone. I want more games to go the Dark Souls route, where if you're going to show me something, just have it happen as a natural part of gameplay, and let me choose whether I'm going to sit there and watch or get on with my game.

I still argue the virtues of Japanese gaming, and I still love many of them–but games like Lollipop, for me, are great examples of how it sometimes feel like Japanese developers just don't understand how certain genres have progressed and evolved. I think it's just one of those things where, for certain players, one thing can drive you crazy while for another person it's no big deal. Reading through some of the opinions in here, it's obvious that a lot of people are enjoying the game and not bothered by those elements.

I know somebody mentioned that they thought Lollipop Chainsaw felt "old-school arcade" in a sense, and I can totally agree with that. In some ways, it takes me back to games like Double Dragon or Streets of Rage. Personally, though, I just can't appreciate that here—Lollipop Chainsaw could and should have been much more.\

I wonder—for the people who enjoy Lollipop's gameplay, did you also like No More Heroes? I haven't played it extensively yet, but from what I have, I thought its combat was just brutally bad. So, for people who did like that style of gameplay, I can totally understand coming to Lollipop and thinking it's great. It's an appreciate for a particular style that I just can't appreciate, even when I genuinely want to.

And she speaks fluent Japanese as well. She's really no idiot thats for sure.

Her (or I should say Tara's) butchering of the Japanese language made me weep. *laughs*

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
After I beat Lollipop Chainsaw, I put Bayonetta back in, and the difference between those two games is just so huge. When you talk about responsive controls and rewards for skill, that's Bayonetta.

No doubt that Bayonetta is a far more responsive game in comparison- and easily the better title. And yet for some reason, I feel like both of these games are in different sub-genres from each other.

I still think that Max Anarchy is going to blow LC away when it comes out next month -from a game play standpoint, anyway- but LC has been an enjoyable distraction and I'm glad I bought it.

I know somebody mentioned that they thought Lollipop Chainsaw felt "old-school arcade" in a sense, and I can totally agree with that. In some ways, it takes me back to games like Double Dragon or Streets of Rage. Personally, though, I just can't appreciate that here—Lollipop Chainsaw could and should have been much more.\

It definitely feels a bit more like a traditional beat-em-up than character action games like Bayonetta/DMC/Ninja Gaiden/GoW do.

I wonder—for the people who enjoy Lollipop's gameplay, did you also like No More Heroes? I haven't played it extensively yet, but from what I have, I thought it's gameplay was just brutally bad. *laughs* So, for people who did like that style of gameplay, I can totally understand coming to Lollipop and thinking it's great. It's an appreciate for a particular style that I just can't appreciate, even when I genuinely want to.

Lollipop Chainsaw's game play is much better than NMH's. NMH is just too simplistic.


That's certainly not the case, someone is projecting stereotypes.

But how is enemies who yell "cock sucker", "whore", and people you rescue saying "Thanks Juliet, i'm going to masturbate to you later" funny at all?

The only reason to buy Lollipop Chainsaw is the humor, the gameplay doesn't carry it at all. So if you don't like the humor, the game has no redeeming qualities.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
You know, if any of you who bought LC and don't like it/regret your purchase bought it for the PS3, I'd happily trade you my copy of Dragon's Dogma for it, if you're interested. I've played it, beaten it, and it's time to move on. It's like new, and the disc hasn't left my PS3 since I bought it. I've got positive feedback in the B/S/T thread. If you're interested, PM me!

(Yes, I know this belongs in the B/S/T thread. Just posting it here once, I hope that's not a problem, mods. :D)


irresponsible vagina leak
But how is enemies who yell "cock sucker", "whore", and people you rescuing saying "Thanks Juilet, i'm going to masturbate to you late" funny at all?

The only reason to buy Lollipop Chainsaw is the humor, the gameplay doesn't carry it at all. So if you don't like the humor, the game has no redeeming qualities.

Talk for yourself I enjoy the gameplay enough while is no Bayonetta or Ninja Gaiden it is fun when it expands. Yes the story, music and characters is great. The gameplay is far from bad its decent and works perfectly for the things intented in the game. IMO
I wonder—for the people who enjoy Lollipop's gameplay, did you also like No More Heroes? I haven't played it extensively yet, but from what I have, I thought its combat was just brutally bad. So, for people who did like that style of gameplay, I can totally understand coming to Lollipop and thinking it's great. It's an appreciate for a particular style that I just can't appreciate, even when I genuinely want to.

Bayonetta is tied for my favorite game this gen so in that sense I see where you're coming from, but at the same time I'm enjoying this. There's jank, absolutely, but I'm still having a good time. It's so unlike most of the stuff I play that I'm willing to give it a pass. Same thing with NMH, really, although the combat in that was way more simple.

And I do agree that this harkens back to old school arcade beat em ups more than post-Devil May Cry character action games. With that in mind, this game's goals in combat really aren't to be as slick and combo heavy as stuff like that.

As for this game vs. Shadows of The Damned.....hmm, the base combat of SOTD was more polished, but the "gimmick" areas in Lollipop Chainsaw are way better so far IMO. The 2D stages in SOTD, in particular, were kinda really bad. Anytime that game strayed from it's normal gameplay was no fun, actually. LC is better in that regard. LC is also has much more replay value where as SOTD had nothing once you finished it.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
This game is better than Shadows Of The Damned for its replay value alone.

Talk for yourself I enjoy the gameplay enough while is no Bayonetta or Ninja Gaiden it is fun when it expands. Yes the story, music and characters is great. The gameplay is far from bad its decent and works perfectly for the things intented in the game. IMO

It's a fun little beat-em-up action game filled with juvenile, stupid toilet humor. YMMV is all. I doubt anyone is going to look at a game called "Lollipop Chainsaw" and expect serious game play from it. :p


Bayonetta is tied for my favorite game this gen so in that sense I see where you're coming from, but at the same time I'm enjoying this. There's jank, absolutely, but I'm still having a good time. It's so unlike most of the stuff I play that I'm willing to give it a pass.

And I hope people understand where I'm coming from. I'm not saying that Lollipop is terrible—I'm saying it could have been so awesomely awesome with better gameplay. I never thought gameplay was terrible enough to ruin the game, and I enjoyed my time with it in spite of the complaints that I had. It's just very frustrating when games that could have been great end up only being good when there's no good reason for them to end up that way.


I love how the phonecalls you get are so completely random, and usually have nothing to do with the situation at hand. The Rosalind and lost puppy one near the end of the game was great. Though overall I like her character way too much, one of the most eccentric characters in a video game ever.

Also, when you guys do the nick's head on zombie body... do you hear Juliet cheering about Nick making her wet? I can't make it out, but I swear I'm hearing something along those lines.

I think it's to hide load times.

I still have much time to spend on Lollipop Chainsaw so my opinion my sway. But I felt in terms of channelling Resident Evil 4, and as a third person shooter that relied on accurate shooting without a cover system, Shadows of the Damned hit the nail right on the head. Great variety in locations, encounters, enemies, and battle tactics were topped by a brilliant sense of humour, great art and incredible soundtrack.

A friend described Shadows of the Damned as a like playing through a heavy metal album, and that's the best way I could describe it. Outside of a lack of unlockables (the only big flaw I'd give the game), I felt Shadows of the Damned was a loaded game.

Lollipop is good, but for level design and encounters it feels several notches below. Largely because it's shorter, and relies more on replay value and the a combat system cornerstone. Shadow's design appeals to me more. And, even though I love Lollipop's style, on a technical level it feels like a cheaper game to me. Shadows was more cohesive and rich looking.

I really loved Shadows, is what I'm saying :p.

Completely disagree. While I liked Shadows a lot, I think this whips the hell out of it.

First the combat. While neither game is a hallmark for its genre, Lollipop at its core is more fun than Shadows. This is a completely subjective opinion but Shadows was rather limited in general and there really wasn't much to mix stuff up. Sparkle Mode does wonders for the game and the amount of combos really does liven up the game in general.

Level design is also much more unique I would say compared to Shadows which for the most part except for the Swamp, was pretty bland and going through the paces at a certain point. Shadows did have the whole 'time limit health drain' thing so the levels themselves were a bit more interesting other than the setting but it ties into a later problem with the game, animations. Lollipop atleast hides it is a janky game much better than Shadows did.

Juliet and Nick are much better characters than Garcia and Johnson could ever wish to be. Nick has remarkably sharp banter at times and Juliet plays off him fairly well. The main boss in SOTD might be more memorable as I haven't seen anything of Zed but I'll hold off on that till I finish Lollipop. The bosses however destroy SOTD's bosses. The hippy fight in of itself isn't great, in what is required of you, however the setting is astounding. The first boss is probably the most interesting of the four in regards to fight style but the fourth is pretty cool too. Shadows reverted back to shoot the glowing spot to win and the characters themselves weren't that interesting even with some of that optional backstory books.

The minigames themselves also don't drag anywhere near as bad as SOTD does at certain points.

Then there is the big kicker. Replayability. You can choose your own BGM, a fantastic touch for an amazing soundtrack(something I hope they do in the future). You're ranked and have certain goals to beat. You can choose the levels even if you haven't finished the game and there are tons and tons of unlockables.

The menus for Lollipop and loading screens scream polish and visual orgasms all the way through.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Has anyone else gotten the same phone call twice before? Happened to me on the farm stage.
Does anyone know if the PS3 leaderboards are completely messed up or is there just no one playing ranking on very hard? The dates are all wrong, so both seem equally likely :/


Has anyone else gotten the same phone call twice before? Happened to me on the farm stage.

I got some weird bug by pausing. Everyone kept repeating their lines over and over again. Even if the character was no longer around, every so often they'd start talking again. Juliet would even repeat stuff so quickly it was like an echo.
I'm sorry, you'd have to be crazy to think Shadows is better than this. They're both short games, but Lollipop is built for multiple playthroughs, and there's so much to unlock and so much incentive to do it.

There's ZERO incentive to play through Shadows a second time.
Does this game have any minigame as grating and soul-sucking as TASTE MY BIG BONER from Shadows?

And please tell me it's not the same fuckin' dick joke repeated for several hours to pass off as edgy humor like Shadows.

I didn't really like Shadows of the Damned, is what I'm getting at


irresponsible vagina leak
Does this game have any minigame as grating and soul-sucking as TASTE MY BIG BONER from Shadows?

And please tell me it's not the same fuckin' dick joke repeated for several hours to pass off as edgy humor like Shadows.

I didn't really like Shadows of the Damned, is what I'm getting at

Well there is a section that is like the Big Boner stuff but it plays better and its faster IMO. (Doesnt drag as much either)
Nothing as bad as Big Boner in LC.

Also, I think EatChildren must have been the little kid from "The Wizard" when he was growing up, if he thought Big Boner and Dead Space Asteroids were easy, "one time" affairs.


<So Much Stuff>

I see your points, though I disagree with most of them. Bayonetta is one of my top two favorite games this generation, so I can see how expecting LC to play like that and then receiving something else would be disappointing. While Bayonetta's animations have a great flow, I do like the sort of videogame-y way that Juliet's animations pop from one thing to another. It's a little clunky, sure, but it's responsive. The thing I hate most in games like this are imprecise and floaty controls. LC doesn't suffer from that problem thankfully.

Bayonetta and LC's combat systems also reward different things. Bayonetta prioritizes and rewards uninterrupted flow - long combo chains and precise dodging. LC emphasizes weakening large groups of zombies and then killing several at once with a single chainsaw swing, and I think it works well. It's more of a beat 'em up w/ a decent combo system than a combo-oriented "stylish action game". The dodge move, while not Bayonetta level, will let you break out of most combos, but swinging your chainsaw around wildly w/o regard isn't something the game rewards. If you make a chainsaw swing, you're committed to most of it. It's a risk-reward proposition. Bayonetta has very low risk to any action you take b/c you can instantly dodge out of everything. LC you at least have to think for a split second "Am I in a safe position to whip out my chainsaw?" Don't overlook the power of the pom-poms, or at the least, the pom-pom initiated chainsaw combos.

The button press prompts and the minigames I think are ok, since they don't overstay their welcome, and I found most an entertaining little change of pace. It's videogame-y. It's a throwback. It's retro. That's Suda51's thing. If you don't want things that remind you that you're playing a video game, and you want more of an immersive, organic experience this game definitely isn't the right place to look.

The point that I do agree with you on is how much all the action is broken up. The amount of load screens is absolutely excessive. The fact that you can't skip many of the cutscenes during a mission sucks. I was astonished to see that they were still in place during Score Attack mode, since I expected they'd all be disabled to facilitate speed-running.

On NMH, I absolutely loved the first game (second was ok), but I also recognize that on their own gameplay merits, they're pretty bad games, especially the first one which I like so much. They've got the "Ha ha hey look isn't this stuff Travis is doing really shitty?" thing going on, but you're still having to do the shitty stuff as the player. Lollipop Chainsaw is a big improvement over the NMH games gameplay-wise because they never have that situation.

And I hope people understand where I'm coming from. I'm not saying that Lollipop is terrible&#8212;I'm saying it could have been so awesomely awesome with better gameplay. I never thought gameplay was terrible enough to ruin the game, and I enjoyed my time with it in spite of the complaints that I had. It's just very frustrating when games that could have been great end up only being good when there's no good reason for them to end up that way.
Now that you've further elaborated on your opinion, I do. But I also don't think there's anything wrong with a game (or movie or book) being merely good. I'm somewhat surprised the game turned out as good as it did.
The problem with Bayonetta is it's just too good. The amazing combat, the amount of content, all the weapons and unlocks and replayability, and none of it DLC. It's a standard that most games can't live up to, so when compared most games feel like they fall short.

I ordered Lollipop Chainsaw but won't get a chance to play it until next week. From all the impressions I've read so far, it definitely sounds like I'll enjoy it.

As for Shadows of the Damned, the "Big Boner" sections I didn't think were too hard or bad, the main problem was you had to do it three times in a row back-to-back. It really feels like they might've originally planned to have something between them, since it doesn't really make sense to have it broken up into 3 chunks instead of just one long one otherwise. If there was a normal style level between each "Big Boner" section, it would've been much easier to stand.


Exists in a perpetual state of Quantum Crotch Uncertainty.
But how is enemies who yell "cock sucker", "whore", and people you rescue saying "Thanks Juliet, i'm going to masturbate to you later" funny at all?

The only reason to buy Lollipop Chainsaw is the humor, the gameplay doesn't carry it at all. So if you don't like the humor, the game has no redeeming qualities.

It's not supposed to be humorous because they're saying naughty words, but because the gendered insults leveled at Juliet are completely incongruous with the way in which she's portrayed.

The game's unapologetically low-brow, but it's got some streaks of cleverness in it.
Now that you've further elaborated on your opinion, I do. But I also don't think there's anything wrong with a game (or movie or book) being merely good. I'm somewhat surprised the game turned out as good as it did.

I think it just has to do with expectations. All I wanted from this was a fun little summertime distraction. It's succeeding in being exactly that. I wasn't expecting the second coming of Bayonetta, or some huge blockbuster affair, just a fun middle tier game with a lot of style. In this age of non-existent middle tier games doing wacky stuff, LC is a welcome addition to my shelf.

Zombie Baseball
is one of the worst mini games I've ever played. I'd take Big Boner any day over this shit.

Joo crazy. Big Boner was mindnumingly bad.
Zombie baseball
is way faster, better to control, and training for a weapon you actually use outside of that one section.
How do you answer the phone again? LOL

Hit the start button and its under "Juliet's Stash". It's one of the tabs. Just go to it and you'll see all available phone calls to listen to. edit: beaten

Trophy related:

Has anyone gotten "Watch Out For The Balls" yet? Wasn't sure if I missed this attack or not from Zed...

Also what's the deal with the "Aced Shop Class" (with the car QTEs). Is this in Stage 1 at that
junkyard area with the cars?
I swear I hit every QTE correctly if so..


Joo crazy. Big Boner was mindnumingly bad.
Zombie baseball
is way faster, better to control, and training for a weapon you actually use outside of that one section.

The controls are horrible. It automatically locks onto targets you don't want, and you constantly have to fight the lock on. And there's far too much shit going on in the final wave to
protect Nick


irresponsible vagina leak
Hit the start button and its under "Juliet's Stash". It's one of the tabs. Just go to it and you'll see all available phone calls to listen to. edit: beaten

Trophy related:

Has anyone gotten "Watch Out For The Balls" yet? Wasn't sure if I missed this attack or not from Zed...

Also what's the deal with the "Aced Shop Class" (with the car QTEs). Is this in Stage 1 at that
junkyard area with the cars?
I swear I hit every QTE correctly if so..

Maybe they were referring to the Mohawks? I dont have the trophy but I have no clue there.

The controls are horrible. It automatically locks onto targets you don't want, and you constantly have to fight the lock on. And there's far too much shit going on in the final wave to
protect Nick

Options and turn off the lock on.
It's not supposed to be humorous because they're saying naughty words, but because the gendered insults leveled at Juliet are completely incongruous with the way in which she's portrayed.

The game's unapologetically low-brow, but it's got some streaks of cleverness in it.

It's a zombie game because everyone views her as a piece of meat.


The controls are horrible. It automatically locks onto targets you don't want, and you constantly have to fight the lock on. And there's far too much shit going on in the final wave to
protect Nick

You can turn the lock on off....

edit: Doubley beaten.


Played a Few hours after I got it from gamefly and am sending it back already.

The combat is stupid easy for the most part but I hoped the suds humor would shine.

Instead of the clever sarcastic humor I was expecting I got a bunch of up skirt/masturbation/whore jokes that weren't funny or clever in the slightest.

I thoroughly regret the time I wasted on this. If I wanted bad jerk off jokes I'd watch family guy if I wanted 3d creepy young girl shit I'd buy hentai.

I'm shocked reviews have been so kind I would have guessed 4-6 range but oh well.
It's a zombie game because everyone views her as a piece of meat.


And people call this juvenile. Lollipop Chainsaw is a social commentary on how society treats woman like Juliet. Hot cheerleader zombie hunters are subject to this stuff EVERY DAY, people. Wake UP.


irresponsible vagina leak
Played a Few hours after I got it from gamefly and am sending it back already.

The combat is stupid easy for the most part but I hoped the suds humor would shine.

Instead of the clever sarcastic humor I was expecting I got a bunch of up skirt/masturbation/whore jokes that weren't funny or clever in the slightest.

I thoroughly regret the time I wasted on this. If I wanted bad jerk off jokes I'd watch family guy if I wanted 3d creepy young girl shit I'd buy hentai.

I'm shocked reviews have been so kind I would have guessed 4-6 range but oh well.

Congratz on not being the target audience of the product.


The controls are horrible. It automatically locks onto targets you don't want, and you constantly have to fight the lock on. And there's far too much shit going on in the final wave to
protect Nick

Really? Does it amp up on other difficulties because I did it first try on hard without Nick getting hit once.
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