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London riots spreading through UK

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BlazingDarkness said:
Any word on what's happening right now?
I got a text saying it's kicking off in the centre

I live 2 minutes from the gardens, nothing going on that I can see / hear.

Too much "OMG!" going on on Twitter I reckon.
SmokyDave said:
I'll put it differently then - you can't enforce a curfew on these people. They don't give a fuck. Basically, curfew is a non-starter.

You should put it differently yet again- with the current policies in place you can't enforce a curfew on these people. They can and do give a fuck if there are dire consequences to their actions. The attitude that nothing can be done is exactly what is giving these shitheads their strength

If the Britain government would be interested in protecting its innocent civilians instead of riotous assholes maybe the people would feel a little safer with their government at the helm.
DECK'ARD said:
Things brewing in Wolverhampton:


This is why you enforce a curfew. If Los Angeles can enforce one certain London can. Put troops on the corners with rifles and plastic cuffs. Arrest anyone out after curfew on sight.

The British government is too fucking afraid to do what is necessary to protect its own people from thugs and criminals.


The Amiga Brotherhood
radioheadrule83 said:
I've got a feeling its going to be worse in the likes of Birmingham, Liverpool and Bristol tonight than London. I hope I'm wrong. The feeling I get is that 16000 police might deter the yobs to some extent in London... I don't think the deterrant will be as strong in other cities.

Those 16,000 police have come from 30 other forces as well.

So other places won't have them to call on.
SmokyDave said:
Precisely. The only people that would obey are the people that aren't rioting.

A curfew would be a good idea just for this reason. It's an annoyance but the police wouldn't have to worry about hurting or arresting "bystanders".
SmokyDave said:
Precisely. The only people that would obey are the people that aren't rioting.
That is incorrect depending on the means to which you enforce it. I am talking about rubber bullets and live rounds here. Sooner or later if the rioting continues they must do this.
DoctorWho said:
A curfew would be a good idea just for this reason. It's an annoyance but the police wouldn't have to worry about hurting or arresting "bystanders".

Any reduction in people on the streets will help restore order. It also means that it will be much easier to arrest and detain the ones left on the street as they will have no excuse for why they are out.

TheExecutive said:
That is incorrect depending on the means to which you enforce it. I am talking about rubber bullets and live rounds here. Sooner or later if the rioting continues they must do this.

Tear gas and mass arrests will do...


DECK'ARD said:
16.56 Greater Manchester Police report a stand-off with 70-80 youths at a shopping centre in Salford. Earlier "children" ran through the shopping centre knocking over bins and stealing from shops. So far Manchester has escaped the violence that has blighted much of the country.
The footy better not be postponed, or I'll personally fly over and bring justice


The pictures of that dude being strangled by the police are the tactic used by police of stopping criminals swallowing drugs which is both necessary for evidence and the criminals safety (e.g. they don't want them to OD)

edit: Thinking about buying a baseball bat in Taiwan to take back with me, but only if things get worse. I refuse to let these scum take over our street.s
http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/blog/2011/aug/09/london-riots-day-four-live-blog#block-52 said:
The CPS has put out a statement saying it has a team of prosecutors working 24/7 to provide police with charging decisions. Alison Saunders, chief crown prosecutor for London, added:

CPS London is also deploying prosecutors to police operational sites in London to provide on-the-spot charging advice to officers. We are working closely with the courts service to coordinate and expedite cases arising from the disorder, and have established designated magistrates courts to deal with them.


Meadows said:
The pictures of that dude being strangled by the police are the tactic used by police of stopping criminals swallowing drugs which is both necessary for evidence and the criminals safety (e.g. they don't want them to OD)

Right now I would be fine if they were just strangling him (assuming he was looting).


Meadows said:
The pictures of that dude being strangled by the police are the tactic used by police of stopping criminals swallowing drugs which is both necessary for evidence and the criminals safety (e.g. they don't want them to OD)

Think they are just taking his photo
Chriswok said:
Premier League and Football League are going to make an announcement about this weekend's game (in regards to the riots).

If they announced that the next two weeks of games would be cancelled if there was one more night of violence... I wonder if it would stop?


Unconfirmed Member
Meadows said:
The pictures of that dude being strangled by the police are the tactic used by police of stopping criminals swallowing drugs which is both necessary for evidence and the criminals safety (e.g. they don't want them to OD)

I assumed they were holding his head straight for the camera.

Edit: beaten like a dirty chavscum should be


Meadows said:
The pictures of that dude being strangled by the police are the tactic used by police of stopping criminals swallowing drugs which is both necessary for evidence and the criminals safety (e.g. they don't want them to OD)
are you sure? it just looks like they're propping his head up so they can take a decent picture of him.


I permanently banned my 6 year old daughter from using the PS4 for mistakenly sending grief reports as it's too hard to watch or talk to her
DECK'ARD said:
Things brewing in Wolverhampton:



The bastards better not mess with Molineux!


MmmSkyscraper said:
I assumed they were holding his head straight for the camera.

oh, didn't see the cameraman, probably that, was just thinking of the other reason could be drug swallowing.
radioheadrule83 said:
If they announced that the next two weeks of games would be cancelled if there was one more night of violence... I wonder if it would stop?

If that happens then I'm fucking rioting. I'll head down Tottenham and start setting fire to fucking council houses.


[trollpost]I wonder how many of these thugs have a definable religion/atheism

Anyone openly Christian, Muslim etc would know better. Anyone atheist is probably too busy bitching on the internet.[/trollpost]
Osiris said:

The bastards better not mess with Molineux!

Nothing worth looting near there, so dont reckon they will, if they want footy stuff theyll get the the club shop on dudley street
more from wolverhampton


What do people think about this 16,000 figure for the Police in London?

I can't shift the suspicion that it's an inflated figure designed to deter more than anything else. I know they've called in backup from other forces but.. I dunno. I'm not sure I'm buying it, and I'm not sure those who will be out on the streets will be deterred by it either. True or otherwise.

There's been scaremongering and chinese whispers in Sheffield all day today. Nothing happened yet as far as I know. Who knows if it will kick off or not.


I permanently banned my 6 year old daughter from using the PS4 for mistakenly sending grief reports as it's too hard to watch or talk to her
evanswolves said:
Nothing worth looting near there, so dont reckon they will, if they want footy stuff theyll get the the club shop on dudley street
more from wolverhampton

If they touch that shop I'm heading out with my own damn weapons, sticking "The Liquidator" on my iPod, and going Clockwork Orange on their asses! :p


bobs99 ... said:
Whats the Blackberry connection, I havent kept up to date with this.

The BBM on Blackberry is suspected as the number 1 communication between the thugs to organize the riots
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