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London riots spreading through UK

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SmokyDave said:
So glad it's raining in Notts, I guarantee none of them had the foresight to loot umbrellas.

Actually, they have looted umbrellas.

They are still trying work out what its purpose actually is, though.


Manos: The Hans of Fate said:

I should also note that a riot in Chile yesterday was dismissed with tear gas and water cannons, different situation, but they had no problem bringing that out quickly. I wonder if any part was due to the situation in London (ie not wanting to come in to soft).
They don't use cannons in Britain, there being brought over from Norn Iron I've heard


Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
They looted the British equivalent of the Dollar Store (well more like 1.50 store)?

Dear god that's hilarious/awful/pathetic.

What did they loot plastic cups?

With the way they rush in, you would expect a hidden cache of gold or something!
Guess free stuff is so tempting ... even if it's valued at a pound.


Twinduct said:
Lol at around 6 mins in, it's pretty clear that the 'riot' is not about the police having shot the guy =)
It was fucking painful watching the reporters from Sky and BBC putting words into the rioters mouths.

"So, why are you rioting?"

"Money blud, innit. Just money."

"But why are you rioting?"

"It's funny innit blud. Got to get that money, I just want money."

"So, why are you rioting? Are you angry at the government?"

"Yeah blud, it's the government innit."

Then they report it as if these idiots even know who is in power and what they stand for.
Desmond said:
They don't use cannons in Britain, there being brought over from Norn Iron I've heard

Yeah, I should have said I meant tear gas more. Water Cannons really aren't used in the US. Hoses used to be in the 1960s, but well, after the whole civil rights thing they fell out of use.

Twinduct said:
With the way they rush in, you would expect a hidden cache of gold or something!
Guess free stuff is so tempting ... even if it's valued at a pound.

I guess, do they sell dollar booze there or something. Like British Steel Reserve or Keystone Light?

serotonina said:
They were mainly used as deterrent, because there were a couple of events (specifically in Padova) where shit really hit the fan.

Do you think they worked well as a deterrent factor?
I'd like to think the BBC goofed on a translation

1350: BBC Monitoring Correspondent Dmitriy Melnikov on Russian state news channel Rossiya 24 suggested that British shopkeepers and insurance companies might not be the only ones to pay for the rioting. "For Prime Minister David Cameron, these pogroms have turned into the most serious test of his entire political career," Melnikov commented.


SmokyDave said:
It was fucking painful watching the reporters from Sky and BBC putting words into the rioters mouths.

"So, why are you rioting?"

"Money blud, innit. Just money."

"But why are you rioting?"

"It's funny innit blud. Got to get that money, I just want money."

"So, why are you rioting? Are you angry at the government?"

"Yeah blud, it's the government innit."

Then they report it as if these idiots even know who is in power and what they stand for.
Lol. Mad world we live in. Stopped watching Sky after I was forced to find any 'note' worthy developments during the Japan Quake. Who keeps on voting them news network of the year?!


Sorry for the OT question but, I'm reading through this thread and I just can't figure out what the hell a "chav" is. Is it short for something, or just a word used to describe white trash type of people? (That's what I gather it means from context clues)...
Anyone care to enlighten me?
Twinduct said:
Lol. Mad world we live in. Stopped watching Sky after I was forced to find any 'note' worthy developments during the Japan Quake. Who keeps on voting them news network of the year?!

It's because BBC news 24 is so bad, Sky News wins by default.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Jme said:
Sorry for the OT question but, I'm reading through this thread and I just can't figure out what the hell a "chav" is. Is it short for something, or just a word used to describe white trash type of people? (That's what I gather it means from context clues)...
Anyone care to enlighten me?
You got it.

BTW for future reference: http://www.urbandictionary.com/

Although even wikipedia has an article on chavs, lol.


Jme said:
Sorry for the OT question but, I'm reading through this thread and I just can't figure out what the hell a "chav" is. Is it short for something, or just a word used to describe white trash type of people? (That's what I gather it means from context clues)...
Anyone care to enlighten me?
scumbag trash in tracksuits, chavs in england, neds in scotland, we call them skanger in Ireland



Jme said:
Sorry for the OT question but, I'm reading through this thread and I just can't figure out what the hell a "chav" is. Is it short for something, or just a word used to describe white trash type of people? (That's what I gather it means from context clues)...
Anyone care to enlighten me?

" A chav (pronounced /ˈtʃæv/ chav) is a stereotype of certain people in the United Kingdom. Also known as a charver in Yorkshire and North East England[1] "chavs" are said to be aggressive teenagers, of working class background, who repeatedly engage in anti-social behaviour such as street drinking, drug abuse and rowdiness, or other forms of juvenile delinquency.[2] "

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chav .. terrible comic picture lol
Twinduct said:
Stopped watching Sky after I was forced to find any 'note' worthy developments during the Japan Quake. Who keeps on voting them news network of the year?!

No idea, Sky really are the worst. I think this quote from Kay Burley during the recent drama in Norway shows everything anyone needs to know about Sky News and the quality of their reporting;

"We can hear the Norwegians talking whatever language it is they speak there."


Jamie OD

Grover Cleveland said:
Actually, they have looted umbrellas.

They are still trying work out what its purpose actually is, though.

Not sure what's funnier, the gif or the stupidity of the person throwing it.


zomgbbqftw said:
It's because BBC news 24 is so bad, Sky News wins by default.

Yeah, sadly I can't pick 'which' stations I want in my Sat bundle. So cancelled the whole damn thing. Strangely, I'm less depressed!

Guess the information is just not presented in some terrible 'Please-win-me-something' report =)


Scary Euro Man
SmokyDave said:
It was fucking painful watching the reporters from Sky and BBC putting words into the rioters mouths.

The BBC? Haven't been following much of the coverage on TV channels (been at work and/or otherwise engaged - doing community stuff :p) but Radio 4 coverage has been doing some meta-reporting, including questions like "Does a reporter asking the rioters in his local area if they're proud of what they're doing count as a lack of impartiality?" and "Is it acceptable under any circumstances to refer to these people as 'protestors'?"


best junior ever
Jme said:
Sorry for the OT question but, I'm reading through this thread and I just can't figure out what the hell a "chav" is. Is it short for something, or just a word used to describe white trash type of people? (That's what I gather it means from context clues)...
Anyone care to enlighten me?
Holy Shit! I just image searched "chav" and on the first page is an old school friend of mine.

I have no doubt at least 75% of the people in this pic have gotten themselves a new plasma in the last few days.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Do you think they worked well as a deterrent factor?

Those events revolved mostly in drug dealing and turfs between immigrants and locals.
I used to live in Padova, but it was before those problems, so I dont really know if it worked or not. I think it worked just in the area where the military and police are roaming.
Drug dealings and turfs still happen and will continue to.

The events in Uk right now are something different, but I do not advocate the dispatch of military.

What I found really, really cringeworthy about the whole situation is that people are starting to group-up to defend themselves.

We can discuss all we want about the government failing or not for those kids that are pillaging and looting, but the real issue is that the police, and the government, failed at protecting citizens.

The line between defending your home and making your own justice is a thin one to cross.


iapetus said:
The BBC? Haven't been following much of the coverage on TV channels (been at work and/or otherwise engaged - doing community stuff :p) but Radio 4 coverage has been doing some meta-reporting, including questions like "Does a reporter asking the rioters in his local area if they're proud of what they're doing count as a lack of impartiality?" and "Is it acceptable under any circumstances to refer to these people as 'protestors'?"

It is hard to know what to call them, maybe Mob would be better. Rome is burning...

EDIT: I imagine them destroying the country and the puppetmaster comes out of the shadows: "All hail Caesar, All hail SmokeyDave". 2084 here we come.


Bootaaay said:
No idea, Sky really are the worst. I think this quote from Kay Burley during the recent drama in Norway shows everything anyone needs to know about Sky News and the quality of their reporting;

"We can hear the Norwegians talking whatever language it is they speak there."


Holy shit lol! Honestly!
Twinduct said:
" A chav (pronounced /ˈtʃæv/ chav) is a stereotype of certain people in the United Kingdom. Also known as a charver in Yorkshire and North East England[1] "chavs" are said to be aggressive teenagers, of working class background, who repeatedly engage in anti-social behaviour such as street drinking, drug abuse and rowdiness, or other forms of juvenile delinquency.[2] "

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chav .. terrible comic picture lol
This annoys me because they are not working class, they are below working class, I am working class as is everyone I know, chavs typically do not work, hence dole scum.


Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
It looks more like there was more storage room on the bottom of the unit.

That's going to be hilarious when she gets a sentence for looting a poundland. lol

Yeah, sentenced for a day, but released straight away probably because she would have been held in custody for at least that time. These people now know that the 'reward' of looting greatly outweighs the punishment. Police and politicians say they will face the "full force of the law", yeah great deterrent...

(I'm not saying she should be sentenced for 6 months for petty theft, but physical force needs to be used, they are acting like animals, thus must be trained like animals.)
serotonina said:
Those events revolved mostly in drug dealing and turfs between immigrants and locals.
I used to live in Padova, but it was before those problems, so I dont really know if it worked or not. I think it worked just in the area where the military and police are roaming.
Drug dealings and turfs still happen and will continue to.

The events in Uk right now are something different, but I do not advocate the dispatch of military.

What I found really, really cringeworthy about the whole situation is that people are starting to group-up to defend themselves.

We can discuss all we want about the government failing or not for those kids that are pillaging and looting, but the real issue is that the police, and the government, failed at protecting citizens.

The line between defending your home and making your own justice is a thin one to cross.

Thanks, I'm just interested in how other governments would respond, the situations, and any comparative lessons that can be applied to this situation.

I do agree there has been a failure to protect people which is fueling a desire for non-governmental protection by private actors.
MLH said:
Yeah, sentenced for a day, but released straight away probably because she would have been held in custody for at least that time. These people now know that the 'reward' of looting greatly outweighs the punishment. Police and politicians say they will face the "full force of the law", yeah great deterrent...

(I'm not saying she should be sentenced for 6 months for petty theft, but physical force needs to be used, they are acting like animals, thus must be trained like animals.)

I fear for the safety of the rubber bullet shot against her. It's also possible the force of impact may cause it to speed back at the officers.


Scary Euro Man
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
I'd like to think the BBC goofed on a translation

Quite possibly not. See other foreign reports:


"[David] Cameron and his government must leave after the popular uprising against them and the violent repression of peaceful demonstrations by police," Libya's Jana news agency quoted Deputy Foreign Minister Khaled Kaaim as saying.

"The same people that shake their sorry heads when street protests across the Middle East are crushed by dictatorial regimes are calling for an army presence on the streets of Britain, and I have heard plenty say the rioters and looters should be shot.

I also liked:

"Egyptians and Tunisians took revenge for Khaled Said and [Mohammed] Bouazizi by peacefully toppling their murdering regimes, not stealing DVD players."


Junior, please.
Jme said:
Sorry for the OT question but, I'm reading through this thread and I just can't figure out what the hell a "chav" is. Is it short for something, or just a word used to describe white trash type of people? (That's what I gather it means from context clues)...
Anyone care to enlighten me?

A fairly diverse group of extremely unpleasant people which has plagued Britain for over a decade and are becoming a genuine threat to the country's future. They exhibit at least several, if not all of the following characteristics:

- Routinely gets drunk on cheap drink (which, I might add, is easily obtainable)
- Wears tracksuits all the time (and usually lots of cheap jewellery)
- Heckles and / or starts fights with people for no reason
- Does not work, has no wish to work, better themselves, or contribute to society (despite sometimes claiming that they do), and claims jobseeker's benefit to survive
- Extremely promiscuous and has lots of children by lots of different partners, paying little regard to their upbringing
- Is very poorly educated (which is not a reason to hate someone in itself, I know, it's because they don't want to learn) and speaks in a primitive and offensive manner

American white trash, basically, but they aren't always white, and even for trash, they are pretty terrible human beings.

Critics claim that it's just middle-class snobbery, but it has nothing to do with class. They are just horrible people.


Jme said:
Sorry for the OT question but, I'm reading through this thread and I just can't figure out what the hell a "chav" is. Is it short for something, or just a word used to describe white trash type of people? (That's what I gather it means from context clues)...
Anyone care to enlighten me?

Do they not have Google or Wikipedia where you are?


Scary Euro Man
MLH said:
Yeah, sentenced for a day, but released straight away probably because she would have been held in custody for at least that time. These people now know that the 'reward' of looting greatly outweighs the punishment.

Do we actually know the full details of this one-day sentence? I've seen a lot of uproar against it, but no actual background. Meanwhile we know that the magistrates are deliberately sending looters to the crown courts for sentencing simply because they can receive harsher sentences there.

And even a one-day sentence can fuck someone's life up in a lot of ways, particularly if they didn't have a criminal record previously.


iapetus said:
The BBC? Haven't been following much of the coverage on TV channels (been at work and/or otherwise engaged - doing community stuff :p) but Radio 4 coverage has been doing some meta-reporting, including questions like "Does a reporter asking the rioters in his local area if they're proud of what they're doing count as a lack of impartiality?" and "Is it acceptable under any circumstances to refer to these people as 'protestors'?"
To be fair, the exchange I have in mind took place on Sky. BBC have just been their usual self. Great at international news, great at news from London, not so much with other places.


Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Thanks, I'm just interested in how other governments would respond, the situations, and any comparative lessons that can be applied to this situation.

I do agree there has been a failure to protect people which is fueling a desire for non-governmental protection by private actors.

We saw the same thing here in Vancouver post Stanley Cup. Lots of opportunism and entitlement.

There's also great understanding the police are so afraid to use force, getting arrested is a small price to pay.

The people who truly had the most to los eare over achievers who happen to be caught looting and may in turn be kicked out of the clubs and circles they belong in, but when you ocnsider the average youth are far less ambitious, it's a non issue.


Scary Euro Man
SmokyDave said:
To be fair, the exchange I have in mind took place on Sky. BBC have just been their usual self. Great at international news, great at news from London, not so much with other places.

That makes more sense, then. Though again, the Radio 4 coverage that I've caught has been good, and was covering mostly non-London incidents when I was listening over lunch.
Royston Martis Cop tells me: ‘We had two looters in custody last night - the shock on their faces - followed by sobbing and wailing - was a joy to behold.’


MLH said:
Yeah, sentenced for a day, but released straight away probably because she would have been held in custody for at least that time. These people now know that the 'reward' of looting greatly outweighs the punishment. Police and politicians say they will face the "full force of the law", yeah great deterrent...

(I'm not saying she should be sentenced for 6 months for petty theft, but physical force needs to be used, they are acting like animals, thus must be trained like animals.)

uh. a day in prison and the hassle of being in custody and the criminal record is way worse than getting a £1 bag of crisps. i'm sure there will be examples of people getting away with things and rewarded by the looting but your example here is silly.

also why do people say they are acting like animals when that gif of chinner stealing crisps from ashop is hilarious precisely because animals don't do that. it's weird.


Some interesting tweets from Lia Hervey, from Sky News, who spent the day in Croydon magistrates court. http://twitter.com/#!/SkyNewsOlympic

"Nathan Dempster of Onslow Road, Croydon charged with stealing aftershave from House of Fraser, Croydon. He was remanded in custody."

"Nathan Dempster sobbed in the dock when he was remanded in custody."

"I have covered magistrates courts for many years and I have never seen a judge been so harsh as today."
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