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London riots spreading through UK

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Scary Euro Man
SmokyDave said:
I'm going to celebrate it annually as a sign that sometimes, cats & dogs both hate pigs.

Which means that the cats & dogs should smash the chickens' windows and steal their eggs?


Zenith said:
I don't think it's any of that, I think it's as simple as chavs suddenly realising that if there are enough of them together the police won't touch them when they go looting. It's like mass burglary.

I was listening to a history of the fall of the Roman Republic and how organized gangs of youths that controlled the streets for months at a time percipitated the breaking of up the first Triumvirate and got the ball rolling towards the fall of the senate.

Funny that stuff like this has been happening for thousands of years but people still blame it on moderny policy. They forget that Chavs will be Chavs and if they are in a large enough group eventually someone will be stabbed and a storefront will be breached.


Zenith said:
I don't think it's any of that, I think it's as simple as chavs suddenly realising that if there are enough of them together the police won't touch them when they go looting. It's like mass burglary.

Pretty much, these kids don't watch News 24, don't know what the FTSE is and couldn't give a fuck about council spending cuts.

Thats just the economic doom merchants trying to tie anything into their bell tolling, the same ones who said we would have riots all through the summer of 2009.


marrec said:
I was listening to a history of the fall of the Roman Republic and how organized gangs of youths that controlled the streets for months at a time percipitated the breaking of up the first Triumvirate and got the ball rolling towards the fall of the senate.

Funny that stuff like this has been happening for thousands of years but people still blame it on moderny policy. They forget that Chavs will be Chavs and if they are in a large enough group eventually someone will be stabbed and a storefront will be breached.

Except the chavs are a smalllllllll minority in Britian and always will be. They carry 0 political weight, have 0 sympathy amongst regular citizens, and if they go to far will only hurt their own cause when the governement decides to crack down.
The people that try to overcome their animalistic natures are greatly outnumbered by the mindless barbarians that fully embrace it. Society seems to be a case of the minority placating the masses so they don't go nuts... like what we have now.


marrec said:
I was listening to a history of the fall of the Roman Republic and how organized gangs of youths that controlled the streets for months at a time percipitated the breaking of up the first Triumvirate and got the ball rolling towards the fall of the senate.

Funny that stuff like this has been happening for thousands of years but people still blame it on moderny policy. They forget that Chavs will be Chavs and if they are in a large enough group eventually someone will be stabbed and a storefront will be breached.

Compared to the mob who used to brick the royal family and even the Duke of Wellington, our Burberry wearing friends are pussycats.


iapetus said:
Which means that the cats & dogs should smash the chickens' windows and steal their eggs?
Nah, you read me wrong. I'm the cat, Zenith is the dog and the rioters are the pigs.

Me 'n' Zenith don't see eye to eye on a lot, y'see.


Scary Euro Man
SmokyDave said:
Nah, you read me wrong. I'm the cat, Zenith is the dog and the rioters are the pigs.

I know this - just playing on the fact that the rioters would tell you that they're the ones who hate the pigs. :p
Tapiozona said:
Except the chavs are a smalllllllll minority in Britian and always will be. They carry 0 political weight, have 0 sympathy amongst regular citizens, and if they go to far will only hurt their own cause when the governement decides to crack down.
Ha. Yeah. How many years have cunt chavs been an issue now?

The best we can hope for is that if the rioting continues they start to stab each other and until a lot of them are wiped out. Absolute scum, add nothing to society. It's the best scenario for everyone.
blazinglord said:
Hardly, the blame lies solely with Labour's decade of creating an underclass with a misguided sense of entitlement that comes with never knowing a honest day's work and getting state handouts.

zomgwtfbbq said:
In London, I agree it is all down to Labour creating an underclass who live their lives out on benefits, never doing an honest day's work in their life. Outside of London the blame can be spread quite equally between the previous Labour government and the Conservative government before it. Both destroyed manufacturing and traditional working class employment but had nothing waiting for them but life in a council estate on incapacity benefits.

Sorry but Labour and welfare didn't create an underclass, welfare just helps to paper over the cracks and help to hide the reality imo... zomg alluded to it more, but these are the fruits of a multigenerational negligence in our society.

We have allowed multiple generations of people to atrophy and fester in low socio-economic groups. We've allowed certain geographical areas to fall by the wayside. The people living there claiming the welfare -- they're not the disease, they're a symptom of the disease.

As other posters have said, there's a bleak economic reality outside of the inner city and in some suburbs. Poor upbringings, poor schools, poor outlooks on life, poor motivation -- all made worse by the ridiculous, uneducated, bravado of being a scumbag that seems to spread throughout their peer groups and propagated by our media. Whereas we've all looked at the images of looted shops and felt anger, you just know these twats are photographing and filming each other on their phones and bragging about what a laugh it is. Better still, they're using them to organise the next raid!

Nothing about these people will change unless it becomes fundamentally unacceptable and detestable to them to carry on living the way they do, or until something pressures them to act some other way. Education has to play a part, the parents have to play a part, policing has to play a part, but I think the media does too. People watch Kidulthood/Adulthood or Skins or something, they see depictions of a proper shit life, and then for some reason think its cool. I honestly think the longer this goes on, the more inevitable it is that the police will crack down. I really hope they do. If its true that homes have been targetted I think its high time the gloves came off. I know people who live near some of the disturbances and they've all told me its just fucking annoying.

I wish I knew what the answer was to little ghetto shitholes and insular little subcultures that emerge like this... there are places like them in every city in England. Little no go areas that act as sewers for lifes rubbish and those unfortunate enough that they can't afford any better. One thing I do know though is that being a cunt is an infectious disease, it spreads through social circles and peers and its like fucking airborne AIDS or something. When you've got these cesspools of humanity collecting in one place, they coagulate and bond together like soft rocks of actual shit, infecting others, making others as bad as they are, pulling whole areas down into some spiralling descent of sloped foreheaded neandertholism. If I have kids myself, I will care less about what the quality of the school and the quality of education is like, and more about whether the area is shit and the schools populated by gobshites. Maybe that's snobbish, but I don't care.

Honestly... I've seen areas of Liverpool regenerated, and the way it was done was simply by bringing nice things into the area (new developments), buying up houses, forcing the real scumbags out and lifting the value of all the housing in the area. Basically, once they've finished regenerating an area -- only middle income earners and above can actually afford to live there. Again, that's just papering over the cracks, you're only moving the problem around I guess... if only they could move the problem out of the UK. Regarding the propensity for crime in these areas... welfare is only keeping people afloat really, money doesn't go far these days. If there are easy ways to achieve a better lifestyle (ie drugs / criminality) then of course people are going to turn to it. I know from my own experience that when they do they can afford to get half decent cars, buy themselves nice jewelry and ridiculously overpriced hoodies and tracksuits. I've even known someone whose activities helped them to fund monthly mortgage payments!

Let's have a reality check for a second... even the kids who aren't involved in crime normally, who are out on the streets of London smashing shit up... I bet they all have playstations and iphones... we already know that some of them use Twitter. I can't really consider them poor. They've only got first world problems, so lets not pretend this has a particularly deep meaningful problem at the heart of it... whatever happened to not being a cunt? Has decency and pride completely given way to hedonism, faux indignation and ego?

There are people like this all over, up and down the economic scale, living their dumbshit macho existence, just waiting for an excuse to kick off and burn, and fight, and steal, and punch, and smash, and rob, and kick, and fuck, and breed, and ugh...

Make no mistake -- what happened last night and the night before, and what will happen again tonight - has nothing to do with class. Its base mob mentality, lord of the flies played out on London high streets. People taking what they can get, doing whatever they can get away with... wrecking their own neighbourhoods like morons and stealing sportswear and consumer electronics. No societal analyses or contemplative naval gazing can explain what they are doing, because its just communal lawless stupidity.
RE: BBM privacy
BBM messages are encrypted so that they are unintelligible to anyone except the intended recipient, but RIM has access to the master key and can be compelled to hand it to authorities under part three of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act.

Patrick Spence, RIM’s managing director of global sales, indicated the firm would comply with any such request.

Sickening display of big brother.



iapetus said:
I know this - just playing on the fact that the rioters would tell you that they're the ones who hate the pigs. :p
I dunno, that'd require a degree of political savvy beyond these mouth-breathers I reckon.

Oh, hang on, pigs as in cops, not pigs as in capitalists!

Man, Animal Farm has made these analogies difficult.


Tapiozona said:
Except the chavs are a smalllllllll minority in Britian and always will be. They carry 0 political weight, have 0 sympathy amongst regular citizens, and if they go to far will only hurt their own cause when the governement decides to crack down.

Oh ya, I'm not compairing any of these punks to Publius Clodius whose death caused members of his gang to burn down the senate house. Just putting these kind of mass demontrations of anarchy in some kind of historical perspective.


brucewaynegretzky said:
Or.... a really great way for police to curb violence. You know either works. I really wish America would adopt Britain's version of privacy laws. I want privacy from other people. Law enforcement doesn't really bother me.

Until they're knocking down your door to take you to the DEATH CAMPS!

As some nutters here in the US would have you believe.
My wife just called me and apparently its kicking off in Croydon (looting ect) but she doesnt know the full details, i was out at the high street about 30 minutes ago and i saw shops quickly shutting their shutters and police hanging around. Have to wait for full details though as thats all i know so far.
brucewaynegretzky said:
Or.... a really great way for police to curb violence. You know either works. I really wish America would adopt Britain's version of privacy laws. I want privacy from other people. Law enforcement doesn't really bother me.
Didn't you listen to Morgan Freeman in the Dark Knight? He didn't want that power!
Foliorum Viridum said:
How is it a display of big brother? It's trying to crack down on these fucking idiots.

I have a BB and use BBM and I don't give the slightest shit. If it helps them catch these idiots, then great.
Oh sure, why doesn't Microsoft give the government access to all our hard drives to crack down on child porn as well?
zomgbbqftw said:
As long as there are check and balances I don't have a problem with the government invoking some executive order. That this is the first time they have discussed using it despite the anarchists in London during the student protests is a good thing I think.
There is no check and balance, this is a single key that gives access to all Blackberry messages. Who knows if they can even patch that out after the riots are over?

The police should be able to do their fucking job without invading basic civil rights like privacy.
Visualante said:
Didn't you listen to Morgan Freeman in the Dark Knight? He didn't want that power!

Sure one man can't have it, but I really don't have a problem with an administrative agency having it.... And if V for Vendetta has taught me anything its that crazy conservatives are gonna do the same thing anyway so might as well set up the system with a progressive structure to begin with.


I really hope this just stays in London and chav cunts around the UK don't decided to get the same idea and band together to loot towns/cities.
I mean if I was some chav scum that paid attention to the news (lol) then I'd probably be thinking that if I got my mates and my mates mates and their mates together we could loot the shops in town and make off with some nice trainers and phones and what not. Seeing how much they've gotten away with so far is quite scary and this is happening in/around the capital.

It probably won't start up anywhere else but it's still scary to think about.


Arresting Twitter users for incitement (news item), expect clever codewords from now on. 'Going to Brixton for a 40'' loaf of bread'


Zomba13 said:
I really hope this just stays in London and chav cunts around the UK don't decided to get the same idea and band together to loot towns/cities.
I mean if I was some chav scum that paid attention to the news (lol) then I'd probably be thinking that if I got my mates and my mates mates and their mates together we could loot the shops in town and make off with some nice trainers and phones and what not. Seeing how much they've gotten away with so far is quite scary and this is happening in/around the capital.

It probably won't start up anywhere else but it's still scary to think about.
A couple more days like this in the capital (and a couple more twitter pics of the spoils) and I really wouldn't be so sure.


The Amiga Brotherhood
SmokyDave said:
A couple more days like this in the capital (and a couple more twitter pics of the spoils) and I really wouldn't be so sure.

Speaking of that, I'm guessing this was from Foot Locker:



The weekend's riots saw officers from Essex and Kent being send into the capital to help out - god knows what would happen if all this rioting spread... It'll be like the strike in Robocop..


Dirtyshubb said:
1) Sort out the benefits system; try to stop the sense of entitlement at the source.
2) Try and prevent the amount of child abuse that goes on in low income houses, its far more wide spread than gets reported.
3) Help parents become better parents, teach them what their actions will do to their children down the line and help them learn to take consequences into consideration rather than do what makes life easier right now.
4) Crack down on violent crime. All muggings, beatings, verbal abuse to strangers ect should be treated as some of the worst crimes possible, rather than whitewashing it as petty crime when it’s those crimes and criminals that have the biggest effect on a society.

Of course the situation is a lot more complex than this and my suggestions are going to be hard to get working but I truly feel that if we as a society managed to get these 4 suggestions implemented in some meaningful way we might start to see a turnaround to the troubling trend of youngsters being lost to society because of a bad upbringing.

Spot on mate. Absolutely agree with these points. Sense of entitlement from people is shocking, they're unwilling to put the time and work to get what they want, then fabricate a form of injustice thats being perpetuated against them. As if they're owed everything.
DECK'ARD said:
Speaking of that, I'm guessing this was from Foot Locker:


What the hell is the point of that!?! You're never going to sell all of them! To be honest if I was out during the riots I think it would be hard to not pop in a best buy and grab a game I really wanted. I don't know if I'd actually do it, but I'd certainly pause to think about it. But this is just insane. You can't even use half the shit these people are taking.


Kicking off in Hackney.

16.42 BBC showing police cars jamming an intersection in Hackney as dozens of people mill around. One man is trying to smash the window of a police car.

16.39 ITV's Jess Brammar reports fighting breaking out in Hackney

Don't think I'll be taking home my new 24" monitor I had delivered to my work address this evening. :(

Actually I'm near Oxford Circus, it might be safer to take it home... :p


DECK'ARD said:
Speaking of that, I'm guessing this was from Foot Locker:

Yeah, that pretty much sums this situation up nicely.

If I owned a shop in a major city centre, I'd be checking my insurance paperwork about now. The rest of the feral underclass will be watching and taking notes.


brucewaynegretzky said:
What the hell is the point of that!?! You're never going to sell all of them! To be honest if I was out during the riots I think it would be hard to not pop in a best buy and grab a game I really wanted. I don't know if I'd actually do it, but I'd certainly pause to think about it. But this is just insane. You can't even use half the shit these people are taking.
Yeah. I mean, if it was happening here and I was in town at the time I'd be damn tempted to grab a few things I want. I don't know if I would though because I'd probably be too scared of getting hit by something or knifed over a game. That and it's a scummy thing to do (which I might not think about in the heat of the moment).


The Amiga Brotherhood
The site from last night that out-did Sky News and the BBC is updating again. It's kicking off:


1642: Youths are now smashing up a police car on Mare Street in Hackney whilst the violence has spread to Hackney Central station. No reports of arson or looting so far, this is all direct clashing with the police. Seems to be a more robust response from them today.

1641: “Huge crowd” on Mare Street running away from police, helicopter in the area as well.

1641: Mare Street in Hackney has now been closed, apparently. Heavy police presence in the area so something big must be happening. Not much detailed information from the ground.

1640: Met Police have opened a hotline for information about the looters: 020 8345 4142.

1638: Lots of Tweets about Southgate, seems that people there are braced for imminent trouble.


Regardless of what you think about these corporations ethics, they operate in an environment where protocols are in place to protect all, you cannot justify the attack on their business here, they're not forcing you to use them, nor are they breaking laws. Im fuming at the sight of that footlocker photo.

SmokyDave said:
Yeah, that pretty much sums this situation up nicely.

If I owned a shop in a major city centre, I'd be checking my insurance paperwork about now. The rest of the feral underclass will be watching and taking notes.

In a fresh pair of kicks, one would presume.
marrec said:
I was listening to a history of the fall of the Roman Republic and how organized gangs of youths that controlled the streets for months at a time percipitated the breaking of up the first Triumvirate and got the ball rolling towards the fall of the senate.

Funny that stuff like this has been happening for thousands of years but people still blame it on moderny policy. They forget that Chavs will be Chavs and if they are in a large enough group eventually someone will be stabbed and a storefront will be breached.

O tempora, o mores.

It's a sign of how far Britain has fallen from the classically educated days of empire that we use words like chav instead of pleb.

So much lousy stuff in history has happened because of a surplus of young males who don't have anything but feel they should have a lot.
DECK'ARD said:
The continued lack of NewsWipe in times like this is a travesty.
#1 when you see a car on fire you must drink
#2 when you see someone being arrested you must drink
#3 when a window is broken you must drink
#4 when the news reporter's sentences becomes incoherent with the constant need to talk over footage. you must drink.
#5 when the journalist makes unreasonable assumptions, take a drink

Feel free to add/edit.


marrec said:
Don't forget the Acoustic Tanks. Those are super effective against punks like these.

Yeah, would love to see some of the new stuff we've been working on. Perfect time to experiment.
Its going to annoy me when the Beeb and all the papers go into overdrive trying to contextualise this politically and socially. These thieving little shits don't need to explain themselves, they'll have all the countries media trying to make excuses for them... you can just bet on it. A poster mentioned Brooker, and I love him, but I do wonder which tack he would take: would he rebuke the sneering we're all directing at these thieving cunts or would he just find the whole thing amusing and scoff at BBC presenters in their Bosnia battlegear again?

More Fun To Compute said:
O tempora, o mores.

It's a sign of how far Britain has fallen from the classically educated days of empire that we use words like chav instead of pleb.

So much lousy stuff in history has happened because of a surplus of young males who don't have anything to do but feel they should have a lot.

Pleb was always in common colloquial use in Liverpool when I was younger, it probably still is - I don't know. Sadly though, I don't think half the people who used to say it back then knew what it meant.


Went past Fore St in Edmonton on my way home and the local shops have their shutters covering their windows down and some even have the door shutter 3/4 of the way down only lifting it up for customers. All they had on Fore St was two community support officers who aren't going to instil confidence. The police have to get this under control, the local businesses are scared to open up even though there doesn't seem to be any trouble brewing.
Why are the police letting pedestrian traffic through when there's these people launching planks of wood across the road? It seems very dangerous to me
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