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London riots spreading through UK

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The Incarnation said:
Randomly gunning down the population in Syria doesn't seem to work when it comes to stopping protesters.

Harsher treatment will only cause further trouble in the long run.

Fear of authority rarely yields good fruit.

It's not about creating fear, I'm talking about stopping riots before someone innocent (=everyone but the attackers) is hurt in any form. We have enough non-lethal methods to do this. I would say it's actually a responsible thing to do.
I realize my statement can be seen controversial with the recent uprisings, but I hope we can distinguish the difference between riots like this and people not being allowed to protest against their authorities peacefully in the first place, as well as the use of deadly force...


SolidusDave said:
Almost everyone participating in violent "protests" only uses the original cause just as an excuse to break stuff, fight people and of course to steal stuff. Everywhere around the world, every time.

I don't understand why police is so soft about this in many countries. The very moment a shop gets looted, someone is physically attacked or a car is set on fire, they should simply spray the crowd with rubber bullets, water canons and tear gas until the riot is over.
The Syrian way.


Lambie the MP came across really well and fair. The firebrand preacher afterwards less so...family want answers, but why a protest after only two days when it can take weeks for interviews and forensics to be done properly?

Looting H&M...I always feel I'm stealing from them when I buy my clothes.

You know your in a shit hole when residents of Hackney turn up their nose at a mention of it.


SolidusDave said:
It's not about creating fear, I'm talking about stopping riots before someone innocent (=everyone but the attackers) is hurt in any form. We have enough non-lethal methods to do this. I would say it's actually a responsible thing to do.
That only works if, as you said, people use an excuse to break stuff. If they're really angry, like they were in France in 2005, you'll only make things worse.

See, it's not even about people's rights here. You better be sure you're doing the right thing when you're going the hard way.


zomgbbqftw said:
In future, water cannons and tear gas. Nothing else will work against these savages.
Why aren't cannons used in England? The are used in the North, like during July's riots
Desmond said:
Why aren't cannons used in England? The are used in the North, like during July's riots

Labour got rid of them, but after the anarchist riots in London, Theresa May has said she wants to bring them back into use. Obviously it hasn't gone through enough committees yet...


G.O.O. said:
Don't know if you're serious, but he made things worse both as a minister and as a president. His statistics are really bad.


Just referring ironically to ill-advised rhetoric. Nicolas loves his provocative derogations.


The problem is that Police Riot tactics are still under the microscope at the moment. Whatever they do will kick up a stink.
SolidusDave said:
It's not about creating fear, I'm talking about stopping riots before someone innocent (=everyone but the attackers) is hurt in any form. We have enough non-lethal methods to do this. I would say it's actually a responsible thing to do.
I realize my statement can be seen controversial with the recent uprisings, but I hope we can distinguish the difference between riots like this and people not being allowed to protest against their authorities peacefully in the first place, as well as the use of deadly force...

Don't get me wrong I agree with you.

But who could really do it without going on a power trip? One foolish cop could wreck an entire plan.
Salazar said:

Just referring ironically to ill-advised rhetoric.

Clearly the softly softly approach both Labour and the Cons have been using doesn't work. Next step zero tolerance. It worked in New York...


zomgbbqftw said:
Clearly the softly softly approach both Labour and the Cons have been using doesn't work. Next step zero tolerance. It worked in New York...

I concur, but I have no use for words like "savages" in politics.
Salazar said:
I concur, but I have no use for words like "savages" in politics.

How else would you describe the thugs that broke shop windows and looted them, then setting people's homes on fire? That's a pretty savage thing to do...


zomgbbqftw said:
How else would you describe the thugs that broke shop windows and looted them, then setting people's homes on fire? That's a pretty savage thing to do...

For myself ? With words probably much stronger than savages.

As a politician, with rather more care. That is all I was saying, and my reply to your post was only a jest.
G.O.O. said:
The people we're talking about, maybe.

I was living in one of the worst french city in terms of violence and criminality when he used the word and I didn't feel offended for the simple reason that I wasn't one of the so called savages (which they are really). Thing is he didn't solve anything, things have never been worse in terms of violence towards people in France. Those are his real faults, not calling a cat a cat.


zomgbbqftw said:
David Lammy just said they aren't sure whether the buildings that were on fire had people in them or not. They may have committed murder. Savages.

If there were people in there, they would have found bodies. So far, nothing reported..
Salazar said:
For myself ? With words probably much stronger than savages.

As a politician, with rather more care. That is all I was saying, and my reply to your post was only a jest.

I'm no politician, I don't mince my words...

Politicians that do mince their words aren't worth listening to or respecting.

Dan27 said:
If there were people in there, they would have found bodies. So far, nothing reported..

Haven't been in them yet according to him.


zomgbbqftw said:
I'm no politician, I don't mince my words...

Politicians that do mince their words aren't worth listening to or respecting

I didn't say that you were. And careful language is by no means necessarily mincing one's words. And this entire semi-quarrel is a bizarre ricochet from an idle quip of mine.


We should do an exchange swap with the Syrians. Our peaceful, well behaved police men can monitor and look after the peaceful protesters in Syria. While they're hired milita can hunt down and shoot these dogs in the street.


LordPhoque said:
I was living in one of the worst french city in terms of violence and criminality when he used the word and I didn't feel offended for the simple reason that I wasn't one of the so called savages (which they are really). Thing is he didn't solve anything, things have never been worse in terms of violence towards people in France. Those are his real faults, not calling a cat a cat.
If you're young, black and from Saint-Denis, it doesn't really matter if you're a good citizen or not, you already are "one of them" for him. He didn't state it explicitly, but it would be foolish to believe otherwise, especially when you hear his close friend Hortefeux...


Meus Renaissance said:
Yeah but that's the North though. Understandable

I kid

zomgbbqftw said:
Labour got rid of them, but after the anarchist riots in London, Theresa May has said she wants to bring them back into use. Obviously it hasn't gone through enough committees yet...

I think we're all on different hymn sheets here, I thought we meant Northern Ireland and our riots in July!
kharma45 said:
I think we're all on different hymn sheets here, I thought we meant Northern Ireland and our riots in July!

I think the NIP have their own charter and aren't bound by Westminster rules. Anyway, the riots over there are more frequent and violent in nature. This is the first really bad riot we've had for a while in England. Even those idiot UK Uncut/anarchist wankers didn't burn people's homes and loot from stores.

I think we're going to see a change or rhetoric soon and the government will start talking about zero tolerance to knives and guns, end of gang culture by force and that kind of stuff.


faridmon said:
Just kick off the season anyway. Those people wouldn't do this if they saw thier Arsenal being arsenal.

What a load of tottenham, Steaming pile of hotspur.
G.O.O. said:
That only works if, as you said, people use an excuse to break stuff. If they're really angry, like they were in France in 2005, you'll only make things worse.

See, it's not even about people's rights here. You better be sure you're doing the right thing when you're going the hard way.

Fair point, though I'm not sure if the actual act of deploying tear gas etc. fueled the anger in France. I mean, hypothetically, what would have happened if the police didn't use any form of force / arresting people / don't even show up? I really don't know if this had led to less violence / a quicker end or the opposite.

Though maybe it changed the tactics of the "protesters", as they couldn't win an open conflict with the police w/o being prepared/armed. IIRC the "protesters" even used firearms near the end.
There's reports that the police just watched as teenagers were packing cars full of stolen goods. I hope they were filming and taking down some registrations. They should kick some fuckin' doors in in the dead of night and drag them into the back of a van for a right good fucking beating. Say they resisted arrest.

The people who set fire to peoples homes and businesses should just be disappeared. There's no fucking use in this world for pond life like that. None.


radioheadrule83 said:
There's reports that the police just watched as teenagers were packing cars full of stolen goods. I hope they were filming and taking down some registrations. They should kick some fuckin' doors in in the dead of night and drag them into the back of a van for a right good fucking beating. Say they resisted arrest.

The people who set fire to peoples homes and businesses should just be disappeared. There's no fucking use in this world for pond life like that. None.

Apparently it was very well organised groups of men rather than teenagers who were making trips back and forth in their white vans..


travisbickle said:
Disenfranchised people are angry, welcome to the modern world.
Not really a product of modern society. Rememver the Roman slave uprisings or the french revolution?
radioheadrule83 said:
There's reports that the police just watched as teenagers were packing cars full of stolen goods. I hope they were filming and taking down some registrations. They should kick some fuckin' doors in in the dead of night and drag them into the back of a van for a right good fucking beating. Say they resisted arrest.

The people who set fire to peoples homes and businesses should just be disappeared. There's no fucking use in this world for pond life like that. None.
This is the kind of thinking that let military dictatorships in South America actually kill and "disappear" hundreds of thousands of people in the name of order and support of the "free" market. The only thing disgusting is this thread full of privileged, lazy nerds supporting government murder.
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