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London riots spreading through UK

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reggieandTFE said:
This is the kind of thinking that let military dictatorships in South America actually kill and "disappear" hundreds of thousands of people in the name of order and support of the "free" market. The only thing disgusting is this thread full of privileged, lazy nerds supporting government murder.
Typed that on a pilfered laptop, didn't you?


Chittagong said:
Lol, they looted H&M, on a scale of chav to hoodie, how dumb is that?

From Twitter

Gallbaro said:
Clearly they need more state benefits.

I was reading elsewhere that one working theory is that a lot of these people were moved off IB to JSA recently because the government brought in a new, tougher test that Labour came up with and decided against. Tottenham has one of the highest levels of benefit dependency in the country and a lot of these people will have been affected by the change losing them up to £100/w from benefit cheques.

Basically Labour paid these people in benefits to keep quiet and then the Cons came in and took the higher payments away (like it should be) and they are getting restless.

Not sure whether it is true or not, but that is one theory I have heard...


So a cunt deservedly gets killed and the people of Tottenham begin rioting? The fuck?

I hope all the cunts who were involved in the rioting are captured and thrown in a bottomless pit.


The 'worst' that will happen to the few that are caught is they'll be sent to a young offenders centre where they can strengthen their gang ties and learn from better criminals.


thanks for the laugh
i guarantee you that nobody who has lived within a mile of white hart lane will paint this as some last frustrated gasp of the proletariat.

as i said before, never in my life have i lived somewhere with a higher signal to cunt ratio.


Raydeen said:
Lambie the MP came across really well and fair. The firebrand preacher afterwards less so...family want answers, but why a protest after only two days when it can take weeks for interviews and forensics to be done properly?

Looting H&M...I always feel I'm stealing from them when I buy my clothes.

You know your in a shit hole when residents of Hackney turn up their nose at a mention of it.

I remember a girl i waw hitting on make fun of me being from hackney. When i asked her where she was from she said Tottenham. I was like "bitch are you serious!?"


-viper- said:
Yep. No tears shed from me. He looks like scum.

Haha, did you just say someone can be killed and it be ethically ok based on the way he looks?

This is another one of those riots where the group sort of had a point, but acted on it in a stupid way which will make no one agree with them.
Spiffy_1st said:
Haha, did you just assume someone can be killed and it be ethically ok based on the way he looks?

This is another one of those riots where the group sort of had a point, but acted on it in a stupid way which will make no one agree with them.

Read up, he shot a policeman.
Spiffy_1st said:
Haha, did you just assume someone can be killed and it be ethically ok based on the way he looks?

This is another one of those riots where the group sort of had a point, but acted on it in a stupid way which will make no one agree with them.

To be fair, he posted that knowing what we all know now. We know that he was in a group that was targetted in a planned operation by a squad that deals with gun crime, we know that they opened fire on the police... I don't see what explanation people feel is owed by the police here. They shot at the police and the police shot back. If they hadn't have had firearms in the first place, it wouldn't have happened.

The rioting was absolutely retarded, opportunistic criminality, and nobody but the police and people who are having to clean up after it should be given any sympathy.

badcrumble said:

Says anonymous local via email. Even if that happened, and I will doubt that it did unless evidence emerges otherwise, then it still doesn't excuse what happened last night.
BigNastyCurve said:
I've got to fly in to London in a couple weeks. Could some of you kindly ask the rioters please get this out of their system before then, k?

Tottenham is nowhere near any airports or any crucial infrastructure. I think you're safe...
badcrumble said:

It wouldnt be surprised if that happened. It is nothing new that the police do extreme things, and nothing to excuse them for that despite what bunch of assholes these rioters could be. There was an incident in my country with a few rioters up front (pretty peaceful than what you see in London), and the police knocked my mother down (not any injury thankfully) when trying to move away. They are scums, and often resort to using violence at people around riots who are peacefully demonstrating. Even if the girl threw a rock or so it doesnt justify such actions.
-viper- said:
So a cunt deservedly gets killed and the people of Tottenham begin rioting? The fuck?

I hope all the cunts who were involved in the rioting are captured and thrown in a bottomless pit.

A bigger wtf is that people see quality like the Arsenal in them parts and still support Tottenham Hotspurs.

You can't explain that!


Kurd/Turkish community forming protection squads against the looting/riot community.

According the the London Daily News, intelligence from local groups in Wood Green and Tottenham is indicating that more violence is expected on Sunday in Tottenham and Wood Green with Brixton now likely to see the next flashpoints.

Shop owners along Wood Green, Turnpike Lane and Green Lanes, the majority of which are of Kurdish or Turkish owned have formed local protection units following riots in Tottenham which have spilled over to Wood Green.

"We do not have any trust in the local police, our shops are next on the target list by the black thugs who have ransacked Tottenham, we will protect our property", said a leading member of the Green Lanes "unit".

Orlando Breody a Wood Green resident and one of the looters from last night said to The London Daily News this morning:

"Its now time the police and the Government experience the anger of the people we will not stop until justice is seen to be done over the execution of Mark Duggan"
That's exactly what we need, vigilante action.

Man this could get ugly very soon if it turns into a blacks vs Turks race riot...


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
I hope this shit happens every time a British cop fires a gun at a citizen.

Funky Papa

Meh, I side 101% with the Turks/Kurds here. They shouldn't go after the looters, but there is nothing wrong with increasing your own security.

Call some cousins and friends, put them in the store with a piece of pipe and see if some rudeboy tries to do something cute.
Furret said:
Setting fire to two police cars doesn't count as 'actual rioting'?

And what was this poor, innocent girl doing "being near the police line" (to quote your link)?

Also, it's an anonymous email, so not worth the bandwidth it's saved on.


dreamcastmaster said:
Read up, he shot a policeman.
Precisely. He is a leading gangster and was involved in the dealing firearms to the streets.

He doesn't deserve to live.

Kentpaul said:
I hope this shit happens every time a British cop fires a gun at a citizen.
The police took appropriate steps in defending themselves against an ARMED CRIMINAL.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Casp0r said:
I hope you're the next one they shoot.

Its possible they could shoot me, innocent people get shot when police have guns.

Guns are disgusting weapons, there's no place for them in the UK.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
ClosingADoor said:
So police officers should just let criminals shoot at them and not take any action to defend themselves?

So when criminals throw petrol bombs at police its ok for the police throw to petrol bombs back ?


Kentpaul said:
So when criminals throw petrol bombs at police its ok for the police throw to petrol bombs back ?
Yes. It's called self defense.

I'm perfectly okay with an armed police unit in the UK. How else will you combat against the handgun-wielding gangsters?
Kentpaul said:
Its possible they could shoot me, innocent people get shot when police have guns.

Guns are disgusting weapons, there's no place for them in the UK.
You know when more innocent people get shot? When criminals have guns. And you know why this guy got shot? Because he had a gun and was shooting it.

Kentpaul said:
So when criminals throw petrol bombs at police its ok for the police throw to petrol bombs back ?
No, but it is ok to defend yourself. When someone throws a petrol bomb at the police, the police has every right to shoot the asshole. Problem comes of course when there is a crowd and you can't see who threw it, so police should use rubber bullets, water cannons, etc.


Meus Renaissance said:
I think the shooting was an indirect factor in these riots rather than the cause.
Maybe the unemployed, drug-dealing, gun-wielding, thug cunts used the shooting as an excuse for the impeding havoc?
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