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London riots spreading through UK

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Meus Renaissance said:
They do not have firearms here.

Liquid Helium said:
Our police don't carry guns.

I thought they at least had them in storage, for emergencies like these.. Don't say they aren't even trained for the use of firearms?

If so.. What a joke.


venison crêpe
number47 said:
this american asks whos jeremy kyle?

Jerry Springer UK version. But even more of a dick.

Forsete said:
I bet the coppers are raging inside. It must be hard not unholstering your pistol at this time.

I think its time for the military (unless England has the same stupid law which Sweden does, aka. no military allowed against "civilians").

The police are normally unarmed so I doubt it's hard.
Tomorrow's reaction really could be a make or break moment for Cameron, his cabinet, public opinion and therefore the viability of the coalition and Boris as mayor. All the hacking and cock ups and u-turns have done a lot of damage, but this is something else, something bigger.
Ether_Snake said:
Any good news stream going on?

Seriously I would announce loud and clear that a curfew is imposed and that everyone must stay indoors. Anyone found in the streets looking like trouble, gets rubber-bullet shot.

OG Kush

I hope everyone is as pissed as me a the UK police force. Not doing shit about this, its disgusting. To a certain extent (very little) I don't blame some of the looters and rioters because this is what happens when the government doesn't look after its own people and instead spends it on other international wars and such. And since people know they can get away with it easily it just pushes it further. Bring out the water cannons and gas!


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
we need a 2nd austrailia where we can send these criminals and have them fend for themselves. worked out ok last time....
Thank fuck for these guys



venison crêpe
Forsete said:
I thought they at least had them in storage, for emergencies like these.. Don't say they aren't even trained for the use of firearms?

If so.. What a joke.

Police forces have special armed response teams who are called upon when firearms are required. For the Met that is CO19.

Why would the general police need guns when the general public don't have them? Particularly riot police who are only deployed in certain situations and could be joined by CO19 if required.

OG Kush

Ether_Snake said:
Seriously I would announce loud and clear that a curfew is imposed and that everyone must stay indoors. Anyone found in the streets looking like trouble, gets rubber-bullet shot.
wtf? Ban peole from the freedom to leave their houses?! what if i need to get some food, see some family whos hurt etc? stupid idea. this ain't a fuckin zombie attack


radioheadrule83 said:
I'm not so sure now.

With regard to rubber bullets:

In Boston when the Red Sox won the world series the police used rubber bullets to try to stop some minor rioting. The end result was they shot a female college student through the eye, killing her.
Forsete said:
I thought they at least had them in storage, for emergencies like these.. Don't say they aren't even trained for the use of firearms?

If so.. What a joke.

Most are trained to a similar level to the US. We also have special armed response teams within each division of the police who are trained in a wider variety of weaponry like fully automatic weapons etc. Police on the beat don't have them as they really don't need them - as evidenced by the fact that in 3 days of rioting nobody (that we know of) has died yet. A lot of bad shit, but no deaths. In the 92 LA riots 50-something people had been killed by now.

You'll see police in key places - by number 10, parliament, the palace, airports - readily armed - usually with both SMGs and handguns both - but you'll rarely if ever see a cop on the streets wearing a holster.


Give them the chance to use rubber bullets at least.

They should have rubber bullets and sound cannon.

OG Kush said:
wtf? Ban peole from the freedom to leave their houses?! what if i need to get some food, see some family whos hurt etc? stupid idea. this ain't a fuckin zombie attack

Why would you need some food RIGHT NOW. Give me a break. And I did say anyone who looked like trouble. You know, people throwing shit and wearing hoods and all.

And who the fuck is going to go get some food where there are riots? lol
Margalis said:
With regard to rubber bullets:

In Boston when the Red Sox won the world series the police used rubber bullets to try to stop some minor rioting. The end result was they shot a female college student through the eye, killing her.

It did stop the rioting though IIRC.


leadbelly said:
Rubber bullets certainly would be seen as excessive force. The police are scared to use a much harder approach as they have been criticised in the past.

There are shops being looted and burnt, people terrified and still it's not time to use rubber bullets? I disagree buddy, it's gotten to the stage where something needs to be done. The police have no control here, bring the army and use the kettling technique if the majority care about chavs getting shot. Bet you the police that was criticized for kettling students during the protest are smirking right now, this softy approach is working out really good isn’t it?

number47 said:
this american asks whos jeremy kyle?

usa has riots ...but its for less important things like sports.

A genius really, he is my hero. Made a career shouting and taking the piss out of chavs 5 days a week, legend.

Margalis said:
With regard to rubber bullets:

In Boston when the Red Sox won the world series the police used rubber bullets to try to stop some minor rioting. The end result was they shot a female college student through the eye, killing her.

Can you please stop getting peoples hopes up please? Thank you


Wes said:
Police forces have special armed response teams who are called upon when firearms are required. For the Met that is CO19.

Why would the general police need guns when the general public don't have them? Particularly riot police who are only deployed in certain situations and could be joined by CO19 if required.
To prevent shit like this, duh. All it takes is a little spark where some dick thinks that he can get away with shit since the cop next to him cant fatally wound him.

This type of rioting would be very difficult to pull off in America with the numbers at work here since there would be a zero tolerance effect in place.
Margalis said:
With regard to rubber bullets:

In Boston when the Red Sox won the world series the police used rubber bullets to try to stop some minor rioting. The end result was they shot a female college student through the eye, killing her.

It quelled the riots did it not?

and seriously, the police don't carry guns over there? Do they just politely ask people to stop committing crime?
Vivalaraza said:
I am really worried this could be central London tmrw. Plz dont let that happen.

Polari said:
Don't worry, the police will shoot on sight if they get anywhere near Mayfair or Belgravia.

Police have got central London on lock. Too many high value shops (jewellery etc.) and stuff. It's funny though because the west end is pikey town central for many low income males to just loiter and stuff but they seem unable to get anything going on Oxford street or anything.

I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't just do mass robberies of civilians/tourists in those areas instead of targeting stores.


Margalis said:
With regard to rubber bullets:

In Boston when the Red Sox won the world series the police used rubber bullets to try to stop some minor rioting. The end result was they shot a female college student through the eye, killing her.

Oh ok, and here I thought rioting could get people injured or killed.
~Kinggi~ said:
To prevent shit like this, duh. All it takes is a little spark where some dick thinks that he can get away with shit since the cop next to him cant fatally wound him.

This type of rioting would be very difficult to pull off in America with the numbers at work here since there would be a zero tolerance effect in place.

There is also the issue of an armed populace (going back to that Korean-American example in LA). Riots can happen, but honestly you don't seem massive country wide things since the "Hot Summers" of the 60s/70s.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
As an American, I'm seeing people's rights infringed (property, safety/health) for protests that don't seem to have a valid cause for free speech. I would support using force.
Jesus the BBC is reporting this spreading in so many other cities.

Shut these people the fuck down. Jesus christ.

That Sony fire is MASSIVE.

I'm going to keep BBC News on to watch in bed but something tells me it's going to make me too angry to sleep.


Wes said:
Police forces have special armed response teams who are called upon when firearms are required. For the Met that is CO19.

Why would the police need guns when the general public don't have them?

For protection, yourself (as a cop) and others.
Thugs can be armed. A druggie charging you with a knife. Anything can happen when a gun can be useful.

Where I come from all cops (in "outer service") are armed, but they seldom use them.. Only when it is absolutely necessary. Sometimes it is enough to present the weapon in the hand and a situation is calmed down. I see no problem with it.


venison crêpe
Dark Machine said:
This now emphasises that we (unfortunately) need a National Guard organisation for what now is undoubtedly a State of Emergency.

We do. The Territorial Army.
Margalis said:
With regard to rubber bullets:

In Boston when the Red Sox won the world series the police used rubber bullets to try to stop some minor rioting. The end result was they shot a female college student through the eye, killing her.

What was she doing?

London and much of the UK will be seemingly flying into space on Thursday. Were it so easy to get rid of the terrible people there.

Escape Goat

teh_pwn said:
As an American, I'm seeing people's right's infringed (property, safety/health) for protests that don't seem to have a valid cause for free speech. I would support using force.

I don't disagree with you but once you go down that path there isn't any turning back. Its a tense time for decision makers and I hope they know its going to work and not backfire on them.


What is in this video? I don't have a Facebook account.

they help an injured man to his feet in what seems like a catring gesture, then while he's still dazed and confused they look through his bag and loot it. then deciding the contents are no good they throw them away, destroying them since they're no use to them instead of even leaving them for the rightful owner to possibly take back. Kinda sums up the mentality at work here.


Looters and vandalists are indeed filth, but so is this bloody government for inadvertently creating such unrest and angst. Huge cuts, increased uni fee's, more unemployment and so on...it was bound to happen. It's a boiling pot right now.


Forsete said:
For protection, yourself (as a cop) and others.
Thugs can be armed. A druggie charging you with a knife. Anything can happen when a gun can be useful.

Where I come from all cops (in "outer service") are armed, but they seldom use them.. Only when it is absolutely necessary. Sometimes it is enough to present the weapon in the hand and a situation is calmed down. I see no problem with it.
They're armed with tasers.
Wes said:
We do. The Territorial Army.

And we're sending them all to Afghanistan. :( London certainly needs the TA. Liverpool 'riots' may be calming somewhat, it's just thugging kids trying to be hard. Apparently some broken windows in the city centre but a HUGE police presence there now. Being described as a 'bad mischief night' rather than full blown riot now.
Witness said youths came out of the Sony place carrying Wii consoles ha :p

Guy was assaulted for no reason. I really really hope this results in a sea change in society... one where people realise how fucking shameful it is to be this brazenly cuntish.


venison crêpe
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
I thought they were meant mostly for invasion threat? Sorry I know I'll check a wiki, but I know little of them besides WWII, The Office, and Monty Python.

I've always understood them to be a reservist/volunteer part of the armed forces. They have to serve a certain number of days in the year (usually on training exercises I think) but I'm sure they've been deployed abroad in the past.

I'm not sure of the legal ramifications of deploying them. I should read up on them too.
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