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London riots spreading through UK

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Ronok said:
I'm pretty sure the wall at the end of the road is stable markets. So turn right from there and you'll head up toward chalk farm station (a bit beyond that where I live), and if you turn left you'll head toward camden town station.

Right now I'm contemplating going to sleep, but despite everything seemingly calming down around here I just don't feel safe. How can anyone with these cunts roaming the street? This is all just so unbelievable, I'm in disbelief. :-/

As for police actions, I'd 100% support any action taken by the police at this point. I don't care how young these looters are, or whether they got caught up in some bullshit mob mentality. They would deserve anything they got at this point.

Man, really does hit home when they start on the town I live at. I live opposite Euston Station, towards King Cross and St Pancras, but Camden is my "ends".

I reckon you'd be fine sleeping now though dude/dudette, it's almost 5, I doubt very much they're still hanging around Camden/Chalk Farm. Maybe try sleeping at 5 or so instead. I'm sure you'll be fine.


goomba said:
So why did the LA riots of 1992 go on for six days?

Because if I recall correctly, day three was when the word finally spread, national guard showed up and the citizens said fuck it. Everyone armed up including homeowners and shopkeepers. Basically it was a 1-2 day riot.

Fuckkkk, beat. Yeah, guns and death scares the shit out of rioters.


Sunflower said:
I thought it was three. Also: LA is fucking crazyland. CRAZYLAND.
It was three really bad days, but it took six for the curfew to be lifted. The big difference is the scale of the riots: the UK ones are groups of 300 at the most, in LA it was thousands.


Fenderputty said:
I was on the way to the Dodger game in LA the day the verdict was announced. By the time we left the stadium palm trees were on fire. I remember leaving the stadium and my mother freaking out. Telling us to keep our heads down and such.

During the LA riots my dad gave me and my brother access to a shotgun for three days. I was 14 and my brother was 11. Also one of the guys in my print shop class was arrested and convicted of killing a guy on a motorcycle. I don't even want to know what that riot would have been like if there was mobile social networking.

Deleted member 47027

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ag-my001 said:
It was three really bad days, but it took six for the curfew to be lifted. The big difference is the scale of the riots: the UK ones are groups of 300 at the most, in LA it was thousands.

Horrible. NOBODY wants to see riots on that scale again. Absolutely dreadful.


radioheadrule83 said:
I won't comment on the initial day of rioting, as the spark was unique there, but anyone who tries to tie EMA, council cuts and other things into the rationale of these kids in the days that have followed is a massively naive idiot. And I was against such quick, deep cuts myself. Ken Livingstone has been trying to push that line on the news all day and its bollocks.

It's more than just about council cuts, though. As the article said:

To behave in this manner young people have to believe they have no stake in the neighbourhood, and consequently no stake in wider society. This belief is compounded when it becomes a reality over generations, as it has done for some.

We're talking about areas where people have lacked hope for a long time. These people are disillusioned, as I've said.

The only thing I really believe from that entire article is that these youths think they are entitled to "get paid" and have fun at everyone elses expense... the only reason they are doing it is because they think (or know) that they can get away with it.

And part of the reason is because they think they have nothing to lose.

I think it's naive to use phrases like "the only reason they are doing this" in regards to complex social situations such as this.

I hate that people are trying to politicise it and come to sweeping conclusions about society, when its clear from the breadth and scale of the disorder that people are just being opportunistic cunts.

You're also coming to sweeping conclusions about society, except your conclusion is one answer instead of three.


Why don't you see this sorta stuff in the U.S?

You do.

People are confusing why riots start with why they continue. Riots aren't planned political statements but they usually begin for political, social or economic reasons. Of course once they start you get people just climbing on board to commit crimes, steal things, etc.

In the LA riots a guy stealing a TV didn't make a compelling political statement but you also cannot explain the riots with "thugs will be thugs." There were a lot of tensions between the people and the police in LA that were waiting to boil over.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Alright, it's bedtime. Stay safe Britain-GAF. Hoping this all dissipates soon. You've all been on my mind all day. I'm really sad and upset inside that people do this, and it's bugging me inside on a deep level. Goodnight, and stay safe. :(


I want a tag give me a tag
hey guys, i'm trying to follow along everything but it's difficult because I'm offsite at work all week,

my Aunty has just moved to london from Australia on Saturday, she's staying in westminster in london.

i don't know how big these suburbs are or how descriptive that is to help anyone let me know, so I can give a more detailed location if that is a suburb where anything is occuring?

sorry this is all rushed and might be a bit confusing, just a bit worried :(


HolyCheck said:
hey guys, i'm trying to follow along everything but it's difficult because I'm offsite at work all week,

my Aunty has just moved to london from Australia on Saturday, she's staying in westminster in london.

i don't know how big these suburbs are or how descriptive that is to help anyone let me know, so I can give a more detailed location if that is a suburb where anything is occuring?

sorry this is all rushed and might be a bit confusing, just a bit worried :(

Using the google map linked earlier (http://maps.google.co.uk/maps/ms?ms...ll=51.558503,-0.055275&spn=0.114195,0.298691), it looks like nothing is happening in Westminster tonight. Most of tonight's activity seems to be focused on areas further out from the City of London.


HolyCheck said:
hey guys, i'm trying to follow along everything but it's difficult because I'm offsite at work all week,

my Aunty has just moved to london from Australia on Saturday, she's staying in westminster in london.

i don't know how big these suburbs are or how descriptive that is to help anyone let me know, so I can give a more detailed location if that is a suburb where anything is occuring?

sorry this is all rushed and might be a bit confusing, just a bit worried :(
She should be ok. From whats been reported the centre of London has so far remained relatively riot free.


Sunflower said:
They can bring one in whether you have one or not. Even the odds!

TheExecutive said:
Well, I am not trying to trivialize your fears or anything but they still would have to break into the house/apartment. I doubt your going to sleep that soundly anyway :/. It sucks anyway, sorry about your plight. I would raise hell with my local politicians when this is over.

I'm not going to get into a big debate over gun laws, they are what they are and I prefer them being illegal. I can understand your views though. lol
I'm going to raise hell, but I do have respect for the officers who put themselves at risk in Camden today despite the obvious lack of riot gear.

The English Conquistador said:
Man, really does hit home when they start on the town I live at. I live opposite Euston Station, towards King Cross and St Pancras, but Camden is my "ends".

I reckon you'd be fine sleeping now though dude/dudette, it's almost 5, I doubt very much they're still hanging around Camden/Chalk Farm. Maybe try sleeping at 5 or so instead. I'm sure you'll be fine.

Yup, it's just way too close to home. Like I was saying, I feel as though it's calmed down, but I just can't relax. I think I'd feel ok if it was only me, but it's my daughter as well, so I've got this serious paternal instinct thing kicking in or something. =P


moramo said:
when armed forces will deals with those thieves?

During a riot, using force is bound to hurt someone who will make the police look bad, probably inciting more rioting. Instead they're waiting it out.


I want a tag give me a tag
thanks everyone :) will be able to concentrate a bit more on my work atm.

hope everyone in gafland is ok too, going to try to catch up on the last few pages of the thread if i can


Contains Sucralose
ProfessorMoran said:
Fucking lowlifes.
that just made me angry. kid should have just ran though.

They were two riots in LA. One in 1966 and another in 1992 (Rodney King riots). Both started for similar reasons. Most of those problems have yet to be fixed, although the areas are now mostly Latino. Crime is still high. Employment is hard to find for mostly uneducated workers. Some of the ghettos in LA are just getting worse with the recession. Don't want to see what happens after the schools get lower fiscal budgets.


Zzoram said:
During a riot, using force is bound to hurt someone who will make the police look bad, probably inciting more rioting. Instead they're waiting it out.

Yeah I'm not sure it will make them look bad... This isn't some protest where they would be attacking random student not doing anything at all. It's possible it will make the rioters angry, but that's it.... And hell, they are rioting as it is. >.>

Angry Fork

So why is this happening in the UK? Just overall anger at the government and stuff like that?

edit - right after I posted someone put the link above lol, will read.
gerg said:
Here's another good article on the causes and reasons behind the looting.

I hate academic attempts at validation for criminal behavior.

I grew up in one of the poorest areas of the United State. Few homes had running water or power. The number one employer was the military. I didn't end up looting and destroying my community. Nor do the vast majority of the people in the neighborhoods experiencing the unrest in the U.K.

They just see an opportunity to take advantage of others. They aren't trying to steal their way to a better life, they just want free shit.


Zzoram said:
During a riot, using force is bound to hurt someone who will make the police look bad, probably inciting more rioting. Instead they're waiting it out.

I get that but I also think it may take extreme measures in order to regain peace and civility in a mob. The folks doing this have a mob mentality. Mob mentality needs to be broken with extreme force and show of power. The longer the mobs think they are "winning" the longer it will continue. Standing back and letting them run the show looks like weakness, not some civil society bullshit. The citizens of london are even attacking fellow citizens, ie the facebook video. Wait it out and it will only get worse, if not this week, give it a month or two. You want to riot and loot, I say let's get it on. Civility and human compassion does not seem to be a priority for the looters and thugs, so fuck it.
Ronok said:
Yup, it's just way too close to home. Like I was saying, I feel as though it's calmed down, but I just can't relax. I think I'd feel ok if it was only me, but it's my daughter as well, so I've got this serious paternal instinct thing kicking in or something. =P

Aha, it must be dude. I know what you mean though, definitely a lot of "what if" scenarios going through my head. I think the worst of it for last night/this morning is gone thankfully.

Now, we find out what happens tonight. Stay safe Ronok, and all!


The English Conquistador said:
Aha, it must be dude. I know what you mean though, definitely a lot of "what if" scenarios going through my head. I think the worst of it for last night/this morning is gone thankfully.

Now, we find out what happens tonight. Stay safe Ronok, and all!

Thanks, and keep safe yourself. :)
golem said:
In fact all of Koreatown mobilized when it was made apparent that the cops would be doing exactly jack shit to help them.


During the riots, many Koreans from throughout the area rushed to Koreatown, heeding a call put out on Korean-language radio stations for volunteer security guards. There was a lot of activity to protect the Korean businesses, especially in Koreatown. Many Koreans had weapons, including but not limited to: shotguns, AR-15s, semi-automatic AK-47-style rifles, and semi-automatic Uzis.


Contains Sucralose
outunderthestars said:
I hate academic attempts at validation for criminal behavior.

I grew up in one of the poorest areas of the United State. Few homes had running water or power. The number one employer was the military. I didn't end up looting and destroying my community. Nor do the vast majority of the people in the neighborhoods experiencing the unrest in the U.K.

They just see an opportunity to take advantage of others. They aren't trying to steal their way to a better life, they just want free shit.
rural area?


outunderthestars said:
I hate academic attempts at validation for criminal behavior.

No one's trying to justify or defend this behaviour. People are just trying to understand it.

I grew up in one of the poorest areas of the United State. Few homes had running water or power. The number one employer was the military. I didn't end up looting and destroying my community. Nor do the vast majority of the people in the neighborhoods experiencing the unrest in the U.K.

They just see an opportunity to take advantage of others. They aren't trying to steal their way to a better life, they just want free shit.

But saying that these people are being opportunists just begs the question of why they see these occasions as opportunities to steal. Not everyone would go into an empty shop and take something, even if they had the chance. Answering the question of why some (and, at this point, a sizeable group) of people would with the question "Well, they're just shitheads." isn't particularly satisfying, as far as I'm concerned.


There is a huge difference between justifying a riot and trying to understand why it happens.

The attitude "it's just thugs being thugs, no point trying to understand at all" just leads to more riots. At this point human society as a whole has a pretty good understanding of why crime rates rise and fall, what causes civil unrest, etc. It's foolish to ignore that knowledge in favor of chest-thumping.

It's like arguing that we shouldn't look for an academic explanation for disease. Human behavior is hard to understand but it's worth trying if you genuinely care about preventing such problems in the future.
gerg said:
No one's trying to justify or defend this behaviour. People are just trying to understand it.

But saying that these people are being opportunists just begs the question of why they see these instances as opportunities to steal. Not everyone would go into an empty shop and take something, even if they had the chance. Answering the question of why some (and, at this point, a sizeable group) of people would with the question "Well, they're just shitheads." isn't particularly satisfying, as far as I'm concerned.

they steal now because there is little to no chance of being caught. Crowd mentality kicks in and they other people stealing, so why shouldn't they?


Wallach said:
Not too many people could ever claim they're from Northfork.

How long did you stay there?

I was there until 9th grade. Duke University gave my family a scholarship to send me to a private school for gifted youth. It was a great boarding school that allowed me to graduate high school early and have a four year degree when I was 18.

I've never gone back....
gerg said:
But saying that these people are being opportunists just begs the question of why they see these occasions as opportunities to steal. Not everyone would go into an empty shop and take something, even if they had the chance. Answering the question of why some (and, at this point, a sizeable group) of people would with the question "Well, they're just shitheads." isn't particularly satisfying, as far as I'm concerned.

This. This. This.


I think the most important thing at the moment is how to stop those mobs as soon as possible, not to understand them by writing articles or something. You can do all your understanding and brainstorming after the riot is over but the first thing is to make it over. That's why the police force need to open fire (rubber bullet or not doesn't matter).


_Xenon_ said:
I think the most important thing at the moment is how to stop those mobs as soon as possible, not to understand them by writing articles or something. You can do all your understanding and brainstorming after the riot is over but the first thing is to make it over. That's why the police force need to open fire (rubber bullet or not doesn't matter).

The police are not going to open fire on a bunch of kids. I think some people in this thread need to remove that idea from their minds completely.

What will probably happen and would be sensible is a curfew to be put in place for young people anyone seen out after a certain time would be easier to apprehend for patrolling officers.

Shooting kids with rubber bullets is not going to solve anything and could just make the situation worst.


Dabanton said:
The police are not going to open fire on a bunch of kids. I think some people in this thread need to remove that idea from their minds completely.

What will probably happen and would be sensible is a curfew to be put in place for young people anyone seen out after a certain time would be easier to apprehend for patrolling officers.

Shooting kids with rubber bullets is not going to solve anything and could just make the situation worst.


If the police started shooting kids there would be more protests outside police stations... which is exactly how this thing started!.

Dr. Malik


Sony cant catch a break


This will impact the release of a lot of games in the UK I think.
I dont see what the problem is. A police officer shot a gang member, isn't that a good thing? It's keeping the peace. I dont see anything wrong with this unless the police officer shot the guy when he wasn't committing any crimes.
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