"Gather Idolised Members" in Album Rewards is a gem reward category... can you just endlessly idolise normals, or does it tick them off?
Unique idolised members.
I don't need to do it again.
Oh my god. lolWell since I had exactly enough gems still left the 86 pack would get me two 10+1 pulls I went for it. First one just got me the new SR Honoka which wasn't bad. Second one had RNGesus smile down upon me.
I'm pretty sure that was all my luck for this game, forever. If anyone wants a cool UR friend I'll make space for gaffers. ID: 970842023
Is Bokura Wa Ima no Naka de glitched out for anyone else? Whenever I play the song, it gives me zero cards at the end of the song. Experience, gold, everything else is awarded but I get to hold a giant L when it comes to the extra fodder.
Is it just me or is Bokura wa Ima no Naka de not giving out any normal idol fodder after finishing the song? I don't think easy did, and I just tried normal and got nothing.
So who is going to bring balance back to the Force and pull 11 Rs.
Even with the guaranteed SR.
Whoa, I can post at last! Greetings, all.
That was a grueling event. If I didn't spend that 6th loveca during the last five minutes, I would've been out of the top 1000.
The whole thing was kinda bad for my nerves and I'm still unsure whether it's worth it in the end. Hopefully there'd be a fair amount of time before the next event starts.
Phoenix, looking at you buddySo who is going to bring balance back to the Force and pull 11 Rs.
Even with the guaranteed SR.
some of you guys doing 50 gem pull getting multiple SR make me think i could get decent pull/ this is the time to do a pull.
the result is rather meh filled with bunch of my less favorite aidoru
guarented SR event yet all i get is one SR (rin) and another 4 of rin R cards, so much fucking nyaa nyaaa nyaaaaaaaaaaa
Rin is so adorable
Hurry up and get you Umi UR before the event already! Jeeez haha. It's gonna happen, it's just a matter of when now
Did 2 10+1 pulls.
First one I got the new Nozomi.
Second one got...
some of you guys doing 50 gem pull getting multiple SR make me think i could get decent pull/ this is the time to do a pull.
the result is rather meh filled with bunch of my less favorite aidoru
guarented SR event yet all i get is one SR (rin) and another 4 of rin R cards, so much fucking nyaa nyaaa nyaaaaaaaaaaa
Oh wow, I had three of those people too. Wonder if they're lurkers since I don't see them in the list in the OP.
Come, join the madness.
UR Umi can override the guaranteed SR?
Grinding to get Macarons to feed my new princess. This happened at least three times. Love & Peace? More like Pain & Despair...
Final position. I spent 1 more Loveca 30 minutes before the event was over to guarantee my position. If I hadn't I would have got less than 1000. I beat despair with sheer force of will (and precious precious loveca).
This thing kept me alive and competitive during the event but brought utter misery to my sleep schedule. Curse you LP and your regeneration.
You should've expected it. No proof should be needed.LOL what the hell! How did I not see that already. Dude really? Really? Haha
If you post your ID and in-game name, Chariot should add you to the list whenever he can get to itThat's what I was meaning to ask, how do I get added to the list in the OP?
Managed to finish comfortably in the top 1000 for the overall event, and the top 200 for score, so I'm feeling OK about that.
Also, did a 10+1 draw this morning, and pulled an SR Nozomi and UR Nico~Nico~Niiii, which I am feeling OK about also!
And me.URs for everyone*!
* Excluding Phoenix and Safs
No UR for Owl~And me.![]()
Did 2000FP pulls. No rares, no new normals either wtf. Why do I even play this game, it hates me.
I may get a play card tomorrow so you can all laugh at me then.
Did 2000FP pulls. No rares, no new normals either wtf. Why do I even play this game, it hates me.
I may get a play card tomorrow so you can all laugh at me then.
If you're getting the scout ticket for the event song rankings, we canI may get a play card tomorrow so you can all laugh at me then.
Game goes through periods of hating and liking me. I did a 1500 pull once and ended up with 5 rares. Do another 3000 and end up with 0. Swings back and forth.
And right after.My pull:
I've seen too much of Honoka's face for one day.
omg, I used my last 5 love gems for a 1 pull and I got another Honoka smile. FML
Don't worry, I still like youYou were all sympathetic at first but I see it was all a ruse to steal all my luck.
Let me introduce you to my luck.
And right after.
You were all sympathetic at first but I see it was all a ruse to steal all my luck.