At least you got two. lolYay! I can stay in the URless-Despair-Club!
Two SRs is always better than just the one! New Umi and event Kotori too, she's elusive.
I still play a bit outside of events though especially in jp, gotta unlock those songs! But a little break would be nice.
+1 loveca and 1 Nico, not bad!
Stay strong! Don't give in to temptation.
Yeah the hunger for UR(s) is hard to satisfy, I have two and still want more @__@
Or at least a Pure, which is what I am waiting for with Nozomi.
Yeah, I know, not the worst pull. My luck hasn't really ever been bad with pulls per say, but I still can't get a UR. Last pull I did got me 3 SRs. Then got another SR on a single pull earlier. So not bad luck, but not good luck.
It's so hard though lol. I got 10$ rewardszone at Best Buy still and google play card is calling my name right now.
It's so hard though lol. I got 10$ rewardszone at Best Buy still and google play card is calling my name right now.
Oh well if it's rewardzone credit then go for it. Also whaaaat! I didn't know peps actually shopped there.
Don't bother. You'll just get your least favourite idol.
Hugstable probably would love my account
Three SR Rins and all from single draws. Two from scouting tickets
I'll trade you, I got Firefighter Honoka![]()
You should just like Rin more!
In yesterday's NicoRinPana radio they talked about the possibility of a world tour... basically they say it's possible because of the worldwide release of SIF and recall when they went to Hong Kong:
Guys, buy more loveca and preorder the NISA anime LE if you haven't already
I would assume Cali or NY, hopefully Cali since I live in AZ!
Hopefully they go to Texas =w= Ucchi's been here so that makes it more likely, right...?I've already bought at least $60 worth. I'd probably try to go to their concert if they came to the US. Would probably not be in Colorado though huh >_>
Hopefully they go to Texas =w= Ucchi's been here so that makes it more likely, right...?
Then again, I'm not old enough to go to a concert by myself (no ddriver's license) and I don't want to drag my parents along >~< One day Muse, one day.
XD that would be hilarious. We probably live in different cities anyway though, so doubt it would be possible.Hmm maybe you could take Hachi to the Live lol
I would assume Cali or NY, hopefully Cali since I live in AZ!
I would book tickets anywhere in North America. I don't think I would even blink at it.
(assuming I had enough leave left over after AX, Otakon, Katsucon, etc etc etc)
Will be disappointed if everyone doesn't have a love live shirt on![]()
LA does make the most sense, being on the Pacific side and all. What's funny is I'm in LA right now~
If Muse comes here then I guess I have relatives here and in San Fran I can stay with. Also, red and yellow glowsticks guys!
I could use a love Live shirt~ We should all just have a shirt that says "LL Gaf" on it just in case we see each other in public and we can identify each other XD
those S2 OP shirts everyone get ready!
How was the Anime Expo? Didn't end up going this year.
those S2 OP shirts everyone get ready!
Meanwhile Hawai'i will be ignored as usual...
The mainland always get the potential fun stuff!
Also, sorry about the dud draw, Lockon.
those S2 OP shirts everyone get ready!
Do not worry, there is a Rin shirt too of course!
Yo has that hat always been on your avatar? Is it your birthday?
So I finally got to 5 stones again, used them on a scout. Glad I did, since it finally allowed me to get this:
Oh no, my birthday was last month. Today is Owain's birthday aka. the bestest son in Fire Emblem Awakening. I figured I'd put a party hat on him today to celebrate and what not. If you can't tell, he's my favorite character in it.
Oh no, my birthday was last month. Today is Owain's birthday aka. the bestest son in Fire Emblem Awakening. I figured I'd put a party hat on him today to celebrate and what not. If you can't tell, he's my favorite character in it.
Her face always bothered me on that card. It's a shame because it's the best costume of the rares.![]()
EX songs are really fun. Just did my first attempt on Yoju No-Change and got an A-Combo. Doesn't look like FC'ing it will be too hard.