first Yui betrays LL, now Mokoi, the dream is dead
Mokoi will be back. He has to! Who else will spread the gospel of the nuns?
lol it was just a madoka kind of day. Nozomi will always remain my main avatar.
first Yui betrays LL, now Mokoi, the dream is dead
Mokoi will be back. He has to! Who else will spread the gospel of the nuns?
Back at the LL subject not playing the honoka event. all my focus is on the kotori event. I am in the top 35k for the first time if i use all my flowers. by about 1000 points and not used any stones. too bad i will miss the last 2 days unless i decide to search a wifi spot somewhere on my holiday after an UR my next goal is an idolized SR. want that kotori so bad!
Yeah I've come to terms that I won't be getting that Kotori. Only have 488 event points, and don't see myself grinding for it. Also your finally going to get a UR m0t0k1!
How do you only have 488 points? I'm shit and I have like 8000 lol. Are you using the flowers?
Congrats! ^^
Her stats are so bad lol
My level 1 rare cool girls are better than her.
But one thing URs are hungry man!
guys Guys GUYS! finally it's here my first UR after playing for more then 6 months!!!!!!
Oh my! You been playing that long, and just got a UR. Hehe I now feel bad for pulling 2 UR hanayo's from the collected loveca. Anyways congrats on your first UR!
I'll probably just max her out and then feed her to the SR event Kotori.
so many cool URs![]()
now the arduous task of max bonding both Eli cards
Her final stats should be decent-ish right? 15 per level up should be around 4300 cool after she's maxed?
stats are bad for an idolised UR but i needed a buff for my Cool team so that works out.
Max Level: 100
maxt stats:
HP: 5 Smile: 3620 Pure: 2990 Cool: 4160
I'll probably just max her out and then feed her to the SR event Kotori.
so many cool URs![]()
now the arduous task of max bonding both Eli cards
so many cool URs![]()
now the arduous task of max bonding both Eli cards
I mean the bond level thingy >.>
I still get a loveca if I max her bond right? After I do that I don't really have any use for her.
D'awww >w<Yeah, Valentines Rin! Very cute card
A full SR+ team of one type would be very nice, and if only you started playing in December!
You could have got the promo UR Kotori back then![]()
My smile team is now all smile sr/urs now (only 3 are idolized tho). I wish I could say the same about my pure/cool teams who are really struggling compared to it.
Yay Yay! you stop using spooky forehead shark monster girl.
Edit: Yeah I'm going to use that Nozomi. Thanks Yui!
Very nice Safs. What's that round thing in the top image? It looks like a coaster.
Lol, 2much4u? Cutie Panther's my favorite BiBi song so I've wanted to see how they do it live. I remember seeing Nanjolno dancing a bit of it during the last Fight ClubWatching the Live now, need to take a break tbh because BiBi just did Cutie Panther
You can see a bit here: Safs, that's some awesome stuff you got.
Lol, 2much4u? Cutie Panther's my favorite BiBi song so I've wanted to see how they do it live. I remember seeing Nanjolno dancing a bit of it during the last Fight Club
OvO;Oh my! You been playing that long, and just got a UR. Hehe I now feel bad for pulling 2 UR hanayo's from the collected loveca. Anyways congrats on your first UR!
Congrats m0t0k1. lolguys Guys GUYS! finally it's here my first UR after playing for more then 6 months!!!!!!
Anti-Nico bias shows again!I feel bad for switching my avatar to a non Love Live! one, so I changed that. :3
And here are some more, if anybody is interested.
ovo;Also UR party for everyone yay!!
Is it September yet? I need part two of day 1 of the Live now! Just finished watching it, it was great but man they had these weird holograms of the LL girls as an introduction, it took a little too long tbh. Best sub-unit outfits in a Live yet imo, and Lily White's set was so cute, the crowd. Their second song was Kimi no Kuse ni and its sweet, they have bubbles flying all over the place. Then BiBi comes out and does Cutie Panther literally wearingsang happy birthday to Aina. So good though, Pile can jump pretty high tails
During the sub-units performances, I tried to notice the glow-stick distribution, and Umi dominated during Lily White, pretty close for all three during BiBi, maybe Maki with the most, then I think Kotori had the most during Printemps. During Printemps second song theygot on this cart thing that rode them out to a second stage >__> but everyone did that later during the last two songs.
I don't think they should play such different songs right after one another, Kimi no Kuse ni - Cutie Panther and later Baby Maybe no Koi Button - Loveless World. Just quite the contrast between those imo. They went all out with Loveless World too @__@ Crowd was all orange during the solo Honoka part towards the end of Snow Halation which was nice.
God I hope they come to america
Oh my! You been playing that long, and just got a UR. Hehe I now feel bad for pulling 2 UR hanayo's from the collected loveca. Anyways congrats on your first UR!
Yeah, Valentines Rin! Very cute card
YES Eli Claus came early this year!
The Endless Parade Live BD and a CD/BD collection box with some goodies that came in the box also came with a bag the box is cute too
Get all the Live BDs! Or if you get Endless Parade, maybe just the 1st one. The 3rd anniversary Live shares a few songs with Endless Parade. It is heart-warming to compare the 1st Live and Endless Parade with the sucky little stage and much much smaller crowd at the 1st Live, with the awesome stage and big ass crowd at the most recent one.
It didn't take me too long to memorize their names/nicknames and what they look like, so you shouldn't have too hard of a timeAlso I still need to learn the VA names. I only know who Aina is.
... Sweet and Sweet Holiday ...
It didn't take me too long to memorize their names/nicknames and what they look like, so you shouldn't have too hard of a time
I'll also have to come to terms with the fact that if Muse ever has a concert in the US, I probably won't be able to go. Excuse me as I curl up in the corner and cry.
See. That actually killed any desire I might have had to watch that one. =p
You spelled it wrong!Ehh if I tried I could remember thelesserother idols seiyuu names, but too lazy lol. Also nothing must stop you from seeing the idols! Don't accept defeat just yet. Here just keep watching this adorable JIF!
I say happy holiday, happy holiday!