Patently Right
I didn't see anything. Can you try to resubmit? If it still doesn't work, just post your details here and I'll be sure to add you to it.
Weird. I resubmitted, but here's the details anyway. ID is 310818626, name is sisi
I didn't see anything. Can you try to resubmit? If it still doesn't work, just post your details here and I'll be sure to add you to it.
Hmm, is it me or does the Honoka competition just not seem that fierce? The person at 1000th only has 18511. Maybe everyone is taking a break now or just gonna do a final crazy push in the last 24 hours :x
Yeah it's a shame. People don't appreciate Honoka enough.
I mean, even if the last 24 hour push is huge with something like 3000-4000 points (which it won't be), the top 200 cut off would still be like 4000 points lower compared to Nico.
Event card obtained. Probably the last one I'm getting.
My Smile team is pretty honkers bonkers now.
*checks friend activity in jp*
had a lot of side stories saved up huh joe >_> also see that mokoi cleared Solider Game EX, now I need to try it again. Honoka's birthday loveca will put me very close to 100 so I will try to save up to do two 10+1s if the new cards are nice
My Smile team after this event will be
SR Honoka + four non idolised Rs
SR Nico + two non idolised Rs
Some other cards for padding.
I need more strong smiles so I can idolise my Rs!
Also, cute new picture from the evil overlord art guy/girl/circle.
Your over all score will be lower, and of course, Rs have the proc skills. Although getting 200 extra points is not really a big deal.Ehh just idolize them, and use some superior normies.
Your over all score will be lower, and of course, Rs have the proc skills. Although getting 200 extra points is not really a big deal.
;_; well what about elhaym wonder if he had print errors
Has someone posted this jazz arrangement (?) of Diamond Princess no Yuuutsu yet?
I love it! <3
Hmm not bad, but I prefer electro remixes. Really like this version of soldier game.
And since we are posting songs this cover is pretty well done: Sore wa Bokutachi no Kiseki
I have 400 tokens left after getting Honkers last night. Not sure if I want to try for a second card. I do like the bear Honkers.
I'm sorry! Q_QRIP Alisa ;_;
Snagging dat Extra. Thanks.Well, it is a good SR. And she's "better" than Nico (stat-wise) at least imo. Which makes the lack of competition even more sad.
I'm sorry! Q_Q
But you can have her if you want. :3
Well, it is a good SR. And she's "better" than Nico (stat-wise) at least imo. Which makes the lack of competition even more sad.
I'm sorry! Q_Q
But you can have her if you want. :3
Skills can be somewhat important. Getting good procs can increase scores by quite a bit. My best performance on the event song was with five "greats" but ended up good 8k points below my best score. And given how tight the song leaderboards are that 8k points could be 100-200 places. I'm a bit concerned since I'm about 800-something now on the song leaderboard with little opportunity to increase my high score.
OvO SourceExtra
Does anyone know which cards are being added after the event? Idk if I want to do an 11 draw now or wait until after Nozomi's event.
Does anyone know which cards are being added after the event? Idk if I want to do an 11 draw now or wait until after Nozomi's event.
So, Nozomi should be in the one after that.Nope, but I'm hoping for a UR Nozomi.
Well, I'll just leave this here then.Those avatars are tempting but I think I'm stuck with Miyuki for the foreseeable future.
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Honk honk
Oh my.Extra
Oh thank you!! Guess I'll wait until after Nozomi's event to try then.Next batch of cards. (If they keep the original Japanese schedule, of course. But I don't know if, or how they need to adjust it, considering they skipped the repeat events in our version.)
They're saving up for the Eli event!
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Honk honk
Awwwwww Kayo-chin, so cute ~ :3Hanayo: ... I'm chubby like a baby, so I can't wear a bikini...
You're waiting for August Eli/Umi right? They get added with Rin/Honoka
yfw you pull the latter two
Well did you get your Hanayo UR from a 10+1? Because then you only get the URs you don't want from those
You and Yui are tempting me to do one, but I need to wait for Nozomi!
Oh Jesus. With how much my Nook lags, this would probably freeze the whole thing up.Just watched this... it's truly horrifying. I'm fucked... I can barely FC the current EX songs.
You say that only because you have a Nun obsession!Yeah I know, but normies need attention too.
Also sweet new picture posted. Everybody looks better with a braid.
How did you get all perfect but still not beat your high score?
How did you get all perfect but still not beat your high score?
This game confuses me sometimes.