Ugh, I can't FC this one at all, first one I haven't been able to easily.
I get every note up till that clusterfuck at the end, but I can't get past it. Best I've done is 2 bads.
Anyway, this event is burning me out so I can't wait for it to be over.
This is the new song. Can't remember if I already posted this here or not though.
For the last part of the current song I just stare blankly at the screen and mash it. Never really practice or try to memorize the pattern yet I somehow manage to get it almost 50% of the time.
I don't like it, and no not because it's Rin.
Yeah that is what I do too.
Also man this event is so chill. At least it seems that way to me. Where is the rush?
This is the new song. Can't remember if I already posted this here or not though.
Well, Jolno and Kussun got Korekara no Someday costumes for the 3rd live, maybe they will use that?Hehe, I will be waiting for a Pure only box, hopefully get my Pure team up to the same level as my Smile and Cool teams finally
Since the new Rares will be based on the Korekara no Someday outfits, I wonder if Eli and Nozomi won't have cards? What's next, Love Wing Bell cards -_-
Alright, I will now begin my epic quest to get into the top 1000!
"epic" because I'm currently sitting at like 7.000 event points. ^^"
Fighto Dayo!
I say I'm taking a break but I saw the 4x is gonna happen next event. I'll probably still play to get her. She is pure right? Pure is my worst team so...
I doubt it'll be too hard (He said hopefully). I'm gonna save up some love gems for that, since I wanna rank high for it too. But then I'll have to buy gems for the Maki event...Event Rin is a perfect maker and I like the card so I wouldn't mind too much trying to rank high
Yeah i also use it when I really want to tell something to someone. The worse part of it are the groups, thank god I have them in silence. lol
If you come to Valencia someday I will gladly show you the city!
Heh, I'm nervous even at 31k this evening. 0 stones. 12 diamonds.
Yeah, I was thinki ng of stopping at 35k, but the last day surge might be pretty large like Nico's.
Definitely not enough
35k should be enough. We're not trending as high as Nico, but about 1k less for the top tier, so that would be in the lower 34k range.. High 24k or maybe 25k for that 2nd tier.
All of my want.A bit old but very nice PAD x LL!
Thing with 35k is that you get 3 free loveca at that point. And the trends were showing up as 33k for Nico until the end where it ended at 36k.
That trend is showing about 33k for Eli as well.
I use my trends, which is based on the past events. As in, I look where the last events were around this time and compare. I don't know what other trends people are looking at.
For example, right now, at the 12:30pm PDT update, Eli event is 29124 and 20366. Nico event at this same time was at 29973 and 21516. Honoka (the last event) was at a much slower pace (26578 and 19465). Nico's been running ~1k ahead (with minor fluctuations like this last update; should even out) and finished at 35212 and 25793 (Honoka finished at 32180 and 24132).
That being said, 35k isn't a bad goal, since it is a 2 stone reward. If it costs you 2 stones to move from 34k to 35k, it's even money; bonus if it costs you 1 stone or less to move.
I think 200 has a chance to hit Nico, if people hit 35k and its still pretty close they're using the 3 loveca they gain from that on the event which is why 35k itself is a bad number.
1k will def be lower than Nico's level.
Love live is everywhere in arcade close machines over here
Claw machines. Stupid autocorrectYou mean like this thing?
Damn, someone needs to calm the hell down. There's no bonus for margin of victory here (or victory at all...).damn at number one in the rankings
homeboy about to break 200k
damn at number one in the rankings
homeboy about to break 200k
Haha took me way too many attempts to beat this stupid song. I know I'll never be able to get FC on it...
Haha took me way too many attempts to beat this stupid song. I know I'll never be able to get FC on it...
Love live is everywhere in arcade close machines over here
Back home and rank 198. I got this!
Nice! Good luck on keeping under 200 so you can get the Triple Eli! And wow at that first place score... this guy is dedicated. There goes my chance of being #1 for Rin. Jk as long as I get under 200 I'll be more than happy >_<
Guh, looks like I have to start spending loveca in the TW version if I want the second SR. The last 5 hours I went from 3k to a bit over 5k and out of the running. Ah well.
Nice! Good luck on keeping under 200 so you can get the Triple Eli! And wow at that first place score... this guy is dedicated. There goes my chance of being #1 for Rin. Jk as long as I get under 200 I'll be more than happy >_<