Will watch once I get some wifi. Is it translated because I don't understand moon speak.
This is pretty short so here's roughly what they are saying:
Mimo: In our first animelo, 2 years ago, we had no MC or anything, it was like we just came out, performed one song and went away
Emi: We sang and ran away、right?
Jolno: Compared to before, there's a lot more people who know about Love Live now, so we can participate with a feeling of "Let's get excited together"
Ucchi: This is the first big event after the second season of the anime aired in april so using the same costumes everyone saw in the anime might be even more fun
Mimo: We do the same dance from the anime
Rippi: We want to bring everyone to the Love Live world
Shika: We don't have much involvement with other artists so singing the theme song at end was unusual for µ's