A normal R can go to level 40 but if you idolize the card it can go to 60 so if your R got 3hp and it goes to level 41 it becomes 4hp.
yea, but, is there like, an invisible level after you get 40/40?
A normal R can go to level 40 but if you idolize the card it can go to 60 so if your R got 3hp and it goes to level 41 it becomes 4hp.
yea, but, is there like, an invisible level after you get 40/40?
No the R max level cap is 40 and when you idolize it the max cap becomes 60 so that is how you can exceed the 40 level. and get 1 extra hp
right okay, thanks. So max then idol or does it not really matter? Been maxing them first anyway.
This is my team. The only reason it even remotely competes is because I spent all my gold upgrading the normals. The second Honoka and Kotori only dropped recently.
But those two normals have the best raw stats, so I would try to get them up if you can.
But 86 loveca is best value!
I'm on Android too. Don't do this to me! ;_;
I'm going to lose this battle and cry myself to sleep.
right okay, thanks. So max then idol or does it not really matter? Been maxing them first anyway.
Single-draw RNGJesus shines upon me.
I am not going to draw i am not going to draw i am not......
Stop tempting us, devilSingle-draw RNG Jesus has blessed me with SR Eli, SR Maki and UR Hanayo today~
You surely will level up in between.rank 803. no way I'll be that high at the end of the event though.
anyhoo, if you do 8 15x LP songs a day, that's 8x16 macaroons, 126. That's 4 Normal Event songs for 560 event points, making 686event points a day, so 7546 after 11 days.
.... huh. somehow I thought that was 11k before I posted this.... hmmm.... welp.
Found out where I messed up.You surely will level up in between.
133952277Man, I should stop to sleep. Not only did I miss the begjnning, there are also four pages more. What the hell guys
What's your number?
Single-draw RNG Jesus has blessed me with SR Eli, SR Maki and UR Hanayo today~
I've been thinking of trying this since it's out on Android now and I've reached an impasse with KanColle (stuck on 3-2 as I don't have a strong enough destroyer team to pass it) but I don't know anything about the Love Live franchise - I've never seen any of the anime or whatever.
Is it still worth me trying it out or should I simply pass it by and avoid potential frustration?
Welp, I just wasted 10 Stones on 2 Rs.
The RNG gods are favoring me.
why does this face make me laugh so much?
can I get the original?
Is there a maintenance going on right now? Having trouble logging on >_<
Did 2 50 loveca pulls in the JP version, got two more SR Nozomis. This fucking game. lol
That said, I actually have the chance to idolize one of them... but is it worth doing? Or is it better to keep the two SRs to fill out the team?
Crazily enough, I might be close to a third pull... but I think I'm going to save that to have something to look forward to.
Yeah, until the 5th it seems. And I think I'll keep them separated as well... but it's really tempting to bring them together. lolLook at our double UR nico buddy here on gaf. He keeps them seperated. I would do so too if you don't have many SR. Because SR is way stronger then R spreading the power is better then having it one. Because of all the hidden multipliers and stuff. But it is now guarrenteed SR on jpn version? Might do a pull now if so.
The event songs seem to be harder. In the JP version, the "Bonus" event songs that aren't part of the normal rotations even have different completion prizes because it's just assumed you're going to have a hard time with them.I was going to make fun of you guys for calling the Event Song normal 'hard' and the hard mode 'expert', but then the second "Happy Holiday" chorus began and I totally started losing my shit. Fuck! That's going to be fun to practice, except I need to grind songs between practicing it. God damn you Love Live!
Use this chart:Is it better to play the event song good on normal or okayish on hard?
Man, the game crashed right after I started the event song...
Give me my macaroons back! T_T
Game crashed right as I full cleared a hard song. 15 LP and 16 Macarons gone. Fuck.
Had the alarm clock at 7:35 to play this morning, got my macarons, and wnet to sleep, then at 12:35, same thing.
I also did some calculations of what I get if I continue to play like this.
If all works out today:
18 15LP songs played
That means, if I dont fail (and its pretty easy to not), 288 macarons a day
put I played at this rhythm 9 days, thats 2.592 macarons
That means at the end I could play 56 hard versions of sweet holiday or
86 normal versions of sweet holiday.
The problem is, I dont know how many tokens nets playing sweet holiday, and if like this I can get to the kotori card.
Also with a 24509 Pure team what would you recomend? I usually get B and A on normal songs and C on hard ones with this type of team.
Try the support thing in the menu. Maybe they give them back.
Must admit the new UR Eri is just amazing. I spent my 100 stones trying to get her but failed.
Ok, thanks. It makes no sense at all to play normal as long you're coming through hard. Even the worst score gives more points than the highest of normal.Use this chart:
Play at whatever difficulty you can get high score/combo on to maximize your points per macaron. That said, normal is boring.![]()
Ok, thanks. It makes no sense at all to play normal as long you're coming through hard. Even the worst score gives more points than the highest of normal.
Ah, you're right. By god, don't make me think so much, game.You're not taking into consideration the number of macaroons required to play the song. An S/S on normal is equivalent to a A rank B combo on hard when you figure out points/macaroon spent.
well luckely for me it was just LP but i hitted a couple of macarons before crashing. Check out the chart Fire posted it did all the min maxing for youSo if you can S rank and S combo normal you should do that instead of getting a B rank with A combo for example.
You're not taking into consideration the number of macaroons required to play the song. An S/S on normal is equivalent to a A rank B combo on hard when you figure out points/macaroon spent.
I feel so left outfinding the event song to be easybadass
If my calculations above are right, it STILL gives you more points that doing it in normal.
If my calculations above are right, it STILL gives you more points that doing it in normal.
Uhh. Let me run through my math then.
Assuming 86 Normal, 56 Hard with S Rank/S Combo on Normal and A Rank/B Combo on hard.
140 Tokens per normal and 210 tokens on hard.
86 * 140 = 12040
56 * 210 = 11760
I believe your calculations may suit your needs, but it is more efficient for me to stick with normal and eliminate the real risk of failure. Also, it is incredibly difficult to get an A rank on a hard song with my 24909 + friend bonus of whatever that I currently posses. In order for me to surpass the point/macaroon ratio that S/S on normal would give me, I would have to full combo every hard song, which is not going to happen very often at all.
Uhh. Let me run through my math then.
Assuming 86 Normal, 56 Hard with S Rank/S Combo on Normal and A Rank/B Combo on hard.
140 Tokens per normal and 210 tokens on hard.
86 * 140 = 12040
56 * 210 = 11760
I believe your calculations may suit your needs, but it is more efficient for me to stick with normal and eliminate the real risk of failure. Also, it is incredibly difficult to get an A rank on a hard song with my 24909 + friend bonus of whatever that I currently posses. In order for me to surpass the point/macaroon ratio that S/S on normal would give me, I would have to full combo every hard song, which is not going to happen very often at all.
Yes, a C score and A/B combo on normal gives less than a C score and C combo on hard. You should see for yourself what's doable for you. I don't know how your pure team is currently but a B score on normal shouldn't be that hard to hit and I think a full combo on normal is doable for someone that can pass the hard song.
Hee, didn't think of this solution. I just sent them an email. I'm not holding my breath though...Try the support thing in the menu. Maybe they give them back.