Already? How?
Burning through the free love gems to recharge. I am hoping to place at least the top 30 by the end of event, but college and whales may interfere.
Already? How?
welcome to the S rank club, and two idolized SRs? khorosho
Anyone really good with photoshop? Was really wanting to edit my avatar to have the Alpaca there instead of the Character Huggy Bear, and replace the text "bear" with Alpaca., so it would be Huggy Alpaca. I don't have photoshop and I'm pretty bad when it comes to editing photos and such. Murf gave me the idea in the chat and really wanted to change my avatar to fit with the game for now. Wanted Maki originally but everyone already has all the good ones, and I haven't really seen much Alpaca Avatars, so if anyone is able to edit one for me that would be amazing.
... that would be the most amazing thing in Love Live history.I decided to drop 5 spare love gems on a single draw because I saw people getting mad lucky RNG on them. I got a smile R Nico. I feel the despair, and now I don't want to imagine the despair of dropping my 50 and just getting 11 R Nicos...
Eat lunch; this game isn't worth it.This is crazy. So let me get this straight. As long as you get 11000 event points, you will get the SR event Kotori card. However, only 1000 people who are ranked 1000 or below will be able to idolize her with that second card which I assume is awarded at the end of the event. That feels like quite the tall order. I got into the event late, starting at 5pm today. Event rank 8728 with 612 event points. I should be able to get the event points card but I should probably give up on idolizing her. That's one large gap to jump in 8 days. I want to be dedicated to my idols but I haven't had luck with my two Honor student draws. I could do two more draws but then would be out of love gems and I don't know if I could replenish them before the next event. Maybe I should spend some money. Really didn't want to though. Eat lunch or buy more idols. That's what I'm struggling with right now.
There is a connection of good draws and purchase of Watch_Dogs.I'm convinced people are hacking the RNG to get these good single draws...
omg, i did bothThere is a connection of good draws and purchase of Watch_Dogs.
There is a connection of good draws and purchase of Watch_Dogs.
single draws are often rough in my experience, I think I have had one non-Rare single draw
You're right. If I was really in such a situation I would definitely be more responsible than that. I was exaggerating though. I'm not so bad off that a couple bucks wouldn't hurt me. It was more to illustrate how ludicrous it is that I was even tempted to do so. Either way, I did use the rest of my gems and got my first UR card. I don't know who this girl is but it's my first good Pure card so it should help with the Event song.Eat lunch; this game isn't worth it.
Sorry to make a big deal out if it but I am so proud. Not sure why.
excuse me you saw "in my experience" right
i believe you are to blame for that?
I hope you get a Rare out of it.makes me wanna do a single pull tbh
You're right. If I was really in such a situation I would definitely be more responsible than that. I was exaggerating though. I'm not so bad off that a couple bucks wouldn't hurt me. It was more to illustrate how ludicrous it is that I was even tempted to do so. Either way, I did use the rest of my gems and got my first UR card. I don't know who this girl is but it's my first good Pure card so it should help with the Event song.
Sorry to make a big deal out if it but I am so proud. Not sure why.
Not sure how special she is, but she sure is fun to harass on the front screen. Sorry Hanayo, no one is coming to save you.Hanayo has a lightsaber. Good pull though isn't that one of the special UR's advertised on the home page in Casual clothes?
Not sure how special she is, but she sure is fun to harass on the front screen. Sorry Hanayo, no one is coming to save you.
I like when Umi yells at me
makes me wanna do a single pull tbh
makes me wanna do a single pull tbh
This is crazy. So let me get this straight. As long as you get 11000 event points, you will get the SR event Kotori card. However, only 1000 people who are ranked 1000 or below will be able to idolize her with that second card which I assume is awarded at the end of the event. That feels like quite the tall order. I got into the event late, starting at 5pm today. Event rank 8728 with 612 event points. I should be able to get the event points card but I should probably give up on idolizing her. That's one large gap to jump in 8 days. I want to be dedicated to my idols but I haven't had luck with my two Honor student draws. I could do two more draws but then would be out of love gems and I don't know if I could replenish them before the next event. Maybe I should spend some money. Really didn't want to though. Eat lunch or buy more idols. That's what I'm struggling with right now.
thanks a lot Grim
thanks a lot Grim
lolololWell damn, guess I had to do it now.
Not much better -_-
Just got my first crash too.Crash just robbed me of 15lp. Hopefully they issue a patch soon.
Crash just robbed me of 15lp. Hopefully they issue a patch soon.
thanks a lot Grim
Well damn, guess I had to do it now.
Not much better -_-
thanks a lot Grim
Well damn, guess I had to do it now.
Not much better -_-
Stop spending your Loveca! Nothing good ever comes out of it.
Damn I must be hella lucky I haven't really gotten a crash like that during something important. Only think I crashed once in the menu for some reason. That does suck though and now im afraid it's gonna happen to me sooner or later. Does it crash also in the other versions?
guess I shoulda bought watch_dogs
PFFFT yeah right
False! got a good draw on a single pull.
Actually can't see your pull, imgur is ass for me atm