My thoughts, gonna start of the post by saying that Dark Souls 2 is a good game that I still come back to and have poured hundreds of hours split across PS3+PC and PC+PS4 for SOTFS, but yes it is disappointing compared to the other games.
My problems with the game.
Soul Memory, Adaptability, level design, and hit box issues have been discussed to death so I won't be going in depth with them but they were my most major issues with the game. But adaptability and broken hit boxes were highlighted when I did a SL1 run and fought Velstadt, jesus that was painful. Also a gaffer earlier on posted a video on controlling your characters attacks mid combo and how you couldn't do that in DS2 which was one thing that drove me crazy.
Difficulty = swarms of enemies.
Near enough every level has multiple swarm of enemies to gang up on you which I don't feel is good design, a good few well placed enemies trump it every time. Yes the other games did it but when they did it was "oh shit, loads of enemies!", not "oh shit, again?" You clear one room with a swarm of enemies, next room has another swarm waiting for you. And it massively spilt into their boss design, why make a good boss like Fume Knight? Let us just throw mobs and multiple bosses at them. Compared to the other games, I will probably forget some:
Demon's Souls:
Storm King
Maiden Astrea
Dark Souls:
Capra Demon
Belfry Gargoyles
Smough and Ornstein
Gravelord Nito
Shadows of Yharnam
Now, Dark Souls 2:
Ruin Sentinels
Lost Sinner/ Flexile Sentry NG+
Skeleton Lords
Prowling Magus, if you can call this a boss
5(!) Belfry Gargoyles
Duke's Dear Freya
Royal Rat Authority
Royal Rat Vanguard
Executioner's Chariot, an actual good fight, the mobs are preventing you from pushing the switch, designed for the boss and arena in mind.
2 Dragonriders
Watcher & Defender, who again, I'll admit is a good fight, compliment each other and you got the gimmick of beating them at the same time or will revive each other
3 Graverobbers
Elena, Squalid Queen
Lud & Zallen
Burnt Ivory King, probably my favourite fight in the whole game, full on brawl between 2 teams.
It feels like they went for quantity and not quality, plus there were too many dudes in armour as bosses. In the other games it was rarer so when I saw one, I felt a difficult fight was ahead, why? Because the character I'm controlling is a dude in armour, so after destroying monsters and soldiers, a dude in armour as a boss felt intense. But again, in DS 2, there was too many.
After finishing the games so many times, sometimes, I just wanna run though a level, annoying to due in DS2 do to the mobs of enemies chasing you down, and in SOTFS case, chasing you through the whole level because of the giant aggro range, and even if I do manage to run past, they'll fuck me up when I'm pushing a door, pulling a switch, going through a fog gate due to no longer being invincible during those animations like before, and sometimes running to a boss was just really bad, like the optional bosses in the DLC areas, but apparently those areas were designed to be cooped.
I'm probably gonna go against the grain and say the DLC areas also had problems, from a level design standpoint they were top notch, the lifts in Shulva, activating the Brume Tower with the smelter sceptre, playing Eleum Loyce again after breaking the ice, loved it. But they still suffered from the same problems I had with the game, enemies looked the same, green armoured soldiers of Shulva, metal armoured soldiers for Brume, and blue ice armoured soldiers in Loyce. I paid extra money to fight a blue Smelter Demon, and in Loyce, 3 of the 4 bosses are the same.
Animations, the animation for DS1 felt fluid and weighty, but "off" in DS2 and nothing highlighted it more for me then when you get launched.
Here is DS1 , gets launched into the air, then the body rolls and falls into the floor and bounces,
here is DS2, couldn't find a better video but hopefully you know what I mean and you've had it happen to you, the body is just frozen in animation in the air. When I first saw that, I purposely got hit again by the ironclad soldier because I wanted to see it again, I know I don't wanna be all "B TEAM" but what am I really supposed to say after seeing that?
Minor issues I had:
Weapon durability issue, I honestly think FROM should just do away with that altogether, but in DS2 it happened too often which is what they were going for I believe, didn't like it.
PVP, yes they made it better, no more fishing for lagstabs, but why is invading consumable now? Hated that, just give me an infinite invading item like you always have. If I wanna invade as a Blue Sentinel, I gotta grind enemies for crushed blue eye orbs, if respawn rates finish, buy them from an NPC (but only on NG+, also increasing my soul memory), or enter a duel and win, and to enter a duel, I have to put a token of fidelity on the line, which I get from successfully cooping and beating a boss, awesome.
I have to win 500 times to max out pvp covenants and get the spell rewards, why such a grindy number, you had it 30 for Dragon covenant and heirs to the sun, why not keep it at that? Or like you did in DS1? And if I don't like it, I gotta go to NG+3 to buy it? I just want Wrath of the Gods ffs
Too many NPC merchants, split across, for example, there's probably about 5 NPCs selling different kind of miracles, cut that down to 1 or 2!
You give me Ornstein, you give me his spear, his ring, but not his armour, wtf man.
Waifus not as good.
Like I said in the beginning, there is still a good game somewhere here, but compared to the other 3, this comes up at the bottom,, DS2 compared to other games? I'd play DS2 every time.