As my first souls game I fucking loved it, ive been obsessively playing the excellent bloodborne to but i dont like it nearly as much. (Still a great game though!)
In my opinion, goodness no! Dark Souls latter half had some really cool stuff that I loved. DSII is just a drag with some weird/stupid level design stuff.
A lot of people don't realise that the game is built around always have a bow or other ranged option (which is much easier to do than in the other games, and bows themselves are much better for non-cheese usage).
I bought DS2 PC version day one and couldn't get into it after 14h and then they announced the SotFS version so I just stopped playing entirely until I finally bought the SotFS version a few days ago. I am enjoying it a lot more though it still has a bunch of annoyances. I really hate how this game just throws enemies and ambushes at you. The amount of enemies that come through the door in the area before the ruin sentinels in Lost Bastille is ridiculous. Felt like a clown car.
Nah, mate, Ludwig is cool and all, but Sir Alonne ranks with the very best of 'em.
I edited the excessive cursing out of the OP because it was a product of anger and doesn't add anything of value to my opinion. Sorry for that, I was so mad.
I'm having a hard time changing that opinion though after I've been suffering the same mess of wonky hitboxes, poor feedback -your character doesn't notice that he's been hit when rolling, he just keeps doing his thing- and cheap level design and difficulty. Those vikings that start ice skating when their attack is not going to hit you to make sure it's hitting are so fun to deal with, especially when there's 3 of them at the same time along dogs and smaller zombies.
I didn't know the zone was optional and the reward was the item to cure stone people apparently (I know the ship is supposed to be explored because I saw a NPC there but after dying of infinite poison for destroying a vessel I'm not coming back to this nightmare of a place until I'm stuck somewhere else or I can oneshot my way through the endless gangs of people inside every single building.
.The real hyperbole starts here!
I edited the excessive cursing out of the OP because it was a product of anger and doesn't add anything of value to my opinion. Sorry for that, I was so mad.
I'm having a hard time changing that opinion though after I've been suffering the same mess of wonky hitboxes, poor feedback -your character doesn't notice that he's been hit when rolling, he just keeps doing his thing- and cheap level design and difficulty. Those vikings that start ice skating when their attack is not going to hit you to make sure it's hitting are so fun to deal with, especially when there's 3 of them at the same time along with dogs with inconsistent hitbox and smaller zombies that spam attacks at the same time.
Also playing SotFS without any DS2 experience sounds like the most torturous experience imaginable
It's not that bad. I'm playing through it for the first time now, never having played vanilla DS2. The only hiccups I had were getting used to the new movement, backstabbing, and going to Heide's tower first by accident (I think at least half of the people who play the game do this).
Nah, he's basically just as boring as every other fight in the game, and his lunge across the room animation is absolutely shameful. Did him in 2 or 3 in SotFS and the runback was obnoxious as fuck. Just another part of the "t-t-the DLC fixes it honest" meme
It does three things really well:
1) Number of builds you can make
2) Online PvP
3) DLC
I just mean stuff like trying to comprehend the turtle gangbang sliding off the roof near Dennis the Armorer or random dragon from the end of the game at Heide's + Heide Knight's going ape shit after Dragon Rider, none of it is newbie friendly at all
- You'll face an optional boss that is impossible to fight unless you pumped points into adaptability because it has a OHKO AoE move that is ridiculously unfair for tanky builds.
- The bosses remain completely mediocre tier. The original final boss is an absolute disgrace to the Souls series but they did rectify that with a patch that introduced a new final boss.
I have about 850 hours between the original release and Scholar and while I can say without a doubt that I really enjoyed the game, my biggest issue with it is that it feels unpolished. There are several inconsistencies that make learning how to play the game harder than it should be because the game doesn't follow its own rules.
The three biggest things for me are inconsistent parries, inconsistent phantom behaviour, and bad enemy animations.
Inconsistent Parries
Dark Souls 2 expanded on the parry mechanic from the previous games and gave it some more depth by making certain weapons unparryable, namely two-handed large weapons. This is a good addition because it gives players more options in PvP and if your opponent is a parry king then you can almost completely shut down their go-to manoeuvre by simply two-handing your weapon. However, what makes this whole thing dumb is that when you're not in PvP just about every single attack can be parried, even humanoid enemies using two-handed large weapons. If I can't parry a player who is using a two-handed Dragon Tooth, then why can I parry NPCs that are using the same weapon in the same way?
Inconsistent Phantom Behaviour
This one bothers me because it reeks of either laziness or "artificial difficulty." When I invade as a red phantom I cannot use my Estus Flask but when an NPC red phantom invades me they can chug all they like. It's absolutely ridiculous and makes no sense. Like with the parries, if restrictions and rules are going to exist then why not apply them globally?
Bad Enemy Animations
Two enemies in particular are guilty of looking like trash when moving around and I just don't understand why they look so bad. The Hollow Soldiers and the Falconers, who you see a decent amount of in Scholar, can both block without holding their shields up and will even block while in the middle of attacking you. Also, the running animation... Seriously, what the fuck is this and who thought it looked even remotely okay?
To finish, here's some of that good DS2 enemy tracking, feat. Havel-clone.
Yes, that's Havel cancelling out of his attack before it ends and almost seamlessly starting another attack before I've even finished rolling.
Dark Souls 2 is a great game but it has a lot of unfortunate rough edges that detract from the experience.
Definitely a minority opinion, just based off the original DS2 thread. I'm sort of with you though, never minded DS endgame areas at all. Then again, I definitely feel DS2 gets stronger as you progress.
Great games, both of 'em, it's just that Dark Souls is a masterpiece. Tough to live up to that.
Nah, he's basically just as boring as every other fight in the game, and his lunge across the room animation is absolutely shameful. Did him in 2 or 3 in SotFS and the runback was obnoxious as fuck. Just another part of the "t-t-the DLC fixes it honest" meme
That's only a Gaf thing, they repeat it every single thread trying to make it truth someday. I loved the second half of DS1 as well. When I realized I could save Solaire even Lost Izalith became great.
NMW is an optional area and there are no cheap ambushes literally all of them can be avoided after you know the area a bit, blightown is just as hard for a new player.
The hate for this game is ridiculous. People make it sound like the worst thing ever. I'm convinced that if this game had Miyazaki as director it wouldn't get the amount of hate it gets.
Hah, if you mean the Iron Passage, I didn't count it in Brume Tower really. Nor did I count Frigid Outskirts as part of Frozen Eleum Loyce. That said, I kind of learned to like Frigid Outskirts if I have a very specific build for it (something that stunlocks the horses really, red iron twinblade FTW) in a way, but yeah it's annoying in most cases and not my favourite by any means.![]()
That sounds like the Souls series in a nutshell, though Dark Souls 2 broke that trend a lot--drawing the ire of those who thought that that made the game too easy--and had bonfires that were right by some bosses.
How is it too different? I've played ever Souls games, and i didnt feel that there were a big difference between them.Dark Souls 2 was a disappointment. It was too different. I can see where some people are coming from when they say they love it (that's fine) but there's no denying that it's a significant departure from how previous Souls games operated.
Splitting hairs about how Adapability is actually awesome, or how the whole game is redeemed by "build variety" and PvP, or how the DLC makes it worth slogging through the first part of the game, or whatever is just pointless. The game disappointed a lot of people. That's all there is to it.
Hopefully DS3 can appease those who enjoyed certain aspects of DS2 while also appealing to the DeS and DS1 fans.
So after you know the zone, you won't be ambushed? Lol.
I'm sure some genuinely dislike the game—not just in comparison to the other From titles—but the reason why the criticisms seem harsher and more vocal is because they want to love the game as much as they do the others. It's like how you express and feel more disappointment when someone you expect much better from makes a terrible decision, whereas someone you didn't expect as much from committing the same error won't elicit as harsh a response.
I played Darks Souls 2 + the DLC for about 400 hours, definitelly my most played Souls game. I really liked the game.
How is it too different? I've played ever Souls games, and i didnt feel that there were a big difference between them.
If its pointless to mention those things, it also kinda pointless to have this whole thread though. Totally true that its a matter of subjectivity, but so its not liking it.
Fair enough. Its been a while between each Souls games, so perhaps thats why i never really payed attention to it or really noticed anything. But it was not something that stuck out for me personally.The player character control and feel is very different compared to the other souls and bloodborne. It just doesn't feel satisfying to play for me, while all the other games I enjoy playing even without reason. I can see someone enjoying the controls and movement in DS2 but I can't understand not seeing how it's different.
Looks stupid there too, but a) that hollow actually misses without the guy even dodging and b) he isn't Havel the Rock one shotting you.