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LTTP: Guardians of the Galaxy 3



Just got around to watching it, holy crap what an emotional roller-coaster and huge props to James Gunn what a phenomenal movie and end to an amazing trilogy.
I was disappointed in third movie. It wasnt funny. They went the sentimental/emotional route, which is fine but didn't hold up to the first two.

I liked how they used their one fbomb for the "get in the fucking car" line.
Its pathetic that movie writers always have to put that one f bomb into pg13 movies simply because they can. It's become nothing more than a hey we gotta fulfill the quota. Because that one f bomb TOTALLY makes the movie... so edgy! /eyeroll
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I watched it for the first time around Christmas and I didn't think much of it. Friends told how great it was and the internet gushes from the eyes because cute animals be sad, but I felt nothing for the goofy experiments with voices.

I enjoyed it more than 2, which isn't a high bar to clear but at least it didn't come away from it instantly thinking I was not the target audience for the extremely forced bad comedy.

But at the same time, the end of 2 with the blue guy is actually more emotional than all of 3 is.

Post #2 mentions a hallway fight and I don't even remember it. Daredevil has a hallway scene, I remember that.

1 is still the best movie with the best soundtrack.
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I watched it for the first time around Christmas and I didn't think much of it. Friends told how great it was and the internet gushes from the eyes because cute animals be sad, but I felt nothing for the goofy experiments with voices.

I enjoyed it more than 2, which isn't a high bar to clear but at least it didn't come away from it instantly thinking I was not the target audience for the extremely forced bad comedy.

But at the same time, the end of 2 with the blue guy is actually more emotional than all of 3 is.

Post #2 mentions a hallway fight and I don't even remember it. Daredevil has a hallway scene, I remember that.

1 is still the best movie with the best soundtrack.

For me it will be 1>3>2, barely remember the second one at all.
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The fact the movie deals with something as serious as vivisection and doesn't follow up right afterwards with trash jokes cemented it to me as probably the best in the MCU.


We don't talk about the Christmas special. I watched it and it nearly made me skip Guardians 3 which would've been a massive mistake.

Also the High Evolutionary casually wiping out an entire planet population like it was nothing is a notable villainous act.


Gold Member
My first viewing was fucking terrible

Me and my buddy were sitting next to two guys who couldn't stop laughing throughout the whole movie. Laughing every. fucking. scene.

Unfortunately the theater was packed so no changing seats

Recently watched the movie again and loved it.


My first viewing was fucking terrible

Me and my buddy were sitting next to two guys who couldn't stop laughing throughout the whole movie. Laughing every. fucking. scene.

Unfortunately the theater was packed so no changing seats

Recently watched the movie again and loved it.
Oh yeah that was pretty much my whole FNAF movie experience too, ended up walking out because movie was shit and had loud teens the entire movie.


not tag worthy
The fact the movie deals with something as serious as vivisection and doesn't follow up right afterwards with trash jokes cemented it to me as probably the best in the MCU.


We don't talk about the Christmas special. I watched it and it nearly made me skip Guardians 3 which would've been a massive mistake.

Also the High Evolutionary casually wiping out an entire planet population like it was nothing is a notable villainous act.
Also his comment about God was pretty villainous also. I mean in the way of his motivation about things.

Looking back the genocide of a planet part was dark.
He was a great villain.

I really like all three of those in the trilogy.
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Parody of actual AJUMP23
I liked the movie but it spent to much time in flashbacks with animals. Other than that it was a good ride.


The movie deserves more credit, I'm struggling to think of anything else I've enjoyed post-Endgame to this degree (MCU film-wise, not sure about the D+ shows. Loki was good..)

They did a real bang-up job of showing how to expertly take a completely inert franchise and rocket it (ha!) right to the moon, from the word go. Even the missteps of the movie/franchise aren't enough to whine about, in all honesty.

On the one hand I'm a little disappointed "this is all we get?" but on the other, it's quite refreshing to see a complete story arc of this sort be told - especially before truly wearing out its welcome. Yeah, the characters will potentially still be around after, but that particular soul will no longer be there.
It was surprisingly good.

It ends with a mass dance scene to Florence and the Machine that felt earned and cathartic. Should have been the cheesiest, most saccharine thing ever filmed. That right there is evidence of the people behind the film knowing their craft.

Also that The Raid-like hallway scene. The audio switching to be un-Hollywood-like with the unclean reverb went a long way to putting you right there with the characters. Again, a choice made by people knowing what they wanted to achieve and nailing it.


After seeing the first two, I hopped on Amazon and picked up TellTale’s Guardians of the Galaxy and played through it and loved it. I was then surprised when I saw Guardians of the Galaxy 3 and saw that the storyline was almost identical to it. I really enjoyed both takes on the story.
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ChatGPT 0.1
Guardians of the galaxy vol 3 has moments I think it’s better than vol 2 I think people understand it’s a comedy super hero.

Chris Pratt GIF by BuzzFeed


Tag, you're it.
People have been eating so many shit that as soon as a film is average (at best) they think it's a 9/10 movie. How sad.
Sorry but the film is not very good, it uses cute animals to make the pill pass but there are really lots of stupid scenes (hello the boosters and Quill's helmet which disappear for the end of the film...? ??!)


People have been eating so many shit that as soon as a film is average (at best) they think it's a 9/10 movie. How sad.
Sorry but the film is not very good, it uses cute animals to make the pill pass but there are really lots of stupid scenes (hello the boosters and Quill's helmet which disappear for the end of the film...? ??!)
Very enlightful comment well done, perhaps some people just enjoy movies that you clearly don't.


I didn't like it as much as I thought I would. In the end it mostly just stands out for being one of the few MCU movies after End Game that didn't suck.

The biggest problem for me is that I watched it soon after playing through the game which I found to be superior in pretty much every way. It has stronger writing that does a better job blending humor with drama while throwing you into a more fun adventure with more interesting locations, characters and scenarios-
It's funny because the first MCU movie was my introduction to GotG, but after playing through the game going back to the live action version felt like watching some weird bootleg version of these characters


It was a good, but not great movie. In a sea of terrible MCU tripe it stands out better than it is. Having adult Rocket (one of the better characters out for most of the movie), lets it down. Warlock scenes were a bore. A bit too many, check out this needle-drop scenes. I mentally groaned at the No Sleep To Brooklyn starting up like a music video. That said, I liked the final scene and how it all wrapped up. And it was a visual feast. It was a good point to end watching MCU content on.
I watched it for the first time around Christmas and I didn't think much of it. Friends told how great it was and the internet gushes from the eyes because cute animals be sad, but I felt nothing for the goofy experiments with voices.

I enjoyed it more than 2, which isn't a high bar to clear but at least it didn't come away from it instantly thinking I was not the target audience for the extremely forced bad comedy.

But at the same time, the end of 2 with the blue guy is actually more emotional than all of 3 is.

Post #2 mentions a hallway fight and I don't even remember it. Daredevil has a hallway scene, I remember that.

1 is still the best movie with the best soundtrack.


Tag, you're it.
Very enlightful comment well done, perhaps some people just enjoy movies that you clearly don't.
No shit, of course they can. Idk maybe people like to watch movies that don't make sense, tell me where those were at the end:


But we need drama right? So Quill forgot to put his 2 most recognizable objects because...?
I enjoyed Van Helsing for example but I know it's not a good movie and I'm not pretending it is. For GOTG3 we have people saying it's like one of the best CBM ever. I'm sorry but what the fuck?
The movie is filled with inconsistency and uses animals to make people goes "hOooOwwWWWww they're so cute" and suddenly everyone forgot that we need an actual good story. Drax is a joke, and don't start me on Adam Warlock. But in an ocean of shit, the movie is not that bad it's a 6/10 in my book so not terrible.

As other have said the game, that I really enjoyed, is actually better in pretty much every ways.


No shit, of course they can. Idk maybe people like to watch movies that don't make sense, tell me where those were at the end:


But we need drama right? So Quill forgot to put his 2 most recognizable objects because...?
I enjoyed Van Helsing for example but I know it's not a good movie and I'm not pretending it is. For GOTG3 we have people saying it's like one of the best CBM ever. I'm sorry but what the fuck?
The movie is filled with inconsistency and uses animals to make people goes "hOooOwwWWWww they're so cute" and suddenly everyone forgot that we need an actual good story. Drax is a joke, and don't start me on Adam Warlock. But in an ocean of shit, the movie is not that bad it's a 6/10 in my book so not terrible.

As other have said the game, that I really enjoyed, is actually better in pretty much every ways.
Sounds like you just hate animals and considering the whole movie was about rockets backstory I'm not sure why you even watched it
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Tag, you're it.
Sounds like you just hate animals
Dude you are so weird. Look how I mistreat my cat, how sad she is because of course I hate her. I saved her from a neighbor who was REALLY mistreating her (and she still has fear reflexes, not towards me but as soon as someone comes into my house she hides) but of course, I'm the one who doesn't like animals. Because I think GOTG3 is average. GTFO with this stupid reasoning.
I mean look at her:


In her own seat, with cushion and blanket because of course I hate her.

People have been eating so many shit that as soon as a film is average (at best) they think it's a 9/10 movie. How sad.
Sorry but the film is not very good, it uses cute animals to make the pill pass but there are really lots of stupid scenes (hello the boosters and Quill's helmet which disappear for the end of the film...? ??!)
I too have seen Critical Drinker's GotG volume 3 review.


Tag, you're it.
I too have seen Critical Drinker's GotG volume 3 review.
I have no idea who that is. As a Frenchy I watch La Suite de Trop, MacGuffin Maker, Guillaume Cassar and other but none of them talked about GOTG 3.
I mean, these things jump out at me while watching the movie, you don't have to be a critic to see these flaws.


I saw it in an AMC "lieMax" a day or two before it came out as part of a trilogy marathon. First impressions were that it was much worse than the first two. It was a competent film but not nearly as entertaining as the first two.

I also had issues with the opening - it was confusing to see them be in the Nowhere, since the last I remember Thanos had supposedly killed everyone. Or maybe some people escaped and came back to repopulate (one can only hope?). If so, did the professor that Thanos took one of the stones from survive?

Also, why do I care about this dog and where did it come from? And for some reason I couldn't really connect with the skinny guy that was the blue guy's second-in-command. I didn't enjoy the continuation of the story involving the golden people either - considering so much time had passed. Does no one care these guys (Peter + Guardians) helped save the universe? Can't the gold people leave it alone at this point?

I think the bad guy in the movie was OK but not sure why there had to be a connection with the gold people. This type of story would have been great before Infinity War, but large-scale threats are hard to take too seriously post-Thanos.

I rewatched the movie again before it left theaters and figured I might have been to harsh at first. Seeing it right after the first two movies, it felt like a big drop in quality, but seeing it on it's own I could see it had a lot of good parts. The racoon story in particular stood out. It was a very competently made film and still heads and shoulders above total crap like Morbius and The Marvels.

Still, it felt exhausting to have yet another comic movie with a predicable third act action climax. It was OK but it's tiresome at this point. And I don't know if it's the dark storyline or runtime or what, but it's not the type of movie that I would be excited to see yet again.
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Ulysses 31

For those with the time and curiosity of why some may think 3 is the worst one(bad writing, character assassinations), here's a multi hour breakdown of the entire movie :messenger_winking_tongue:

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Warlock felt like a forced studio inclusion.

Excuse Me What GIF by Bounce

Guardians 2‘s final post credits scene made it very clear he’d be showing up in 3. This wasn’t like Sony forcing Sam Raimi to include Venom, a character he was not familiar with as Raimi grew up on the older Spidey comics, in Spider-man 3.
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