Yikes. I'm getting left behind again. This past weekend was
Santacon, for which I was furiously costuming all week. It was quite big, and I had fun, though the epicness was more epic in previous years.
I'm also closing on the house I'm buying tomorrow, which gives me even less time to work with! I do vow to finish this marathon by the end of the year, though, excepting any episodes I may not have access to (this year's special, for example, may take a little longer than same-night for me to see on account of Yankness).
(one last trip back to the era of grunge music and bad American remakes...)
Wait.... "Humanian Era"? That's pretty interesting, considering that Humans pretty much had the run of Earth and a good chunk of the universe for something like ten billion years. The
Tardis index file is unclear as to whether the explicit term has been used before. Seems like a bit of an awkward one. It reminds me of "Vulcanian", the word originally used to describe Vulcans from Star Trek.
Wait. Why did going back in time prevent the transference of the Master into the Doctor's body? Why is the Master suddenly talking in a scary demon voice? Why were the humans magically brought to life at the end by the black hole with no explanation?? WHY IS THIS MAKING NO SENSE AT ALL!?!
I do like that the Doctor warns Lee about the next Christmas. Sort of ties into the then-unplanned new Who series, given that most Christmases these days involve alien invasions and monsters threatening the world. I just hope he didn't decide to take a trip to London.
This was overall absolutely terrible. McGann had potential (as did Roberts before he got sucked into a special effect at the end), but the writers did whatever they could to squander and destroy any charisma he tried to bring into the character.
(and from now on, no more American crap ... at least until series otter)
...I can't believe that the first three years of Doctor Who (if you count the xmas specials as year starters, as I do) began with the exact same effects sequence, zooming into England from orbit. Scratch that, what I can't believe is that I didn't remember it at all. It really is a nice shot, and I would have thought it would have stuck in my head.
Wow, they really start
The Runaway Bride off in Maximum Rage Mode. I can understand in retrospect why so many people really, really do not like Donna. She does play it way too hard, but I guess they wanted her to schtick it up, given the character's suddenly unexpected situation. Her acting is fine when she isn't screaming.
"Who are you getting married to? You sure he's human? He's not a bit overweight with a zip round his forehead, is he?"
He's kind of a dick about not admitting that the TARDIS is a time machine. He sort of uses personal timeline mucking as an excuse to not tell her, but from their temporal perspective, nothing has happened yet beyond her walking up the aisle and vanishing. There shouldn't be any problem with just dropping her off five seconds later, and the only real counterpoint here is "Handwavey!".
Hmm, this is part of the Torchwood storyline, which started that previous xmas episode. They really did keep it going for quite some time before the payoff. I like it when the buildup is so gradual that you don't always know when it started (in this case, a series and a half before this special) and there isn't an ending to the revelation so much as there is a slow evolution of the concept.
I kind of like it when Donna slaps the Doctor inside Torchwood while he's motormouthing. I enjoy when he (and similar Doctors, like Seven) gets going, but sometimes he really goes into a hyperactive rambling that goes a bit too far and starts to get a tad overbearing.
Whoa. They drilled to the center of the Earth without accidentally destroying the planet in a hellfire of weird hot green wolfman-generating goop! I find this an unacceptable violation of continuity. I will put it on the pile, which I am currently storing inside Iapetus. Turns out it's hollow ... well, not anymore.
As I mentioned before, I like Dona's acting when she's not hyper-raging. She does heartbroken really well, fantastic look on her face that really transmits that emotion without her needing to even say anything. I feel sorry (...so sorry) for her whenever she puts it on.
"The whole process is beautiful, but only if it's being observed" <-- that's a nice way of putting perspective into perspective
Huh. His pockets are dimensionally transcendental. I know that was just sort of a quick pun (like Jack's butt-gun over a year earlier), but this would explain a lot about the sheer volume of contents found in Tom Baker Doctor's person whenever they captured him and searched his belongings.
I don't quite get why they attacked the giant spider web ship with a tank instead of with the great honking big Torchwood death cannon from last year.
Still, it's nice having the occasional epsode where the Master saves the day at the end.