Dr Zhivago said:The first episode of The Space Museum is great, sadly goes downhill from there
Was wondering what happened lol, get a shiny new monitor?GameplayWhore said:The revelation about what exactly was going on, although it makes no sense, is amusing in a modern Doctor Who way. I could very easily see Tennant or Smith pulling out the very same "We got here before we arrived" gimmick had it not already been done.
My old CRT monitor exploded last week, so I've fallen way behind on starting The Three Doctors.
This story starts off a lot more serenely, and the first scene inside Unit HQ is a lot more lighthearted than the last few episodes were. The pacing flows incredibly well, neither being harried nor boring, neither menacingly plodding nor frivolously pandering for amusement. This is possibly the best of the alien invasion setups this show has had yet.
Hm. The Doctor contacts Gallifrey early on during this crisis. But there have been equally dangerous situations where he didn't even consider the option. Maybe he only recently fixed up his distress signal button. Still, it's very nice to see the problem from a larger perspective. And, well, it's a nice hook to bring us the main crossover plot. On the side, unless it's been noted before, it is highly amusing that the first mention of the "First Rule of Time" is uttered seconds before it is broken.
It's great to see Troughton and Pertwee together. It's unfortunate that Hartnell basically seems to have just a separately filmed extended cameo, but you can sense in his delivery that he's not quite the Time Lord he once was. He probably couldn't handle the intensity of conventional acting at this point, and that makes me profoundly sad.
Aha, it's a monster made out of antimatter. At least they cover the whole "hey, shouldn't it explode violently?" issue with a casual "Awkward, isn't it?"
This is great stuff, it's a fairly kitsch episode without being wholly camp. The Brigadier tries to pass off Troughton as the Doctor's assistant, a happy reunion with Pertwee and the Whomobile, UNIT HQ vanishing in to a black hole.... "mind over antimatter"
The magician's trick that the Doctor used to graphically illustrate how their experience was a sort of illusion of a high order was pretty neatly done, I thought.
For some reason, I have no recollection whatsoever of this "recorder" that Troughton apparently loves so much. Was this part of his run just somehow wiped from my memory??
The episode loses some of its effectiveness and fun somewhere towards the end of the third episode, starting with the "will fight" between Omega and Pertwee. I have to say, though, that the Omega unmasking scene is awesome. It's a really nicely done effect for the time, too, and the framing when the Doctor says "Your will is all that is left of you" is so completely perfect. This scene turns the serial's antagonist from a one dimensional villain stereotype to a... well, a two dimensional tragedy. That's a fantastic improvement given the incredible overdelivery of lines the actor has been pressed into.
Hartnell's penultimate appearance, in communications with Gallifrey, is in Black and White. Would have been a really cute touch and nice homage if he hadn't shown up once more at the very very end in colour.
Syth_Blade22 said:Was wondering what happened lol, get a shiny new monitor?
GameplayWhore said:CRT from work, marked for trash but temporarily embezzled. The old one was 21" AGI 6G monitor bought when 14 inchers were the norm, so it gave me an awesome decade and change. Interim's a 20" Trinitron, flatter surface with the two faint dead lines normal for that monitor type. Anyway, was going to get a 25.5" Asus, but I'm taking a risk on a cheap off-brand 27.5" 1920x1200 monitor. It should come in just in time for Baker.![]()
Syth_Blade22 said:by the time of tennant i'll expect minority report style computers.
GameplayWhore said:The Green Death. Ah. A hippy episode. Star Trek had one of those.
BTW, is it okay for me to link to a playlist for this? Just checking. If it's not, I'll cut it out ASAP.
...yum, high-protein fungus as a future meat substitute. :/
So the TARDIS is working perfectly, but the Doctor still uses the Whomobile to travel across England. Shortly thereafter, they're all in a situation where they lack tools to rescue people in danger, and the nearest tools are a town away. Would have been a great idea to be able to just teleport over and grab whatever they need from UNIT HQ, eh?
The pulsing green disease effect is interesting, and I'm wondering how they did it. Simple animation, perhaps, drawing over each frame?
Hmmm. Is this another Master episode? The head dude acts weird as if he's under some form of control, and his "boss"'s voice seems somewhat Mastery.
Turns out the Doctor knows multiple forms of Venusian martial arts. This time around, it's our sister planet's version of Aikido. He looks rather funny doing it, as does his body double.
Ooh, nifty. We didn't watch The War Machines in this marathon, but I saw it a while back, and I liked that the villain was essentially a computer. Granted, like almost the episodes we've been watching lately, that antagonist controlled peoples' minds, but at least it was a very early episode, perhaps even the first episode to have some sort of mind control. Turns out that the episode we're watching now also has a computer antagonist who controls minds. Don't know how I feel about it yet. The whole thing is starting to feel a bit ... overdone.
Jo is trapped again. The Doctor has had to sneak into a facility twice, the latter time wearing disguises to get around. Most of this episode would have been entirely unnecessary if he simply used his TARDIS from the start!
I will note that I really like some of the effects shots of the maggot creatures. The other creature design is hit or miss. The shots of the BOSS computer's voice screen is pretty cool, too.
So the moral of the story seems to be that vegan protein alternatives are deadlier than firebombing.
This is one of those serials in which a. In this case,companion departs the showis handled much better than whenleaving the Doctor because the companion falls in love. It still happened a bit quickly, but I suppose that's to be expected.it was done with Susan
I'm up to date again. And I have a 1920x1200, 27.5" monitor that cost $250. Off brand, so fingers crossed. No bad pixels, at least.
GameplayWhore said:So the TARDIS is working perfectly, but the Doctor still uses the Whomobile to travel across England. Shortly thereafter, they're all in a situation where they lack tools to rescue people in danger, and the nearest tools are a town away. Would have been a great idea to be able to just teleport over and grab whatever they need from UNIT HQ, eh?
Dr Zhivago said:At this point in the show, the Tardis is unreliable for 'short hops'.
I thought Jo leaving was handled really nicely, although I don't agree it was better than Susan's departure - she wasn't really leaving for love anyway, the Doctor basically pushed her out so she could have her own life.
Sontarans are pretty great aliens. They have missions and objectives, but they are not overly concerned with taking over or destroying the Earth. The mayhem they cause is merely a means to an end for them. This makes them much more interesting to watch.
Syth_Blade22 said:Always thought this, one of my favourite whoverse aliens.
GameplayWhore said:Have we ever seen these mysterious enemies they're fighting?
Shiv47 said:The Rutans? Yes, in Horror of Fang Rock.
:lolGameplayWhore said:I'm a little ahead of the timeline now, so I'll try to sneak that one in between eps later on.
Sadly Planet of Spiders starts is back in modern Earth, which I was getting a bit tired of, and I had rejoiced when we got that quick trip into the past courtesty of the Sontaran. Ah well, doesn't mean it's going to be a bad episode!
...is that guy supposed to be Tibetan? If so, wow. My hazy memory tells me that Weng Chiang has a similar not-Asian Asian.
It seems like we're retreading some of that awfully familiar Pertwee-era ground: Occult chanting to summon creatures, chases in fancy Bondian vehicles..... Now wait a second. If that dude could teleport to his home by concentrating, why did we have that extended length chase sequence?
Wheee, I was wrong, we get to visit an alien planet (should have figured given the serial's title)! I am once again refreshed. The interaction between the alien queen and the leader of the human-side of this villainy is pretty cool, and it makes the story just a bit more multifaceted, something desperately needed whenever the Big Goal in the episode is "Conquer Earth", as is too often the case.
I should have realized what would happen with the slow fellow and the crystal. It only hit me about a minute before it actually happened, which made me feel a bit foolish. But even knowing about it slightly beforehand didn't prevent it from filling me with happy feelings when it happened. Yeesh, I'm pretty easily manupulated.
That fellow listening in on the conversation the occultists were having, when they knocked him out and he was lying on the floor, he looked quite a bit like Davison.
Ohhhh. Okay, that guy whom I thought was Tibetan is actually a psychic extension of a Gallifreyan. I guess it's okay that he didn't look even slightly Tibetan. And, wow, having qualities like compassion and innocence makes you invulnerable to magic lightning. The magic blue crystal will give the eight legs the power to take over the Earth, so the Doctor accepts that only possible way for them to be stopped is to give them the crystal, for reasons that aren't really explained at all. And it turns out that if the Doctor had not intervened at all, the main villain of the episode would have been destroyed anyway, with fewer deaths involved. The quantity of stupid is certainly piling up during the last episode of this serial!
Pertwee was around for quite a while (at least longer than modern Doctors tend to stick around), so it's nice that they gave a primer regarding regeneration for newer Who fans. It was also pretty cool that they teased his death earlier on in the serial, only to bring him back to life, only to kill him off again. I'll certainly miss him, though. Watching all these episodes really makes me understand why each Doctor has his own dedicated fan base.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:I always wondered what the Japanese dub of Doctor Who is like.
3rd to 4th
9th to 10th Doc
Genesis of the Daleks!
The uniforms make it seem like a live-action Legend of the Galactic Heroes! :lol
Syth_Blade22 said:Yes, the difference between the doctors is great to see, It's one of the things that got me into DR who and kept me there, just that refreshing change.
GameplayWhore said:Pertwee was around for quite a while (at least longer than modern Doctors tend to stick around), so it's nice that they gave a primer regarding regeneration for newer Who fans.
Dr Zhivago said:They pretty much invented regeneration at that point. Previously we'd had 'a renewal' and 'a change of appearance'.
GameplayWhore said:Whenabouts did they establish the limit to the number of regenerations? Has it been mentioned already, or do I have yet to see it?
Having such a complex villain killed off in his first appearance is a shame, but at least it avoids the kind of cheapening of the character that we have seen happen to the Master.
Dr Zhivago said:Genesis is interesting because the Doctor states he's delayed the Daleks' emergence by 1000 years or so, which seems to indicate that history has changed. Do the events of The Daleks & Dalek Invasion of Earth still occur?
GameplayWhore said:In Terror of the Zygons, the Brigadier makes a quick return. I was getting annoyed at having him around every week (even though I liked him in general, tfhey were rude enough to kill off the best version of him in "Inferno"), but as an off-again, on-again guest I think he's pretty okay.
Hah! The doctor's scarf is tartan!
This episode keeps the titular enemies obscured for almost the entire first episode. You see flashes of limbs, eyes, and other bits and pieces, as well as very alien looking technology, and you never see anything close to a whole Zygon, and it looks <em>really</em> good when presented in this fashion. They look a little bit silly when we finally see them in full at the end of the episode, but the design is original and the makeup job is pretty spectacular, considering the time.
And, aha, "We must make this planet ours ... all resistance shall be crushed". For. Crying. Out. Loud. Aargh.
The Doctor learned his not-breathing trance from "a Tibetan monk". I wonder if he was actually talking about his old Time Lord teacher, who we saw posing as a genetically British, Tibetan monk back in "Planet of Spiders"..
It's particularly great how the Doctor quickly ascertains how Harry isn't an alien in disguise -- he's contented with the man's expression of idiocy and incomprehension.
This episode felt like a total non-event. While they made a really good effort on the Zygons' look and alien-ness, they forgot to make anything much better than a generic aliens attacking Earth with a superweapon story, and that's starting to really wear thin for me.
As a last note: The TARDIS sitting there in the middle of the forest at the end reminds me of the excursions I've made to Staten Island, NY, wherein there are hundred year old ruins of once inhabited buildings entirely overgrown by woodland, so you get things like fireplugs and manhole covers right in the middle of the forest. It's really quite a sight when you get there. Just watch out for the ticks.
Syth_Blade22 said:That would be wonderful to see![]()
Dr Zhivago said:There was never any real consistency to how time travel worked in Classic Who, different writers had their own ideas.
...oh, wait, I guess he didn't. He just did something to the guy's larynx or something.
Syth_Blade22 said:Man I wish I had answers to half of your questions :lol
p.s. those pictures.. particularly the fire hydrant... so awesome.
GameplayWhore said:I'd like to think that much later on, when others watch older episodes, they'll somehow find my posts and glean some insight from my observations. It's not likely, but it's a comforting thought.
New York is a fun area if you want to regularly find eclectic things to do. This weekend was the mp3 experiment, wherein thousands of people play an hour long game of Simon Says in a public space with a mystery mp3 file and a bunch of costumes and/or random-seeming objects, and afterwards they had a really cool sci-tech art show involving tons of interaction with light. Next weekend, I'll be at one of those Burning Man offshoot events, a four night campout with extended amounts of weirdness, so I'll probably be wayyyy off schedule with these episodes come next week. :O
GameplayWhore said:I want the old Master back, the one who was smart and low key and not at all obsessed with vengeance and generically evil. I think that the '00s Master is an improvement over this, even if the original was better than both.
Syth_Blade22 said:Oh man sounds awesome... alas I don't think I could ever go to New York.. loud mouthed people annoy me.. and if tv has taught me anything.. it's that NY is filled with them![]()
Dr Zhivago said:Wait till you get to the Anthony Ainley Master!
GameplayWhore said:I've just learned about the multiquote userjs. It's pretty slick, and I recommend it (haven't tested it in Firefox, though, so ymmv)
Syth_Blade22 said:I can't actually work out what that thing your going to is.
Syth_Blade22 said:congrats on the house news man, I imagine it made wild sexy fire dance orgy all the more celebratory![]()
mattiewheels said:Im going to try to join you guys, I really want to try to watch the first doctor's eps in order, but this 'missing episodes' business sounds really frustrating. At least the fans apparently did a good job with arcs like Marco Polo. But looking at the second doctor's shows, jeez, half of em are completely gone.
mattiewheels said:I just finished the first ever Dalek arc, and it was a lot of fun. The first doctor is actually really great, but he reeealy reminds me of the old guy that covers for the JDF in Life of Brian ('You're weird!') Couldnt be him since he died earlier than that though.
Im actually going to plow through everything i can find online since im so pleasantly surprised at how cracking it is right off the bat. Maybe i'll get to the 3rd doctor soon enough.
Syth_Blade22 said:haha man you're firing through these quicker than I'm able to find time to read the posts![]()
GameplayWhore said:Huh, did I miss when the Doctor got little question marks on his collar? Seems a bit misplaced in context. I mean, if his name actually were "Doctor Who" like in the movies, then it would be perfectly sensible, but what is the point of the marks here?
Well, it's not obscenely horrible, so I suppose it could get worse.
maharg said:I think it was actually the showrunner who wanted the ?????? thing everywhere.