And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
Phew, been watching Who serials like crazy the past few days, and here's some scattered thoughts:
- I was worried that the first doctor's serials would be completely unrelatable/a complete bore because of my ADD/MTV affliction, but all the ones I saw were completely charming and fascinating and the great direction of the eps made the low budgets pretty forgivable. I'm not used to the doctor having that many people to bounce things off of, and sometimes it turns into the Adventures of Ian & Barbara, but I guess it was smart since this doctor wasn't as young/agile. And I was actually really into the historical serials, guess those don't really happen past these first seasons.
- Troughton's episodes are pretty hard to find, but the ones I did come across were good. He really does different things with the character that still feel 'right'. The only time he seemed out of place was "The Three Doctors", when I began to like Pewtree a lot and Troughton's doctor was probably played up more than ever as a clown for the episode, but standing side by side I was certainly more impressed with Pewtree as what you come to expect from modern docs.
- That's what's so crazy about the first 4 doctors...they change so completely with each transformation and the acting styles and demeanors really take left turns....but it always feels 'right' and always seems like an upgrade from the last one. They really made some great decisions with the character, but I guess that's why the show's 40 years old. I watched a Baker ep just now and while the ep itself wasn't so hot, I can't wait to see some really good ones to let this guy sink his teeth into, he's awesome.
- I was worried that the first doctor's serials would be completely unrelatable/a complete bore because of my ADD/MTV affliction, but all the ones I saw were completely charming and fascinating and the great direction of the eps made the low budgets pretty forgivable. I'm not used to the doctor having that many people to bounce things off of, and sometimes it turns into the Adventures of Ian & Barbara, but I guess it was smart since this doctor wasn't as young/agile. And I was actually really into the historical serials, guess those don't really happen past these first seasons.
- Troughton's episodes are pretty hard to find, but the ones I did come across were good. He really does different things with the character that still feel 'right'. The only time he seemed out of place was "The Three Doctors", when I began to like Pewtree a lot and Troughton's doctor was probably played up more than ever as a clown for the episode, but standing side by side I was certainly more impressed with Pewtree as what you come to expect from modern docs.
- That's what's so crazy about the first 4 doctors...they change so completely with each transformation and the acting styles and demeanors really take left turns....but it always feels 'right' and always seems like an upgrade from the last one. They really made some great decisions with the character, but I guess that's why the show's 40 years old. I watched a Baker ep just now and while the ep itself wasn't so hot, I can't wait to see some really good ones to let this guy sink his teeth into, he's awesome.