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(LTTP) Horizon Forbidden West is one of the most disappointing sequels I've ever played.


I highly disagree with this, the story is intriguing the NPC's and side quests are interesting and the characters feel like real humans.

The main story gets a but goofy but it was engaging.

The environments are absolutely stunning and the combat is phenomenal if you use it to its proper capabilities. grapple jumps slow mo, slide slow mo, slide roll dodges, plasma dmg build up, weaknesses of creatures REALLY matter at higher difficulties, overriding creatures to work defensively or offensively....all amazing improvements over the last game and its honestly at this point my fav game of the year even after platinuming Elden Ring

My biggest gripe for those that gave up on it is that it takes a LONG time to get fun, i would say hour 30-40 is when i became addicted tot he combat and options.


When your target audience can't be arsed to spend 3 minutes reading a few paragraphs, this is the game you make for them.

a nice summary of people who get heavily offended for criticisms targeted at this game in this very thread

horizon series were always bound to be mediocre, devoid of life and soul. their developers are simply not good at creating worlds, yet. they need some experience. this is the experience process. they will get better, hopefully, in the future. these games are just ain't it. and there's no shame in that. every dev has got to start somewhere.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
I had a very, very hard time getting into it. It's not bad, I think I'm just completely over that style of game. It was hard enough playing HZD after BOTW and playing HFW after Elden Ring just felt like a complete chore.

Only redeeming thing for me personally is the story and even that wasn't that great. I played on normal until I hit the point where the RPG mechanics caught up with me and I was suddenly dying in 2 hits and enemies were taking forever to die. Slapped it on story mode and just blitzed through the main campaign, did absolutely zero side content. Felt very strange doing that, the game clearly isn't designed that way.

I don't begrudge Guerilla for making what they made, I'm just really tired of it myself. Even Ghost of Tsushima, by the third island I skipped every piece of side content and just cleared the story in a matter of hours and it felt like a different game.


Horizon Forbidden West also has a tendency for setting up intriguing scenarios, only to either end them lacklustre or just ignoring them flat out. One has to be near the end of the game where you go into a certain characters "Tomb" under the ground, it uses environmental storytelling, atmosphere and tension to amazing effect to set up a monumental story in the wider narrative of the series and a potentially epic conclusion to one of the game's biggest plot points, but instead the devs cocktease the player and end it abruptly in disappointing fashion when the payoff they needed to utilise was (LITERALLY) right behind a door. After that point I felt robbed of a pivotal moment in the game's wider narrative and what could've been the highlight of the game, nothing ever came close to that moment again for the rest of the game.
The part you mention was something I just couldn’t understand in terms of story direction. Obviously the guy whose tomb you visit is pivotal for the story since he’s the entire reason the world is in the state it’s in. The sequence builds up in a way that you slowly understand what he became and that you will have a chance to confront him and then…

Nothing. The conclusion happens off-screen, in a cutscene, without any player interference and then the part is never mentioned again.

My guess is that there was supposed to be a boss fight or something more and it was simply cut in the dumbest, most butchered way. But then the same could be said about the entire third part of the story and the final mission itself (which was very disappointing).
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Gold Member
I hate to say it but I also didn't like it even remotely as much as I expected. The game leaves what worked best in HZD and innovates way too little around it to feel even remotely as fresh and exciting as the original in 2017.
Just a very safe, very much just more of the same game but a bit prettier.

The new weapon tier and upgrade system is just horrible. Weird balance changes - utterly nerfed and useless rope caster, melee against machines best to be avoided again, just piercing arrows in weak points all the way.
For that reason despite all things added for variety combat somehow felt much more one-note than HZD... One hundred types of ammo and special abilities, all totally redundant when you have the spike thrower. Humans are just as awful as in HZD or worse as now they come armored for damage sponge. I was playing on normal cause I just didn't like the combat enough to keep getting my ass kicked, maybe that's part of the problem?

Obviously getting sunwings by the end was great and made me finally enjoy my endgame time in the world, not enough to go grinding for those legendaries tho.

I didn't hate the story. it was ok and enough to keep me going. The HQ building was a neat way to show progress and offer lore. Some of the dialog with your team figuring out the focus was actually quite funny. I also disagree the claudrons were worse than in HZD. The glider was a nice addition, I used it a lot until I learned to fly.

What I did absolutely hate however is the extreme handholding that felt like a lack of respect for players' intelligence and a will to explore.
Aloy telling you exactly what to do next every step of the way is like an audio walkthrough you can't disable, I'm hearing they did address it in one of the recent patches somehow.

Overall al OK game but a very lackluster up-to-date sequel.
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Especially considering this shit is coming from someone who hasn't even played the game..
lol i played the 1st

thats enough for me. watching 4-5 cutscenes from the 2nd game, it is extremely easy to see the patterns. its a placeholder game that is meant to hone their skills. anything beyond that is you people's vast imagination.

edit: i mean even if i were to play, and genuinely explain my opinions, u folk would still call it "disappointing my ass", "unacceptable. your opinion sounds like you haven't played the game". what would it change?? nothing. you folk literally find it unfathomable to dislike this game in aspects of story.

i mean as i said, i played the 1 st game. also tons of ps users saying it had brilliant story, interesting characters?? i simply disagreed with them. what now? what changed? it will be the same story all over. i have 0 interest in playing another horizon game. the character Aloy by design and creation, is uncompelling to me. no amount of story around her will ever change that.
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Moderated wildly
Sometimes things just don't come together I guess. I really do appreciate all these varying thoughts and input on this game as I know after ghost of tsishima I'm done with open world games that are too similar with structure and content.

Looking forward to some other western gane to really switch it up and offer something we haven't seen before or bring some really different things to the open world structure.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I always appreciate some thoughtful game impressions.

I haven't played the sequel yet, but what you've described was honestly my impression of the first game. It's still far from a bad game, but you're aware of flaws most of the time you're playing it. Certainly a gorgeous series though.
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This game was so shallow and boring it made me quit gaming for a month afterwards. So yeah, I completely agree with OP.

What I found a bit baffling looking back is just how much the fights bored me to death as I remember digging them a lot in ZD. Was it just for me? I can‘t really put my finger on it but if I remember correctly Guerillia massively scaled back the fights again humans and expanded the fight against the machines - which completely devalued the latter in my eyes.


Gold Member
Have to agree with the OP here, I finished the first game (and it's DLC) but just put Foribidden West down and never went back. It really is just a nice looking Ubisoft game, and that's about it...

I just unlocked flight and it was at that point I just was not interested or cared about anything going on in the game. Wish they would go back to Killzone, at least those where intresting to play.
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The nicest person on this forum
For me personally I hated the original game, that experience was enough for me to completely stay away from the sequel and from look of it I made the right choice.


Have to agree. I tried to get into it on two attempts. I couldn't play more than 5-6 hours before it got boring. Listening to the pseudo-comedic delivery from some of the characters was tiresome. The combat was pretty good but not good enough for me to sit through another 30 or so hours of it. I got to the forbidden west, had a look at how big the map was and thought, fuck this, I've better games to play. Un-installed it and won't re-visit.
The gameplay, exploration and graphics all are improved.

I'm fine if the story isn't as great as the first. That's pretty normal, as videogames stories are made for the first game usually and have to jump through hoops to justify its existence.


Weird i feel this is one of the best sequels i have played. They improved basically every single area of the first game.


Enough about the story, what about the amazing improvements to Gameplay? The advancements to quest design and mission structure?

There aren't any.

This was enough for me to disregard your entire post because this is a blatant and outright lie.

Outside of climbing, which took a noticeable step backwards, every other element was improved upon from Zero Dawn. Combat, traversal (again, other than climbing), crafting, machine overrides, character skills, exploration, lore building -- every single one of these is better than Zero Dawn. Some only incrementally, some significantly so.

Mission structure is also vastly improved from HZD where there are now meaningful side quests that link to other side quests, including companion quests that flesh out their characters and the world better than HZD where the focus was almost exclusively on Aloy's discoveries about the old world.

As for the story, I thought it was fine up until the end, at which point the big reveal/plot twist strayed close to jump-the-shark territory. But I'm still invested in seeing how it wraps up.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
Not really - I don't give two shits. But this forum is usually plagued by threads which seem to be overly concerned about Sony games but then the exact same people fail to point any shortcomings on other games. I find it really curious, that's all.
You should follow me. I think Elder Rings is the worst souls game since Dark Souls 2. HFW is a massive disappointment. GT7 is literally a copy pasta of GT Sports with GT6's campaign added back in. Halo Infinite feels like Halo 1 with a grappling hook. Forza Horizon 5 feels like Forza Horizon 3. All good games. Just not as good as they could have been.

The only problem is that people hate reading criticisms of those games and get triggered way too fast which leads most people to keep their mouths shut about the game. The only time you get any real critiicsm is when ____ is overrated threads are created but then people get triggered because they dont think anything can be overrated.

Don brought up some excellent points. You can discuss those points or dismiss his entire post as ramblings of an xbox fanboy. Thats pretty much what happens when people dare to criticize any first party game for either console. "You must be a fanboy therefore your opinion is invalid."


This was enough for me to disregard your entire post because this is a blatant and outright lie.

Outside of climbing, which took a noticeable step backwards, every other element was improved upon from Zero Dawn. Combat, traversal (again, other than climbing), crafting, machine overrides, character skills, exploration, lore building -- every single one of these is better than Zero Dawn. Some only incrementally, some significantly so.

As for the story, I thought it was fine up until the end, at which point the big reveal/plot twist strayed close to jump-the-shark territory. But I'm still invested in seeing how it wraps up.
I like how you cut short the part where I explain my statement, that's very mature of you, then again I expect nothing less of someone who's willing to call out someone's opinion as a lie (??) and will disregard someone's opinion just because you disagree with what someone says.

The funny part is, is that I won't disregard your opinions on this game even though I completely disagree with what you've stated about the features being improved. I guess that's what separates those who can debate and those who prefer to argue.
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I'm not enjoying combat against the robots as I did in the first game. I think the skill trees are bloated. More is not always better.
It's a pretty game. But gameplay seems clunkier than the first game and I just don't care about the characters or story. I mean, the overall lore is interesting, but the actual story isn't.
It's like the opposite of an indie game where everything is slapped together in some amateur fashion yet somehow works - in this game almost everything is technically well done and it should be an amazing experience but I found myself really struggling to get through to the end.

On the quest stuff, most games do the same rinse repeat go here and kill X kind of stuff but only the very best games trick you into thinking you are not doing that. Some of the Witcher 3 quests will live with me forever yet you could distil them to go here kill that talk to him - I can't really remember any of the quests in FW and I only played it a month ago. You were never surprised when there was a fight for instance.

There definitely needed to be more puzzle variety than pushing (sometimes pulling!) a crate or the fiendishly difficult enter the code that is next to the door to open the door puzzle - it felt like TLOU moving planks all over again - the only time I got stuck was when it wasn't clear where to go to next rather than because I couldn't work out a puzzle.

I like your cock-tease comment on the tomb quest as it was building up to something great then it was just a complete damp squib.

I would still recommend it and I disagree that there aren't improvements in gameplay as I did think some things were much better (especially QOL stuff) but some things that should have been easy to improve just by copying other games were still crap - climbing, human combat, melee combat, the fact the skill trees are useless after about an hour (as most skills suck).


has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.
I'm glad you have that level of attachment with this game bro, more power to you for enjoying the game more than I did.
I love it I'm well over 100 hours in the game and I disagree with just about everything you said but to each his own 😁



The first hours were great, but I ended up trading it. I love the original btw.

It's biggest sin for me was the combat.
Something went terribly wrong here.
There is a YouTube video somewhere explaining how the machines cheat by doing impossible moves.

There was a point where I found myself constantly avoiding battles. In the original the sight of a robot would have me running to it to engage in combat.

Add the mediocre story (the original can never be topped), the poor open world design (climbing, locked side activities- why should I explore just to have a popup that I miss gear?) and a lack of polish uncharacteristic for Sony titles and yeah... 6/10


Not reading that wall of text

It’s a perfectly adequate sequel and I enjoyed it similarly to the first

I think they spent too much time on checklist design rather than curating the open world, that’s my only complaint
Then why even post? This post literally took me three minutes to read and form an opinion on. You can do that. It's not like it's one big-ass paragraph without any nuance.

As for the OP's thread itself:

I'm still in the early stages of the game and have just
Awoken Gaia and finally heading to the proper West
, and I see a lot of the issues OP is describing already. Mind you the game isn't bad at all and I am very much enjoying the game, its beauty, and its amazing sound design. But its gameplay and progression are the same as it was in Zero Dawn. I don't know if I quite agree with the character progression, but as I said, I am still early in the game, but when it comes to Aloy, OP is right on the money. There's a lot of sameness in Forbidden West, and while it's not a bad thing, it's also not a good thing either. There's still a lot of jank in some of the control schemes and a lot of frustrating bits like getting stuck on the world when trying to avoid enemies and just some real cheapshot moments.

With that said, I am really enjoying where the story is going and I do hope it gets better as it goes on. The part of the game I'm on now has really opened up the gates now. I just wish the battle system felt more fleshed out and less samey. It really does feel like a big expansion of the Zero Dawn and not its own game. It doesn't feel like Forbidden West has its own identity versus its older predecessor.

Can't wait to get to the ending now.

Kenneth Haight

Gold Member
It’s a great game but agree that it has lost the mystique that the first had. I wanted more lush coastal landscapes but ended up with mostly desert.

It’s a fun game and downright beautiful but they’ll need to really wow me to get me to buy a 3rd game. I want guerrilla to leave Horizon for 5+ years now.


Gold Member
I liked the game a lot but i didn't loved it like the first one, even if FW is a better game in almost everything.
Both HZD and HFW are not the game for me. I tried them both but still don't like them.
But i think HFW improved a lots of things from HZD so i disagree with your point about "most disappointing sequels".
Hope they can make part 3 better. Like make Aloy stfu for example lol.
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Can’t Git Gud
I agree. The game is worse than even the first one... which wasn't that great either.
-Leveling of everything - grinding for materials
-Have to grind side missions to catch up to main quest level
-Some quest are awesome (like the underwater las vegas) but most are follow this, that, scan, use acid.
-Metroidvania serves no purpose. These are not tools you use. just keys. Glider is awesome but it doesn't do much. If You can't go somewhere, glider won't get you there.
-story is just bad (the space people are bad as always...)
-characters are even worse aside from few. That supper annoying lady "who gathers knowledge" and the vegetable lady are the worst. Bitch, you see the cauldrons and how it all works... but you still believe the farming machines are gods? seriously?!
-Characters NEVER shut up. not only Aloy but everyone. They always have speech bubbles. Always have something more to say. And it's not an RPG. You do not steer the conversation. You just select to hear everything in order you want. You do not make any choices.
-Exploration sucks because everything is artificially gated and corridored
-Climbing sucks, animations sucks.
-Combat is atrocious and really annoying. Monsters constantly fall you over and they are too aggressive. You need to carry tons of different elemental ammo all the time. It's busy work.
-You scan everything. Every enemy, every quest, all the time you use the scanner vision. NEW ENEMY, SIGHHH, SCAN, SIGH "IT GOT ACID WEAKNESS", SIGH....
-Too much fucking reading. I am so annoyed of these logs in games. I don't want to stop dead in my tracks and read for 3-5 minutes. Audio logs are better than this... still a failure though.
+yes, I finished the game in a week and it was amazing looking and had some cool intriguing moments and characters at times. Music was nice too. Presentation as a whole was fantastic.
+game should have good mode at launch.. I finished 4k30 but now seeing how good 60fps mode is, I almost want to replay it. Maybe the combat would be less tedious.,

I still think that the game is MORE THAN SUM OF ITS PARTS. It's a 6 or a 7. Similar with Days Gone. Every part of this game is terrible but it sums up to an 8 somehow...

Anyway - First game at least did something interesting in many aspects. This game replaces everything with busy work and annoying characters

I am an idiot. Listen to someone who can speak like a human being :p
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After all the hype of the first one I finally got around to play it last year and found it just boring as shit. Didn’t even bother to play the sequel. Really don’t understand the praise it gets, I don’t like assassins creed at all but found their games a lot more fun. Just a checklist of a game with no soul
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Plays with kids toys, in the adult gaming world
I get people who didn't like either game

but I don't understand people who liked the first one but hated the second

the first game has a lot of the same issues that the second game just doubled down on



Thanks for the detailed text and sharing.
I haven't played HFW yet, but have had concerns about it coming close to its predecessor since it was announced. With your wall of text you just about confirm all my preconceptions about HFW. I'll play it at some point with little to none expectation (only for the graphics), but I didn't think a second game was necessary. The most exciting part, the story of how the world came to be, was told in HZD and the story among the characters and the characters themselves were not interesting at all.

The only character that stuck was the killer-guy you met from time to time. He was quite funny and interesting and I thought it was a shame to fight and kill him, but thought it was fair to do so.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I get people who didn't like either game

but I don't understand people who liked the first one but hated the second

the first game has a lot of the same issues that the second game just doubled down on
They're both extremely similar looking, I agree. Haven't played part 2 yet though.


Interesting I noticed that people who though h1 was amazing are disappointed and people like me for who h1 was boring/mediocre thinks forbidden west is much better.

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
I agree. The game is worse than even the first one... which wasn't that great either.
-Leveling of everything - grinding for materials
-Have to grind side missions to catch up to main quest level
-Some quest are awesome (like the underwater las vegas) but most are follow this, that, scan, use acid.
-Metroidvania serves no purpose. These are not tools you use. just keys. Glider is awesome but it doesn't do much. If You can't go somewhere, glider won't get you there.
-story is just bad (the space people are bad as always...)
-characters are even worse aside from few. That supper annoying lady "who gathers knowledge" and the vegetable lady are the worst. Bitch, you see the cauldrons and how it all works... but you still believe the farming machines are gods? seriously?!
-Characters NEVER shut up. not only Aloy but everyone. They always have speech bubbles. Always have something more to say. And it's not an RPG. You do not steer the conversation. You just select to hear everything in order you want. You do not make any choices.
-Exploration sucks because everything is artificially gated and corridored
-Climbing sucks, animations sucks.
-Combat is atrocious and really annoying. Monsters constantly fall you over and they are too aggressive. You need to carry tons of different elemental ammo all the time. It's busy work.
-You scan everything. Every enemy, every quest, all the time you use the scanner vision. NEW ENEMY, SIGHHH, SCAN, SIGH "IT GOT ACID WEAKNESS", SIGH....
-Too much fucking reading. I am so annoyed of these logs in games. I don't want to stop dead in my tracks and read for 3-5 minutes. Audio logs are better than this... still a failure though.
+yes, I finished the game in a week and it was amazing looking and had some cool intriguing moments and characters at times. Music was nice too. Presentation as a whole was fantastic.
+game should have good mode at launch.. I finished 4k30 but now seeing how good 60fps mode is, I almost want to replay it. Maybe the combat would be less tedious.,

I still think that the game is MORE THAN SUM OF ITS PARTS. It's a 6 or a 7. Similar with Days Gone. Every part of this game is terrible but it sums up to an 8 somehow...

Anyway - First game at least did something interesting in many aspects. This game replaces everything with busy work and annoying characters

I am an idiot. Listen to someone who can speak like a human being :p

Seems way too harsh, what games do you consider an 8+?


Report me if I continue to console war
Agreed, its overated. Story is poor and the gameplay overly repetitive and I just dont find it fun after a few hours.


I agree , I played on PC Gothic 2 :The Chronicles Of Myrtana: Archolos and now Gothic 1 those games from 2001/2 have far better quest design that allmost all new RPGs.....New games looks like they are made for dumb people that are lazy to read a quest or discover new things on their own.And screw all the gay stuff they put in games and movies.....pathetic times we live.


Can’t Git Gud
Seems way too harsh, what games do you consider an 8+?
I am not sure what's so harsh about it?
I've not thought about scoring games I play... 8 or over in recent years(starting last gen)? Returnal, All souls, God of war, tlou2, Death Stranding, Last Guardian, ff7 remake, soma, resident evil 2,7,village, bloodborne, uncharted 4, Metro Exodus (barely 8), Evil Within2, guardians of the galaxy, forgotten city, return of obra dinn, Enter the gungeon, edf games, rdr2 (barely).
Just few off the top of my head :p You can profile me now. I am obviously forgetting many good games!
I like single player games. Story driven, not wasting my time... but look, there is Death Stranding and ff7 remake or god of war, huge time wasters that I really enjoyed. So it's not that I don't like open world games really.... and Look, there are souls games. Almost no story and I still love em.

I quite liked FW.. It's just hard to find anything good when I start thinking critically and take it apart. It really is better as a whole than it's parts
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30 hours in and I'm kind of meh on the whole thing where as the first was one of my favourite games of the generation.

I'll see it through because I don't finish many games and it's enjoyable enough. Curious where the story goes but if it's a cliffhanger ending. Blah.

I find her incredibly awkward in some of the cut scenes. Her facial expression feel weird at times. The dialogue throws me off too. Like I'm expecting accents or a certain kind of voice. Its bizarre to me in some instances.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
I hate to say it but I also didn't like it even remotely as much as I expected. The game leaves what worked best in HZD and innovates way too little around it to feel even remotely as fresh and exciting as the original in 2017.
Just a very safe, very much just more of the same game but a bit prettier.

The new weapon tier and upgrade system is just horrible. Weird balance changes - utterly nerfed and useless rope caster, melee against machines best to be avoided again, just piercing arrows in weak points all the way.
For that reason despite all things added for variety combat somehow felt much more one-note than HZD... One hundred types of ammo and special abilities, all totally redundant when you have the spike thrower. Humans are just as awful as in HZD or worse as now they come armored for damage sponge. I was playing on normal cause I just didn't like the combat enough to keep getting my ass kicked, maybe that's part of the problem?


Overall al OK game but a very lackluster up-to-date sequel.

I like HFW a lot, I haven't finished the game yet but I'm close to the end game. It's an absolutely beautiful games, best visuals ever on a console.

Your complaint about the weapon system mirrors mine. I loved how I was able to change play styles in HZD, so I used the ropecaster and the tripcaster a lot. But they now come with stupid constraints and as a result I rarely use them. I don't think I've even tried the ropecaster in more than 70 hours of playtime. I'm using bows 99.9999% of the time. That's bad game play design right there.

I also don't like the ridiculous number of items you have to scroll through when you just want to use a potion. It's no fun when you're in a tricky situation, you're almost out of health, there's a monster ready to pounce on you and you die because you couldn't tap your way through the list fast enough to get extra health. Because this takes so much time, I'm almost always using normal healing in a frantic fight and not potions. That's bad design too. (And then there's that stupid idea that swallowing a health potion takes a few seconds instead of having an immediate effect.)

Gameplay wise I prefer HZD. Simpler and more streamlined.
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Also quest design has not improved at all, almost every quest in the game follows this path:

1) Follow NPC and have a slow trailing section where you talk exposition
2) Go to area and scan around using your detective vision, I mean eagle vision, I mean Focus.
3) Follow path of tracks using Focus
4) Short climbing/Puzzle section
5) Fight against robots/humans



I’ve only played maybe 20 hours, I think it’s better than HZD so far. Better combat, better traversal, better climbing, more varied map, cooler machines, more badass boss fights, better water, better framerate.

I’m thinking that games like Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Mass Effect Andromeda, Fallout 76, are better choices for this thread. But it would be foolish to call them worst sequels I’ve played, that probably goes to some C64 game from the 80s I can’t remember.


I haven’t completed it yet but so far I disagree. Huge questions were answered while more background happened too and the world was expanded. New questions have also arisen.

The combat is better imo but there is indeed lots of “follow, focus” missions

Dr. Claus

I have to agree, mostly. Horizon Forbidden West is *not* a bad game. Its a very *good* Game. But that is all it is. Good. Nothing about it is spectacular. Its graphical fidelity has already been beaten. Its art direction has already been surpassed - which shows that putting all your eggs into what essentially amounts to “15 minutes of fame” is utterly idiotic. The focus should be on a well told, engaging narrative (which the game fails at, its at best a passable bland adventure) with amazing gameplay that is simple to pick up, difficult to master (which again, the game fails to do) with having a world that is tightly designed with no wasted space or pointless side content, everything should mesh together well (Which… well you get the picture).

If someone rarely plays games or rarely plays these types of games, I am sure they are going to have a blast! However those of us who have played a crap ton of games for years or decades? Who have played tens to hundreds of these kinds of games? There is nothing here that is above, “good”.


Yes, its surprisingly really really average, your typical run of the mill open world that is instantly forgotten as soon as you finish it (if you manage to make it until the end without getting bored to death). The definition of a wet fart, to make you wonder what they did the last five years besides working on nice cutscenes (that are not matched by the really poor writing unfortunately).

I bet sales of the game as a single product are really low. Sony is smart and has been shoving it down peoples’s throats for the last few months when they get a PS5 (basically in Europe you can barely buy a PS5 without being forced to buy Horizon as part of the package) so it still manages to chart nicely, but the game hardly made any impact. Easily the worst tentpole release by Sony since Days Gone I would say.


I thought it was overall an improvement over the original in terms of gameplay. In terms of story it was a let down. It was a game I completed and forget fairly quickly.
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