Can’t Git Gud
This game was on my shelf at least for 7 years.
Originally released in February of 2015, Order 1886 is a 3rd person shooter game.
It was an epicenter of "game too short" for 60$ controversy and "too cinematic".
So it landed into forever backlog on my shelf until yesterday.
I decided to finish it in 2024. I had 6 hours until 2025... I could squeeze this one bad and short backlog game in right?!
NO! It ended up being 9 hours long, fantastic game with amazing graphics which i cannot believe how they pulled it off in 2015. Easily on the level of tlou2 or uncharted 4 but smaller scale.
I am very surprised how good this game was. It's essentially gears of war/uncharted type linear corridor shooter with story. Maybe ends up feeling more like Max payne 3 due to a lot of cutscenes.
But I liked the cutscenes, story was OK, Characters were OK. Clearly it is meant to be a 1st game in a trilogy but I still found the ending somewhat satisfactory.
Shooting feels great, weapons are cool, controls are good. They take your controls away too much but it's fine. It's that type of game.
Now on to performance and controls. This is a 30fps game.
I already see "oh now, 30fps shooter, unplayable, omg, slideshow" and you couldn't be more wrong.
This game is how I remember 30fps controlled in the good old days. It's very responsive, animations are great, aiming, deadzones and sticks acceleration are PERFECT. This game controls and looks smoother than Alan Wake 2 in 40fps mode... hell even better than aw2 in 60fps mode.
Seriously. 0 problems with aiming. Meanwhile in Alan Wake 2, they can't for the life of them, tune the controls right. It's so laggy and delayed.
Here, in Order 1886 it's like bloodborne. Responsive, aiming where you want. The good old 30fps. not this shite devs call 30fps today. Quality 30fps mode my ass nowadays. This is why I hate modes, because nobody does 30fps right anymore.
There is heavy use of motion blur, CA and film grain but it's perfect. if you disabled all this stuff, you would ruin the game. Motion blur is fantastic quality. 0 judder playing this on oled and it's less intrusive than ff16 motion blur (one of few good 30fps games this gen).
overall, I am surprised that it was a good 8/10 game with 10/10 graphics and 10/10 performance for being 30fps. You have to try it yourself. it does not feel like 30fps feels this gen. My suspicion is that's because devs nowadays are afraid to use motion blur properly and rely too much on system level vsync. They(remedy) also have no idea how to set up controls for shooter on controller.
Seriously. pic this up, Don't think twice about this being 30fps or having motion blur. These are scary words but only for unexperienced idiots who disable this stuff in every game because it's cool and pcmr to do so. NO.
Games used to have their own style, not have 7 modes and just be good at what they do.
One thing I can see is that this game is too dark. I was playing on Oled in the dark, so it was amazing.
But I can easily see this game being a nightmare on LCD and especially IPS or VA with black crush.... and not many had oleds in 2015.
Seriously, look at some of these screenshots or gameplay (poor ps5 recordings). This is how gears and uncharted games controlled and looked at 30fps too. And even on oled, this felt smooth as hell to play.
None of this is pre rendered. most is in-game or photo mode which does not improve the graphics.
Originally released in February of 2015, Order 1886 is a 3rd person shooter game.
It was an epicenter of "game too short" for 60$ controversy and "too cinematic".
So it landed into forever backlog on my shelf until yesterday.
I decided to finish it in 2024. I had 6 hours until 2025... I could squeeze this one bad and short backlog game in right?!
NO! It ended up being 9 hours long, fantastic game with amazing graphics which i cannot believe how they pulled it off in 2015. Easily on the level of tlou2 or uncharted 4 but smaller scale.
I am very surprised how good this game was. It's essentially gears of war/uncharted type linear corridor shooter with story. Maybe ends up feeling more like Max payne 3 due to a lot of cutscenes.
But I liked the cutscenes, story was OK, Characters were OK. Clearly it is meant to be a 1st game in a trilogy but I still found the ending somewhat satisfactory.
Shooting feels great, weapons are cool, controls are good. They take your controls away too much but it's fine. It's that type of game.
Now on to performance and controls. This is a 30fps game.
I already see "oh now, 30fps shooter, unplayable, omg, slideshow" and you couldn't be more wrong.
This game is how I remember 30fps controlled in the good old days. It's very responsive, animations are great, aiming, deadzones and sticks acceleration are PERFECT. This game controls and looks smoother than Alan Wake 2 in 40fps mode... hell even better than aw2 in 60fps mode.
Seriously. 0 problems with aiming. Meanwhile in Alan Wake 2, they can't for the life of them, tune the controls right. It's so laggy and delayed.
Here, in Order 1886 it's like bloodborne. Responsive, aiming where you want. The good old 30fps. not this shite devs call 30fps today. Quality 30fps mode my ass nowadays. This is why I hate modes, because nobody does 30fps right anymore.
There is heavy use of motion blur, CA and film grain but it's perfect. if you disabled all this stuff, you would ruin the game. Motion blur is fantastic quality. 0 judder playing this on oled and it's less intrusive than ff16 motion blur (one of few good 30fps games this gen).
overall, I am surprised that it was a good 8/10 game with 10/10 graphics and 10/10 performance for being 30fps. You have to try it yourself. it does not feel like 30fps feels this gen. My suspicion is that's because devs nowadays are afraid to use motion blur properly and rely too much on system level vsync. They(remedy) also have no idea how to set up controls for shooter on controller.
Seriously. pic this up, Don't think twice about this being 30fps or having motion blur. These are scary words but only for unexperienced idiots who disable this stuff in every game because it's cool and pcmr to do so. NO.
Games used to have their own style, not have 7 modes and just be good at what they do.
One thing I can see is that this game is too dark. I was playing on Oled in the dark, so it was amazing.
But I can easily see this game being a nightmare on LCD and especially IPS or VA with black crush.... and not many had oleds in 2015.
Seriously, look at some of these screenshots or gameplay (poor ps5 recordings). This is how gears and uncharted games controlled and looked at 30fps too. And even on oled, this felt smooth as hell to play.
None of this is pre rendered. most is in-game or photo mode which does not improve the graphics.